What can you do with an old keyboard? Homemade ergonomic keyboard CatBoard ][. Eco-fashion from keys

Has anything ever happened in your life when you wanted something strange for a long time? It doesn’t matter what, because everyone has different tastes and preferences. My passion sat inside me for a long time, but one day it finally burst out. I like to do unusual things, and I've always liked modding as a means of self-expression. A few years ago I was inspired by the products of modders from different countries and began to think about several of my projects. In particular, I really wanted to make a nineteenth-century style keyboard.

After studying the works of such famous modders as Filimon and Datamancer, I got to work. I want to say right away that although I am not complaining about a complete lack of imagination, I like to get a predictable result. Therefore, before taking up the instrument, I tried to model what I wanted to get in the end. Another feature of this project is that everything software, which I used in my work, is open and free: OS - Debian testing, software - Blender, LibreCAD, Inkscape.

Since my idea was to make a keyboard in a wooden case, first of all I needed to know the cross-sections of the wooden blanks that I would need. Having carefully measured the donor keyboard, I sat down to drawing and modeling.

Having drawn two-dimensional projections, I began modeling in 3D.

So, appearance The device has loomed and it’s time to translate it into wood and brass. Ash was chosen as the body material and oak veneer for the linings.

The final donor keyboard should be located between two veneered MDF plates. The key locations were carefully measured and, based on the data obtained, a drawing was drawn up in LibreCAD. According to it, holes will be cut in the MDF plate.

The green LEDs were removed and larger LEDs were soldered in their place, giving a warm, lamp-like glow. To make the LEDs look even warmer and more lamp-like, a brass trim was made for them.

According to the drawings, wooden blocks of the required sections were ordered, which were subsequently processed by hands holding the tool. According to the drawings.

By the way, the device was supposed to have a USB hub, the holes for which were immediately milled. A brass plate was also made for it.

The entire structure will be tightened with studs, but I absolutely did not want the nuts and ends of the studs to stick out from my piece, so I decided to make decorative brass plugs.

As for the keys themselves, I had the option of making them from buttons, but I decided that this was not true. Therefore, the round keys were machined from a brass rod, and the oblong ones were forged from a brass plate.

The space bar was made separately. It consists of three soldered blanks.

The keycaps were cut out of glossy black plastic. Letters and symbols are applied using laser engraving.

After all the preparatory work, the parts were carefully sanded, polished, covered with several layers of stain and polished (also in several layers). After assembly, everything began to look something like this.

Additionally, a case was also made.

The dream has come true, but now there is an irresistible desire to raise the bar higher. There are a lot of ideas, and it’s also very interesting to challenge yourself. Wish me success.

A broken computer keyboard can be an inspiration and the main material for creating decorative and useful things. So what can you do with an old keyboard? We’ll look at 7 interesting ideas now.

1. Decorations from the keys of an old keyboard

You can make a variety of jewelry and accessories from keyboard keys. Take a base for earrings, a ring or a bobby pin and glue the key. You can select key combinations with meaning, for example, Cntrl + C, Cntrl + V, and so on.

To make a bracelet from a keyboard, you need to make two holes on both sides of the key and stretch a thread - an elastic band or a thin cord.

And for men, you can make stylish cufflinks from keyboard buttons!

2. Desktop accessories from an old keyboard

Keys from a broken keyboard can be used as decoration for various items. On your office desktop, a stand for pens, a frame for family photographs and a work diary with a cover of keyboard buttons will look very harmonious and relevant. The process is very simple - you need to glue each key to the selected object.

3. Shelf made from an old keyboard

Without disassembling the entire old keyboard, you can turn it into a hanging shelf for books. The main task is to securely attach it to the wall.

4. Bag made from an old keyboard

For a business lady with a great sense of humor, you can make such an original bag or clutch. A great way to update an old bag with cracked leather or frayed fabric.

5. Clock from an old keyboard

Use function buttons F1 - F12 for the clock dial. The base can be made from a CD to support the clock theme.

6. Furniture made from an old keyboard

Nolan Herbut, an American designer, used about 20 keyboards to create an unusual Wolfgang bench with a massage effect. More than 2000 keys are built into a wooden base, and not just glued or screwed tightly. Each key is pressed exactly the same as on a full-fledged computer keyboard, with a characteristic sound and tactile sensation.

7. What else can you make from an old keyboard?

In addition to more or less practical things, keyboard keys can serve as material for creating large-scale works of art. For example, huge paintings - mosaics with portraits of famous people.

Nowadays, a computer keyboard has become a simple and affordable accessory; the choice is wide - from simple to sophisticated and wireless. Sometimes the keyboard has to be replaced, not even because it is broken, but because you want to change it or because you are too lazy to clean it. So I have accumulated several keyboards. After experiments and manufacturing, I decided to get rid of unnecessary junk and, naturally, the question arose of what could be made from a keyboard. In terms of electronics modern keyboards Apart from LEDs and a flexible cable, there is nothing useful. But for solid residues, the keys will probably be of interest. After all, you can use the keys to make a word, write a funny or offensive message, or express your opinion. Moreover, the message can be anonymous; your handwriting will not give you away.

How to make a surprise with your own hands

So, let's disassemble the keyboard. To disassemble most keyboards, one Phillips screwdriver is enough. We unscrew absolutely all the screws. Let's disassemble the keyboard. The keys are most likely set to top panel using two latches, to pull out the key, slightly press the latch and push the key. You can delete all letter keys at once, or you can select only the necessary ones. It should be said right away that for simple phrases the keys of one keyboard are not enough. The examples below use letters from two keyboards. The pulled out keys need to be modified, or rather, treated like a piece of anger. It is necessary to break off the plastic rod with wire cutters or pliers. The remains of the rod should not protrude beyond the outer edge of the key; it is better to immediately check this by placing the bottom of the key against a flat horizontal surface.

Let's take a photo frame as a basis for keyboard writing; it is not necessary to use the glass of the photo frame. We will glue the letters onto a piece of paper lying on the bottom of the photo frame.
From the obtained alphabetic material one can, for example, compose:

1. Declaration of love in Russian, if the declaration is ardent, then you can put it in English Exclamation point. And if this is a question, then a question mark is required. An original declaration of love on February 14 - Valentine's Day!
2. Declaration of love on English language I love you!

“I love you” “I love you!” "I love you!" 4. Report the opinion of a Bill Gates fan about Apple products I Fuck MAC.

To finally fix the text, lightly coat the key at four points with transparent glue and install it with your own hands in the desired location of the photo frame. The keys are light and fall right into place. Example homemade work is given in the title.

Yes, and to keep the message clean, you must remember to wash the keys! I recommend three methods.

First way - soak the keys in water with washing powder and leave for several hours.

Second way is to place the keys in the dishwasher, this is best done before they are separated from the top cover of the keyboard. This is how you can wash the keys of a live keyboard; of course, you only need to wash the removed cover.

Third The method is to wipe each key with alcohol or monitor cleaning liquid.

Good luck with your keyboard calligraphy!

Now you will find out what can be done from an old or broken keyboard. Some ideas may seem crazy, but they are still quite applicable.

Almost every day, new gadgets appearing in the human world turn out to be obsolete in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a lot of components and filling up the attic with waste. This poses a health and environmental hazard. One of these things is the computer keyboard, older models of which become obsolete very quickly, and it becomes extremely useless. Designers offer several eco-friendly ideas that will transform old keyboards into fashionable, stylish and eco-friendly objects.

Mesmeric – keyboard lamp

This stylish lamp from designer Nolan Herbut is created from a keyboard to illuminate and decorate a room. Hundreds of computer buttons are assembled and interconnected so that they transmit light. Looking at this environmentally friendly lamp, one gets the impression that it is assembled from some amazing crystals, and it is virtually impossible to guess that these are keyboard buttons.

Keyboard cufflinks

This idea was proposed by the design company Acorn Studios. This time, the most ordinary buttons from an old computer keyboard can be turned into a stylish and wonderful gift. You can turn cufflinks into buttons with the initials of a person’s name or choose some icons with a secret meaning.

Notepad decorated with buttons on a computer keyboard

The cover of this “green” notepad is decorated with buttons from an old computer keyboard. It fit 63 buttons. This notebook is ideal for writing short notes and showing the owner his or her concern for preserving the environment.

Sole with keyboard

This pair of shoes looks very ordinary when viewed from above, but just look at the sole to see that this is not the case. The sole of this shoe contains the most common QWERTY keyboard, which quite clearly leaves imprints on the surface of snow or sand. Such a sole will perfectly prevent slipping and is one of the best “green” ideas for using an old keyboard.

Dog collar

A good idea to use an old keyboard is to use a dog collar. Just add an LED to each button and connect a 9V battery to the collar to get a glowing collar. This collar can be personalized by choosing the buttons that make up the dog's name.

Bag with full version of computer keyboard

This eco-friendly bag is made of cotton fabric and a full set of computer keyboard buttons. The bag with long handles allows you to carry it comfortably on your shoulder and is at the same time quite spacious. Well, while you’re on the subway, you can turn it into a computer typing simulator.

"Green" watch with a "computer dial"

If you have an old computer keyboard in your home that needs to go to the landfill, and an old clock, you can create a unique and functional piece of furniture. Enough to place on the dial computer buttons as you see fit. This will allow you to decorate the interior without unnecessary expenses.
All of these creations will allow you to use old computer keyboards without turning them into hazardous waste. No less interesting is Sarah Frost's idea, which turns thousands of computer keyboard buttons into unique paintings.

A very original ring.

But be careful when choosing keys with “value”.

What do you think of this multi-button bag?

A jacket for those who want to stand out from the crowd.

Anyone can make such a photo frame.

It turned out no worse than Bohemian glass.

Surely no one will have such a pendant.

Keyboard wall.

How do you like this idea for the interior?

Earrings are also an interesting option.

Don't forget about the multi-value keys...

Made great cufflinks

"I'm working until F4:D"

Nice chair, but not the most comfortable

Stand for pens

A great gift for friends - a keychain with their name

Or bracelet

Just a piece of art.

Decorate your desktop

A broken computer keyboard can be an inspiration and the main material for creating decorative and useful things. So what can you do with an old keyboard? We’ll look at 7 interesting ideas now.

1. Decorations from the keys of an old keyboard

You can make a variety of jewelry and accessories from keyboard keys. Take a base for earrings, a ring or a bobby pin and glue the key. You can select key combinations with meaning, for example, Cntrl + C, Cntrl + V, and so on.

To make a bracelet from a keyboard, you need to make two holes on both sides of the key and stretch a thread - an elastic band or a thin cord.

And for men, you can make stylish cufflinks from keyboard buttons!

2. Desktop accessories from an old keyboard

Keys from a broken keyboard can be used as decoration for various items. On your office desktop, a stand for pens, a frame for family photographs and a work diary with a cover of keyboard buttons will look very harmonious and relevant. The process is very simple - you need to glue each key to the selected object.

3. Shelf made from an old keyboard

Without disassembling the entire old keyboard, you can turn it into a hanging shelf for books. The main task is to securely attach it to the wall.

4. Bag made from an old keyboard

For a business lady with a great sense of humor, you can make such an original bag or clutch. A great way to update an old bag with cracked leather or frayed fabric.

5. Clock from an old keyboard

Use function buttons F1 - F12 for the clock dial. The base can be made from a CD to support the clock theme.

6. Furniture made from an old keyboard

Nolan Herbut, an American designer, used about 20 keyboards to create an unusual Wolfgang bench with a massage effect. More than 2000 keys are built into a wooden base, and not just glued or screwed tightly. Each key is pressed exactly the same as on a full-fledged computer keyboard, with a characteristic sound and tactile sensation.

7. What else can you make from an old keyboard?

In addition to more or less practical things, keyboard keys can serve as material for creating large-scale works of art. For example, huge paintings - mosaics with portraits of famous people.
