Download sawtooth voltage generator circuit diagrams. Signal generator: DIY function generator. Ramp voltage generator

Sawtooth is a voltage that increases in proportion to time and decreases abruptly. In Fig. 46, A shows an ideal sawtooth voltage having a rise time t nar and time of decline t sp, equal to zero. It is obvious that the period of such tension T equal to the rise time. Real sawtooth voltage generators have a not quite linearly increasing voltage and a non-zero decay time (Fig. 46, b).

Ramp voltage is used to scan an electron beam in electron beam devices.

Rice. 46. ​​Curves of changes in ideal (a) and real (b) sawtooth voltage

Let us consider the operation of a controlled transistor sawtooth voltage generator with a capacitive feedback(Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Sawtooth voltage generator circuit

The generator is controlled by pulses of negative polarity through a diode VDI. IN original condition transistor VT1 locked by positive voltage supplied from the emf source. E bee through a resistor R 2,diode VDI and resistor R 1.Capacitor WITH charges via R K , R 1,VDI And R 2 approximately to voltage E ke.When a control pulse is applied, the diode VD1 locked. Transistor VTI opens, since voltage is now supplied to its base through a resistor R. The discharge of the capacitor begins through the open transistor. The base and collector potentials decrease abruptly at the moment the transistor is unlocked. Capacitive feedback between the collector and base keeps the capacitor discharge current almost constant.

At the end of the control pulse, the diode is unlocked and the transistor is closed by the voltage of the emf source. E bee, and the capacitor starts charging WITH.

To provide full discharge capacitor and obtaining the maximum amplitude of the sawtooth voltage, the duration of the control pulses is selected based on the ratio

τ = (1,1 – 1,2)t size

Where t size- capacitor discharge time.

The frequency of the sawtooth voltage is determined by the parameters of the discharge circuit and is limited by the frequency properties of the transistor.

  • Generators can operate in self-excitation mode or standby mode, when the repetition period of sawtooth voltage pulses is determined by triggering pulses.

    Ramp voltage is the name given to electrical oscillations (pulses) that are generated by converting source energy direct current into the energy of electrical vibrations.

    A sawtooth voltage is a voltage that increases or decreases proportionally to time (linearly) over a certain period of time and then returns to its original level (Fig. 1).

  • Rice. 1. PN parameters

    The sawtooth voltage can be linearly increasing or linearly decreasing and is characterized by the following basic parameters:

    Duration of direct (working) and reverse

    Output voltage amplitude

    Recurrence period T

    Entry level U 0

    Nonlinearity coefficient E, characterizing the degree of deviation of the real sawtooth voltage from the voltage varying according to a linear law.

  • V max = at t=0 and V min = at t= t pr – the rate of change of the sawtooth voltage, respectively, at the beginning and at the end of the forward stroke.

    Regardless of the practical implementation, all types of gas pumps can be represented in the form of a single equivalent circuit (Fig. 2)

    It includes a power source E, a charging resistor R, which can be considered as the internal resistance of the power source, a capacitor C - an energy storage device, an electronic switch K and a discharge resistor r with a resistance equal to the internal resistance of the closed switch.

  • Rice. 2. Equivalent circuit of the gas pumping station

  • Key in original condition TO is closed and the initial voltage level is established on the capacitor

  • When the key is opened, the capacitor begins to discharge through the discharge resistor r and the voltage on it changes exponentially


    - time constant of the capacitor charging circuit.

    Currently, GPNs with a low nonlinearity coefficient and its insignificant dependence on the load resistance are created on the basis of integrated amplifiers.

    A generator based on an op-amp is usually built according to an integrator circuit (for low nonlinearity coefficients and low-resistance load).

    The proposed scheme and diagrams of its operation look like Fig. 2:

  • In this circuit, the output voltage is the op-amp-amplified voltage across capacitor C. The op-amp is covered by both (R1, R2, source E 0) and (R3, R4, source E 3). The operation of the gas pump is controlled using transistor VT1

    The operation of the gas pumping station is controlled using a key device (KU) on a transistor VT 1.

    The key device can be implemented on a bipolar transistor, controlled by pulses of positive polarity.

    The transistor (KU) is saturated (open) at positive half-cycles Uin, and at negative half-cycles it is in cut-off mode (closed), while the sawtooth voltage front will be formed at the moment of action of a negative pulse at the input (KU). During pauses between input pulses, the transistor is closed and the capacitor is charged with current from sourceE. and resistor R3.

    Voltage , formed on the capacitor, is supplied to the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier, operating in linear mode with a gain of the non-inverting input

    As a result, a voltage is created at the output of the amplifier
    , and across resistor R4 – a voltage equal to


    which creates a current , flowing through the capacitor in the same direction as the current .

    Consequently, the capacitor charging current in pauses between input pulses is equal to


    As the capacitor charges, the current decreases, and the voltage across the capacitor and at the input of the operational amplifier increases. If the gain at the inverting input is greater than unity, then the voltage across resistor R4 and the current flowing through it are also increasing. By selecting the gain, high linearity of the sawtooth voltage can be ensured.

  • GPN's work.

  • Let's consider the operation of the gas pump using the example of our circuit to form the required duration of the reverse stroke, we will supplement the emitter circuit of the transistor VT 1 with resistance R6. Resistance R5 limits the base current of the transistor in saturation mode. Let's consider the processes occurring in this circuit. Let a pulse of duration act at the input , leading to unlocking of the transistor. Provided there is a slight voltage drop across the open junctions of the transistor, the voltage across the capacitor at the initial moment of time is approximately equal to the drop across resistance R6

    . (1)

    Due to feedback, the transistor collector current is equal to

    . (2)

  • In turn, the currents through the corresponding resistances are determined by the expressions

    . (3)

    Control pulse amplitude must be greater than the value

    . (4)

    In this case, at the output of the circuit there is a constant voltage level equal to

    . (5)

    At a moment in time the transistor turns off and the capacitor begins to charge. The processes occurring in the circuit are described by the following equations



    . (6)

    From (6) we obtain

  • Let us introduce the notation
    , then the resulting equation can be rewritten in the form

    . (7)

    This is a first order inhomogeneous differential equation whose solution has the form

    . (8)

    We find the integration constant from the initial conditions (1). Because at the initial moment of time
    , That
    , therefore, (8) can be written as


      Then the output voltage will change according to the law


      has the same meaning as before.

      Since the voltage at the system output after the operating stroke time must be equal to the value
      , Where
      is the amplitude of the sawtooth voltage, then, solving (9) with respect to time, we obtain

      . (10)

      Similarly for the discharge circuit, taking into account that

    1. Calculation of the scheme.

    2. For the circuit to operate correctly, the gain at the inverting input must be greater than unity. Let
      , choose resistor R2 with a nominal value of 20 kOhm, then R1 = 10 kOhm.

      Let's calculate the gain for the non-inverting input.

      It is required to ensure a nonlinearity coefficient of 0.3%, then the time constant for charging the capacitor must be no less than

    3. Then the output voltage will change according to the law:

    4. ,

      So if you ask
      B, then
      = 1067

      then K = = = 0.014, provided the supply voltage in the transistor circuit is 15 V.

      Taking into account the previously obtained notation, we calculate the resistance ratio of resistances R3 and R4


      Let's set the resistance in the collector circuit of the transistor R3 = 10 kOhm, then we get that R4 = 20 kOhm.

      In turn, c, therefore, the capacitance of the capacitor will be about 224 pF, choose 220 pF.

      Let's move on to calculating the discharge circuit. For the discharge circuit it is true

      . (13)

      Let us substitute the formulas from (11) into (13), resolve with respect to R6, and obtain


      Whence it follows, when substituting numerical values, that R6 = 2 mOhm.

      We obtain an expression for the return time

      , (11)


      If expression (9) is differentiated by time and multiplied by C1, then the voltage nonlinearity coefficient will be determined by the formula

      t p / ,Where =RC

      Based on the research carried out, let’s move on to calculating parameters and selecting circuit elements.

      We will estimate the current flowing at the moment when the transistor opens through resistance R6 based on the following reasoning. At the moment of switching, all the voltage on the capacitor is applied to the resistance, so current will flow through it

      As a key, you can use a transistor with suitable parameters like KT342B. Resistor R5, which limits the base current, will be about 1 kOhm. Since the maximum collector current is 50 mA, and the current gain is 200, the base saturation current will be equal to 250 μA, therefore the voltage across the resistor will be 0.25 V. Let us take the base-emitter saturation voltage - 1 V. The voltage drop across the resistance R6, at the maximum current flowing through R3 and R4 added to R6 will be 6.08 V. Thus, to reliably unlock the transistor and keep it open, a pulse with an amplitude of 8 V is required.

    Continuing the topic of electronic constructors, this time I want to talk about one of the devices for replenishing the arsenal of measuring instruments for a novice radio amateur.
    True, this device cannot be called a measuring device, but the fact that it helps in measurements is unambiguous.

    Quite often, radio amateurs, and not only others, have to face the need to check various electronic devices. This happens both at the debugging stage and at the repair stage.
    To check, it may be necessary to trace the passage of a signal through different circuits of the device, but the device itself does not always allow this to be done without external sources signal.
    For example, when setting up/checking a multi-stage low-frequency power amplifier.

    First, it’s worth explaining a little about what we'll talk in this review.
    I want to tell you about a constructor that allows you to assemble a signal generator.

    There are different generators, for example below are also generators :)

    But we will assemble a signal generator. I've been using an old analog generator for many years. In terms of generating sinusoidal signals, it is very good, the frequency range is 10-100000 Hz, but it is large in size and cannot generate signals of other forms.
    In this case, we will assemble a DDS signal generator.
    This is DDS or in Russian - a direct digital synthesis circuit.
    This device can generate signals of arbitrary shape and frequency using an internal oscillator with one frequency as a master.
    Advantages of this type generators is that you can have a large tuning range with very fine steps and, if necessary, be able to generate signals of complex shapes.

    As always, first, a little about packaging.
    In addition to the standard packaging, the designer was packed in a white thick envelope.
    All the components themselves were in an antistatic bag with a latch (quite a useful thing for a radio amateur :))

    Inside the package, the components were just loose, and when unpacked they looked something like this.

    The display was wrapped in bubble polyethylene. About a year ago I already made such a display using it, so I won’t dwell on it, I’ll just say that it arrived without incident.
    The kit also included two BNC connectors, but of a simpler design than in the oscilloscope review.

    Separately, on a small piece of polyethylene foam there were microcircuits and sockets for them.
    The device uses an ATmega16 microcontroller from Atmel.
    Sometimes people confuse the names by calling a microcontroller a processor. In fact, these are different things.
    A processor is essentially just a computer, while a microcontroller contains, in addition to the processor, RAM and ROM, and may also contain various peripherals, DAC, ADC, PWM controller, comparators, etc.

    The second chip is a dual operational amplifier LM358. The most common, widespread, operational amplifier.

    First, let's lay out the entire set and see what they gave us.
    Printed circuit board
    Display 1602
    Two BNC connectors
    Two variable resistors and one trimmer
    Quartz resonator
    Resistors and capacitors
    Six buttons
    Various connectors and fasteners

    Printed circuit board with double-sided printing, on the top side there are markings of elements.
    Since the circuit diagram is not included in the kit, the board contains not the positional designations of the elements, but their values. Those. Everything can be assembled without a diagram.

    The metallization was done with high quality, I had no comments, the coating of the contact pads was excellent, and soldering was easy.

    The transitions between the sides of the print are made double.
    I don’t know why it was done this way and not as usual, but it only adds reliability.

    First by printed circuit board I started drawing a circuit diagram. But already in the process of work, I thought that some already known scheme was probably used when creating this designer.
    And so it turned out, a search on the Internet brought me to this device.
    At the link you can find a diagram, a printed circuit board and sources with firmware.
    But I still decided to complete the diagram exactly as it is and I can say that it is 100% consistent with the original version. The designers of the designer simply developed their own version of the printed circuit board. This means that if there are alternative firmware for this device, they will work here too.
    There is a note about the circuit design, the HS output is taken directly from the processor output, there are no protections, so there is a chance of accidentally burning this output :(

    Since we're going to tell it, it's worth describing functional units of this diagram and describe some of them in more detail.
    I made a color version schematic diagram, on which the main nodes were highlighted in color.
    It’s hard for me to come up with names for the colors, but then I’ll describe them as best I can :)
    The purple one on the left is the initial reset and forced reset node using a button.
    When power is applied, capacitor C1 is discharged, due to which the Reset pin of the processor will be low; as the capacitor is charged through resistor R14, the voltage at the Reset input will rise and the processor will start working.
    Green - Buttons for switching operating modes
    Light purple? - Display 1602, backlight current limiting resistor and contrast trimming resistor.
    Red - signal amplifier and offset adjustment unit relative to zero (closer to the end of the review it is shown what it does)
    Blue - DAC. Digital to Analog Converter. The DAC is assembled according to the circuit, this is one of the simplest DAC options. In this case, an 8-bit DAC is used, since all pins of one microcontroller port are used. By changing the code on the processor pins, you can get 256 voltage levels (8 bits). This DAC consists of a set of resistors of two values, differing from each other by a factor of 2, which is where the name comes from, consisting of two parts R and 2R.
    The advantages of this solution are high speed at a cheap cost; it is better to use precise resistors. My friend and I used this principle, but for the ADC, the choice of exact resistors was small, so we used a slightly different principle, we installed all the resistors of the same value, but where 2R was needed, we used 2 resistors connected in series.
    This principle of digital-to-analog conversion was one of the first " sound cards" - . There was also an R2R matrix connected to the LPT port.
    As I wrote above, in this designer the DAC has a resolution of 8 bits, or 256 signal levels, which is more than enough for a simple device.

    On the author's page, in addition to the diagram, firmware, etc. A block diagram of this device was discovered.
    It makes the connection of nodes more clear.

    We are done with the main part of the description, the expanded part will be further in the text, and we will move directly to the assembly.
    As in previous examples, I decided to start with resistors.
    There are a lot of resistors in this designer, but only a few values.
    The majority of resistors have only two values, 20k and 10k, and almost all of them are used in the R2R matrix.
    To make the assembly a little easier, I’ll say that you don’t even have to determine their resistance, just 20k resistors are 9 pieces, and 10k resistors are 8, respectively :)

    This time I used a slightly different installation technology. I like it less than the previous ones, but it also has the right to life. In some cases, this technology speeds up installation, especially on a large number of identical elements.
    In this case, the resistor terminals are formed in the same way as before, after which all resistors of one value are installed on the board first, then the second, so two such lines of components are obtained.

    On the reverse side, the leads are bent a little, but not much, the main thing is that the elements do not fall out, and the board is placed on the table with the leads facing up.

    Next, take the solder in one hand, the soldering iron in the other, and solder all the filled contact pads.
    You shouldn’t be too zealous with the number of components, because if you fill the entire board at once, then you can get lost in this “forest” :)

    At the end, we bite off the protruding leads of the components close to the solder. Side cutters can grab several leads at once (4-5-6 pieces at a time).
    Personally, I don’t really welcome this method of installation and showed it simply for the sake of demonstrating various assembly options.
    The disadvantages of this method:
    Trimming results in sharp, protruding ends.
    If the components are not in a row, then it’s easy to get a mess of conclusions, where everything starts to get confused and this only slows down the work.

    Among the advantages:
    High speed of installation of similar components installed in one or two rows
    Since the leads are not bent too much, dismantling the component is easier.

    This installation method can often be found in cheap computer power supplies, although the leads are not bitten off, but cut off with something like a cutting disk.

    After installing the main number of resistors, we will have several pieces of different values ​​left.
    The pair is clear, these are two 100k resistors.
    The last three resistors are -
    brown - red - black - red - brown - 12k
    red - red - black - black - brown - 220 Ohm.
    brown - black - black - black - brown - 100 Ohm.

    We solder the last resistors, the board should look something like this after that.

    Color-coded resistors are a good thing, but sometimes there is confusion about where to count the beginning of the marking.
    And if with resistors where the marking consists of four stripes, problems usually do not arise, since the last strip is often either silver or gold, then with resistors where the marking consists of five stripes, problems may arise.
    The fact is that the last stripe may have the same color as the denomination stripes.

    To make the marking easier to recognize, the last stripe should be spaced apart from the rest, but this is ideal. In real life, everything happens completely differently from what was intended and the stripes are in a row at the same distance from each other.
    Unfortunately, in this case, either a multimeter or simply logic (in the case of assembling a device from a kit) can help, when all known denominations are simply removed, and from the remaining ones you can understand what kind of denomination is in front of us.
    For example, a couple of photos of resistor marking options in this set.
    1. There were “mirror” markings on two adjacent resistors, where it doesn’t matter where you read the value from :)
    2. Resistors are 100k, you can see that the last strip is a little further from the main ones (in both photos the value is read from left to right).

    Okay, we’re done with resistors and their marking difficulties, let’s move on to simpler things.
    There are only four capacitors in this set, and they are paired, i.e. There are only two denominations, two of each.
    Also included in the kit was a 16 MHz quartz resonator.

    About capacitors and quartz resonator I talked about it in the last review, so I’ll just show you where they should be installed.
    Apparently, initially all the capacitors were conceived of the same type, but the 22 pF capacitors were replaced with small disk capacitors. The fact is that the space on the board is designed for a distance between the pins of 5mm, and small disk ones have only 2.5mm, so they will have to bend the pins a little. You will have to bend it near the case (fortunately the pins are soft), since due to the fact that there is a processor above them, it is necessary to obtain a minimum height above the board.

    Included with the microcircuits were a couple of sockets and several connectors.
    At the next stage we will need them, and in addition to them we will take a long connector (female) and a four-pin male connector (not included in the photo).

    The sockets for installing microcircuits were the most ordinary, although when compared with the sockets from the times of the USSR, they were chic.
    In fact, as practice shows, such panels in real life last longer than the device itself.
    There is a key on the panels, a small cutout on one of the short sides. Actually, the socket itself doesn’t care how you install it, it’s just that it’s easier to navigate using the cutout when installing microcircuits.

    When installing the sockets, we install them in the same way as the designation on the printed circuit board.

    After installing the panels, the board begins to take on some form.

    The device is controlled using six buttons and two variable resistors.
    The original device used five buttons, the designer added a sixth one; it performs the reset function. To be honest, I don’t quite understand its meaning in real use yet, since during all the tests I never needed it.

    I wrote above that the kit included two variable resistors, and the kit also included a trimming resistor. I'll tell you a little about these components.
    Variable resistors are designed to quickly change the resistance; in addition to the nominal value, they are also marked with a functional characteristic.
    The functional characteristic is how the resistance of the resistor will change when you turn the knob.
    There are three main characteristics:
    A (in the imported version B) - linear, the change in resistance linearly depends on the angle of rotation. Such resistors, for example, are convenient to use in power supply voltage regulation units.
    B (in the imported version C) - logarithmic, the resistance changes sharply at first, and more smoothly closer to the middle.
    B (in the imported version A) - inverse logarithmic, the resistance changes smoothly at first, more sharply closer to the middle. Such resistors are usually used in volume controls.
    Additional type - W, produced only in imported version. S-shaped adjustment characteristic, a hybrid of logarithmic and inverse logarithmic. To be honest, I don’t know where these are used.
    Those interested can read more.
    By the way, I came across imported variable resistors in which the letter of the adjustment characteristic coincided with ours. For example, a modern imported variable resistor with a linear characteristic and the letter A in the designation. If in doubt, it is better to look Additional information Online.
    The kit included two variable resistors, and only one was marked :(

    Also included was one trim resistor. in essence, it is the same as a variable, only it is not designed for operational adjustment, but rather, set it and forget it.
    Such resistors usually have a slot for a screwdriver, not a handle, and only a linear characteristic of resistance change (at least I haven’t come across others).

    We solder the resistors and buttons and move on to the BNC connectors.
    If you plan to use the device in a case, then it may be worth buying buttons with a longer stem, so as not to increase the ones provided in the kit, it will be more convenient.
    But I would put the variable resistors on wires, since the distance between them is very small and it would be inconvenient to use in this form.

    Although the BNC connectors are simpler than those in the oscilloscope review, I liked them more.
    The key thing is that they are easier to solder, which is important for a beginner.
    But there was also a remark: the designers placed the connectors on the board so close that it is basically impossible to tighten two nuts; one will always be on top of the other.
    In general, in real life it is rare that both connectors are needed at once, but if the designers had moved them apart by at least a couple of millimeters, it would have been much better.

    The actual soldering of the main board is complete, now you can install the operational amplifier and microcontroller in place.

    Before installation, I usually bend the pins a little so that they are closer to the center of the chip. This is done very simply: take the microcircuit with both hands by the short sides and press it vertically with the side with the leads against a flat base, for example, against a table. You don’t need to bend the leads very much, it’s more a matter of habit, but then installing the microcircuit into the socket is much more convenient.
    When installing, make sure that the leads do not accidentally bend inward, under the microcircuit, since they can break off when bent back.

    We install the microcircuits in accordance with the key on the socket, which in turn is installed in accordance with the markings on the board.

    Having finished with the board, we move on to the display.
    The kit included a pin part of the connector that needs to be soldered.
    After installing the connector, I first solder one outer pin, it doesn’t matter whether it is nicely soldered or not, the main thing is to ensure that the connector stands tightly and perpendicular to the plane of the board. If necessary, we warm up the soldering area and trim the connector.
    After aligning the connector, solder the remaining contacts.

    That's it, you can wash the board. This time I decided to do it before testing, although I usually advise doing the flushing after the first turn on, since sometimes you have to solder something else.
    But as practice has shown, with constructors everything is much simpler and you rarely have to solder after assembly.

    Can be washed different ways and means, some use alcohol, some use an alcohol-gasoline mixture, I wash the boards with acetone, at least for now I can buy it.
    When I washed it, I remembered the advice from the previous review about the brush, since I use cotton wool. No problem, we'll have to reschedule the experiment next time.

    In my work, I have developed the habit, after washing the board, of covering it with protective varnish, usually from the bottom, since getting varnish on the connectors is unacceptable.
    In my work I use Plastic 70 varnish.
    This varnish is very “light”, i.e. If necessary, it is washed off with acetone and soldered with a soldering iron. There is also a good Urethane varnish, but with it everything is noticeably more complicated, it is stronger and it is much more difficult to solder it with a soldering iron. THIS varnish is used for severe operating conditions and when there is confidence that we will no longer solder the board, at least for some long time.

    After varnishing, the board becomes more glossy and pleasant to the touch, and there is a certain feeling of completion of the process :)
    It's a shame the photo doesn't convey the overall picture.
    I was sometimes amused by people's words like - this tape recorder/TV/receiver was repaired, you can see traces of soldering :)
    With good and correct soldering there are no signs of repair. Only a specialist will be able to understand whether the device has been repaired or not.

    Now it's time to install the display. To do this, the kit included four M3 screws and two mounting posts.
    The display is attached only on the side opposite the connector, since on the connector side it is held by the connector itself.

    We install the racks on the main board, then install the display, and at the end we fix this entire structure using the two remaining screws.
    I liked the fact that even the holes coincided with enviable accuracy, and without adjustment, I just inserted and screwed in the screws :).

    Well, that's it, you can try.
    I apply 5 Volts to the corresponding connector contacts and...
    And nothing happens, just the backlight turns on.
    Don’t be scared and immediately look for a solution on the forums, everything is fine, that’s how it should be.
    We remember that there is a tuning resistor on the board and it’s there for good reason :)
    This trimming resistor needs to be used to adjust the contrast of the display, and since it was initially in the middle position, it is quite natural that we did not see anything.
    We take a screwdriver and rotate this resistor to achieve a normal image on the screen.
    If you twist it too much, there will be overcontrast, we will see all the familiar places at once, and the active segments will be barely visible, in this case we simply twist the resistor in the opposite direction until the inactive elements disappear almost to nothing.
    You can adjust it so that the inactive elements are not visible at all, but I usually leave them barely noticeable.

    Then I would have moved on to testing, but that was not the case.
    When I received the board, the first thing I noticed was that in addition to 5 Volts, it needed +12 and -12, i.e. only three voltages. I just remembered RK86, where it was necessary to have +5, +12 and -5 Volts, and they had to be supplied in a certain sequence.

    If there were no problems with 5 Volts, and with +12 Volts as well, then -12 Volts became a small problem. I had to make a small temporary power supply.
    Well, the process was classic, searching through the bottom of the barrel for what it could be assembled from, routing and making a board.

    Since I had a transformer with only one winding, and I didn’t want to fence the impulse generator, I decided to assemble the power supply according to a circuit with doubling the voltage.
    To be honest, this is far from the best option, since such a circuit has a fairly high level of ripple, and I had very little voltage reserve so that the stabilizers could fully filter it.
    Above is the diagram according to which it is more correct to do it, below is the one according to which I did it.
    The difference between them is the additional transformer winding and two diodes.

    I also supplied almost no reserve. But at the same time it is sufficient at normal mains voltage.
    I would recommend using a transformer of at least 2 VA, and preferably 3-4 VA and having two windings of 15 Volts each.
    By the way, the consumption of the board is small, at 5 Volts together with the backlight the current is only 35-38 mA, at 12 Volts the current consumption is even less, but it depends on the load.

    As a result, I came up with a small scarf, slightly larger in size than a matchbox, mostly in height.

    The layout of the board at first glance may seem somewhat strange, since it was possible to rotate the transformer 180 degrees and get a more accurate layout, which is what I did at first.
    But in this version, it turned out that the tracks with mains voltage were dangerously close to the main board of the device, and I decided to slightly change the wiring. I won’t say that it’s great, but at least it’s at least a little safer.
    You can remove the space for the fuse, since with the transformer used there is no special need for it, then it will be even better.

    This is what the complete set of the device looks like. To connect the power supply to the device board, I soldered a small 4x4 pin hard connector.

    The power supply board is connected using a connector to the main board and now you can proceed to a description of the operation of the device and testing. The assembly is complete at this stage.
    It was possible, of course, to put all this in the case, but for me such a device is more of an auxiliary one, since I am already looking towards more complex DDS generators, but their cost is not always suitable for a beginner, so I decided to leave it as is.

    Before testing begins, I will describe the controls and capabilities of the device.
    The board has 5 control buttons and a reset button.
    But regarding the reset button, I think everything is clear, and I will describe the rest in more detail.
    It is worth noting a slight “bounce” when switching the right/left button, perhaps the software “anti-bounce” has too short a time, it manifests itself mainly only in the mode of selecting the output frequency in the HS mode and the frequency tuning step, in other modes no problems were noticed.
    The up and down buttons switch operating modes of the device.
    1. Sinusoidal
    2. Rectangular
    3. Sawtooth
    4. Reverse sawtooth

    1. Triangular
    2. High frequency output (separate HS connector, other forms are given for DDS output)
    3. Noise-like (generated by random selection of combinations at the DAC output)
    4. Emulation of a cardiogram signal (as an example of the fact that any form of signal can be generated)

    1-2. You can change the frequency at the DDS output in the range 1-65535Hz in 1Hz steps
    3-4. Separately, there is an item that allows you to select the tuning step; by default, the step is 100Hz.
    You can change the operating frequency and modes only in the mode when generation is turned off. The change occurs using the left/right buttons.
    Generation is turned on with the START button.

    There are also two variable resistors on the board.
    One of them regulates the signal amplitude, the second - the offset.
    I tried to show on oscillograms what it looks like.
    The top two are for changing the output signal level, the bottom two are for adjusting the offset.

    Test results will follow.
    All signals (except noise-like and HF) were tested at four frequencies:
    1. 1000Hz
    2. 5000Hz
    3. 10000Hz
    4. 20000Hz.
    At higher frequencies there was a big drop, so it doesn’t make much sense to show these oscillograms.
    To begin with, a sinusoidal signal.


    Reverse sawtooth


    Rectangular with DDS output


    Rectangular with RF output
    There is only a choice of four frequencies here, I checked them
    1. 1MHz
    2. 2MHz
    3. 4MHz
    4. 8MHz

    Noise-like in two scanning modes of the oscilloscope, so that it is more clear what it is.

    Testing has shown that the signals have a rather distorted shape starting from about 10 kHz. At first I was guilty of the simplified DAC, and the very simplicity of the synthesis implementation, but I wanted to check it more carefully.
    To check, I connected an oscilloscope directly to the output of the DAC and set the maximum possible frequency of the synthesizer, 65535 Hz.
    Here the picture is better, especially considering that the generator was operating at maximum frequency. I suspect it's the fault simple circuit gain, since the signal before the op-amp is noticeably “beautiful”.

    Well, a group photo of a small “stand” of a novice radio amateur :)

    High-quality board manufacturing.
    All components were in stock
    There were no difficulties during assembly.
    Great functionality

    BNC connectors are too close to each other
    No protection for HS output.

    My opinion. You can, of course, say that the characteristics of the device are very bad, but it is worth considering that this is a DDS generator itself entry level and it would not be entirely correct to expect anything more from him. I was pleased with the quality of the board, it was a pleasure to assemble, there was not a single place that had to be “finished.” In view of the fact that the device is assembled according to a fairly well-known scheme, there is hope for alternative firmware that can increase functionality. Taking into account all the pros and cons, I can fully recommend this set as a starter kit for beginner radio amateurs.

    Phew, that seems to be it, if I messed up somewhere, write, I’ll correct/add it :)

    The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

    I'm planning to buy +47 Add to favorites I liked the review +60 +126

    Low frequency generator circuit.

    A low-frequency generator is one of the most necessary devices in an amateur radio laboratory. With its help, you can set up various amplifiers, measure the frequency response, and conduct experiments. An LF generator can be a source of LF signal necessary for the operation of other devices (measuring bridges, modulators, etc.).

    The schematic diagram of the generator is shown in Figure 1. The circuit consists of a low-frequency sinusoidal generator on operational amplifier A1 and an output divider on resistors R6, R12, R13, R14.

    The sine wave generator circuit is traditional. The operational amplifier, with the help of positive feedback (C1-C3, R3, R4, R5, C4-C6) made according to the Winn bridge circuit, is switched to generation mode. Excessive depth of positive feedback, leading to distortion of the output sinusoidal signal, is compensated by negative feedback R1-R2. Moreover, R1 is tuning, so that with its help it is possible to set the feedback value such that at the output of the operational amplifier there is an undistorted sinusoidal signal of the greatest amplitude.
    Incandescent lamp H1 is switched on at the output of the op-amp in its feedback circuit. Together with resistor R16, the lamp forms a voltage divider, the division coefficient of which depends on the current flowing through it (lamp H1 acts as a thermistor, increasing its resistance from heating caused by the flowing current).

    The frequency is set by two controls - switch S1 to select one of three subranges “20-200 Hz”, “200-2000 Hz” and “2000-20000 Hz”. In reality, the ranges are slightly wider and partially overlap each other. Smooth frequency adjustment is made by dual variable resistor R5. It is desirable that the resistor has a linear law of change in resistance. The resistances and laws of change of the components of R5 must be strictly the same, therefore, the use of homemade dual resistors (made from two single ones) is unacceptable. The coefficient strongly depends on the accuracy of the equality of resistances R5 nonlinear distortion sinusoidal signal.

    On the axis of the variable resistor there is a knob with an arrow (like on the instrument switches) and a simple scale for setting the frequency. To accurately set the frequency, it is best to use a digital frequency meter.
    The output voltage is smoothly regulated by variable resistor R6. This resistor supplies low-frequency voltage to the output. You can lower the set value by 10 and 100 times using an attenuator on resistors R12-R14.
    The maximum output voltage of the low-frequency generator is 1.0V.
    It is most convenient to control the output voltage using a low-frequency millivoltmeter, making corrections for the value of the attenuator on resistors R12-R14.

    Turn off the generator with a two-way toggle switch S2, which disconnects the generator from a bipolar voltage source of ±10V.

    Most of the parts are located on the printed circuit board. All resistor regulators, switches and connectors are located on the front panel. Many parts are mounted on their terminals.

    Switch S1 is a three-way, three-position switch. Only two directions are used. Switch S2 is a two-way toggle switch. All connectors are coaxial connectors of the “Asia” type from video equipment. Chokes L1 and L2 are from color modules of old USCT TVs (you can use any chokes with an inductance of at least 30 µH). The H1 incandescent lamp is an indicator lamp, with flexible wire leads (similar to an LED), with a voltage of 6.3V and then 20 tA. You can use another lamp with a voltage of 2.5-13.5V and a current of no more than 0.1 A.

    It is advisable to set up the generator using a frequency meter and an oscilloscope. In this case, by adjusting resistor R1, a maximum and undistorted alternating sinusoidal voltage is achieved at the output of the generator, over the entire frequency range (this usually corresponds to an output alternating voltage of 1V). Then, by more precise selection of R4 and R3 (these resistances must be the same), the frequency tuning ranges are set. If insufficiently accurate capacitors C1-C6 are used, it may be necessary to select them or connect “additional” capacitors in parallel with them.

    Ivanov A.

    1. Ovechkin M. Low-frequency measuring complex, railway. Radio No. 4, 1980.

    Radioconstructor 08-2016

    A deep vacuum is created in the balloon, which is necessary for the unhindered passage of electrons. The electronic spotlight of the tube consists of a cathode, a control electrode and two anodes and is located in a narrow elongated part of the cylinder. Cathode TO It is manufactured in the form of a small nickel cylinder, on the end of which an oxide layer is applied, which emits electrons when heated. The cathode is enclosed in a control electrode (modulator) M also cylindrical in shape. At the end of the control electrode there is a small hole (diaphragm) through which the electron beam passes. Several tens of volts of negative voltage relative to the cathode are supplied to the control electrode, with the help of which the brightness of the spot on the tube screen is adjusted. The control electrode acts similar to the control grid of a vacuum tube. At a certain value of this voltage, the tube is blocked and the luminous spot disappears. This adjustment is displayed on the front panel of the oscilloscope and is labeled “Brightness”.

    Preliminary focusing of the electron beam is carried out in the space between the modulator and the first anode. The electric field between these electrodes presses the electrons to the axis of the tube and they converge to a point ABOUT at some distance from the control electrode (Fig. 33.2). Further focusing of the beam is performed by a system of two anodes A 1 And A 2

    The first and second anodes are made in the form of open metal cylinders of various lengths and diameters, inside of which diaphragms with small holes are located at some distance from each other.

    A positive accelerating voltage is applied to the anodes (to the first

    300-1000 V, on the second 1000-5000 V or more). Since the potential of the second anode A 2 above the potential of the first anode A 1, then the electric field between them will be directed from the second anode to the first. Electrons caught in such an electric field will be deflected by it towards the axis of the tube and receive acceleration in the direction of movement towards the screen . Thus, the action of the anode system is equivalent to the action of an optical system of collecting and diverging lenses. Therefore, the focusing system of cathode ray tube anodes is sometimes called electron-static lens. Accurate focusing of the beam is achieved by changing the voltage at the first anode. This adjustment is located on the front panel of the oscilloscope and is labeled “Focus”.

    The formed electron beam after the second anode enters the space between two pairs of mutually perpendicular deflection plates X 1 X 2 And U 1 U 2, called an electrostatic deflection system. First pair of plates X 1 X 2, located vertically, causes the beam to deflect in the horizontal direction. Plates of the second pair U 1 U 2, located horizontally, cause the beam to deflect in the vertical direction. When a constant voltage is applied to a pair of plates, the electron beam is deflected towards the plate at a positive potential, which leads to a corresponding movement of the luminous spot on the screen.

    When alternating voltage is applied to the plates, the movement of a luminous spot across the screen forms luminous lines.

    Screen E A cathode ray tube is a glass surface coated on the inside with a thin layer of a special substance (phosphor) that can glow when bombarded with electrons.

    To obtain an image on the tube screen, the signal voltage under study is applied to vertical deflection plates U 1 U 2, a pa plate X 1 X 2- sawtooth voltage called sweep voltage (Fig. 33.3).

    Location on AB The scanning voltage depends linearly on time, and under the influence of this voltage the light spot moves along the tube screen along the horizontal axis in proportion to time. Location on Sun The scanning voltage drops sharply, and the light spot returns to its original position.

    If simultaneously with the sweep voltage to the plates U 1 U 2 supply the sinusoidal voltage under study, then one period of a sinusoid will appear on the tube screen (Fig. 33.4).

    The positions 0, 1, 2, ... of the light spot on the tube screen at the corresponding moments of time are determined by the instantaneous values ​​of the test and development voltages.

    If the sweep period Tr is chosen as a multiple of the period of the voltage under study, then the oscillograms obtained in subsequent periods are superimposed on each other and a stable and clear image of the process under study is observed on the screen

    Sawtooth voltage generator for varicaps.

    When working with a high-frequency generator tunable by a varicap, it was necessary to manufacture a sawtooth voltage control generator for it. There are a great variety of “saw” generator circuits, but none of the ones found were suitable, because... to control the varicap, the output voltage swing was required in the range of 0 - 40V when powered from 5V. As a result of thinking, this is the diagram we got.

    The formation of a sawtooth voltage occurs on capacitor C1, the charging current of which is determined by resistors R1-R2 and (to a much lesser extent) the parameters of the current mirror transistors VT1-VT2. The fairly large internal resistance of the charging current source allows for high linearity of the output voltage (photo below; vertical scale 10V/div). The main technical problem in such circuits is the discharge circuit of capacitor C1. Typically, unijunction transistors, tunnel diodes, etc. are used for this purpose. In the above circuit, the discharge is produced... by a microcontroller. This makes it easy to set up the device and change the logic of its operation, because the selection of circuit elements is replaced by adaptation of the microcontroller program.

    The voltage on C1 is observed by a comparator built into the microcontroller DD1. The inverting input of the comparator is connected to C1, and the non-inverting input is connected to the reference voltage source at R6-VD1. When the voltage on C1 reaches the reference value (approximately 3.8V), the voltage at the output of the comparator changes abruptly from 5V to 0. This moment is monitored by software and leads to the reconfiguration of the GP1 port of the microcontroller from input to output and applying a logical level to it 0. As a result, capacitor C1 turns out to be shorted to ground through an open port transistor and discharges quite quickly. At the end of the C1 discharge at the beginning next cycle the GP1 pin is again configured as an input and a short rectangular synchronizing pulse is generated at the GP2 pin with an amplitude of 5V. The duration of the discharge and synchronizing pulses is set by software and can vary within wide limits, because The microcontroller is clocked by an internal oscillator at a frequency of 4 MHz. When the resistance R1 + R2 varies within 1K - 1M, the frequency of the output pulses at the specified capacitance C1 changes from approximately 1 kHz to 1 Hz.
    The sawtooth voltage on C1 is amplified by op-amp DA1 up to the level of its supply voltage. The desired output voltage amplitude is set by resistor R5. The choice of op-amp type is determined by the possibility of its operation from a 44V source. The 40V voltage for powering the op-amp is obtained from 5V using a pulse converter on the DA2 chip connected according to the standard circuit from its datasheet. The operating frequency of the converter is 1.3 MHz.
    The generator is assembled on a board measuring 32x36 mm. All resistors and most capacitors are size 0603. The exceptions are C4 (0805), C3 (1206), and C5 (tantalum, size A). Resistors R2, R5 and connector J1 are installed on back side fees. When assembling, you should first install the DD1 microcontroller. Then the wires from the programmer connector are temporarily soldered to the board conductors and the attached program is loaded. The program was debugged in the MPLAB environment; the ICD2 programmer was used for loading.

    Although the described device solved the problem and still works successfully as part of a sweep generator, to expand its capabilities, the given circuit can be considered more like an idea. The upper frequency limit in this circuit is limited by the discharge time of C1, which in turn is determined by the internal resistance of the output transistors of the port. To speed up the discharge process, it is advisable to discharge C1 through a separate MOS transistor with low open channel resistance. In this case, it is possible to significantly reduce the software delay time for the discharge, which is necessary to ensure complete discharge of the capacitor and, accordingly, a drop in the output voltage of the saw to almost 0V (which was one of the requirements for the device). To thermally stabilize the operation of the generator, it is advisable to use an assembly of two PNP transistors in one housing as VT1-VT2. At a low frequency of generated pulses (less than 1 Hz), the finite resistance of the current generator begins to affect, which leads to a deterioration in the linearity of the sawtooth voltage. The situation can be improved by installing resistors in the emitters of VT1 and VT2.

    Subject: Linear voltage generators andcurrent

      General information about sawtooth pulse generators (RPGs).

      Linear voltage generators.

      Generators of linearly varying current.


      Bramer Yu.A., Pashchuk I.N. Pulse technology. - M.: Higher School, 1985. (220 -237).

      Bystrov Yu.A., Mironenko I.G. Electronic circuits and devices. - M.: Higher School, 1989. - P. 249-261,267-271.

    1. General information about sawtooth pulse generators (RPGs).

    Sawtooth voltage This is a voltage that changes linearly over a period of time (increases or decreases) and then returns to its original level.

    There are:

      linearly increasing voltage;

      Linear drop voltage.

    Ramp pulse generator - a device that generates a sequence of sawtooth pulses.

      Purpose of sawtooth pulse generators.

    Designed to obtain voltage and current that varies over time according to a linear law.

      Classification of sawtooth pulse generators:

      By element base:

      on transistors;

      on lamps;

      on integrated circuits (in particular, on op-amps);

      By purpose:

      sawtooth voltage generators (RPG) (another name is linearly varying voltage generators - GLIN);

      sawtooth current generators (RCT) (another name is linearly varying current generators - GLIT);

      According to the method of switching on the switching element:

      sequential circuit;

      parallel circuit;

      According to the method of increasing the linearity of the generated voltage:

      with a current-stabilizing element;

      compensation type.

      Design of sawtooth pulse generators:

    The construction is based on an electronic switch that switches the capacitor from charge to discharge.

      Operating principle of sawtooth pulse generators.

    Thus, the principle of obtaining an increasing or decreasing voltage is explained by the process of charging and discharging a capacitor (integrating the circuit). But, because the arrival of pulses to the integrating circuit must be switched, it is used transistor switch.

      The simplest circuits of sawtooth pulse generators and their operation.

    Schematically, the functioning of the GPI is as follows:

    Parallel circuit:

    When the electronic key is opened, the capacitor is slowly charged through resistance R to value E, thereby forming a sawtooth pulse. When the electronic key is closed, the capacitor quickly discharges through it.

    The output pulse has the following form:

    When changing the polarity of the power source E, the shape of the output signal will be symmetrical relative to the time axis.

    Sequential circuit:

    When the electronic switch is closed, the capacitor is quickly charged to the value of the power source E, and when opened, it is discharged through resistance R, thereby forming a linearly decreasing sawtooth voltage, which has the form:

    When changing the polarity of the power source, the shape of the output voltage U out (t) will change to a linearly increasing voltage.

    Thus, it is clear (can be noted as one of the main disadvantages) that the greater the voltage amplitude on the capacitor, the greater the nonlinearity of the pulse. Those. it is necessary to generate an output pulse at the initial section of the exponential curve of charging or discharging the capacitor.

    RAMP VOLTAGE GENERATOR- linearly varying (current) generator, electronic device, forming a periodic voltage (current) sawtooth shape. Basic The purpose of gpn is to control the time sweep of the beam in devices using cathode ray tubes. G.p.n. They are also used in devices for comparing voltages, time delays and pulse expansion. To obtain a sawtooth voltage, the process of (discharging) a capacitor in a circuit with a large time constant is used. The simplest G. p.n. (Fig. 1, a) consists of RC integrating circuit and a transistor that performs the functions of a periodically controlled switch. impulses. In the absence of pulses, the transistor is saturated (open) and has a low resistance of the collector - emitter, capacitor section WITH discharged (Fig. 1, b). When a switching pulse is applied, the transistor is turned off and the capacitor is charged from a power source with voltage - E k- direct (working) stroke. Output voltage G.p.n., removed from the capacitor WITH, changes by law. At the end of the switching pulse, the transistor is unlocked and the capacitor WITH quickly discharges (reverse) through low resistance emitter - collector. Basic characteristics of G.p.n.: amplitude of sawtooth voltage, coefficient. nonlinearity and coefficient using power supply voltage. When in this scheme

    Duration of forward stroke T p and the frequency of the sawtooth voltage are determined by the duration and frequency of the switching pulses.

    The disadvantage of the simplest G. p.n. is small k E at low The required e values ​​are in the range of 0.0140.1, with the smallest values ​​being for the comparison and delay devices. The nonlinearity of the sawtooth voltage during forward stroke occurs due to a decrease in the charging current due to a decrease in the voltage difference. Approximate constancy of the charging current is achieved by including a nonlinear current-stabilizing two-terminal network (containing a transistor or vacuum tube) in the charging circuit. In such G. p.n. And . In G. p.n. with positive By voltage feedback, the output sawtooth voltage is supplied to the charging circuit as a compensating emf. In this case, the charging current is almost constant, which provides values ​​of 1 and = 0.0140.02. G.p.n. used for scanning in cathode ray tubes with electric magnets. beam deflection. To obtain a linear deflection, a linear change in the current in the deflection coils is necessary. For a simplified equivalent coil circuit (Fig. 2, a), the current linearity condition is satisfied when a trapezoidal voltage is applied to the coil terminals. This trapezoidal stress (Fig. 2, b) can be obtained from the State University of Science. when connected to the charging circuit it will supplement. resistance R d (shown in Fig. 1, A dotted line). The deflection coils consume large currents, so the trapezoidal voltage generator is supplemented with a power amplifier.
