Useful Instagram tips. Useful promotion tips. Like by double clicking on a photo

Hello dear visitors of our site website. In this article we will tell you about useful tips store promotion on Instagram.

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In order to receive continuous flow of orders through Instagram, it is important to post a certain type of content. Only in this case will you be able to close many deals, receive leads, and not just gain followers and likes using popular hashtags that attract a lot of bots and very few real people. So, where to start and what to do to make your account profitable?

Content type

1.Decide on your content type. First you need to decide what type of account you will maintain. There are accounts that are dedicated to a single problem. They resemble a community and generate traffic around solving one problem. For example, they tell you where to go for fun in the evening. There are accounts that themselves are a product sales channel. There are those accounts that generate traffic on a certain topic and are supported by one person (blogger, celebrity, etc.). You need to decide what tasks you face now. If you just need promote your product on Instagram, then you need to devote all the content in your account to this, and the account itself should become a selling page for your product. Accordingly, you will post selling content, the main task of which is to create a desire to buy.

Show the product

2. Showcase your product on Instagram from all angles. Whatever you sell, it is important for you to show the product from different sides, from different angles and sections. It is important for the audience to see the product in volume, and this is what photographs and videos allow you to do. In other words, you need to intrigue the person, make him understand that the value you offer him is much greater than the price he pays for the product (service).

Emotional pictures

3. Take emotional photos and videos. Pictures and videos should be designed to instantly evoke emotion. You only have 15 seconds on the video, so spend as much time as possible on directing and posing the shot. Pictures should be airy, light, without yellowness or grain. This is worth learning, because beautiful photographs are important for sales.

Instagram sells emotions

4. Please note that the application Instagram sells emotions. Instagram is a very emotional sales channel. Therefore, it is important to understand that any product can be presented either very cool or poorly, which will instantly increase the negative and reduce the response. Your task is to increase resonance, to make people want to buy or at least find out Additional information. The wow effect is a must for this communication channel.

You need to create the demand yourself

5. Not every product that can be successfully sold on Instagram is already searched for by people. Sometimes you need to create demand yourself. If, with the help of search engines, people are looking for information about a specific product, service, or simply want to find an article on a topic, then as for Instagram, everything is not so obvious. Often goods for which there is no demand yet are sold here. In this case, it is foolish to hope for promotion using only hashtags or keywords. You need to use the viral effect, use all possible tools to reach your potential target audience. To do this, you need to work with bloggers, like other people’s photos, follow real people on Instagram, thereby increasing the likelihood of interest in your product.

Personal sales channel

6. Instagram is a very personal sales channel. Keep this in mind when developing your content strategy. Typical photographs ordered from product photographers will not be sold here. You need to be able to not only show the nuances, but do it sweetly and beautifully. So that you want to buy it. In this sense, the system of filters for photos on Instagram is very indicative. Everything was invented for a reason. The main idea of ​​Instagram is to convey personal emotions and mood. What is the mood for your brand right now? It's very important to show this. It is so important that people are much more willing to buy through Instagram, where the photo is not always so perfect quality than on sites with impeccable pictures, but for some reason always official and cold. The so-called “warm” type of content sells much easier and more. Also, you should not hide information about who made the product, for whom, how the idea came about, and so on. Such nuances are of great value to potential clients of your company. On Instagram, every photo tells a story.

In this article we will talk about the best tips and life hacks, as well as how to become an expert on the social network Instagram.


Instagram has long won the hearts of many Internet users. In particular, this applies to foreign audiences, since if we talk about the Russian audience, then it amounts to only 15%.

But it is worth noting that even 15% of the Russian audience is more than enough. After all, the total Instagram audience today is more than 400 million registered accounts. At the same time, it is on Instagram that the female audience predominates.

Keep a strong grip on content

The main success of many users on Instagram lies in interesting and unique photos. Therefore, if you want to achieve a multimillion-dollar audience, then you need to follow this advice.

Never take a photo with Instagram apps, since the photographs obtained through it are very much inferior to the photographs taken using a standard camera. Use only manual setting cameras, play with light sensitivity and shutter speed, try to bring the photo to the maximum quality.

Get creative with the editing and filter selection process

Under no circumstances should you apply thousands of different filters to your photo, as this will only ruin its atmosphere. It's better to use a special photo editing program that has a lot more settings than just playing with color filters.

Design your profile in more detail and quality

Don’t forget that it’s important not just to post good, high-quality photos, but also to present yourself correctly to the audience. Thus, you need to approach the design of your profile more responsibly, and fill it out to the end, in as much detail as possible.

Eg, if you are a model, then write in the field "About Me" a short biography of your career.

Be careful when using #hashtags

The easiest way to promote on the Instagram social network is to wisely use popular and least competitive hashtags when you publish your next photo. Thus, you need not just to write them, but to bring them together as closely as possible in terms of the meaning of your photograph.

Keep in touch with your audience

Did some stranger like or follow your Instagram profile? Then this is a good reason to start getting to know him. If someone commented on your photo, it wouldn’t hurt for you to reciprocate either.

Well, let's list some tips you need to follow on Instagram.

What life hacks are there on Instagram?

Hide unnecessary/unused filters

Despite the huge number of color filters on Instagram, most of the audience still uses third party application to edit and improve the quality of photographs. But as you remember, Instagram gained its popularity precisely because of the mass of interesting color filters. Therefore, if for some reason you only use 2 or 3 filters and want to remove unnecessary ones, then you can do this without much difficulty.

In order to hide unnecessary filters or sort them in your Instagram profile, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to upload a photo, that is, only in order to get into the settings for choosing a filter for the photo.
  • Now you just need to swipe right and go through all 40 filters, and only then you will see a gear button with the name "Manage", which you need to click on.

  • Then you will be taken to the settings menu for the filters themselves, where you can either remove them and leave the most necessary ones, or sort them at your discretion.
  • To lift up the filter you are interested in, you just need to click on it and pull it up, as shown in the picture.

  • Now, if some filters bother you or you don’t use them at all, then to remove them, you need to click on the checkmark to the right of them.

Hide a bad profile photo

After all, not every selfie and photograph comes out with a good frame, a smile or the right light. Therefore, if you found a similar photo on your profile and did not want your subscribers to see it, then you don’t have to delete it, but simply hide it out of sight.

In order to hide unwanted photos on your Instagram profile, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to go to your profile, and then click on the portrait icon.

  • After that, you need to tag one or more photos, and then click on the button "Hide from profile."

We follow the interests of our friends/subscribers

An excellent opportunity that is available only on the social network Instagram. Thus, to find out what your friend or colleague is interested in, you just need to find an alternative feed with the best photos that they have selected for themselves.

Looking through the photos you liked

Surely a popular life hack for all users of the social network Instagram, since sometimes it happens that you are scrolling through your feed and cannot find the photo you like.

We publish a photo for “our friends”

A typical situation occurs when you are running a business account and would like to inform your colleagues about something new and interesting. Therefore, if you want to publish a photo for a narrow circle of people, you need to use the function « InstagramDirect".

Send your favorite photo from your feed in a message

We get a huge number of likes on a photo

Statistics have shown that bright and rich photos get much more likes. Therefore, if you want to significantly increase the number of likes on your photos, then you need to add brightness and rich colors to them; this can be done using a regular graphic editor.

  • Photos with a blurred background or so-called "Bokeh effect" get much more likes than photos without a blurred background.

  • Photos that are heavily blue-colored get 26% more likes than red-colored photos. Eg, a photo with a blue sky will get more likes than a photo with red roses.

  • Photos with a predominant color in the image receive more likes than photos with several predominant colors.

  • Lower the saturation level in new photos, and only after that publish it on your profile.

  • Photos with clear texture get 82% more likes than photos without texture.

The above life hacks will allow you not only to get much more likes, but also to capture more attention of the general Instagram audience, and thus possibly gain subscribers.

Well, today we have sorted out a huge number of life hacks and told you about them best tips, which if applied will make you an Instagram expert.

Video: How to become an expert on Instagram?

You won’t surprise anyone with square photos with amazing filters. If previously they were available to a limited circle of people, today almost any owner modern smartphone can capture the reality around him in artistic tones.

Like everywhere else, Instagram has its own unwritten rules and manners of behavior. Due to its increased popularity, it has ceased to be associated with something unique, and the materials posted there are no longer delightful. It’s easy to find yourself on the edge of a service with a lack of likes and comments. It's much more difficult to earn them. But this procedure, like many other things, can be simplified; just follow a few tips, and you will have more quality commenting subscribers.

You shouldn't post anything that wasn't captured with your phone's camera. This includes screenshots of weather, traffic jams, player, and other information from the phone display. Some unique people even upload memes that are boring to everyone, which irritates the audience even more.
Don't write a huge bunch of tags in the title. Three short tags are allowed that do not make reading difficult and do not spoil the viewing experience.

The ideal option would be to upload three photos a day: morning, afternoon and evening. It gets boring to look at a lot of photos, so if you have a lot of footage, it’s better to distribute it over different days. This technique is especially effective when you are unable to go outside for various reasons.

You should not upload photos of food, legs, the sky, garbage, or strange objects. You shouldn’t get carried away with yourself either, even if you have the most beautiful appearance in the world. Instagram is not suitable for portraits and only spoils your appearance. It would be best to capture the beautiful reality around you (because no filters can save the ugly one).

Don't post everything you photograph. Conduct a strict selection process. and attractive, otherwise it will be lost among the nameless templates of bad taste.

Don't forget to reply to comments. This way you will increase interest in your account(and double the number of comments if the number of comments is especially important to you).

Don't follow celebrities (unless they are Instagram celebrities). There is nothing good there except photos of terrible quality and comments from rabid fans. You will be completely disappointed. Better and other interesting strangers, to their photographs. It’s much more interesting with real people telling the story about the world around them than with robots who do nothing but publish one photo after another, completely ignoring quality.

Do not link your account to other platforms. There is a high probability that at one of them they will unfollow you, so that no one has the desire to forcibly watch the same thing twice.

By following these simple tips, your Instagram account will become interesting not only to you, but also to hundreds and even thousands of other people who will visit you every day.

Ps: Finally, one bad piece of advice. From time to time, leave comments in Russian on photographs of world celebrities. The result will not take long to arrive.

Are you choosing a suitable photo to publish under some popular hashtag and attract attention to your account? Considering the number of Instagram users - there are 400 million of them - you'll have to try to do something more impressive than just another good selfie.

Shoot with any camera

Yes, you cannot fully use Instagram without a phone, but this does not mean that you can only take photographs with a smartphone. If you take a cool photo with your DSLR, email it to yourself and then copy it to Instagram or save it in your Photos folder.

Promote photos not only on Instagram

Why limit yourself to your account when you can upload photos directly to the site? In the Wix editor, this is done in literally a couple of minutes: go to, find the “ ” application, install it, configure it and watch how new pictures automatically appear on your site.

Work on filters

Do you really like the Ludwig filter, but the colors seem too saturated for this particular photo? No problem: double-click on the filter icon and tweak them.

Make GIFs in Boomerang

Instagram has its own app for creating looping videos, called " Boomerang" The principle of operation is very simple: install, launch, press the button and wait for it to take 10 photos and edit a short video from them.

Don't be afraid to log into other people's accounts

Do you think you might have accidentally clicked on the heart while looking at a competitor's profile? Go to Settings → Posts You Liked and see which posts have been liked. Everything is fine? That's great.

Show all content

I have collected in this article all the tricks and secrets of Instagram that I use myself, and also honestly learned from my colleagues.

At first it was just a list of 40 items, but then I remembered one question that I get asked all the time: “How can I make money on Instagram?” In the end I added more. And, of course, I divided all the chips into two areas: Instagram for personal use and. And one more thing - I wrote all the actions that need to be performed exclusively for the iPhone.

This is not trivial

Yes, I agree. This is not just a list, but a specific set of step-by-step actions that will allow you to get to know Instagram much better and use it 146% (I hope many still remember this joke).

Otherwise, many people don’t know anything other than posting posts and using special programs for promotion.

And I deliberately did not write the usual banality, which is on a huge number of other sites in the series: post interesting photos, let’s give literate ones.

No! Only what you really didn’t know and is really interesting. Enjoy.

Important. If you want to promote your Instagram page completely free, then follow the link and use the Bosslike service. This service will also help you make money on your Instagram.

For business/promotion

Since our blog is about marketing for business, we will first discuss the nuances for companies.

Let's figure out how you can use Instagram management to increase your reach and attract customers with the help of small actions. And then let’s move on to interesting points for personal use.

1. Setting up a business profile

If you want to be fashionable and see all the statistics, all the instructions cannot be described in 2 words, so we have a special step-by-step article with pictures.

How to:

2. Setting up an “author” account

Same as business profile, with only minor differences. This format will open up opportunities for content branding, as well as detailed audience statistics. Another feature of the profile is the division of the direct message into two groups “general” and “main”.

This account format is intended for users who need to collaborate with bloggers or brands.

How to do:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section;
  2. Select the “Account” tab;
  3. At the very bottom, click on the “Go to author account” button.

3. Cancel a business profile

Sometimes it happens that you get excited about an idea and start maintaining a business profile on Instagram.

And sometimes it can get boring for you. In this case, you need to remove the business profile. Although it is quite difficult to make, it is extremely easy to remove.

How to do:

  1. Find the “Company Settings” section;
  2. Click “Switch back to personal account.”

4. Changing the category in your business profile

The same “Blogger”, “Fictional character”, “For fun” and others. Facebook constantly changes them and sometimes there are ones that you want to add to your profile.

How to:

  1. Click “Edit” on home page your account;
  2. Select the “Company Information” section;
  3. Click “Category”;
  4. Select which category and subcategory you like;
  5. Click “Done” in the upper right corner (category editing page);
  6. Click “Done” in the upper right corner (the page for editing all data).

5. Editing information in a business profile

Your contact information and that of your business profile are, surprisingly, two different things. That's why they are edited in different places.

The main thing is that there should always be one contact in your contacts (mail, phone or location).

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Communication Methods”;
  3. Change for health.

6. View stories

Not the usual viewing of stories of several accounts, but a massive one, up to 1 million stories per day. By the way, the feature is completely new, subscribers are not used to it and react well to such a touch.

It is very easy to set up, with just a few clicks of the mouse. I advise you to quickly use this tool before your competitors get ahead of you.

How to do:

  1. Register in this program (using the promotional code “INSCALE” + 3 days free);
  2. Set up a filter by audience;
  3. Run the task.

7. Placing an active link in your profile

And I, I think like many people, hate it when the link is not clickable. Don't allow this on your profile.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Edit Profile”;
  3. Insert the link in the field between the name of your account and its description;
  4. Check that it is active.
Link in profile

8. Posting from a computer

If you post business publications on your account, then doing this from your phone is not very convenient.

After all, sometimes there may not be such an opportunity. Use your computer for this and posts will be published at a time convenient for you.

In addition, the service will help you find popular posts and promote your account using them.

How to:

  1. Register in a special program;
  2. Connect your profile;
  3. Start posting news at the right time.

Lifehack. You can also post posts using this program. Its feature is that it allows you to edit your profile, respond to comments and Direct messages. And all this from a computer 😉

9. Writing a DM message to a new user

A trick that I only recently learned about. If you are engaged in mass following or advertise for a fee, then it will be very useful.

As soon as a new person subscribes to you, he automatically receives a message from you via Direct.

How to:

  1. Register in a special program;
  2. Connect your profile;
  3. Customize the message text;
  4. Get ready to receive more orders.

10. Get a lot of likes on photos

This is no longer an instruction, but a little secret. Instagram recently introduced a new algorithm (similar to Facebook’s algorithm).

Now publications are shown not in chronological order, but by engagement rank. So here are a few secrets on how to get more likes on your photos.

How to:

  1. Do not post several photos one after another. Either the first one or the one with better engagement will be shown. The rest simply will not appear in the feed;
  2. If you have a lot of subscribers and few likes, then your posts will be shown last.

    Therefore, it is better to get rid of bots (block them) or add paid traffic. Or use a cheat code in the form of this program;

  3. Calculate the engagement rate (number of likes/number of subscribers) and constantly work to increase it;

    For advertising accounts, a good indicator is 3-5%, for personal accounts – 5-10%. Now I’m talking about accounts with subscribers of at least 2-3 thousand. This can be easily viewed using free application from LiveDune.

11. Filtering comments

If you are tired of comments that are not entirely decent or are openly advertising, then you can enable comment checking. And thanks to this they will be deleted automatically.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Comments”;
  4. Check the box “Hide inappropriate comments”;
  5. Add words you don't want to see;
  6. Click “Done”.

Filtering comments

12. Installation

I personally like when I log into some accounts and see large photos, consisting of 9 small pieces.

For this, special programs and a little patience are used. In addition, we have a separate article on this topic, since this type of advertising on Instagram is one of the good methods of Internet marketing.

How to:

  1. Read the article “”.

13. Hiding hashtags

Instagram allows you to post no more than 30 per post. However, it doesn’t look very nice, because they stick to the text. So let's mask.

How to:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Add a description (WITHOUT hashtags);
  3. Publish;
  4. Place hashtags in the first comment on the post.

By the way. In order for the algorithms to benefit you, I recommend clearing your account of “garbage” through Spam Guard (using the promotional code “inscale” for a 20% discount).

14. Placing several active links in your profile

Personally, for me it looks like this - in my main profile there is a beautiful link that redirects to a small profile showing many of your links.

The program is in English, but extremely simple. And besides, it's completely free.

How to:

  1. Register in a special program. By the way, using the promotional code “INSCALE25” you will receive a 25% discount on everything;
  2. Tune appearance windows and links that will be;
  3. Copy the resulting link into the “Link field”.
Posting multiple links

15. View comments on Facebook

We can say that this is an Instagram feature of 2017, since it has just appeared.

Now you can see new comments on posts in your Facebook group. You can reply to comments from there. It only works if you have a business profile.

How to:

  1. Connect your account to the Facebook group (more details);
  2. Log in to your Facebook group;
  3. Click the “Messages” button;
  4. Click on the Instagram icon.

16. from Instagram

If you mainly manage Instagram, but at the same time you have other social media, then you can easily import posts from Instagram to other social networks.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Linked Accounts”;
  4. Connect VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook by linking your profiles on these social networks to Instagram;
  5. When publishing posts, simply check the box next to the social network to which you want to import.

17. Promote your profile

That is, people simply promote their best publications so that more other users know about them. Naturally, coupled with mass following.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. “Promote” button next to “Edit profile”;
  3. Select the publication you want to promote;
  4. Configure all the parameters you need.

Secret. Directly from Instagram you can promote any publication, be it old or new. From Facebook in Ads Manager, you can only promote a new publication that you create immediately there.

18. Enlarge the signature

Instagram functionality is limited to only 150 characters that can describe what you do. Sometimes this is not enough (especially for work accounts). Therefore, using a little trick you can enlarge the signature.

How to do:

  1. Create the desired signature in “Notes”;
  2. Be sure to write with hyphens and the necessary emoticons;
  3. Go to “Edit profile”;
  4. Go to “Methods of communication”;
  5. Copy the required description into the “Address”;
  6. Save.

19. How to make money on your account

Most frequently asked question, which I've been hearing lately. There are many options, but for small cities, I think the simplest and most adequate is advertising in your account for money (or barter).

How to:

  1. Choose a topic, if not;
  2. Increase subscribers (at least up to 5-10 thousand people);
  3. Launch mass following (required);
  4. You launch, or just advertise directly from Instagram;
  5. Register on the account exchange (you can also buy advertising in other accounts there);
  6. Place advertisements in your account for money;
  7. You start making money.

For myself

Now that we’re done with business... ugh, or rather finished, we can move on to personal actions that will make your time on Instagram more interesting and exciting. And, naturally, your Instagram is better.

1. Enlarging the photo

The standard photo on Instagram is always small, and with small phone it's hard to see details.

Recently, it has become possible to enlarge a photo to get a better look.

How to:

  1. Point your fingers at the photo, move them apart without lifting them from the screen, look at the photo in detail.

2. Beautiful text description

Personally, I like it when the account description is beautiful and contains emojis.

It looks more attractive and “selling”. This is exactly how it should be for you too 😉

Profile description

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Prepare text in “Notes” using spaces, Enter and emoji;
  2. Copy the description into the “About Me” column in “Edit Profile”.

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Log in to Instagram from your computer;
  2. Click on your profile icon;
  3. Click “Edit profile”;
  4. In the “About Me” column, format everything the way you like using Enter.

3. Edit photos without publishing

You took a beautiful photo and put a filter on it, but didn’t come up with a caption?

How to:

  1. Upload a photo;
  2. Edit, apply filters;
  3. At the moment when you need to add a description, a left arrow (“<”);
  4. Click it 2 times;
  5. Select “Save Draft.”

4. View posts that have been liked

If you liked a beautiful girl/guy, but forgot to follow him and after a while you can’t find him, don’t despair.

Instagram stores the last 300 photos you liked. For example, this is how I track .

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Posts you liked.”

5. Clear search history

Instagram saves your entire search history. To start everything from scratch (or excuse the expression, “not get burned”), you just need to do a few steps.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Clear search history” almost at the very end;
  4. Now the search is clear.

6. Setting up notifications on your favorite accounts

If you are promoting your account using mass following, but at the same time you are still trying to track accounts that interest you, then this secret will allow you not to miss their publications.

How to:

  1. Go to the main page of the account you need;
  2. Click “…” (aka “Account Settings”);
  3. Click “Enable post notifications” in the pop-up window.

7. View the activity of your subscribers

Do you want to see who your subscribers like and subscribe to? It is very easy.

Recently, it has become clear what comments they like and what comments they leave themselves.

How to:

  1. Click on the “Heart” tab;
  2. The “You” tab will open (who followed you and liked you);
  3. Swipe (scroll) to the right. The “Subscriptions” tab will appear;
  4. Study.

8. Adding additional accounts

Do you have a personal and work account? Or maybe another account for a company or even several? To avoid “going in and out” endlessly, collect them in one place.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Add” almost at the very end.


9. “Jumping” between accounts

Previously, to view the direct message of the second profile, you had to leave the first and enter the second.

Now there is an opportunity (even 2) to make this much easier.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click your profile name in the top center;
  3. In the pop-up window, select the account you need.

Jumping between accounts

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click your profile button in the lower right corner;
  3. Hold;
  4. In the pop-up window, select the account you need.

10. Deleting comments

How to:

  1. Under the photo, click the comments icon (to the right of the heart);
  2. Swipe (flick) left;
  3. Click the trash can icon.

11. Disabling comments

If you publish a photo that you don’t want anyone from your subscribers to comment on (well, suddenly inappropriate statements are expected), then do the following manipulations.

How to:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Edit it;
  3. Add a description if necessary;
  4. Click “Advanced settings” at the bottom of this page;
  5. Check the “Disable comments” checkbox.

12. Saving posts

If you liked the publication and want to see it later, you can save it. By the way, no one except you will know that you saved this publication.

How to:

  1. Choose the publication you like;
  2. In the lower right corner, click the “Flag” or “Bookmark” icon;
  3. Go to the main page of your profile;
  4. Click the same icon;
  5. You see the saved post.
Saving a Post

13. Hide photos in which you are tagged

Moreover, there are hundreds more of the same ones marked on them. And here's what you need to do to remove the mark.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. The “Picture” tab (“Photo of you”) is right below the description;
  3. Choose a photo;
  4. Click “…” (“Post Settings”) in the upper right corner of the photo;
  5. In the pop-up window, click “Actions”;
  6. Select “Hide from my profile” (this photo will not be shown on your profile) or “Remove me from publication” (the tag on your profile will be removed from the initial publication).

14. Find everything you need

Sometimes you need to find a user, a current hashtag or geolocation that you saw somewhere, but then forgot about it. And searching on Instagram will help you.

How to:

  1. “Magnifier” tab;
  2. Click search;
  3. Enter what you need;
  4. Choose between “People” (accounts), “Tags” (hashtags) and “Places” (geolocations).

15. Overlaying multiple filters

Since my artistic taste is not very developed, I use only 3-4 filters and don’t bother too much.

But there are people who apply 2-3 filters to one photo. Want to try?

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Check the box “Save original photo”;
  4. Post a photo;
  5. Close the error message;
  6. Turn on airplane mode on your phone;
  7. Find the saved photo in Albums;
  8. Use as you wish.

16. Beautiful caption for the photo

I like it when the text under the photo is well and beautifully designed and divided into paragraphs. Yes, it is more difficult and takes longer, but it is much more enjoyable to read.

Important.Are you looking for a specialist who will write Instagram posts for you? Then click the link –> A flurry of comments and saves is guaranteed for you.

How to:

  1. Prepare text in “Notes” using spaces, Enter and emoji;
  2. Copy the description to “Description”.

17. Filter intensity

Sometimes filters are too saturated. Strongly lighten, strongly darken. But if the filter is still excellent, its saturation/intensity can be changed.

How to:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Choose the filter you like;
  3. Click on it;
  4. Press again;
  5. Move the slider as you wish.

18. Customizing filters for yourself

Personally, I use 3-5 filters (well, I don’t like to get too worked up in processing).

The rest are hidden from me as unnecessary. You can do the same.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Scroll right to the very end of the filters;
  3. Click settings;
  4. Customize it as you please.

Setting up filters

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Clamp the filter you don’t need;
  3. With a movement of your finger, throw it up;
  4. The filter is now hidden.

19. Communication in Direct

In fact, Instagram is increasingly becoming a mobile social network.

And it increasingly encourages users to communicate with each other. And you can write a personal message to any user.

How to:

  1. Go to the page of the user to whom you want to send a message;
  2. In the upper right corner, click “…” (aka “Account Settings”);
  3. In the pop-up window, click “Send message”;
  4. Write what you like, but keep it decent.

How to:

Now, when writing a comment, you can make sure that it goes directly to the Direct message of the user you are replying to. Quite a cool feature.

How to:

  1. Under the user's comment, click “Reply”;
  2. On the left side, click the airplane;
  3. The message “Sending by message” will appear. This means the message went to the user’s Direct;
  4. Write a message;
  5. Click “Send”.

22. Disappearing content

When communicating in Direct, you can send a photo or video that will disappear after viewing after 30 seconds. A sort of analogue of the Telegram secret chat.

How to:

  1. Go to Direct messages;
  2. To the left of “Write a message” select the blue photo icon;
  3. Take photos/videos or choose from the library;
  4. Click on the user's avatar to send.

Secret. Photos/videos can be viewed only 2 times within one minute. After this it will not be available. By the way, if a screenshot is taken from your photo, this entry will appear under the photo.

23. Adding photos/videos to stories

Stories have been quite popular lately. These are your photos/videos that are stored for exactly 24 hours and then disappear. But not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Let's fix this.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click on your avatar with a blue plus;

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Go to the “House” (tape);
  2. Swipe (scroll) to the right;
  3. Take a photo/video or select from the library.

By the way, not long ago we published an article where we collected all the information about stories together.
