Low-level formatting of sandisk sd card. We restore memory cards and SanDisk flash drives. Transcend flash drive recovery

Unfortunately, removable drives in the form of conventional flash drives and memory cards from the manufacturer SanDisk are the most problematic devices that are most prone to physical and software damage among all equipment of this type. In this regard, many owners of such devices often have to search through tons of material on the Internet in order to find the right utility to restore the drive or information that could be damaged or deleted due to failures. For some reason, the manufacturer itself does not offer anything specific for SanDisk flash drive recovery, so quite often you have to use third-party utilities designed for other devices. But they may not always work. Despite this, there are still several ways to help solve this problem.

The main problems of SanDisk drives

So, why are these drives considered the most problematic? As far as one can judge from the reviews of experts, they do not quite successfully implement the algorithms for the operation of the built-in controllers themselves, which is why failures constantly occur, leading to a “rally” of the firmware, a spontaneous change file system, impossibility of access to devices in the environment of almost all currently known operating systems and ultimately loss important information that was stored on them. As you can see, such problems can occur with almost all media related to removable memory cards, but with this manufacturer they appear most often, and quite often for no apparent reason.

SanDisk Flash Drive Recovery: Key Actions

Thus, based on what kind of situations may arise, we will look for the most optimal solution. But here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between certain areas of action.

For the most part, programs that allow you to perform, for example, the recovery of a SanDisk Ultra 64 Gb flash drive, which belongs to the category of memory cards, which is considered the leader in the number and frequency of failures, are focused on the ability to format the drive, which allows you to restore the integrity file structure drive. There is no single application that could be used to clean up microcontroller firmware. Nevertheless, even after full formatting, it is often possible to “fetch” information previously written to it from a flash drive (no matter what anyone says). The main thing is to choose the right software, which will be described a little later.

SanDisk RescuePRO flash drive recovery utility

In the meantime, let's return directly to bringing the drives to life. What can be recommended for use? First of all, you should pay attention to the small SanDisk RescuePRO flash drive recovery program.

At least it's the only application that can be found on the internet when requested. However, the developer himself and even the name of the program, in general, has nothing to do with the manufacturer of SanDisk flash drives. The application itself can be downloaded directly from the developer's resource - LC Technology International. True, the user will immediately encounter some inconvenience, since the site will have to fill out a special form indicating personal data, and only then to the provided email address You will receive an email containing a download link.

The second point is related to the fact that the application does not have a Russian-language interface, so the recovery of SanDisk flash drives will have to be done, focusing exclusively on English names and terms. But do not despair! In the program itself, to start the recovery process, you just need to press the Wipe Media button and wait for the format to finish. True, the use of such a program to recover a SanDisk flash drive raises legitimate doubts, because, judging by the interface, the application is not focused on formatting, but on searching for deleted media files, and on SanDisk media, all information is simply deleted.

Note: the process start button can sometimes be inactive, so you simply won’t be able to perform any actions with SanDisk flash drives. And until now, no one can give a reasonable explanation why some applications work, while others do not.

Silicon Power Formatter Program

You can restore a SanDisk flash drive using a similar approach using the described application, which, as the name already implies, is intended for devices from another manufacturer, but, according to most experts and users, it suits SanDisk devices quite well (especially for those equipped with controllers PS2251-03).

Performed actions in the application - a minimum. You need to run the program, insert the USB flash drive into the port and press the start formatting button. If for some reason an error is generated (which is unlikely), most likely, your device with this program will be incompatible. But it is said to be worth a try.

USB Disk Storage Format Tool

But the recovery of SanDisk flash drives in this program looks very decent. True, you should initially pay attention to the moment that this utility is designed to perform low-level formatting and works like another well-known application - HDD Low Level Format Tool.

In the program, you need to select your media in the drop-down list (naturally, if it is defined, be sure to check the boxes for Correct errors, Scan drive, and Test if the device is damaged (Check if dirty), then press the button performing a check (Check disk).It is quite possible that this method will restore the device to working capacity.If there is no effect, use the format button.After that, the flash drive can be used again (but without the information previously recorded on it).

Other utilities

Finally, another, according to many, suitable utility designed for formatting and working similarly to the previous one is MPTool, despite the fact that it is mainly applied to Silicon Power devices, in some cases this application allows you to recover SanDisk flash drives.

On the Internet, you can find posts that supposedly somewhere there is some non-proprietary program designed specifically for SanDisk devices called Format and Read / Write Check Utility.

But its use is controversial, since it is impossible to find a single intelligible download link on the Internet, in those archives that are available for download, there is a completely different utility - the USB Test Tool, which is also completely inoperative.

Can the controllers be restored manually?

In principle, you can try to find SanDisk yourself.

To do this, use the ChipGenius utility to determine the VID and PID of the problem device, and then search for them. There is little hope that there will be some kind of application suitable specifically for this type of device, a list of programs can still be issued that somehow allows you to restore the controllers to working capacity (the main ones were described above).

What to use to recover damaged or deleted data?

Finally, if everything is in order with the drive itself, but you only need to perform data recovery from a USB flash drive, there’s nothing to think about! According to most experts, the most the best program in this regard - R-Studio, which restores information even after a full format. Everything is simple here!

First you need to insert a USB flash drive into the port, run the program, select a drive from the list of available devices and partitions, click the scan button, and then save the results found on a hard drive, in a logical partition, or on another removable device. True, after restoring the information, you will not see folders with previously present names, so you will have to look through each renamed directory in search of the desired file.

If you do not like this approach, you can use a simpler program - R.Saver. You can also restore directories and files in it, but the result will be somewhat worse than in the R-Studio package.


Summing up, it remains to be noted that manually searching for the most suitable application for recovering SanDisk drives, in general, can be omitted. The easiest way is to use one or more of the utilities presented for viewing by users above. In theory, at least one, but will give the desired result. But if we consider all the described applications from a practical point of view, it is best to try to restore the device's performance in the Disk Storage Format Tool application, since it is in it that you can perform two types of actions: both checking and formatting if the first action does not have an effect.

Unfortunately, removable drives in the form of conventional flash drives and memory cards from the manufacturer SanDisk are the most problematic devices that are most prone to physical and software damage among all equipment of this type. In this regard, many owners of such devices often have to search through tons of material on the Internet in order to find the right utility to restore the drive or information that could be damaged or deleted due to failures. For some reason, the manufacturer itself does not offer anything specific for SanDisk flash drive recovery, so quite often you have to use third-party utilities designed for other devices. But they may not always work. Despite this, there are still several ways to help solve this problem.

The main problems of SanDisk drives

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So, why are these drives considered the most problematic? As far as one can judge from the reviews of experts, they do not quite successfully implement the algorithms for the operation of the built-in controllers themselves, which is why failures constantly occur, leading to a “rally” of the firmware, spontaneous changes in the file system, and the inability to access devices in the environment of almost all currently known day of operating systems and, ultimately, to the loss of important information that was stored on them. As you can see, such problems can occur with almost all media belonging to the class of flash drives and removable memory cards, but with this manufacturer they appear most often, and quite often for no apparent reason.

SanDisk Flash Drive Recovery: Key Actions

Thus, based on what kind of situations may arise, we will look for the most optimal solution. But here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between certain areas of action.

For the most part, programs that allow you to perform, for example, the recovery of a SanDisk Ultra 64 Gb flash drive, which belongs to the category of memory cards, which is considered the leader in the number and frequency of failures, are focused on the ability to format the drive, which allows you to restore the integrity of the file structure of the drive. There is no single application that could be used to clean up microcontroller firmware. Nevertheless, even after full formatting, it is often possible to “fetch” information previously written to it from a flash drive (no matter what anyone says). The main thing is to choose the right software, which will be described a little later.

Removable media from SanDisk is one of the most problematic types of technology in the history of this kind of device. The fact is that the manufacturer has not released a single program that could help restore the drive. Therefore, those who have such flash drives can only wander through the forums and look for posts from other users who were able to fix failed SanDisk devices.

We tried to collect all those programs that really work with the carriers of this company. There were very few of them.

The set of solutions turned out to be very strange and unusual. So, one of them is completely designed for flash drives from another company, but for some reason it also works with SanDisk. Another utility is paid, but you can try it for free.

Method 1: SanDisk RescuePRO

Although the name of the company appears in the name, it seems that SanDisk representatives themselves do not know anything about it at all. You can download it on the website of a certain company LC Technology International. In any case, this program copes with the recovery of removable media, and for us this is the most important thing. To use RescuePRO, do the following:

Interestingly, in some cases the format button seems to be disabled (it will be gray and unclickable). Unfortunately, it is not very clear on what basis the division into those users for whom this function is available and who is not.

If you manage to use SanDisk RescuePRO, all data from the flash drive will be erased. It will automatically be restored and ready to work in the future.

Method 2: Formatter Silicon Power

This is exactly the same program that for some reason works with some media from SanDisk. The description for it says that it works with devices that have PS2251-03 controllers. But not all SanDisk flash drives that Formatter Silicon Power can serve have such a controller. All in all, definitely worth a try. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

Method 3: USB Disk Storage Format Tool

One of the few programs that works quite well with SanDisk media. It is the only one on our list that can check removable media, fix errors on it, and format it. Using the USB Disk Storage Format Tool looks like this:

What else can be done

In addition to all the above programs, in some cases SMI MPTool also helps. This tool is designed to work with Silicon Power flash drives. How to use it is described in detail in the article on the repair of such devices (method 4).

Also, on many sites they write that there is some kind of proprietary utility Format and Read / Write Check Utility. But not a single intelligible download link could be found.

A flash drive is one of the options for a successful content storage that is required to complete production tasks as well as for organizing your own leisure. Flash drives can have sufficient volumes, allowing the user to accumulate large amounts of useful information, videos and photos. Unfortunately, it also happens that this reliable storage fails at one fine moment, making it impossible to subsequently download the recorded material, and, of course, to record a new one.

By using special utilities you can revive the Sandisk drive.

Experienced users know that there are special programs that can be used to restore a flash drive, restore its functionality, and also, if necessary, restore files previously recorded on it.

Unfortunately, the Sandisk flash drive is not the best solution for such a task. good example because the manufacturer did not accompany it special programs for recovery. For this reason, sometimes you have to be zealous, scour the Internet before you find helpful tips and even more so desired programs. But do not rush to be disappointed, everything is not hopeless, in fact, you can use some programs that will help you successfully restore a Sandisk flash drive.

There are several software options available to help you solve your Sandisk flash drive recovery issue. We suggest you try out the possibilities of several utilities. Don't be embarrassed that one of them is not focused on Sandisk flash drives, and the second is completely paid. These minor obstacles can be easily eliminated and the utilities can be customized to achieve the designated goal.

SanDisk RescuePRO Utility

The SanDisk RescuePRO utility can be considered as an excellent tool with which you can recover Sandisk removable media. Surprisingly, the name of this utility practically corresponds to the name of the removable media, but the manufacturers of these two products are completely different and have nothing in common. However, since the main problem for us is to find a program that will help restore a flash drive, the history of the creation of the SanDisk RescuePRO utility and its manufacturers can be omitted.

So, first download it to your computer. This can be done from various sources, but so that you do not burden yourself with unnecessary additional hassle, we suggest that you go to the LC Technology International website. On this site, it will be easiest to find and download such a utility. Although you will have to fulfill some requirements. In particular, you will need to enter personal data indicating your email box, which will receive a link to download the utility.

Rather, initially you will download the archive with the program. Unzip it and install the program itself. In most cases, the utility has an English-language interface, so we tell you to find the button labeled "Wipe media".

By clicking on this button, you will be prompted to select the removable media that you wish to format. Choose, specify the path to it and start this process, after which all information will disappear from the media, and the drive itself will be restored.

It's so easy to return the removable media to working capacity if you download and install such a Sandisk flash drive recovery program.

Silicon Power Formatter Program

If your Sandisk flash drive has stopped working, the Formatter Silicon Power memory card recovery program may try to bring it back to life, but, unfortunately, not in all cases. Read the instructions for the Formatter Silicon Power program. It clearly states that it works with all removable media that the PS2251-03 controllers have.

ADVICE. For this reason, if you connected your non-working flash drive to the computer, and the program does not want to see it and perform any actions, then the program does not work with this type of flash drive. You will have to use other options to solve the problem.

If, after connecting the removable media and launching Formatter Silicon Power, the program window opens, you are lucky, then you can try to restore the functionality of your digital drive. To do this, you just need to click on the "Format" button, the program will do the rest on its own, you just need to wait for the completion of its actions.

USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Another good option for recovering digital drives is USB program Disk Storage Format Tool. This program also benefits from the fact that it allows you not only to format the flash drive, restoring its performance, but also to check the drive, immediately correcting the errors found.

After you install the program, open it. In the dialog box that opens, at the top, in the "Device" line, select your USB flash drive. In the middle part open window check the checkboxes next to the lines "Correct errors", "Scan drive" and "Check if dirty".

ADVICE. It is important to understand why you are checking these boxes. In particular, by confirming the need to execute the "Correct errors" parameter, you express your wishes regarding the correction of detected errors.

The "Scan drive" parameter directs the program to scan your removable drive, and the "Check if dirty" parameter is designed to check the flash drive, even if it is damaged. Now just click on the "Check disk" button, after which the automatic process of correcting the identified errors will start, restoring the performance of your removable media.

Unfortunately, if at the end of the program your flash drive is still not detected by the computer, then you will have to run the program again, but this time click on the “Format Disk” button. At the end of the process, in most cases, the flash drive can be restored by breathing a second “life” into it.

On the Internet, you can find other ways to restore the performance of flash drives of this model. You can, of course, use alternative programs, having previously thoroughly studied the recommendations regarding their use.

So, you were able to make sure that the process of recovering flash drives is not as complicated as it may seem initially ignorant. With strict adherence to all recommendations, everyone can format a removable drive.

Do you have an inoperable USB flash drive or other media and you are wondering which program to choose for recovery?

We have reviewed the most popular utilities. Which of the above programs is right for you and will restore a flash drive with a 100% guarantee?

A one-of-a-kind program will help you pull out all the data Hetman Partition Recovery. It is loved by both beginners and pros for its convenience, speed and advanced data recovery algorithm. Your files will be found and copied even when the FS of the media is no longer available or it is damaged.

JetFlash Recovery Tool is a proprietary utility that has the most simple interface and support for Transcend, JetFlash and A-DATA drives. Management of only two buttons, obviously you will like it. Do not forget that the cleared data cannot be restored, so saving information from a USB flash drive will not be superfluous.

If you have a need to always have with you universal program, which can be conveniently applied to home computer, and beyond, we recommend D-Soft Flash Doctor, its platform does not require pre-installation, it starts instantly on any PC. Software suitable for repair, unlock,
restore the volume of the flash drive and its performance.

If you need to recover SD cards, we recommend downloading F-Recovery SD, which has an effective set of simple options for working with damaged flash drives from digital cameras and others. portable devices. From the point of view of a professional approach to Flash drives, it will be interesting to use the Flash Memory Toolkit, the application contains a whole range of additional functionality that can test flash drives, in addition, the program works with any version of Microsoft's OS.

Recognize the maximum number various types flash drives Flash Drive, among the above utilities, as well as quickly reanimate the performance of drives, the formatting utility and USB recovery Disk Storage Format Tool, which has a very clear and user-friendly interface. flash drive repair program USB Disk Storage will be able to quickly recover data from damaged partitions hard drive even if flash drive firmware problems are detected.

If no flash drive recovery program has helped, we recommend checking the status of the memory controller using the ChipGenius utility. The program works with USB, micro sd, SD, SDHC and USB-Mpz players from Kingston, Silicon Power, Transcend, Adata, PQI. Further actions for correcting errors, recovering lost data, only xli
flash drive is defined in Chip Genius.
