TNT will share its series: Gazprom Media presented a new channel “Super. TNT will share its series: Gazprom Media presented a new channel “Super” What will be on the super channel

“Gazprom-Media” will soon officially announce the launch of a new entertainment channel “Super,” employees of television companies and two sources in the holding itself told Vedomosti. This is a federal broadcast channel that will begin operating on January 1, 2018. A representative of Gazprom Media confirmed to Vedomosti that the holding will have an on-air entertainment channel, Super. He did not disclose investments in the creation of the project.

Now Gazprom-Media has five entertainment broadcast channels - TNT, TV 3, TNT4, Pyatnitsa and 2x2, all united into the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television sub-holding (GPM RTV). The holding also has the on-air socio-political channel NTV and the on-air sports channel Match TV.

“Super” will also be part of the RTV GPM; the team of the production company Yellow, Black and White (YBW) will directly create and manage the channel, sources told Vedomosti. According to them, someone from the YBW team will become the general director of Super, someone will become the general producer, someone will become the marketing director, etc. A representative of Gazprom Media insists that the Super channel will be managed GPM RTV. No one from the YBW core team will become the general director or general producer of this channel, he assures.

The basis of the new channel’s programming will be YBW content, Vedomosti’s interlocutors explain: over the years, the company has accumulated a large library of content, primarily TV series. Most of these projects were filmed for the channel STS(part of the holding company competing with Gazprom-Media " STS Media) – “Kitchen”, “The Last of the Magikians”, “Hotel Eleon”, “Mommies”, “Give You Youth”, “Six Frames”, etc.

A YBW representative declined to comment. A representative of Gazprom Media says that details of the content of “Super” will appear later: “The holding has a large number of creative producers who are already working on content for the new channel.”

YBW was created in 2008 by Denis Zhalinsky, Eduard Iloyan, Vitaly Shlyappo and Alexey Trotsyuk. This is one of the largest producers of television content in Russia, in addition to STS the company created projects for Rossiya 1 (part of VGTRK), Channel One and NTV. In recent years, the company has also been producing films - its joint film with Disney, “The Last Hero,” will be released in October. YBW also has a digital project called Start, aimed at foreign audiences. It will launch in the coming days.

YBW employees previously told Vedomosti that they dreamed of launching their own TV channel: this would allow them to create within one company a full cycle from content production to its distribution on air and on the Internet.

YBW will not become a shareholder of Super, Vedomosti sources say, its only owner is Gazprom Media. They do not know the details of the commercial agreement between the holding and YBW.

“Super” will begin with repeats of projects that have already aired on other Gazprom-Media channels and those created by YBW, Vedomosti’s interlocutors know. Premieres on the channel will appear later - when it gathers a basic audience, one of them clarified.

All these years, YBW has been selling to channels, including STS, not all the rights to its series and shows, but only the rights to the premiere and from one to several reruns, Vedomosti sources indicate. Accordingly, this production company can independently manage most of the content it has filmed and, accordingly, agree with Gazprom Media on the joint use of this library on Super. The rights for some projects will return to YBW in the coming years, Vedomosti’s interlocutors say.

Using a similar scheme, Gazprom Media launched the TNT4 channel in the fall of 2015: it was created entirely on the basis of the holding’s library, and it airs repeats of TNT projects. Employees of Gazprom-Media say that TNT4 is a very profitable business, but they do not disclose details of the financial results.

A similar scheme was used by “ STS media”, when several years ago he launched the off-air channel CTC Love for young women - this channel primarily featured repeats of projects.

The holding found air frequencies for the launch of “Super” from its other channels, Vedomosti’s interlocutors know. In a similar way, Gazprom-Media collected frequencies to distribute the 2x2 channel, after this channel ceded its own federal frequency to the TNT4 channel in 2015.

Top managers of Gazprom Media have long been talking about the inevitable increase in fragmentation of the television audience - more and more viewers will watch niche channels, and the largest channels will inevitably lose audience. That’s why it’s so important to create and develop niche channels, they argue: even if the ratings of the largest channels decline, the holding will collectively win and control an increasingly large part of the audience.

Two Vedomosti interlocutors say that the company Solaris Promo Production (controlled by businessman Alexander Karmanov) is taking part in the creation of Super. Karmanov’s structures have long been closely connected with the TV business of Gazprom Media - in particular, they produce the show “Dom-2” for TNT. Karmanov’s structures control 25% of the shares of Comedy Club Production, 75% of the shares are controlled by Gazprom-Media itself.

Two other Vedomosti sources, on the contrary, insist that Solaris will not have anything to do with Super. A Solaris representative has not yet responded to the request.

Russian TV channels act differently when purchasing rights to content, says the head of a large television company: many of them, like STS, do not buy all rights from producers, but only a few shows. This strategy has its own logic, he points out: the channel pays only as long as the content collects ratings and its own risks - your content may be shown by a growing competitor in a few years. Thus, the “Friday” channel at some point showed one of the most famous STS series, “My Fair Nanny,” he reminds: “But in general there are few such situations, the channels are jealous of the content that they consider their own.” Thus, VGTRK recently sued Channel One, which bought from the producer the rights to re-broadcast the series “Secrets of the Investigation.”

General Director " STS media" Vyacheslav Murugov refused any comments on the launch of "Super" and the possible appearance there of series that were previously broadcast on STS.

Another source close to " STS media”, indicates that the holding and YBW were partners for many years, the holding paid the company billions of rubles for content and spent hundreds of millions of rubles promoting YBW content: “If Gazprom Media launches a channel that is based not on one project, but at once a number of series and shows that were previously aired on STS“For us, of course, this is a completely unprecedented situation.”

The Gazprom Media holding reported that the new entertainment channel Super will launch on January 1.

Yellow, Black&White will create content for the Super channel

This became known after today's presentation in Moscow. TV channel will differ in content, where the predominant number will be romantic comedies for family audiences, whose age ranges from 14 to 44 years. It should be noted that it is in this range of the target audience that the “engine” operates "Gazprom-Media"- channel TNT.

Who will create the Super channel?

The studio produces premiere content for the Super channel "TST Productuion", which is also part of the Gazprom-Media holding. The producers of this studio are co-owners of a large production company Yellow, Black&White – Eduard Iloyan, Alexey Trotsyuk, Denis Zhalinsky And Vitaly Shlyappo. Gazprom Media has signed an exclusive contract with Yellow, Black&White, reports "Vedomosti" . It is unknown whether the producers will become employees of the new TV channel.

Let us note that Yellow, Black&White are known primarily for producing content for the STS channel. Therefore, after concluding a production contract for “Super”, long-time competitors - TNT and STS - found a reason to quarrel once again - now over the launch of the “Super” channel. The fact is that for some time there were rumors in the professional community that, perhaps, “Super” would show the content of the Yellow, Black & White company, which was previously shown on STS. However, this idea was abandoned.

What the Super channel will show

At the Moscow presentation, several trailers for new series and shows were shown, which viewers of the new Super channel will see. I wonder what “Super” will switch to two youth series that were previously shown on TNT – "Philfak" And "Deffchons." And the premiere comedies are TV series “Fitness”, “IP Pirogova”, “Psychotype”, “Creators”, “Off the Game”– will be created exclusively for “Super”. Premiere dates for new projects have not yet been announced.

On the “Super” broadcast, viewers will also see already familiar projects

Series "Fitness" will tell about the heroine “with a difficult female fate of 90 kilograms”, who is abandoned by the groom at the wedding and she comes to the fitness room. She is an ordinary saleswoman in a store who does not think about the problems of excess weight. Life is good without it - and the wedding is just around the corner. Only at the wedding the groom decides to cancel the wedding altogether until his betrothed “loses fifteen kilograms.” Such an unexpected turn in life brings Asya to a sports club, where a demanding and ambitious coach, as well as the entire staff, will not only help you lose weight and gain confidence, but also prove to yourself, your friends and your ex-boyfriend that “the impossible is possible”, “you just have to do it." The series stars Marianne Schultz.

"Creators"- a series about screenwriters who write stories for television projects on domestic TV. Vadik is a young, inexperienced KVN player from Vladivostok, completely dependent on everyday life and very partial to the female sex. Zhenya is a modest bore who doesn’t like parties and always doubts something. Fate brings these two completely different guys together in Moscow - now they are a team that is writing a new show for a major TV channel. The capital does not greet the heroes kindly, however, like the producer Anton - a hypocrite who is rude and unceremonious with his subordinates and almost never keeps his word. The impression of Moscow and the new life of the heroes is brightened by the fact that Anton’s assistant Nastya is on their side, as well as another tenant of the Creators’ rented apartment who suddenly appears - the beautiful photographer Alina.

The main roles of “The Creators” were played by Alexander Molochnikov, Ravshana Kurkova, Evgeniy Smorigin, Pavel Derevyanko, Valentina Koshkina. The series was filmed in 2015 Victor Shamirov, but its premiere is expected only next year, on the Super channel.

Little is known about other series: for example, the project "Out of the game" talks about football school, and "Psychotype" At its core, it has a similar idea to the concept of the cartoon “Inside Out,” when several of his mask roles coexist in a man’s head, including girls. A " IP Pirogov"- a series about cooking. It’s interesting that the leading role is played by an actress who is familiar from the TV series “ Kitchen". The heroine's husband cheats on her, after which she kicks him out and starts her own business - she makes money by baking cakes. Details of the project will be announced later.

“Super” is an entertaining TV channel for family viewing, which includes comedy shows, romantic comedies, sketch-coms, music videos, children’s programs, and culinary fun. The channel airs popular programs and, of course, the premieres of new shows.

View estimated calculations for placing direct advertising for a 10 second video:

Direct advertising on the Super channel
(placement of advertising videos throughout the Russian Federation and in Moscow)

Conditions for advertising in federal and Moscow advertising blocks on the SUPER TV channel

Valid from 01/01/2020

    The cost of placement in Moscow is calculated in Russian rubles, based on the cost of 1 minute of advertising time (CPM) and the total amount of time.

    Placement in the Russian Federation is carried out according to the forecast ratings of advertising units (TVR). The calculation of ratings is based on data from people-meter panel TNS Russia. The basic target audience of the TV channel in Russia is Everyone, 11-34, Russia (ratings are calculated throughout Russia).

    The calculation is made automatically using the program for calculating conditions "NRA SCHEETALKA", based on the average budget of the month or the average amount of GRP 20 seconds / minutes, the ratio of off-time and prime time, and also depending on the type of placement: super-fixed, fixed or floating. The calculation made in the NRA SCITALKA program is preliminary and requires final agreement with the media seller.

    For federal placement with simultaneous placement on NRA TV channels (First, Russia 1, NTV, TNT, STS, Channel Five, Ren TV, Domashny, TV3, Friday, Che, Yu, TVC, Karusel, Zvezda, Russia24, Match TV, Disney, STS Love, TNT 4, Muz TV, 2x2, Super, Mir, Spas) are provided with a discount for the total (consolidated) budget, which is automatically taken into account when calculating the cost.

    For placement in Moscow with simultaneous placement on NRA TV channels (First, Russia 1, NTV, TNT, STS, Channel Five, Ren TV, Domashny, TV3, Pyatnitsa, Che, Yu, TVC, Zvezda, Russia24, Match TV, TNT 4, 2x2, RU.TV, TV1000, TV1000 Russian Cinema, Mir, RBC, Disney, Super, Muz TV, Moscow 24, Trust) are provided with a discount for the total (consolidated) budget, which is taken into account when calculating the cost.

    When calculating the cost, a seasonal coefficient is applied (the entire broadcast day) depending on the month of placement, which is taken into account when calculating the cost automatically using the NRA SCITALKA program.

    Extra charges apply for the timing of the video when posted in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation:

    Surcharges are applied for video positioning, depending on the position in the advertising block. The markup for positioning is calculated based on the cost of a 20-second video, regardless of the actual timing of the video.

    Additional discounts are provided for a new client, for volume and budget allocation, for split channels, for product category and others. Provided individually.

    An additional discount is provided from the Ministar advertising agency - from 5%. Provided individually.

Legend: The cost of 1 rating point (CPP) is the cost of reaching 1% of the total base target audience of the channel (Everyone, 11-34, Russia), for a 20 second video, where “Everyone, 11-34, Russia” is all people aged 11-34 years living in cities participating in the rating measurement.

TVR is the rating of an advertising unit, which is the percentage of the target audience that saw any broadcast event (broadcast, spot, etc.) in this moment time in relation to the entire target audience that had the opportunity to see it. GRP 20 seconds is the sum of ratings for all commercial outputs within a given advertising campaign for a 20 second video, expressed as a percentage of the channel’s base target audience, which is calculated depending on the ratings of the advertising units. Thus, the cost of placement is calculated using the following formula: Cost of placement = CPP x GRP 20 sec. Cost of 1 minute of advertising time (CPM) - the cost of 1 minute of advertising time depending on the time of placement during the day. Total amount of time - the total amount of time purchased, expressed in minutes. Thus, the cost of placement is calculated using the following formula: Cost of placement = CPM x Total amount of time. Average monthly budget is the transaction budget divided by the number of calendar months in which there is placement. Average GRP 20 seconds/minutes - the total number of GRPs/minutes divided by the number of calendar months in which there is placement. Prime time for federal blocks is the entire broadcast day from 00:00 to 24:00.
Super fixed type of placement - manual placement of spots in blocks selected by the client, with increased priority and the ability to select a fixed type of placement when placing in the Russian Federation. Available when placed in the Russian Federation.
Fixed type of placement - manual placement of spots in blocks chosen by the client, in specific programs, on specific dates. This type placement is knocked out by the super-fixed type of placement when placing in the Russian Federation. Available for placement in Moscow and for placement in the Russian Federation. Floating type of placement - automatic placement of spots in arbitrary blocks, taking into account specified placement conditions. Available when placed in Moscow and when placed on orbital channels in the Russian Federation.

Sponsorship andPR– advertising on the Super channel
