Custom firmware for Android OS. Ten best Android firmwares for the most fastidious users Android OS firmware

LeWa OS is a fairly popular Chinese firmware for Android-based devices, which has some advantages, such as fairly high performance and a strict, pedantic interface. In this material we will figure out how to port this software to your mobile gadget.

We will need certain tools, namely: firmware for the device we are going to flash, based on CyanogenMod (based on Android 2.3), ROM of LeWa OS itself (the latest version of which can be downloaded at php Since the site is in Chinese, it is convenient to use Google Translate), as well as Total Commander (or WinRar), Notepad++ (you can also use another high-quality text editor, but it is advisable not standard notepad), Java JDK, Android SDK and Apk Manager.

Important! LeWa OS is designed for devices with WVGA (800x480, HDPI) and HVGA (320x480, MDPI) screens. Naturally, when porting the firmware to your device, you need the resolution to match, so for devices with an HVGA display, a ROM, for example, from Samsung S5830 or S5838, and for devices with WVGA, for example, from a Huawei U8800X, are suitable.

First, we replace all applications from system/app, that is, we delete from CyanogenMod’s ROM all files and folders in system/app, copy the files from the downloaded LeWa OS firmware there:

AccountAndSyncSettings – replace.

ApplicationsProvider – replace.

Bluetooth – optional, you can leave the original.

Browser – if desired, you can leave the original.

Calculator – replace.

Calendar365 365 – if desired, you can leave the original.

CalendarProvider – replace.

Camera – if you wish, you can leave the original.

CMParts – we replace.

CMSscreenshot – if desired, you can leave the original.

ContactsProvider – replace.

Cstore – replace.

DefaultContainerService – replace.

DeskClock – we replace it.

DownloadProvider – replace.

DownloadProviderUi – replace.

DrmProvider - replace.

Email – we replace it.

HTMLViewer - replace.

Intercept – replace.

LabiSync - replaceable.

LatinIME – if desired, you can leave the original.

LewaFc – replace.

LewaFeedback - replace.

LewaFileManager - replace.

LeWaFM – we replace.

LewaLauncher - replaceable.

LocationProvider – replace.

MediaProvider - replaceable.

PackageInstaller – replace.

Pacman - replace.

Phone – we replace it.

PicFolder - replaceable.

PicoTts – we replace.

PIM - replaceable.

Protips – if desired, you can leave the original.

Provision - we replace.

QuickSearchBox – if desired, you can leave the original.

Settings – replace.

SettingsProvider – replace.

SoundRecorder - replaceable.

Superuser – replace.

Swapper - replace.

SystemUI - replace.

TelephonyProvider - replaceable.

TtsService – if desired, you can leave the original.

UserDictionaryProvider – replace.

VpnServices – replace.

Now we do the same thing, only with the directory system/framework, that is, we delete files and folders in CyanogenMod, and transfer the contents system/framework from LeWaOS:

am – replace.

android.policy – ​​replace.

android.test.runner – replace.

bmgr - replace.

bouncycastle – replace. – replace. – you can leave it as is.

core – replace.

core-junit – replace.

ext – replace.

framework - replace.

framework-res – replace.

ime – replace.

input – replace.

javax.obex – replace.

monkey - replace.

pm - replace.

services – we replace.

sqlite-jdbc – replace.

svc – replace.

From folder system/lib in LeWa OS we copy the following libraries, replacing the same ones in CyanogenMod if the names match:

Similarly, with the replacement we copy from LeWa OS to system/bin CyanogenMod's following files:

Copy su from system/xbin in LeWa OS with replacement in a folder system/xbin CyanogenMod. We also transfer it to a folder system/media CyanogenMod files, default.lwt from the same directory in LeWa OS. Transfer from LeWa OS phoneloc.dat from folder system/usr/share into the same folder of the created firmware.

Opening build.prop our firmware based on CyanogenMod text editor, add the following lines:

ro.lewa.version=(we register our version)

ro.lewa.device=(device name)









Now let's open updater-script(this file is located in the directory META-INFcomgoogleandroid) CyanogenMod, look for the line:

set_perm(1000, 1003, 02755, "/system/bin/screenshot");

After which we add the following:

set_perm(0, 0, 06755, "/system/bin/su0");

That's all, the port is ready, we have LeWa OS based on CyanogenMod. Let's flash the new firmware onto your device and use it. Let us remind you that before any actions with the software it is strongly recommended to make backup copies.

The easiest way to seriously update your gadget is to install custom firmware on it. With it you can not only expand the number of means of control over the system, but also try something new, get many convenient functions or even a new Android version. In this article I will talk about the ten most popular, interesting and functional firmware created on the basis of Android.

Paranoid Android



MK (MoKee)

The interface is truly original. Absolutely all standard Android applications have been replaced with applications of our own, and the rest have been significantly improved. The notification panel has quick toggles that appear above notifications. The “Energy Consumption” section has been renamed to “Power Management” and is much more convenient and informative; the “Network Modes” button allows you to enable the “3G Only” and “2G Only” modes.

There are no complaints about the speed of the graphical shell. Everything is very fast and smooth. It is worth saying that the firmware has an interesting permission management mechanism built into it. It allows you to limit significantly more parameters than Android Marshmallow. Settings interface and almost everything system applications completely Russified. But in all applications that work via the Internet, you will see only Chinese characters, but the method of scientific poking and knowledge of how such applications work allows you to use them.

The Chinese equivalent of the Play Store has almost all popular (and not so popular) applications. But Google programs will refuse to work without Google services Play, but installing these services is not so easy. There is a solution to the problem on the Internet, but it does not always work; you will have to use either the built-in market or various unofficial stores, and also come to terms with the fact that some applications will not start without Google Services.

Dropped out of the test


Official site:
48 (as of 08/13/2016)
The basis: CyanogenMod
Android Version: 6.0.1

The developers claim that Bliss is one of the most customizable tailoring. Actually this is not true. The firmware is indeed a collection of interesting features from other firmwares, but it is very far from RR, AICP or Temasek. Unless they are initially built in and launched through the Kernel Adiutor and SuperSU settings. The settings of the firmware itself are not translated into Russian. The translation only applies to items that are in CyanogenMod.


Official site:
Number of officially supported devices: 29 (as of 08/09/2016)
The basis: CyanogenMod
Android Version: 6.0.1

The purpose of creation, like everyone else, is to add the best features from other firmwares. On the welcome screen during initial setup it is written that the firmware includes a lot of functions from OmniROM, Paranoid Android, Temasek and others. Unfortunately, it's the same story as with Bliss. Lack of exclusive features and a significant lag in capabilities compared to RR, AICP, Temasek. None interesting applications not built in.

Outside the test

  • NexSense 6.0- an attempt to port HTC Sense 6.0 (Android 4.4.2) to Nexus 5. At first, only the firmware itself was launched, but over time, enthusiasts were able to get Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and various sensors to work. But for a very long time this could not be achieved from the camera and sound. Over time, the developers came to the conclusion that it was necessary to rewrite some libraries almost from scratch. Local craftsmen seemed to have tried to do this, but to no avail.
  • ASUS ZENUI CM 13 (Nightly) Based- a project to port applications from Asus ZenUI to CyanogenMod 13. Officially, development is carried out only for LG G2. According to the developers, about 90% of all applications have already been moved.
  • MIUI- the firmware has been officially ported to 286 various devices. Developed by Xiaomi and based on the source codes of CyanogenMod and AOSP. Many features have migrated here from iOS, TouchWiz, UX (LG), HTC Sense, but there are also some of our own. There are so many useful functions that their description is a topic for a separate article.
  • MaruOS- Very original firmware, which, when connecting a smartphone to a monitor, turns it into a full-fledged desktop. Read detailed review and an interview with the developer is possible.

How to install?

For most devices, the stock firmware looks like this:

  1. Unlock the bootloader (this is individual for each device, so go ahead, Google).
  2. Install a custom recovery (in rare cases, you can install custom ones without it, but this is not a good idea).
    2.1. We go to the official TWRP website, enter the name of your device there, and download the newest version for it.
    2.2. We connect the smartphone via USB and install drivers for your device on the computer.
    2.3. Download and install Android SDK.
    2.4. We launch the terminal and flash the recovery with the command fastboot flash recovery recovery_name.img (fastboot is located in the platform-tools folder inside the SDK).
  3. After flashing the firmware, go to TWRP, select the Russian language (at the very bottom), check the “Allow changes” box and swipe to the right.
  4. Go to the “Cleaning” section and select “Format Data”. This is necessary if the data section is encrypted.
  5. We connect the smartphone to the computer and transfer the file with the new firmware to the memory card.
  6. Select “Install”, and then the firmware file. We agree by swiping to the right.
  7. Click on “Reboot into OS” and wait for the download to complete (about ten minutes, including application optimization).
  8. After initial setup We recommend booting into recovery again and making backups. At a minimum, an EFS partition in which IMEI, s/n and other important data are embedded.

If you don’t want to lose the main firmware, you can install the custom one with a second system. The one-of-a-kind MultiROM Manager will help with this. It allows you to install multiple firmware at once. The device prompts you to select the firmware from the installed ones when you turn it on. Installing the program is quite simple (just don’t forget to make backup copies before doing so, just in case):

  1. Install MultiROM Manager from the Play Store and launch it.
  2. Click the “Install” button.
  3. We wait for the installation to complete, and then agree to reboot.
  4. After rebooting and installing some scripts, the firmware selection interface will open.

Installation of the second firmware is performed through MultiTWRP in the Advanced -> MultiROM section or through the application itself.


  • Stock (stock, stock firmware)- official firmware, preinstalled by default by the manufacturer. Also, not only absolutely clean images are often called stock stock firmware, but also images prepared for installation through unofficial recovery.
  • AOSP (Android Open Source Project)- original Android source codes from Google, available for downloading and modification by everyone. The term “based on stock, based on AOSP” means that the firmware was compiled based on these sources (and not CyanogenMod sources, as is sometimes the case). Most Xposed modifications only work in AOSP/CyanogenMod and firmware based on them.
  • CAF (Code Aurora Forum) is a project supported by the Linux Foundation that accelerates the advancement of open source in mobile technology. The main participant in the project is Qualcomm, which maintains the Android for MSM repository, which contains Android source code with optimizations for Qualcomm chips. If developers claim that their firmware is based on CAF, then it includes all these optimizations. But it is worth keeping in mind that changes from Android for MSM often flow into AOSP.
  • CyanogenMod Based (CM based, based on CynogenMod)- firmware based on CyanogenMod code. Immediately after release new version AOSP developers of CyanogenMod copy its sources into their own repository and begin to implement their additions to it and port it to new devices. And the list of devices supported by CyanogenMod is such an impressive number that many developers of custom firmware choose it as a base, and not AOSP.
  • Recovery (recovery mode, recovery)- console Android recovery. Designed to perform a factory reset or install a zip file of firmware signed with the manufacturer's key. For many devices, there are third-party recoveries with advanced functions, such as ClockworkMod, TWRP, Philz. They allow you to make full backups of both the entire system and individual parts, install third-party firmware, format and resize partitions, install any add-ons and much more useful things.
  • Bootloader (bootloader, bootloader)- loaded first. It passes the partition table of the on-chip NAND memory to the kernel, loads it into memory and runs it. It is the bootloader that connects to the PC in fastboot mode and launches the recovery. Therefore, before installing custom recovery and often third-party firmware, it must be unlocked. Almost always, after unlocking the bootloader, absolutely all data is erased from the device’s memory.
  • GApps ( Google Apps) - a set of services and applications from Google. GApps packages come in a variety of sizes, from the smallest (less than 100 MB) which only includes Google Play and services for its operation, up to large ones, which contain almost all existing Google applications (the size of such packages is close to 800 MB). Many firmware developers recommend installing Open GApps. Differences between versions can be viewed in the Open GApps Wiki. Please be aware that some GApps may replace system applications.
  • Nightly (“nightie”)- overnight firmware assembly. For many devices, assemblies are done daily (nightly). In theory, they have low stability, but in practice, unsuccessful builds are extremely rare, and bugs that pop up are fixed very quickly.

File system F2FS

Almost all custom firmware supports the F2FS file system, which is designed specifically for working with flash memory and, in theory, uses it more efficiently and more carefully than ext4. You can switch to this FS in the following way:

  1. Login to TWRP.
    2.0. Open the item “Cleanup -> Custom Cleanup”.
    2.1. Check the Cache section.
    2.2. Click “Restore or change file system -> Change.” file system -> F2FS" and swipe to confirm.
    2.3. Press the "Home" button.
  2. Repeat step 2 for the data and system sections.


  • Not all firmwares support F2FS. If there is no support, you will end up with endless loading.
  • After changing the file system of the data partition, not only program data and firmware settings will be lost, but also files saved on internal map memory.
  • In practice, the performance gain will be a few percent at best.


We have not reviewed all existing firmware. However, even this is enough to have an idea about modern firmware. In terms of interface, they are almost all similar, they all work very smoothly, and it is very difficult to notice any differences in operating speed. But their functions are different. On my own behalf, I can add that if you spend a long time at least on MoKee, or especially Resurrection Remix, then you won’t even want to go back to pure CyanogenMod. But you will probably have to turn to Xposed for help. Fortunately, in almost all existing custom firmware Almost any Xposed modules work.

Why flash Android? Because of the desire to expand the functionality, to see what your gadget might look like in a new “wrapper”, to restore the phone when there is no way to rollback, etc. But regardless of the reason, this is done this way.

How to install firmware on Android from a computer?

First you need to download it. It is best to download the official one from the website of the mobile device manufacturer. It is worth noting that the software is selected directly for a specific phone model, otherwise it may not work, which may cause additional problems.

Need to know

Before flashing mobile device, you need to remember and follow a few rules:

  1. It is necessary that the phone battery charge is at least 80%, and preferably 100%.
  2. Install drivers on your computer for your device.
  3. It is very undesirable if the Android firmware via the PC breaks due to a power outage. Therefore, it is best to use a laptop or with uninterrupted source nutrition.
  4. To protect your device from low-quality OS, you need to do backup copy current software and data.
  5. It is highly undesirable to use the USB 3.0 port when flashing (USB 3.0 port is blue, 2.0 is white).
  6. Once again, before downloading the firmware, you need to carefully read it. You should also avoid suspicious sites.
  7. It is best to use the original USB cable that came with the device.
  8. Usually, after flashing the device, you need to hold the power button for 15-20 seconds, so don’t panic if it takes a long time to turn on. Then it will turn on as before.


WITH using Fastboot Android tablet firmware is available via a computer. Download the Fastboot utility and unpack it to the root of the system drive (most often this is drive C). The result is a folder with the path to it C:\Android. There are 2 more folders there: Tools and Drivers. The first contains necessary programs, in the second - drivers. Open the Drivers folder and install the necessary drivers. Next, transfer the downloaded firmware in a zip archive to the Tools folder. Now we connect the gadget to the computer via USB.

Opening command line(or cmd) and enter the command without quotes “cd C:\Android\Tools”. Having moved to the directory of this folder, enter fastboot devices.

The device code should appear. If the code does not appear, then you need to unlock the bootloader.

Bootloader provides information to the OS about the state of the memory card, random access memory, kernel and is responsible for loading the OS. And if you don’t unlock it, then flashing will fail. It is worth noting that if the bootloader is unlocked, the device loses its warranty. However, it is quite easy to block it back if the need arises. You need to pay attention to the fact that unlocking will erase all the contents of the device and memory card, so it would be best to do the data before doing this internal memory and SD cards.

Unlock bootloader

To unlock the bootloader (and to make flashing the Android tablet firmware via a computer possible), you need to perform the following steps:

  • Turn off the mobile device.
  • We connect it to the PC and simultaneously press the power button and both volumes.
  • On your computer, open the command line (or cmd), where you enter “cd C:\Android\Tools” without quotes.
  • Enter fastboot command oem unlock.
  • We check again with the fastboot devices command.
  • If the message “waiting for device” appears instead of the gadget code, you should check for drivers and change the USB cable.

If the device has been identified, enter the command: fastboot update After flashing, reboot.


Before installing the firmware on Android from a computer using the Flashtool utility, you need to download the operating system from ftf format. Then download and install the program. Place the downloaded file for flashing in the Firmwares folder, which is located in the program directory. Let's launch the utility.

Click on the button with the lightning icon in the upper left corner, leaving a dot on Flashmode.

Now we need a file operating system from the list for the gadget, on the right there should be a checkmark for Wipe User Data and Wipe Cache. We wait a little, after which a window will appear with instructions for connecting the phone. We connect it to the computer and simultaneously press the power button and volume down (camera, menu - the key combination may be different for different phones, so you need to check specifically for a specific model). As soon as the program gains access, the automatic “Android” will be installed quite quickly, within a few minutes.

After the process is completed, turn on the gadget and go through the initial setup.

This method of installing software is one of the best, since you can install the firmware on Android from a computer using Flashtool while the phone is turned off, which does not have Recovery mode.

Using specialized programs

Many mobile device developers have developed special service utilities. One of these utilities is updating the software of Fly smartphones. With its help, it became possible to update the current OS and Android firmware via the Fly smartphone’s computer.

Download it and install it. Once installed, the utility will offer to connect the device to the PC. It is worth noting that it must be turned on. If it is disabled, the utility itself will help you do this. After that, click “Install driver”.

We connect the smartphone and launch the utility. Click “Check for update” and select a model from the list (if you haven’t decided yet). Next, a window will appear with information about the software, where we click “Start download” and follow the simple instructions.

This program is far from the only one, since you can install firmware on Android from a computer using a similar utility from the developer on almost every smartphone.

Recovery Mode

In "recovery" mode, that is, in recovery mode, you can also reflash your device. As in any other case, you need to download the OS and move it to the SD card. It is worth noting that this Android firmware is produced without a computer.

In order to install a new operating system on your phone, you need to go to the engineering menu or Recovery mode. To do this, you need to turn it off, and then simultaneously press the power button and the volume down, up, or the “menu” button (each phone manufacturer may have its own combination, so you need to find out additionally).

Depending on the version of "recovery" our actions are as follows:

  • in the standard version, click apply update from external storage;

  • in the TWRP version - install ZIP;

  • in the CWM version - apply update from sdcard.

After the Android firmware from HTC or any other manufacturer is successful, you need to reboot your smartphone and go through the initial setup.

You should pay attention to the fact that if all possible combinations have been tried, but the gadget still does not enter the “recovery” mode, it means this function in this device is disabled or absent altogether.

A couple of words

Let's remember a couple again important points, which can save several thousand nerve cells from certain death:

  1. Before installing the firmware on Android from a computer, you must make a backup copy of your data. This can be done using special utilities from both the official and unofficial developers. This will help if the flashing fails.
  2. After flashing, you need to hold the power button for 15-20 seconds. If it doesn't turn on, you can try removing and inserting the battery and try turning it on again.
  3. Rather, the flash card will have to be formatted. Even if there is a lot of information there, a new Android can create new sections on top of the old ones, completely ignoring the latter. Therefore, before connecting a flash drive, it is best to reset all its contents to the computer.

If your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) has stopped working normally, flashing it can help. You will learn how to reflash Android from the article below.

Modern smartphones and tablets based on Android have today become very common devices that almost everyone has. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the influx of similar Chinese-made equipment. It is inexpensive, presentable on the outside and can be quite nimble on the inside. However, such devices very often work unstably, and at one point they may even stop working...

There is a 50/50 chance that reflashing your device can help you get your device back on its feet. And exactly this process will be the subject of today's article. By the way, almost all the tools mentioned in the article for flashing the firmware of most Chinese devices can be downloaded below the article!

Firmware principle

Roughly, the process of flashing any phone can be compared to the process Windows installations on computer. However, if Windows can be installed on almost any PC, then Android installation is fraught with many pitfalls. The fact is that the firmware contains not only the system itself, but also a complete set of drivers and programs that are suitable specifically for a specific device model.

Considering that the Chinese assemble their smartphones from everything that can be bought inexpensively from various manufacturers, it is not difficult to state the fact that the same external copy of, for example, the Samsung S7 can be based on completely different platforms! Actually, the main problem when updating firmware is precisely finding one that will ideally suit your device in all respects.

You can search for firmware on the Internet by the model name of your device. However, if it is not branded, but a Chinese copy, then it may be difficult... It will be necessary to carry out preliminary tests in order to at least approximately find out what kind of “stuffing” Uncle Liao crammed into the phone. First of all, we are interested in the build platform and its ALPS number.

To find out this information The most reliable way is to open the device and “punch” on the Internet the numbers indicated on the motherboard. However, not every device can be disassembled without damage. Therefore there are a number software diagnostics They can be installed both on the smartphone itself (for example, AIDA64 or CPU-Z) and on a computer. In the latter case, you will also need to install a special driver (it will also be needed when flashing the firmware).

After installing the driver, you will be able to use one of the most commonly used tools for “Chinese” based on the MT65xx platform - the MTK Droid Root and Tools program:

When you connect your device with a USB cable to your computer, the program will scan it and display a certain piece of information that you can use as a starting point when searching for the required firmware. The most important data is platform version(Firmware) and system build number(Build number). Knowing them, you will be able to more accurately determine which firmware to download (and sometimes there are a lot of them!)

So, let's assume you have found the required firmware for your device model. Download it and be sure to read the installation instructions. It can be installed using:

  • standard recovery (the easiest way);
  • modified recovery (most often CWM or TWRP);
  • flasher or flasher program (for example, Odin, SP Flash Tool and so on.).

In any case, before installing the firmware, it is very advisable for you (if, of course, the device starts up) to make a complete backup of all data on the device and its firmware. If you don’t do this, you risk getting a so-called “brick” instead of your favorite device, which will go into “eternal reboot”. But more on that below, and now let’s look at the Android firmware options.

Firmware via standard recovery

If you are very lucky, the official firmware for your device can be installed from a memory card through standard recovery. For example, I was lucky with my experimental Cubot GT99 (see screenshot above)! All you need to flash it is to drop the archive with the required files into the root of the flash drive (only, preferably, there are no other archives there):

When the firmware is already on the SD card, you need to turn off the device and boot it into recovery mode. To do this, as a rule, you need to hold down "rocker" volume up(less often down) and power button. When the boot method selection menu appears, you still need to use the same “rocker” down to select the mode "Recovery Mode" and press the rocker up (less often the power button) to go to recovery:

In the menu that appears, use the volume rocker to select the item "apply update from external storage" or "Install ZIP from SD Card" and apply it by pressing the power button. The firmware process will start and we just have to wait for it to finish:

Firmware via modified recovery

Standard recovery is a useful thing, however, not all firmware can be installed with its help. You can install with it only official system assemblies signed by all certificates. If you want to experiment with custom firmware, then you will need to install a custom recovery for yourself.

The most popular and widespread versions today are the already mentioned above CWM and TWRP. Ready-made builds of such recovery exist for most popular device models. However, for Chinese smartphones you'll have to look for them. True, in some of them, custom recovery is already installed by default, which greatly simplifies various experiments.

The principle of flashing a device through custom recovery is similar to that described above. The only difference is that it can be used to install almost any suitable ZIP archive, even if the files in it do not have any signatures. Moreover, if the firmware is not suitable, the recovery will automatically roll back to the backup you created (you didn’t forget to make it, did you? ;))

Entering custom recovery is usually done using the same combination as stock recovery (volume rocker + power button). To install firmware from an SD card to CWM you will need to follow the path install zip from sdcard - chooze zip from sdcard. In this case, it is usually advisable to disable signature verification in the section toggle signature verification:

In TWRP, to achieve the same result, you need to go to the section Install and follow the prompts. By the way, in this recovery, control is performed not by physical buttons, but by means of a touchscreen (although there is also a similar CWM touch assembly).

Custom recovery is a very useful thing. In addition to firmware, you can use it to root your device, connect in debugging mode via ADB, manage phone memory partitions, etc. The only trouble is that such a useful thing has been ported to only a few devices...

Firmware using PC

One way or another, even if there is no assembly for your device custom recovery, you can flash it using a PC. To do this you will need at least:

  1. Driver for the computer to recognize your device.
  2. Firmware, suitable in all respects.
  3. Backup of current firmware on the SD card in case new firmware won't work.
  4. Worker USB cable to connect the device to a computer.
  5. Firmware program Your phone or tablet model (aka flasher).

From the above list, we are most interested in the last point. For popular branded devices, there are also branded flasher utilities. For example, for Samsung - Odin, for LG - LG GSM Multi or PC Suite, HTC - HTC Sync, etc.

Let's look at the principle of firmware using an example Odin for Samsung. First, you need to connect the device in download mode to the computer. You can enter this mode by simultaneously pressing the sound rocker up, the Home button and the power button on the device when it is turned off. After connecting the phone in this mode, Odin should recognize it as a connection on one of the COM ports.

Now in "AP" field You need to select the archive with the firmware (usually in .tar or .tar.md5 formats). Check that the "Auto reboot" and "F. Reset Time" options are active, then you can press the button "Start". If everything is fine, the firmware will begin downloading to the phone and installing it:

For Chinese devices, most of which run on the MediaTek platform, there is its own universal program for firmware SP Flash Tool(or just Flash Tool).

The principle of the firmware here is as follows. Open the program to "Download" tab(usually opens by default) and click "Choose" button opposite the field. The firmware selection dialog will open. It must first be extracted from the archive into a folder (preferably in the root of the disk, like the flasher itself) and contain a text scatter file with a map of the system partitions.

When a file is selected, a table of available partitions will open. Usually you need to uncheck the "Preloader", "Cache" and "Userdata" boxes, but for more detailed information, read the instructions specifically for your device model. The last step is to press the button "Download". Now all that remains is to connect it to the computer COMPLETELY TURNED OFF phone and wait until the files are copied:

"Brick" and what to do with it

As you can see, the firmware itself is not a very complicated process (if you consider that the bootloader is not locked on your device). But why then are so many people so afraid of her? But the thing is that the success of the firmware is never guaranteed and every time you risk getting the so-called "brick"- a device that does not boot at all or constantly reboots before turning on the system itself.

There can be, by and large, two options for “bricking”: a complete “brick” and with a preserved recovery. If you still have access to the recovery and you previously made a backup of the system on a flash drive, then you can “unbrick” the device very quickly using the method of flashing or restoring the image (if there is such an option) through recovery.

If, due to unsuccessful firmware, the recovery partition was damaged, then the device can only be brought back to life by installing the correct firmware version on it. Here, as they say, you have nothing to lose and you can try different firmware until you find the right one! Usually such dances with a tambourine are required when working with Chinese phones, in which the developers themselves programmatically hide the platform version or hardware package.

In the most extreme cases, it may turn out that none of the firmware available on the Internet will suit you... If you are faced with such a situation, do not rush to despair! Firstly, over time (a couple of months or six months), an image of the firmware version you need may appear. Secondly, you can always ask for help from experienced users on the largest Russian-language forum or the English-language forum XDA. Owners of “Chinese phones” can try their luck on the China-iPhone.Ru resource.


The general principles of Android firmware, as you can see, are not particularly complicated. However, this, alas, is only in theory... In practice, you may encounter various non-standard situations, which most often happen when trying to flash the next Chinese device from an unknown manufacturer. Here everything can turn into a very confusing quest with an unknown outcome (that is why at the very beginning I wrote that the probability of success is 50/50).

In any case, when starting to work on Android firmware, the first thing you should do is MAKE BACKUPS! Secondly, don’t be too lazy to read the instructions that other more experienced users write on the forums (if these instructions exist). After all, sometimes even checking the wrong box can turn your device into a “brick” with literally one touch!

One more thing. Always start work with a fresh mind and with at least a couple of hours of time to spare. This will give you the opportunity to calmly consider your actions if something suddenly goes wrong. In general, may Android firmware always be successful for you!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Hello again everyone! Today we will talk about custom firmware for the Android OS. What is their difference from stock ones, and their pros and cons.
As everyone knows, after the release of a new version of the OS, Google releases its source code to the public. And then everyone who is not too lazy begins to get down to business, collecting various roms and mods such as AOKP, Oxygen, Paranoidandroid, Lewa, MIUI cyanogenmod, etc.

It is impossible to discuss all customs, because... There are a huge number of them, so we’ll look at the most popular ones - Cyanogenmod, Lewa, MIUI.

CyanogenMod(pronounced sigh-AN-oh-jen-mod -sayEnodzhenmod) - aftermarket firmware for cell phones and tablets based on Android OS. It has characteristics not found in official firmware suppliers Android devices, including the original theme (also known as the "T-Mobile Theme Engine"), Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), compressed cache (compcache), large APN list, OpenVPN client, reboot menu, Wi-Fi support , Bluetooth, USB modem.
Cyanogenmod is the first mobile OS to include the BFS task scheduler and is a union of the experimental branch and the official source tree Android code. The developers claim that CyanogenMod improves the performance and reliability of the OS compared to official firmware releases.

As of May 8, 2013 CyanogenMod firmware installed on more than 4.8 million devices. (description taken from Wikipedia)

Installed CM (Cyanogenmod) on your smartphone, you get a more “fast” system, root rights “out of the box” and a huge number of settings from replacing the interface to system changes settings - modes and processor frequency, transferring applications to micro SD, which is important for budget devices, etc.

There are also disadvantages - higher energy consumption, but an “advanced user” will find dozens of options to reduce it.

MIUI(pronounced: "Me You I") - aftermarket firmware for smartphones based on the operating system Android systems open source. The MIUI firmware code itself is closed. Under development by Xiaomi Tech. The firmware is a heavily modified user interface, which lacks an application menu. The firmware combines the most successful Android solutions and iOS. Custom firmware includes additional features not found in stock Android OS, such as notification tray toggles, a new camera, gallery and player, and a redesigned dialer that displays contacts as the user enters a number. (Wikipedia)

This firmware is one of the most popular in China. Its modification is initially installed on devices of many well-known Chinese brands. As described above, the interface is very similar to iOS. The standard set of settings is smaller than that of cyanogenmod, but in terms of interface this OS wins. The firmware has a standard “themes” application, by going into which you will get a huge number of themes from Xiaomi and third-party developers for changing bootanimations, icons, fonts, dialers, status bar, notification panel, lockscreen, wallpaper, etc. for every taste.


Le Frog was founded in April 2011 (Shanghai Zhangjiang). More than 10 million Chinese yuan (more than 50 million Russian rubles) were invested in the company. At the beginning of 2012, it was recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in China.

Field of activity: development of smartphones and software. Firmware development is not done by students after lectures, but by serious guys for a reasonable fee. The firmware is based on the CyanogenMod source code. The main difference is the interface. The notification panel, icons and much more are identical to MIUI. Plus a slight expansion of functionality due to new interface elements. In general, this is something between MIUI and Cyanogenmod. The interface is the first, some of the settings are the second.

We figured out the firmware. What are their advantages compared to official releases?

Let's start with the fact that all custom operating systems work with file system ext4, which is superior in read/write speed to the rfs file system running on off-the-shelf firmware.

Custom also installs a modified kernel with support for the init.d directory (autostart), with the ability to overclock the processor, support for compcache and vmheap and various “goodies”.

Also, in combination with mod firmware + custom kernel, we get permanent root access and busybox installed, which gives us great “power” over the device.

Of course, everything I listed above applies only to experienced users. If for you a smartphone means making calls and surfing the Internet, then forget what I wrote. Well, if you want drastic changes, please... And don’t forget that reflashing the phone VOIDS ITS WARRANTY. You also need to do this if you have two correctly growing hands, left and right (and not two left ones), and have a brain larger in size than a chicken’s. And remember: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it’s not with his hands.” Thank you all for your attention!
