Download the program for the hp scanner. Download the program for the hp scanner Universal driver for the hp scanner

These drivers are suitable for all varieties Windows versions. If you have Windows 8 or 10 installed, then try right-clicking on the downloaded file, select “Properties” and go to the “Compatibility” tab. Here, click on the “Run Compatibility Troubleshooter” button. Next, follow the steps suggested by the settings wizard. You can also go to the “Compatibility” tab and select from Windows list 7 or Vista. Then save the changes. After that, try to run the file. Below we have added a video for you to see how this is done.

Windows XP/Vista/7 - scanning program + drivers

Size: 151.3 MB

Bit depth: 32/64

Windows XP/Vista/7 - just drivers

Size: 2.55 MB

Bit depth: 32/64

Installing the driver in Windows 7

For scanning to work correctly in the system, you must install programs that will control HP equipment. First of all, download the HP Scanjet 2400 driver from the link above. Open the downloaded file in the folder by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

On the initial screen of the branded software installer from HP, you need to select the item responsible for installing the program (driver) - “Installing software”.

Make sure that your computer's firewall is turned off during installation, and also note that you must confirm everything during installation. system changes(if necessary).

The installer is ready to start working. If you forgot to change any of the parameters, you can go back. If everything is correct, then proceed to “Next”.

The installer will begin the process of copying new files. It's all automatic.

When copying is complete, the program will prompt you to connect the scanning device to system unit computer cable. After this, you need to turn on the power.

The program will automatically complete the scanner registration on your computer. All you have to do is click the “Finish” button.

The installer will offer to register the device on the HP Internet portal. Select the “Cancel” button.

In the window that opens, check the box next to the “Don’t remind me again” option and click “Done.” The scanner is ready for use.

HP Deskjet f4200 multifunction device and a printer that has the ability to print, scan and copy documents. This model, like others, requires installing drivers for the computer to detect the printer....

HP LaserJet 1150 next driver model which is different high quality assembly and was introduced to the market by the top company HP. Like other printer models for normal operation you need to download and install the driver, after which...

HP LaserJet 2300 This printer is perfect for an office or enterprise, and is also famous for its high build quality. Like other printers this model needs to install drivers for normal operation. Installing the driver is extremely simple...

HP LaserJet 2300dn This printer is perfect for an office or enterprise, and is also famous for its high build quality. Like other printers, this model needs to install drivers for normal operation. Installing the driver is extremely...

HP LaserJet 2200 is an old printer model from the popular manufacturer HP. This model was considered powerful in its time and had high build quality. It is also important to know that this model, like others, requires driver installation for normal...

HP LaserJet 2100 is an old printer model from the popular manufacturer HP. This model was considered powerful in its time and had high build quality. It is also important to know that this model, like others, requires driver installation for normal...

HP laserjet p2055d line of printers from the popular manufacturer HP. This printer is suitable for printing in virtually any volume. It is also worth noting that for normal operation and compatibility with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 you need...

HP LaserJet P2055dn line of printers from the popular manufacturer HP. This printer is suitable for printing in virtually any volume. It is also worth noting that for normal operation and compatibility with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 you need...

Have you ever encountered the need to scan something, for example, some documents? Whether it is text materials or just photographs, the RiDoc program is ideal for ordinary “users” because has a simple, practical and extremely user-friendly interface.

RiDoc is document scanning program, which allows you to digitize information, that is, transfer information from paper to digital ( HDD computer), thereby simplifying the user’s life and saving forest. Additionally, such documents can be sent via Email or upload to cloud storage, provide access to other users (depending on the task).

In addition, RiDoc provides functionality that can adjust the size of a digital document (by choosing the image quality). The interface has a tool that allows you to recognize text from a scanner ( text information), as well as keep a history of all previously scanned documents (for example, in pdf format).

The application allows you to save digital versions of documents in the most common formats: bmp, tiff, jpeg, png, Word, PDF, which is very convenient, since most computer users have software for working with these files, in addition, the corresponding applications can always be downloaded for free from our portal.

Most often RiDoc is used as programs for scanning from hp and canon devices due to the fact that the latter are incredibly popular for most users. But this in no way means that other manufacturers have remained on the sidelines - RiDoc interacts perfectly with any available scanner model, so you can safely download this free program for scanning documents in Russian.

Main functionality of the software:

  • There is “quick folders” technology that allows you to comfortably manage digitized documents;
  • If you have paper text document that you want to transfer to your computer, the program is able to perform text recognition, which can later be edited in any popular text editor, for example OpenOffice or Microsoft Word;
  • Watermark function. The user is given the opportunity adjust its size, having previously specified transparency;
  • All scanned (digitized) PDF documents can be placed in one file for more compact storage, the ability to set uniform parameters for each individual function.
  • There is a built-in RiDoc printer that will allow you to export files to PDF format;
  • All scanned files can naturally be sent for printing;

We recommend this software as an indispensable application that will be useful for both students and ordinary users, and will also become an indispensable tool for an office worker. In order to download the program, just click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the article.

Video review:

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