NTV Plus shows only all-Russian channels. Why don’t they show it, some channels disappear from Tricolor TV and NTV Plus? Internal reasons for the lack of NTV-Plus signal

One of the leading satellite television operators in Russia, and even Ukraine, is NTV Plus. It’s no surprise that it’s so popular, because we’re talking about services highest quality. Not every operator satellite communications can offer such, but thanks to several satellites Eutelsat 36B, Express AMU1 and Express-AT1, the NTV Plus signal is distributed even in the most remote corners of the country. Several million people chose to choose it, despite the rather high prices compared to other budget operators.

But even such seemingly strong companies have signal failures, and the user sees on the TV monitor that there is no signal in NTV Plus. Of course, there is very little pleasant in this situation, but there are no tragic moments either. Perhaps we are dealing with an ordinary accident, and if we turn off the TV and receiver, and then connect them again, everything will disappear. But if a miracle does not happen, and the screen continues to flash an annoying inscription, it’s time to take more decisive steps.

No NTV signal - reasons

If the TV does not show programs, then something is wrong with the equipment: external or internal. The signal itself disappears very rarely, yet three satellites do their job, which work at the highest level. We will try to highlight the most important causes of the malfunction:

    When prophylaxis is carried out on the canals. In this case, television will not work only today. You need to wait for the broadcast to be restored. After some time, the TV will work again in standard mode. To check whether your assumptions about prevention are correct, you can go to the company’s official website;

    If the weather conditions outside have worsened. For example, equipment may not behave properly at temperatures that are too low or high, or the signal may be lost due to heavy rain or snow sticking to the dish. To remove the interference, you need to carefully remove the accumulated snow, and if the television still doesn’t show, then the problem is something else;

    When the satellite reception parameters were changed. The user must be warned about such changes, but it happens that you missed them and are faced with the fact itself. Such problems can be corrected by simply rearranging the antenna, focusing on the new parameters;

    Perhaps the cable or antenna was deformed, then it is not surprising that it does not work. It is necessary to either repair the breakdown or replace the damaged device;

    The converter is broken, so the signal does not go to the tuner;

    The connecting elements are broken, or the breakdown is located somewhere in the cable;

    The receiver settings are messed up, which can be cleared if you reconfigure the device. It is advisable that this be done by a specialist who understands the peculiarities of NTV Plus broadcasting;

    The weak signal can be explained by the presence of obstacles between the dish and the satellite. This could be a tree or other building that was built after the craftsmen set up the satellite equipment;

    If the TV is broken, the signal will also not be able to pass through.

As you can see, there are really many reasons, but not all of them can be influenced by an ordinary user.

What to do if some NTV Plus channels do not show

For NTV Plus, it is not uncommon for a situation where one part of the channels shows, but the other does not, or only some channels work selectively. It will be easier to deal with such a problem, and if you know the reason, you won’t even need to call a specialist.

    Broadcasting of some TV channels stops when the funds in the account run out and the package has already expired. Typically, a broadcast package is issued for a month, and when this period comes to an end, the signal on paid channels will be blocked. But this will not affect free TV channels in any way, which is what you need to focus on when finding out the reason. You can remove the obstacle using a regular bank account by paying for the next month of your subscription and installing a service that will remind you when your subscription needs to be renewed;

    If the operator switches channels to another format. From time to time, the company must carry out such procedures in order to remain in the first positions. In 2017, perhaps, such changes will be made. Subscribers are warned about them so that they have time to install devices on the new generation, thereby preserving their favorite TV channels. Moreover, new installations are offered at a discount so as not to scare away customers who have to spend money;

    If the settings are lost, you can update the channel list using a new search. He will find both old TV channels and new ones if the company has made any additions to the standard package. In addition, the satellite operating in your region may have changed, and then the channels will also disappear. Add a new satellite using the settings specified on the company's official website, and everything should work;

    Check if the access card has been damaged, because it is vital for the channels to broadcast. If it is broken, then the equipment will not work.

The popularity of satellite television is facilitated by a number of undeniable advantages, ranging from low subscription fees to a variety of different channels and the ability to watch multidirectional television content. Unfortunately, subscribers of the Tricolor TV and NTV Plus channels periodically encounter partial image deterioration and the disappearance of some groups of channels. Instead of clear video content, the subscriber has to see messages about a weak signal or its absence. Most vulnerable to weak signal NTV plus channels. Tricolor TV is not immune from image deterioration. For channels to start disappearing, the signal only needs to weaken by 15-20%. On NTV Plus, as a rule, free channels initially disappear, but channels for which the subscriber pays are not immune from deterioration in transmission quality. This is explained by the fact that channels are broadcast by different transponders and with different signal strengths, and as a result, channels transmitted from a weak transponder are lost first.

5 main reasons for image deterioration:

1. Atmospheric influences. Strong wind, rain and even light snowfall can temporarily degrade picture and sound. Discomfort when watching satellite television usually disappears as soon as the weather returns to normal. This problem can be solved by installing a dish of a larger diameter, or if you already have a large dish, then you need to more accurately point it at the satellite using a special device for setting up satellite dishes.

2. Malfunction of the plate converter. There are several main causes of malfunctions - the converter has expired or was damaged due to exposure to a thunderstorm. A short circuit and overvoltage can also cause a malfunction. A malfunction of the converter can also lead to the loss of not all channels at once, but only certain groups.

3. Obstacles in the form of vegetation. Most often, the signal is blocked by trees. When installing the plate, it is important not to forget that trees do not stop growing throughout the year. When installing a dish in winter, you need to remember that dense foliage can also become an insurmountable obstacle to the signal. The plate should be positioned with this in mind.

4. Problems with the cable. If the cable was purchased of inadequate quality (most often poor quality distinguishes Chinese cable), then over time it self-destructs. The reason for its destruction is the difference in air temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and moisture (precipitation). Usually the part of the cable that is located on the street is destroyed, the first meters coming from your satellite dish - the cable becomes rigid, cracks easily and circular cracks appear in its outer insulation. It is also possible that there may be unintentional mechanical damage to the cable that was not noticed in a timely manner. The reason may be a violation of the integrity of the coaxial cable connection.

5. Mechanical impact on the plate. Even if you accidentally hit the plate a little, you may experience signal deterioration and even complete loss. As soon as the mirror is slightly damaged, or the direction of the dish is slightly shifted, the subscriber experiences discomfort when watching satellite TV. Or, for example, when a satellite antenna is attached to a window on the 25th floor, where it is constantly exposed to strong winds and, as a result, the antenna mirror loses its shape over time and in the future it may need to be replaced or reconfigured - in such places it is better to install perforated satellite dishes, they provide lower wind loads.

If at one point there is no signal on your TV with NTV-Plus satellite television connected, possible reasons You can divide into three categories:

  1. External factors that do not depend on your equipment.
  2. Internal factors when the problem needs to be looked for in you.
  3. Other factors.

Let's consider each group of reasons for NTV-Plus signal loss separately.

If you turned on the TV today and saw the words “No Signal” on it, first of all you need to try to find out what the problem is, eliminating all possible and inappropriate ones one by one. The very first thing you need to do is make sure that with your TV remote you have selected exactly the connector to which the receiver is directly connected. If everything is chosen correctly, we proceed further.

No NTV-Plus signal: external reasons

Maintenance work on the operator's side

You need to make sure that NTV-Plus does not carry out scheduled maintenance work on equipment transmitting satellite signals.

How to find out: look in the “News” section on the official website of the satellite television operator for information about prevention.

How to fix: wait until the work is completed.

Weather conditions that caused the message “No NTV-Plus signal”

During heavy snowfall or thunderstorms, it may happen that the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your satellite dish.

How to find out: find out the weather outside the window and make sure that there is no snowfall, thunderstorm/shower or clouds on the side in which your plate is turned.

How to fix: wait for the bad weather to end.

Internal reasons for the lack of NTV-Plus signal

If you have ruled out all external causes, most likely the problem is in your equipment that receives the satellite signal. Now we need to check it.

The plate has gone astray

The NTV-Plus satellite dish may change its position over time or become deformed.

How to find out: find out if the plate is fastened tightly enough.

How to fix: if your antenna is “walking,” try moving it in different directions while simultaneously observing the signal. If it appears, tighten the fastening nuts. But it is best to entrust the antenna setup to a professional by calling a specialist from an authorized company.

Snow/ice on the plate or other foreign objects

The presence of snow and ice on a satellite dish can also interfere with signal reception.

How to find out: a visual inspection of the plate for the presence of ice and snow, as well as mechanical damage, will be enough to identify it.

How to fix: Carefully clean the plate, removing any excess from it.

The converter on the plate is broken

The satellite converter (signal converter) is located directly on the dish itself and therefore can be subject to external influences. Often a malfunction of the converter is the reason for the lack of an NTV-Plus signal.

How to find out: replace your converter with another one that is known to be working.

How to fix: if replacing helped, leave the new converter on the satellite dish.

Damage to the cable or cable connections

How to find out: Inspect the cable for breaks or damage, and also check how well the F-connectors are screwed in.

How to fix: if the cable is damaged, replace it and tighten the F-connectors.

Receiver malfunction

The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

How to find out: if you have such an opportunity, connect your receiver to another antenna that you are sure is working. If there is a signal, the problem is not with the receiver.

How to fix it: if the NTV-Plus receiver is broken, it needs to be repaired or replaced with a new one.

The message “No Signal” is shown by the TV itself

It happens that the message “No signal” has nothing to do with the operation of the NTV-Plus satellite dish, but is displayed directly by the TV system.

How to find out: press the OK button on the NTV-Plus remote control. If the list of channels does not appear on your TV screen, this means that its settings have gone wrong.

How to fix: using the TV remote control, select in its menu exactly the input to which the receiver is connected.

Other factors

Changing the ability to receive a satellite signal

There is another reason for the lack of signal from NTV-Plus. If you have not used the receiving equipment for quite a long time, during this time obstacles in the form of trees or a built house may have appeared on the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish.

How to find out: Look at the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. Along the imaginary straight line from the dish to the sun there should be nothing that could interfere with the satellite signal, including tree branches.

How to fix: if there is an obstacle, unfortunately, you will have to move it to another place or remove this obstacle, if possible.

If, after all the steps you have completed, NTV-Plus still does not have a signal, you will have to contact satellite television specialists. Only they can establish the exact reason for the lack of signal, because... They have special testing equipment and everything needed to fix all problems.

The situation when there is no NTV Plus signal is not too common, but if this happens, every client of the teleoperator first of all tries to figure out what this annoying misunderstanding is.

In most cases, the loss of connection with a satellite is a “disease” of channels available for free access, but it happens that those channels for which the subscriber gave his hard-earned money are not shown.

First of all, if NTV Plus does not work, just in case, call the support service (it works around the clock) and ask if the breakdown lies directly in the satellite, or if you have a banal debt to pay for services.

Although such situations are very rare, and mostly the source of the problem is still in the equipment, it is worth checking. But let's return to equipment breakdowns that lead to signal loss.

There are only five possible ones that need to be checked first, let’s look at them:

  1. Cable. Frequent culprit of loss. Problems can arise due to various factors: damage, weather changes, poor quality of the cable itself. It is also necessary to check the strength of the F-connectors - the reason that NTV Plus does not show may be hiding there too.
  2. Physical impact. The cymbal tuning is very fine and, if it is touched even slightly, a number of individual channels or channels may disappear. Another reason for loss may be a foreign object that has fallen into the plate.
  3. Trees. That’s right, one of the common problems when NTV channels are not shown is ordinary vegetation standing in the way and preventing normal reception. Often this problem arises among users who installed an antenna and equipment in the winter, and forgot that in the summer a large number of leaves will appear on the trees, which will greatly jam the received data.
  4. Weather. Another common cause of loss of image quality. Wind, hail, rain, severe frost can be responsible for the complete disappearance or deterioration of the image. But this problem is usually temporary, and as soon as the weather returns to normal, the sound and picture become crystal clear again. To avoid the influence of bad weather, it is recommended to install satellite dishes with a large diameter.
  5. Satellite dish converter. The main and most common reason why NTV does not show. Failures can be of various types - short circuit, overvoltage, expiration, weather conditions and much more.

Another common situation is the loss of only one or even a number of channels.

Here the factors are slightly different:

  1. The plate moved a little.
  2. Poor operation of the console, equipment breakdown.
  3. Preventative work on canals.
  4. The subscriber installed it incorrectly and forgot to insert the access card.
  5. The settings are gone.
  6. The missing channels have been moved by the operator to another broadcast format. To avoid problems in this case, it is recommended to use a new generation of set-top boxes. Ideally, a new product from the operator - an interactive set-top box.
  7. Well, it’s banal, but quite common reason– the payment period for these channels has simply ended.

Bottom line

There are a lot of reasons for losing reception of NTV channels, and if the above situations did not help to correct the situation, instead of a high-quality picture you see an annoying “no signal” message, we advise you to contact a specialist.

They will conduct a full diagnostic of the equipment, detect problems and, if necessary, replace or repair the equipment.

NTV+ is one of the pioneers of the Russian pay TV market, known for the reliability and quality of its equipment, but difficulties arise from time to time with it. If your TV does not show NTV Plus, then with the help of this article you will understand the reasons for this situation and again enjoy high-quality TV broadcasts.

Frequent causes of NTV plus failures

When using NTV Plus, problems arise for three main reasons:

  • Financial - there are not enough funds in the personal account.
  • From the operator’s side, repair work is being carried out or the NTV Plus signal from the satellite has disappeared.
  • On the client equipment side - difficulties with the dish, converter, receiver or wiring around the house.

What to do if you have problems with NTV plus

If, after turning on the TV, you find that there is no NTV Plus image on it, then you should check the reasons for this situation one by one. To begin with, you should call the NTV+ customer service and find out if everything is in order with the balance of your contract, and if there are any interruptions on the satellite. However, this rarely happens, and usually malfunctions occur due to a breakdown of the client’s satellite kit.

If there is no signal from NTV Plus equipment, then first of all it is worth conducting a visual check of the integrity of the antenna. Most often, the satellite dish converter fails, especially if it has been operating in difficult weather conditions (rain, snow) for several years. However, often such a malfunction cannot be identified during a routine inspection, and to resolve the issue you will need a professional NTV plus technician who can quickly diagnose and repair the breakdown.

In cases where the NTV plus signal is too weak, the reason is usually the following:

  1. Obstacles to the passage of the signal appeared between the dish and the satellite - since the installation of the equipment, objects could have appeared that blocked the view: tree branches had grown, etc.
  2. Damage has appeared in the coaxial cable delivering the signal from the converter to the receiver - this usually leads to interference, image deterioration, and even its complete absence.

Why calling an NTV Plus master is the best solution

Unfortunately, most of the problems that arise during the operation of satellite equipment cannot be properly eliminated on our own. Often, even determining the source of a problem with NTV+ is an impossible task for an untrained person.
