Set a photo to a call contact. How to set large photos on a call of an Android smartphone. Installation via gallery

Many users prefer to put a photo on a contact in Android immediately after the smartphone, as it is very convenient. Thanks to such personal settings, you can easily and quickly identify the user without reading the name of the subscriber on the screen. Along with this, a separate audio is often installed, which plays the phone during a call to the subscriber. Also, you can always attach not only a photo, but also a picture you like, which will be associated with a person. Most often, they use the standard methods that the operating system of your smartphone provides. There are applications that help you set a photo for a contact in Android. Each user chooses the method that he considers the fastest and most convenient. It is worth noting that sometimes there are difficulties with installing a picture, which can be easily eliminated by choosing a different way of linking a photo to a specific number. We recommend setting up images for all callers who frequently call your number. In most cases, photos from the smartphone gallery are used.

Standard methods

Adding a photo to a contact in Android involves simple steps. You should open the Phonebook and find the profile whose settings you want to change. Next, you need to execute the command "Change from the list of suggested". After that, you will be taken to the profile editing mode, where there is an icon in the place of which there should be a photo. You should click on it and upload a photo from the Gallery. Don't forget to save your changes. It should be noted that you can take a snapshot if you activate the corresponding function. In some cases, this is convenient.

Second standard way involves first searching for a suitable image in the Gallery. To link a photo to a contact in Android, you need to open the list of all possible actions and select "Install to" or "Install as". After that, it will be enough to select the appropriate subscriber number.


If for some reason a photo is not installed on Android on a contact, try which can be found and downloaded in the store Google Play. One of them is called Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD. It is presented in paid and free version. If you install the free version of the program, you will be able to attach an image to six numbers. The paid version does not have such restrictions. Among the advantages of the application is the ability to set a picture High Quality, which will be displayed in full screen during a call. It should be noted that Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD has a number of other useful features, including cataloging numbers, blocking an unwanted caller.

One more useful program- Full Screen Caller ID. The application allows you to put a picture on a contact in Android. In addition, it redesigns notifications based on user preferences and blocks unwanted calls.

The Full Screen Caller program is very popular among owners of phones with the Android operating system. While receiving or accepting incoming calls, users will see the image in full screen. The advantage of the app is that there is no usage fee. At the same time, developers are constantly updating their product to improve the comfort of work.

Hello everyone, dear users of smartphones based on excellent, operating system Android. Today I will try to tell you how you can easily and without unnecessary gestures put a photo or image on a contact in your address book. Those. on an incoming call on the screen of your Android smartphone the photo of the caller or some other selected image will be displayed.

For these purposes, we will use special applications that allow you to easily and without unnecessary settings set a photo or any other picture to the caller's contact.

Moreover, all the tools discussed in today's article will allow you to display the caller's photo in HD format on the whole screen, which, you see, is very convenient and beautiful.

So let's go. If you have any questions or comments about the selection below, then leave them in the comments to this post.

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Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

An excellent and functional program for setting a photo on a call. Of all the undoubted advantages and wide possibilities of this application, I would like to note the following three, because. they seemed to me the most interesting:

  • Possibility, with ease, to put HD photo on the call of the caller. Moreover, with an incoming call, the photo will be displayed in full screen;
  • There is both a paid version of the application and a free one. The free version has several restrictions, for example, you can put a photo on a call only for six contacts, in the paid version, as you might guess, there is no such restriction;
  • The application allows you not only to put images on a call, but has other undoubtedly useful functions, for example: blocking a call from an unwanted subscriber, cataloging phone numbers and many other interesting features.

You can download this application from the Google Play Store using the link above.

Attention: in order to immediately download the application to your smartphone, you need to follow the link provided directly from your Android device.

Full Screen Caller ID

Another application that replaces the standard dialer on your Android gadget. This application something similar to the previous one. I will highlight the following three possibilities.:

  • Full screen notification of calls and SMS;
  • The ability to set your own design for the notification, such a function will no doubt be useful to creative and extraordinary people;
  • Blocking a call (call) from selected subscribers (contact).

That's all for today, I hope you liked the material and you were able to choose a good tool for yourself.

The function of assigning a photo to a contact is available in all modern smartphones. It is really very convenient: there is no need to read the text - you can find out who is calling you in a split second by seeing the photo out of the corner of your eye or from afar. Setting an image for each of the contacts in the Android system is simple, and most importantly, it will not take you much time.

How to set a photo for a contact in Android OS

Through "Contacts"

  • Open the Phone app and then go to the address book. Among the entire list of contacts, find the one you need and tap on it. A page will open with detailed description contact (home and mobile phone, email, address). Here you will see an area inside which there will be a light or dark silhouette. This is the place for photography. Click on this area.
    Click on the area with the silhouette
  • Android will ask you where to take the photo: take a photo right now or from the gallery.

    Choose where you want to take the image from

    In the latter case, the "Gallery" will open, select the desired photo, click on it. When the preview appears, select the desired photo size: you can enlarge or reduce the area of ​​the photo that will be displayed during the call, then click on the checkmark. In the first case, the camera will open. Take a photo, when the preview appears, click on the checkmark. The photo will be attached to the contact and will be displayed during calls.

    Photo set

    Some versions of Android do not allow you to set a photo to a contact in view mode - in this case, you will have to go into editing. To do this, in the view you need to find the option "Change" or "Edit". All information about the contact will be displayed. The same photo area will appear here. Then we perform the same steps as described earlier.

    From gallery

    You can set a photo to a contact without opening the address book. It is enough to find the desired photo in the gallery. In the additional menu, click "Set as ...". Select "As contact photo". In the address book, select the desired line, click the checkmark. The photo will now be attached to your friend's profile. And during the call, this photo will be displayed.

    You need to select "Contact Photo"

    Video: how to put a photo on a contact in the Android operating system

    How to set photo to full screen on incoming call

    In order for the photo to be displayed on the big screen when making a call, you need to use programs from Google Play market.

    Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

    The program displays the caller's image in full screen mode. Ultimate CallerID Screen HD can not only display a contact's photo in full screen when calling, but also display SMS or missed call notifications in full screen. The program acts as a photo manager for contacts, with its help you can set up a photo for each contact individually and sort the address book by images. Caller ID Screen can block calls, add numbers to black lists. And you can also customize gestures as you wish: for example, hang up by shaking the phone.

    Ultimate CallerID Screen HD can perform a number of different functions

    Unlike the previous application, Full Screen Caller ID is less functional. The only thing he can do is open a portrait of a person in full screen during a call. No additional settings or complications. One application - one function. If this is exactly what you need, here is the download link from Google Play:

    Full Screen Caller ID is designed specifically for setting photos to contacts

    Possible problems and how to solve them

    What to do if you have linked a photo to a contact, but the photo still does not appear during a call?

    Photo not attached to contact

    For one reason or another, the photo was not attached to the contact. You may have forgotten to click on the checkmark. There may have been some kind of bug. In any case, check the person's profile in the address book. If there is still a standard avatar (dark or light silhouette) in the photo area, and not a photo, then the picture is not attached to the number. Try to do it again.

    The contact is stored in the smartphone's SIM card memory

    Photos are played only when the number is stored in the phone's memory, not the SIM card. Make sure of this by transferring all contacts to the phone's memory.

  • To do this, open the address book and open the optional menu.
    In "Contacts" find "Menu", go to "Settings"
  • Select the "Copy Contacts" option.

    Select "Copy Contacts"

  • Specify where you want to copy contacts - SIM.
    Of the proposed options, we need - SIM
  • Now choose where the contacts from the SIM card will be saved.

    Click on "Phone"
  • Check the call. Should work.

    Operating system failure

    There may have been some error in the Android processes. Try rebooting your device and rechecking the functionality of the feature. If you still can't assign a photo, try flashing the system ( detailed instructions for reinstalling the system is always on the manufacturer's website). As a last resort, contact technical support.

    So, we figured out how you can set a photo on a contact so that it is displayed during a call. By using third party programs from the Google Play Market, you can ensure that the photo of the caller appears when calling in full screen mode. It is worth remembering that the contact photo function only works with numbers that are or have been added to the phone's memory, and not the SIM card.

    Due to the fact that modern smartphones have the option of assigning a photo to a contact, the user does not need to read the text during an incoming call. But not all users know how to do it right. This material will allow you to learn how to put a photo on a contact on Android and what difficulties may arise when performing this task.

    How to add a photo so that when you call it is displayed on the display in full screen? Below we will analyze several methods for free in Russian, which will allow you to set the photo of the caller.

    Using the "Contacts" menu

    How to make the screen display the subscriber's photo through the contacts menu:

    1. First you need to unlock and open the main menu, from where you should go to the contacts menu. Then select the phone number of the person you want to assign the photo to and click on it. This will open a window with a full description of that user number and all attached information, including the address Email, physical address if available, etc. In this menu, you can see the area inside which the silhouette is located - dark or light. A photo will be displayed at this place, click on it.
    2. After clicking, the operating system will ask the user where to get the image to install on the contact. You can take a photo right away or take a finished image from the gallery. If you want to take a photo now, click on the corresponding item.
    3. When choosing a photo from the gallery, click on the button and select the required image. As a result, this will lead to the appearance of a preview, here you need to select the size of the image. If necessary, the preview increases or decreases, after selecting the dimensions, click on the checkmark.

    There are versions of the Android operating system that do not allow you to assign an image to a contact using view mode. If so, then you will need to go into photo editing by clicking on the appropriate button in the menu. As a result, this will lead to the opening of all data about the subscriber and the appearance of a silhouette for setting a photo. Now you need to repeat the steps above.

    From gallery

    You can set an image to a contact on your phone without opening the address book. To do this, go to the phone's memory by going to the gallery section, after which, having selected the desired image, click on the "Set as" button. Another window will appear where you need to choose to assign an image to a contact. The contacts menu will open, where you select the desired subscriber and click the checkmark. This will link the photo to the contact.

    Guide to Set Caller Photo to Full Screen on Incoming Call

    To display a large image on the screen, you can use additional applications that must be downloaded from the official store:

    1. Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD. The application is designed to set a caller's photo and display it in full screen mode during a call. The utility allows you to display incoming SMS messages about missed calls also in full screen mode. In fact, the application is used as an image manager for contacts, the program allows you to sort the entire list of contacts by photos. If necessary, you can set up blocking of incoming calls and add subscriber numbers to black lists. There is an option to hang up the phone by assigning this action to shake the mobile device.
    2. The next app is Full Screen Caller ID. This program has less extensive settings and functionality. The program allows you to open the subscriber's image in full screen during an incoming call, there are no other additional functions. You can download the application in the official Play Market store (the video was filmed and published by the AppsGames channel - all about modern technologies).

    Possible difficulties and ways to solve them

    This task can be difficult for the user to complete.

    If you have completed all the steps, but during a call the display does not display an image, then there may be several reasons:

    1. The image is not attached to the subscriber. This could happen if the user forgot to click on the checkmark when installing the photo, or if there was a “glitch” in the Android operating system. It is necessary to check the subscriber's profile in the contact list. If you see that in the image area there is a standard image in the form of a silhouette instead of an image, then try assigning a photo again.
    2. The problem may occur due to the fact that the contact number is stored in the phone's SIM card memory. The image will be displayed on the screen when calling if the contact number is stored in memory mobile device, not SIM cards. To transfer contacts, go to the address book and open the functions. A window will appear in which you need to select the item to copy contacts and select where they need to be copied from - from a cellular card. Then you need to choose where exactly you will save contacts. These steps should resolve the issue.
    3. The reason may be a malfunction in the mobile platform. Problems of this kind can be solved by restarting the mobile gadget and re-checking the option. If the reboot did not help, then the reason is more serious, you can try to solve it by flashing the operating system. If this does not help, we recommend that you contact the technical support service.

    Video "A good example of installing a photo"

    For example mobile phone Samsung, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of assigning a photo to a contact (video filmed and published by Vladimir Aksenov channel).

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    The calling function on any smartphone is one of the most important and frequently used, working together with special applications for adding and saving numbers like "Contacts". To make it easier to identify the caller, you can set the contact's photo either in a small area or full screen. It is about the second design option that we will discuss further in the course of today's instructions.

    All possible approaches can be divided into two options, the relevance of which is directly determined by the capabilities of the smartphone. At the same time, to compensate for the lack desired functions you can use not one, but several applications at once, available in large numbers in .

    Method 1: Full Screen Caller ID (FSCI)

    One of best picks to expand the caller photo to full screen is Full Screen Caller ID, available for free download from the Play Market. This program differs significantly from numerous analogues, providing not only a replacement for the standard avatar, but also many auxiliary functions.

    1. Immediately upon first launch, you will be prompted to make basic changes to the design of the incoming call screen by swapping the buttons "Reject" and "To accept", set FSCI as the default calling software and some other features. In the future, each parameter can be edited through the internal settings.

      The default application replaces standard remedy call processing and expands the contact photo to full screen, in fact, without requiring additional actions after installation. At that time, if you skipped the necessary step at the beginning, you may need to make changes to the phone settings.

    2. Exit Full Screen Caller ID and open standard application "Settings". Here you need to select a category "Applications" in the block "Device" and click on the settings icon in the upper right corner.
    3. Now tap on the line "Call Application" and select from the dropdown list "FSCI". As a result, the software will surely replace the standard and any other call processing tool.
    4. In addition to the above, you can manually change the image on the screen for contacts from a specific group. For example, if the caller is not in the application's address book "Contacts" or the number is not displayed at all.
    5. For this on home page select the desired option and click the button "Assign Image".
    6. After that, specify the photo using one of the available methods and confirm the application using the button "Save". In the process of choosing a picture, you can also preview the design.
    7. As an addition, you can use the button Slideshow to assign multiple auto-switching images at once.

    If desired, through the internal settings, you can change the style and arrangement of most elements on the call screen. This makes the software the best option among all analogues, deserving the most attention.

    Method 2: Ultimate Call Screen

    A worthy alternative to the previous software is Ultimate Call Screen, which provides a number of internal settings for the outgoing call screen with the ability to expand the contact photo on an enlarged scale. To use it, you first have to download and install it.

    Software usage

    It should be borne in mind that the application has not been updated for a long time, and therefore problems with work are quite possible both on certain devices and on specific new versions of Android.

    Method 3: HD Photo Caller Screen ID

    The last application in our article will be the one whose main and only function is to replace the caller's image with a full-screen version. The software requires any android version, starting from the fourth, and preferably an image in HD quality.

    To successfully enable the application, despite the internal sections and settings, even the first launch after installation or assignment as a default tool is not required.

    The program is extremely easy to use, allowing you to set the contact's photo to full screen in a minimum of actions. At the same time, due to the support of a much larger number of devices and stability than in the first two versions, this tool is an excellent alternative with a fairly high rating in the Play Market.

    Method 4: Adding a photo to Contacts

    The easiest way to install a photo is to use the standard functions and applications of a smartphone, which should be enough for many users. To do this, you just need to attach an image to the right contact in the address book, after which the photo will not be displayed on the entire screen when you call.

    Application settings

    Regardless of the phone model, contacts are managed through a special application "Contacts", also available for installation from the Play Market.

    Installation via gallery

    Another, but rather an auxiliary way to set a photo, comes down to selecting and attaching an image through "Gallery".

    This method is relevant only in some cases, since on most Android devices the photo is displayed in a separate area of ​​the screen. You can get around this limitation only with the help of third-party applications, for which, as a rule, you still need a contact card with an attached image.

    We've covered the basic tools for setting a caller photo to full screen, but the list of applications presented isn't really limited to just three. If necessary, you can always independently use the search for analogues in the Google Play Market.
