How to flip the screen on a windows laptop. What to do if the image on your laptop or computer screen is upside down? Changing the screen position using built-in Windows tools

Today, modern laptops and computers have a built-in function to flip the image 90 or 180 degrees, as well as change the orientation to portrait or landscape. A large number of PC users do not understand at all what the function is for and how it works. It happens that the revolution does not occur at the will of the user, which entails the question “how to flip the screen on a laptop or computer.” In this article we will help you find answers to your questions by talking about ways to work with this transformation.

What is the function for and how to work with it on Windows 10

First, let's look at exactly when a function might be needed. To connect your laptop or computer to projectors and monitors, you need to be able to use the screen flip function. When connecting your PC via cable to another device, the resolution may not be the same. Also, people who work as web designers or brokers use this function. They do this because there is a lot more information upside down.

Computer users who have small children, pets, or are simply learning new technologies may inadvertently find themselves in a situation where the image turns upside down due to an accidental click. At such moments, you should not be upset; it will be restored to its classic form in a few seconds.

The most latest version Microsoft's OS is Windows 10. After reinstallation, inexperienced users take a long time to get used to new system. When there is a problem with the orientation of the image on the screen, the question arises how to flip the screen on a laptop with Windows 10.

The easiest way is to use the keyboard. Let's learn how to flip the screen on a computer using screen rotation hotkeys.

By default, this is the combination of ALT + CTRL + arrow keys on the keyboard.

The procedure for changing the revolution will take less than a few seconds, you just need to know where and what to press.

Rotate the screen on Windows 7 and Windows 8

How to flip the screen on a laptop and computer with Windows 8 and Windows 7? This can be done in the same ways. There are several of them and we will tell you about each of them.

We use the desktop for setup

What to do if there is no direct access to the keyboard or the hotkeys are not activated? How to fix reversed screen on laptop and computer? Using the usual Windows interface. We will tell you step by step how to do it right.

Activating hotkeys to fix screen rotation

If hotkeys are not activated initially, do it yourself. To do this you should:

Via Nvidia driver

Some laptops and computers already have installed driver Nidia. It is installed on powerful gaming computers with video cards. Through it you will also cope with the problem of an inverted screen.


iRotate is a mini program that helps you rotate images on your computer. It changes the degree of the picture and helps with expansion when connecting to other devices. The program menu contains commands that help solve the problem.
Download link

The Windows operating system has a function flip the screen. It can be useful if you have a non-standard monitor position, work lying down (with a laptop), or use multiple screens or projectors. This article presents several ways Expand the image on your personal computer.


To turn over the worker Windows table, you must use the combination Ctrl + Alt + arrow. In this case, the lower part of the screen will “look” in the direction of the pressed arrow key. That is, if you need to rotate the screen 180 degrees, use the up arrow. This is the easiest way - you don't need to open any settings menus.

It is this combination that causes the image to flip upside down by accident. Remember it and try to avoid accidental clicks.

Hotkey support for rotation may be disabled in your drivers settings. A simple way to activate it with standard using Windows does not exist. Usually, this function Works on laptops and netbooks, but not on desktop computers.

Windows Desktop Settings

If hotkeys are disabled on your PC, or you are in this moment If you don't have access to a keyboard, you can use an alternative method. The orientation of the image on the monitor can be changed through the settings Desktop. Follow the instructions:

This method universal- it is suitable for both laptops and desktop PCs, and also works with video cards from any manufacturer (including integrated ones).

Driver Configurations

Manufacturers of modern video cards include drivers in their packages special applications for convenient device setup. With these utilities, users also have the ability to rotate the image. In this manual, the sequence of actions is described for video cards NVIDIA. Do the following:

For video cards from other manufacturers, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same.

Video on the topic

How to turn the screen on a laptop using key combinations and more, we’ll tell you all the secrets! Modern laptops have built-in functionality that allows you to flip the image on the display. However, the vast majority of users do not need this. There are often cases when, contrary to the user’s wishes, the image is flipped 90 or 180 degrees, which makes working on the computer almost impossible. In such cases, users wonder what to do if the screen on the laptop is upside down? Returning the image to the classic position on the display is quite simple if you strictly follow the instructions.

In this article we will provide comprehensive information about all available ways Rotate images on the monitor on various laptops and operating systems.

Some modern laptops with Windows OS have a hotkey combination, but we’ll talk about how to flip the screen on a laptop using the keyboard a little later. If the screen rotates while moving or tilting the computer, then it may have a built-in accelerometer and the automatic picture rotation function is active. In this case, you need to rotate the laptop 180 degrees again, then return it to its normal position - the image should automatically take on the optimal orientation.

You can change the display orientation in the screen resolution settings menu, which can be accessed in the “All settings” - “System” - “Screen” window. You can get to this menu using the built-in search in the Start menu or through the context menu directly from the desktop. In the "Orientation" drop-down list, you must select "Landscape" - this will return the display to the classic view.

How to flip the screen in Windows 8

operating room Windows system 8 has a similar interface to Windows 10. You can change the image orientation in the screen settings window. If the interface is configured in desktop display mode, then you can get to the display parameter page by calling context menu- right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop.

Flip screen on Windows 7 laptop

To get to the display settings page on the desktop, you need to select “Screen Resolution” in the context menu, and then change the “Orientation” parameter to “Landscape”.

Flip screen - key combinations (hot keys)

The operating system often has hotkey combinations that can be used to quickly change the orientation of the image on the display. Let us immediately warn you that this method Not suitable for all laptops. If this method did not have any effect, then you need to try other methods described in the article.

To give the image the desired orientation, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + the arrow of the desired direction of rotation, in our case - down. There is no need to open settings windows.

Flip the screen on your computer using video card drivers

ATI and nVidia video cards have their own drivers from the manufacturer and a special utility for fine-tuning the video adapter operating mode settings. You can open the utility from the control panel or “Settings” (for Windows 8, 10). You can also open the settings window through the program’s context menu from hidden tray icons. But if the utility is not in startup, then its icon will not appear on the taskbar. In the nVidia or ATI control panel window, you need to go to the “Display” - “Display Rotation” section, where you can select the desired orientation of the picture on the screen (landscape).

Flip the screen using special programs

Exist special utilities, allowing for quick rotation of the image on the display, for example - iRotate. After installing this program, by calling the program's context menu from the tray, you can quickly change the orientation of the picture to the desired one. However, there are no such applications as standard in Windows, and you can rotate the display using the control panel, the video card settings window, or even using a key combination.

Such utilities will be useful for those who often change the screen orientation, for example, during presentations using a projector or for using a laptop as an e-book reader.

EEERotate- a simple utility with which you can quickly rotate the image on the display; there is also a component for changing the orientation of the touchpad to side control. Another convenient utility is the Pivot Pro program, which allows you to configure monitor parameters - picture orientation, color depth, resolution, etc. There is support for hot keys. The program is capable of rotating the image on several connected monitors and automatically adjusting the window size of launched applications.

We've covered everything possible ways, now you should not have any questions about how to turn the screen on your computer. First, try changing the display orientation using a hotkey combination; if this does not help, you will have to open the display settings or the video card settings program.

Sometimes when working with a computer you may need to rotate its screen. She may appear by various reasons: you need to see the image from a different angle, the text on the site is located not horizontally, but vertically, or you yourself accidentally turned the screen upside down, and now you don’t know how to fix it.
There are three ways to flip the screen on a laptop. This article will cover everything in detail.

Keyboard shortcuts to rotate the screen

The first and easiest method is to use a key combination. There are four combinations in total that change the angle of rotation of the image on the screen.

  1. Default screen position: Ctrl + Alt + .
  2. Key combination to flip the laptop screen: Ctrl + Alt + ↓.
  3. Rotate the screen at a right angle to the left: Ctrl + Alt + ←.
  4. Rotate the screen at a right angle to the right: Ctrl + Alt + →.

Unfortunately, these combinations do not always work. To use them, only a laptop or computer with an Intel graphics adapter and Windows XP, 7 and 8 is suitable.

How to flip the screen on a laptop using adapter settings

The second way to change the rotation angle on a laptop screen is through the adapter settings. This option is also not suitable for everyone, since not all computers have this option. There are three series of graphics adapters that allow you to change screen positions: Intel, AMD and NVIDIA. However, unlike the previous method, it allows you to rotate the screen on a Windows 10 laptop.

AMD adapter settings

If you have a graphics adapter installed on your PC AMD Radeon To change the screen position do the following:

  1. Right-clicking on the desktop will open a menu. In it, select “AMD Control Center”.
  2. After this, you will see the AMD settings screen. Here, on the left panel, you will find the “General display tasks” item. Open it.
  3. Next, select “Rotate desktop”.
  4. In the panel on the right, select the desired screen position and click the “Apply” button.

NVIDIA adapter settings

Screen rotation on a device with an NVIDIA adapter is very similar to AMD.

  1. Open the menu by right-clicking on free space on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”.
  2. In the menu on the left there is a “Display” section, open it and select “Rotate display”.
  3. Then, in the menu that opens on the right, select the screen position you want.
  4. To activate it, click “Apply” and then the Enter button.

Intel adapter settings

How to flip the screen on a laptop with Intel graphics? This procedure involves three simple steps:

  1. First, turn on the display of hidden icons (the small arrow in the lower right corner of the screen), and in the panel that opens, find the Intel icon. Right-click on it and select “graphical characteristics”.
  2. This will open your Intel Control Panel. Here select the “Basic mode” section, and in it the “Basic settings” item.
  3. After that, on the screen on the right, in the “Rotate” area, select the option you need and click “OK” twice.

Rotate the screen using standard Windows settings

If for some reason one of the previous methods did not suit you, you can use the last method. operating system Windows has its own graphics settings that allow you to change the screen rotation. To enable them do the following:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and a menu will open. Here select “Screen Resolution”.
  2. Your current screen position will be displayed here. Below it will be the “Orientation” item. Select it.
  3. A menu will open where you will be offered four options: landscape, landscape (upside down), portrait and portrait (upside down). Choose one of them.
  4. Then click “OK”. After this, the screen position will change, and a window with a timer will appear in front of you. Here, click “OK” again for the changes to take effect, or “Cancel” to turn the screen back.

This option is universal, as it is suitable for all devices running Windows OS.

These are all the currently existing ways to flip the screen on a laptop. If none of the suggested options helped you, this may indicate damage to your PC files. Be sure to reinstall the drivers and try again. If after this you still cannot rotate the screen, contact support.

When you play games or watch videos on your smartphone, you rotate your mobile to a comfortable position, 90 degrees to the right or left to make it more comfortable for you. At the same time, the phone automatically rotates the screen immediately. Did you know that you can also rotate the screen on a laptop? By rotating it, you can view pictures from a different angle, adjust a more comfortable position for watching a movie, or simply prank your colleague by placing the screen upside down or dropping it on its side on a laptop with Windows 10 or 7.

In this article we will look at several simple ways turning the computer screen into portrait mode (portrait orientation), and also tell you how to quickly return everything to normal position.

If your laptop has a graphics card, you can use hotkeys to quickly maximize the screen in Windows 10 or 7.

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + ↓ to rotate the screen 180 degrees (down).
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + → to rotate the screen 90 degrees to the right.
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + ← to rotate the screen 90 degrees to the left.
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + to return the screen to normal orientation.

Using buttons, the desktop changes position on any laptop, regardless of the brand, be it Asus, Acer or HP.

If using a keyboard shortcut isn't your thing, there are two other options you can try.

Method 2: Rotate the screen in Windows 7 or Windows 10 through Control Panel

Like the method described above, changing the orientation of the computer screen through the Control Panel does not cause problems. Even a beginner can use it.

Press the Windows key (the logo key between Ctrl and Alt), type “screen resolution” in the field and press Enter.

If your PC is running Windows 7 or Windows 8, click the Start button and go to Control Panel. Click the Appearance and Personalization section, and then select Adjust Screen Resolution.

  1. Select the screen settings item, specifically the drop-down menu with the options “Portrait Orientation” and “Landscape Orientation”.
  2. Select one of these options and press OK to confirm your selection
  3. To return from portrait to the usual landscape orientation, press the Escape key on your keyboard.

Method 3: Rotate the screen using your graphics card's control panel

You can flip the screen on your laptop and in the settings panel of your video card. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the appropriate option, which will open the “Video Adapter Control Panel” - Intel, NVIDIA or AMD. You can also press the Win + R key combination or type 'dxdiag' in the command field to access the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. This is necessary in order to find out which video card is installed in your PC.

If you have a video cardNVIDIA:

  • right-click on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel” from the menu that opens;
  • then select the “Display” category, and in it (a menu will open on the left) the “Rotate display” item;
  • select the display (monitor) on which you want to rotate the screen;
  • Select the desired screen orientation and press OK.

By default, the system uses normal landscape orientation. But the user has other options for rotating the screen:

  • 90 degrees left (portrait orientation);
  • 90 degrees right (facing portrait orientation);
  • 180 degrees (reversed landscape orientation).

To rotate several screens at once:

  • In the navigation pane of NVIDIA Control Panel, under Display, click the Rotate Display link. The corresponding page will open;
  • Select multiple displays if you need to rotate multiple screens;
  • select the desired screen orientation.

If you have a video card fromAMD orATI:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “AMD (ATI) Catalyst Control Center.”
  2. In the “Desktop Management” section, find the “Rotate Desktop” option.
  3. Next, select the appropriate option:
  • Portait (portrait orientation);
  • Landscape (flipped) – landscape orientation (reversed);
  • Portrait (flipped) – portrait orientation (reversed).

Once you select the option you want, be sure to click OK for the changes to take effect.

Unfortunately, you can’t always select Russian in AMD’s Driver and Settings Control Center, so you have to deal with English.

Can't maximize the computer screen

There are situations when it is not possible to do so either in Windows 7, or in Windows 8, or in Windows 10. None of the methods mentioned above work. The most common reason for this is that the screen cannot be rotated due to drivers that have not been updated for a long time. Naturally, you can solve the problem by updating the video card driver to the latest version. To do this:

  • go to the official website of NVIDIA or AMD (depending on the brand of your video card);
  • run the card auto-detection scanner on the website;
  • download and install the latest drivers for your card. Choose the driver option “with installer”;
  • Try again to rotate the screen to the orientation you want. Check if there are problems this time.

If you find it difficult to understand the screen through the video card settings or perform the required task using Windows, then you can use a more suitable method. To make it very easy to rotate your computer's desktop, third-party developers have created special applications. Here are some of them:

  • Pivot Pro
  • iRotate
  • EEERotate and others.

These are free utilities in which, with one click, the laptop screen can be rotated 90, 180 or 270 degrees and back. It is noteworthy that quick rotation of the desktop using these programs is performed (if necessary) on several monitors at once.
