How to get double cashback on Aliexpress? How to get double cashback for online purchases? How to get double

Citizens of the Russian Federation who decide to obtain dual citizenship should be aware of all the nuances regarding the procedure for obtaining documents and related issues.

We will tell you what dual citizenship is, how it differs from second citizenship, and also determine what will happen if you do receive the document.

Dual citizenship and second citizenship - what is the difference?

The concept of “dual citizenship” arises when a citizen of one country wishes to obtain citizenship of another country, while asking for the consent of the first state or its representatives.

Thus, a person will have two passports with two citizenships at once different countries , between whom an agreement was signed.

Please note - It is important that an agreement on this type of citizenship is signed between countries, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain it.

The rights and responsibilities of dual citizenship are:

  1. A citizen who has such citizenship can reside in the territory of these two countries.
  2. While he resides in the territory of one country, he is obliged to obey the laws in force on its territory.
  3. He is released from fulfilling obligations in a country where he does not reside. For example, they will be forced to pay taxes only at the place of residence, or they will be sent to the army only in one country, and not in both.

The concept of “second citizenship” can arise when a citizen of one country wishes to acquire the citizenship of another state without any official consent. That is, an agreement on dual citizenship will not be signed between the countries.

It is worth paying attention to this, because there is a big difference between them.

Rights and responsibilities of citizens who have received dual citizenship:

  1. You can live in any country.
  2. The two countries will have to fulfill the responsibilities and rights. For example, taxes will need to be paid in two countries. Another example: you will also have to serve in the Russian army, even if the citizen served in the army of another country. But here it is important to pay attention that if an agreement between countries stipulates that a citizen who served in one country has a deferment in another, then by law he will be released from service.
  3. No one is exempt from performing the duties of a citizen in both countries.

Prohibited in some countries so that a citizen has two citizenships. You should find out about this at the Embassy of these countries or at the visa center.

Law on dual citizenship in the Russian Federation, countries for dual citizenship with Russia

The federal-level law entitled “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and number 62 was signed on May 31, 2002, amended on May 1, 2016.

It specifies the countries with which an agreement on dual citizenship has been signed - Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Citizens of these countries, including Russia, can have dual citizenship.

The holder of such citizenship can decide for himself which country he will live in, where he will serve in the army, etc.

Please note, children born in any state if their parent has dual citizenship automatically receive the same type of citizenship.

Russia has not signed treaties and agreements with other countries, so a Russian will not be able to get double.

However, according to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens will be able to obtain a second citizenship of any other state if desired and have a second passport.

How to obtain dual citizenship in Russia - all stages of the procedure

The procedure for obtaining an additional passport is the same almost everywhere and takes place in several stages.

We'll tell you how to get dual citizenship in Russia:

Stage 1. Collection of information

You must make sure that the state in which you want to obtain citizenship can accept you as a citizen.

Please note the terms and conditions.

For example, to become a German citizen, you must renounce any citizenship, including Russian.

Stage 2. Contacting the Federal Migration Service

There are several procedures for obtaining dual citizenship - simplified and full.

In the first order, a person who wants to be a citizen of the Russian Federation must undergo one of the targeted programs - for example, the resettlement program for compatriots.

And in full order - you will have to live in the Russian Federation for 5 years before you receive your treasured second passport.

In other countries, this period may be less - 3 years or more - 12 years.

An application to the Federal Migration Service begins with submitting an application in which you ask for the right to temporary or permanent residence.

Having received the document, you will have to wait a period and live in Russia for some time.

Stage 3. Verification

The relevant authorities must ensure that you have completed all the requirements to become a citizen.

For example, in Russia they will check:

  1. Have you had problems with the law and law enforcement agencies?
  2. Do you know the language and culture of the country?
  3. Do you know the laws of the state, are you able to comply with them?
  4. Do you have any recommendations? You can enlist the support of your employer.

If you are moving to Russia under the voluntary resettlement program for compatriots, then you may be given citizenship in the near future, but your data, information about relatives and connections with Russia must also be checked.

Stage 4. Obtaining citizenship

Only after you have spent a long time on the territory of the Russian state can you be given citizenship or a second passport.

Please note, resident status is not very different from dual citizenship in the Russian Federation, so it is not in all cases important to obtain this type of citizenship.

Consequences of acquiring dual citizenship - what you need to know?

In accordance with Article 42 of the above law, documents will be valid and have legal force only if they are properly executed and issued to the person by law. Acquired dual citizenship can be considered from several points of view: tax, insurance and legal.

Let's consider what consequences appear from different aspects for someone who has acquired dual citizenship.

1. Legal consequences and restrictions

A citizen with dual citizenship can count on the following:

  1. No one will force him to renounce his Russian citizenship.
  2. He will have the same rights and freedoms as other citizens of the Russian Federation.
  3. No one will relieve him of his duties either.
  4. He will be able to work in the Russian Federation or another country without a work permit.

Restrictions may be established by another state if they are specified in an agreement or international treaties.

For example, such a person will not be able to find a job in the civil service, or will not be able to act as a founder in the media.

2. Tax consequences

Individual income tax in the Russian Federation will have to be paid by a citizen with dual citizenship in the amount of 13%. He will be exempt from paying taxes in another state, of which he is also a citizen.

Whereas non-residents of the Russian Federation, that is, foreigners living for less than 183 days in Russia, pay income tax in the amount of 30%. This is a significant difference. But they will be exempt from paying taxes in another state. An exception to this personal income tax rate (but still 13% remains) in Russia can be foreigners who are highly qualified specialists (Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note, if a person works in the territory of two states and has dual citizenship, he will be required to pay income tax to the treasury of the two states. Any citizen of the Russian Federation can read about their tax obligations in an international treaty concluded between Russia and a second country.

3. Insurance consequences

Citizens with such citizenship must pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, social and health insurance funds, like everyone else, in the prescribed manner, in their country of residence. This is stated in federal law number 212, approved on July 24, 2009.

By the way, insurance payments from accidents at work or from occupational diseases will also have to be paid.

Procedure for renouncing dual citizenship in the Russian Federation

There is no need to look for a compelling reason to refuse to obtain dual citizenship. If you do not want or have changed your mind about acquiring such citizenship, you should contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Consulate of the country with a request to cancel the acquisition of citizenship.

You will need to write an application with your request, and then pay a state fee for consideration of your case by government agencies.

Many people are interested in the question of how to get double cashback on Aliexpress. The simplest and most common option is to receive a gift certificate. Of course, it is not entirely clear what reasons prompted the company to take such actions, since similar proposals have long been successfully used on other foreign sites. But this is not so important.

Today, Aliexpress gift certificates can only be used within one account, i.e. it is not possible to transfer authority over it to relatives. By and large, it is an analogue of a remote wallet located inside your account, which can be replenished before purchasing any item.

How to purchase a certificate

Gift cards come in five different options ranging from $10 to $150. Purchasing a gift certificate is no different from other transactions performed on this trading platform. After paying, go to the “My Orders” tab located in personal account, and after clicking the “My AliExpress Pocket” button, all available privileges from Aliexpress will open to you. Here, if necessary, you can purchase any of the gift certificates, which will be displayed in the “AliExpress Pocket Balance” tab.

It can be used when ordering multiple items from different sellers. But you won’t be able to exchange or return a gift certificate.

Pros and cons of certificates

The main advantage of such a certificate is instant payment in one click, which is necessary when performing quick deals and purchasing last-minute goods. If the transaction is cancelled, the money will be immediately returned to the certificate account, i.e. you will not need to wait up to 5 days for the funds to be transferred to your bank card. IN this moment it has only one drawback - the lack of a function that makes it possible to transfer it to friends and relatives.

The introduction of gift cards is an expected and very useful feature that allows you to give relatives what they need.

Double cashback

The principle of receiving cashback twice in a row is quite simple. First you need to purchase one of the gift certificates with an increased cashback function. Once you become the owner of this certificate, you will be able to withdraw funds within 5 minutes after your first purchase. Next, you need to find the desired item and purchase it on Aliexpress using cashback, but when choosing a payment method, you need to select a gift certificate. It turns out the following: the first time you receive cashback when you purchase it, and the second time - for the purchase of the thing you need, if the payment is made through a certificate.

Recently, people have become increasingly active in making online purchases. I think not everyone knows that you can get good discounts for your online shopping. From this article you will not only learn how to get double cashback and make your online shopping even more profitable, but at the same time you will get acquainted with all the aspects and delights of the bonus program called CASHBACK.

What is cashback?

Cashback is the return of part of the amount spent on a purchase. In other words, cashback is the same discount, but with a delay, that is, the money is returned not immediately, but after a predetermined period of time. The question arises: why on earth would someone return part of the money for purchases? The answer to this question is very simple.

From the store’s point of view, cashback is the most effective alternative to classic advertising. Here's how it happens. An agreement is drawn up between the seller and the online service, according to which for each referred buyer who makes a purchase, the seller pays a certain percentage, and the cashback service, in turn, transfers part of this percentage to the buyer, that is, to you and me. In the end, everyone is happy!

Pros and cons of cashback

Cashback has several objective advantages over other ways to save money when purchasing. Cashback, although it is one of the types of deferred discounts, is always combined with traditional instant discounts and promotions, although only upon purchase.

Unlike regular discounts, promotions, sales and promotional codes, cashback applies to absolutely the entire range of the store. It does not require the fulfillment of any additional conditions. For example, such as the quantity of purchased goods from one category, the minimum purchase amount, etc.

Accordingly, when you make a purchase, you are not limited in your choice and do not adapt to certain conditions of the promotion, but choose only the goods you really need and in the quantity you need. Unlike promotions and sales, cashback is not limited in time. It does not provoke impulse purchases, but allows them to be made rationally and thoughtfully.

Cashback is real money, which you can and will use at your own discretion.

It is necessary to distinguish cashback from all kinds of bonus points and other inferior rewards. After all, bonuses are another marketing trick that makes us all make purchases more often and from the same seller.

About cashback services

With cashback services, everything is not so complicated, but there are some subtleties here. When choosing a particular cashback resource, be sure to make sure that it cooperates with your favorite online trading platforms and stores. For example, I use the LetyShops cashback service.

To be honest, I wasn’t specifically looking for a specific service for myself, but somehow by accident, and now I don’t even remember how I came across this resource. But after my first purchase, I was never disappointed in it. Of course, I tried other services, but still decided to stay with LetiShops.

In my opinion, the only disadvantage of this service is that withdrawal of money to a bank card or electronic wallets starts from 500 rubles. By the way, there is always a promotion for new users in the form of increased cashback.

If your Tinkoff Black card contains at least 30 thousand rubles, and the amount of monthly purchases is at least 3 thousand rubles, more is possible, then your monthly fee will be 0 rubles and you will be credited with 8% per annum on the balance and, accordingly, cashback for the items you have chosen purchases.

But when choosing a card for online purchases, always pay attention to the little things. Some banks offer inferior analogues of cashback, for example in the form of “thank you” points or other similar bonuses, the use of which can be severely limited, and transfer to real rubles will be impossible.

So, if you took care in advance and chose the bank you need and a card tailored for online purchases, then you will always have an additional or double cashback, that is, the first from the web service, the second from the bank!


Integrated use of cashback service and web-oriented shopping bank card on average, it provides about 7.5% savings, and under particularly favorable circumstances, 35% or more. Accordingly, if you use the combination that I told you about when making purchases, you will get decent savings. I wish you all good luck and happy shopping!

Do you know how to get cashback from a purchase, and how to get double cashback, and specifically how to get double cashback on Aliexpress? If not, you'll find out now.

Greetings to all readers of my blog. I rarely write anything lately. And I usually write about what worries me or what I have tried on the site and in life. Otherwise, why write at all, because this is a blog, not a scientific reference book.

Nowadays, many people use online stores, including Aliexpress. In general, I’ve been shopping for about 15 years now. Some things have changed there during this time, of course. But the most unpleasant thing is that prices still increased. Well, okay, what am I talking about sad. The prices are still less than in our stores.

So I recently discovered such a trick. It turns out that getting cashback from a purchase on Aliexpress has been an option for quite some time now.

How to get cashback from a purchase

Do you receive cashback interest when paying by card? I get. How to do it? Yes, just get such a card and pay for purchases with it. Different banks have different conditions. When purchasing with a card, you usually get a percentage refund at the end of the month.

They are currently considered the most profitable in terms of cashback in general.

Great card
Card with “Benefit”
LLC "HKF Bank"
Touch Bank Card
JSC “OTP Bank”

Of course, you should always check which stores offer cashback. Everything happens automatically, you don’t need to do anything, just pay for the purchase with a card.

How to get double cashback

It turns out to be quite simple. IN currently When making online purchases, you can save on cashback services. From a purchase in a store, you can receive a refund to the account of these services and then withdraw them in the form electronic money, and then back to the card or just to a bank card.

The percentage returned is indicated on the service and is different for each store. At the moment I know for sure that the Letyshops service works. It launched in 2014. 975 online stores around the world participate in the program.

Here are some of them, more famous so to speak.

  • M Video
  • Gearbest
  • Sportmaster
  • Allsoft
  • Aliexpress

What need to do?

  1. Register on the Letyshops service.
  2. Find your store for purchase in the list of stores. It’s elementary whether he is there or not. And you can immediately find what you want to buy.
  3. Before purchasing, you need to go to the service, that is, right before the process itself! It is very important! Otherwise, you will not be identified as a cashback recipient.

In about a month, you will see the refund amount in your personal account.

It’s cool and very important that when you pay with a plastic card, bank cashback is also awarded. This results in a double return. And that's absolutely true. I tried. Happened.

However, there is a small drawback - the minimum withdrawal amount for a refund is 500 rubles.

The service offers to install a browser plugin. Well, I do not know. I don’t use online stores that often and I didn’t bother with the plugin.

There is also a loyalty program, according to which cashback percentages increase as the amount of cashback you receive accumulates.

How to get double cashback on Aliexpress

I'm just a crow, honestly. Recently, I just bought a huge number of phone cases for all my friends on Aliexpress and did not take advantage of this opportunity.

I even wrote this article. Here . With video evidence, so to speak.

And so, we get double cashback on Aliexpress.

  1. Here is the link to the main page. By following this link, you will be taken directly to the site in Russian. Register and confirm. Everything is as usual.
  2. Finding the right purchase.
  3. We go to the Letyshops service and select a store there, that’s where we go to the store using a login and password.
  4. Then we find the purchase and pay.

Some more minor clarifications regarding cashbacks from purchases in general for all stores.

In the service’s personal account, you can immediately see the list of your purchases, you can check and, if something goes wrong, re-place the order.

For example, about booking. Most often, a tourist makes payment for a booked hotel at the hotel itself, and not on the website. Will I get cashback in this case? I haven’t done this myself, but people write and it works. The hotel records the payment on, and the site awards cashback.

Using code PREMIUM30X7 you can get a Premium account for 7 days, where cashback will be 30% more than regular cashback rates.

Well, for example, place an order within 1 hour after leaving the service, clear cookies in the browser (Ctrl+Shift+Delete). And so on. All this is not that difficult to do.

Some of you may think that the price in a store through the service and just in a store will be different. Through a service like more. You can check. The price is the same.

Happy shopping to all of us!

2018-07-25T16:09:24+00:00 Hope Blog aliexpress

Do you know how to get cashback from a purchase, and how to get double cashback, and specifically how to get double cashback on Aliexpress? If not, you'll find out now. Greetings to all readers of my blog. I rarely write anything lately. And I usually write about what worries me or what I tried on the site and...

Nadezhda Trofimova [email protected] Administrator Blog site

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Users of online stores have heard a lot about returning part of the amount for purchases; this process is called cashback and we wrote about it in our articles on this site. On a regular day, for a regular purchase on the Aliexpress website, you can get 4.5% cashback from each order.

Recently, a feature with double cashback has appeared, and in this article we will try to figure out how and where you can get it in order to save even more on Aliexpress. In essence, double cashback implies a double rate of return of part of the funds spent.

How to get double cashback on Aliexpress?

We bring to your attention instructions on how you can get double cashback:
1. We activate cashback using:
- cashback service
- plugin
- mobile application ePN Cashback

On the ePN cashback website we enter and activate one of the promotional codes:
✔ epnbest2018 - this promotional code is valid for 7 days after activation
✔ chinatown1217 - valid for 1 day after activation

2. After activating cashback on the ePN cashback website, perform the following actions:
- Add the product you are interested in to the cart on the Aliexpress website.
- Go to the Cart.
- Next, proceed to placing your order by clicking on the “Place an order” button on the Aliexpress website.
- In the “Checkout” section, in the “Payment methods” section, make sure that the “Use certificate” setting is enabled.
We buy a gift certificate on Aliexpress and receive cashback for its purchase.

To view your gift certificates and the balance of certificates for Aliexpress, log in to Aliexpress, go to the "My orders" section and then to "My gift certificates":

In this tab you can buy certificates; to do this, in the upper right corner, click the “Buy certificates” button:

Then select the certificate denomination you are interested in:

The certificates come in different denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $150.
After selecting the denomination of the certificate, click on it, confirm the payment transaction and the required amount will be credited to the account (certificate balance).

After you click the "Buy" button on the Aliexpress website, you will be able to select the "Use Certificate" payment method:

Essentially, a gift certificate is an internal AliExpress wallet, which replaced AliPay; it is an internal balance from which you can pay for purchases on the AliExpress website.
You can buy a certificate on the official Aliexpress website at the link:

3. You buy the selected product on Aliexpress, pay for it using a certificate, and receive cashback from the order price. Cashback for each product on Aliexpress is 4,5% add to this another 10% for purchasing a certificate - the benefit is obvious, if you enter one of our ePN promotional codes, you can get from 18 to 20.5% cashback. All current and latest promotional codes in the VK group

Cashback for purchasing a certificate immediately becomes available for withdrawal.
You can pay with a gift certificate and receive cashback through the mobile application.

What to do if double cashback is not counted?

There have been cases when a person made a purchase using a certificate, but the double cashback was not counted, this is because certificates appeared quite recently.
Large denomination certificates may temporarily “expire” and become unavailable for purchase.
But literally within 24 hours the number of certificates is replenished, so stay tuned for updates.

If during your purchase you are faced with a blocking of the ability to pay for a certificate, then in most cases this happens if you pay for them with a plastic card (Visa, MasterCard). In this case, the AliExpress system may ask you to provide additional information about the card.
In this case, I advise you to try to pay through any electronic wallet available in AliExpress (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, etc.). The problem may also extend to the purchase of high-denomination certificates.

Useful tips
- I advise you to buy several certificates of a lower denomination.
- Before purchasing a large batch of certificates, if possible, test the cashback credit on the cheapest product or certificate with a face value of $10.
- You cannot cancel the purchase of a certificate, so do not forget to activate your cashback through the website or the ePN cashback plugin.

I advise you to track updated information on double cashback on the official website

Since March 9, 2017, Aliexpress has officially canceled cashback for gift certificates, so at the moment there is no double cashback.

How can you get increased cashback on Aliexpress?
Since Aliexpress canceled double cashback in March 2017, we will tell you how you can save as much as possible on all purchases.
TOP of the best cashback services - will help you compare and choose the most profitable cashback service for Aliexpress.
Tinkoff Aliexpress card - ePN cashback service and Tinkoff bank will give you 54.5% cashback on your first purchase and from 9.5% on all subsequent orders on AliExpress.
ePN Cashback promotional codes will increase your cashback rate by several percent.

Still have questions? ask your question in the technical support online chat or write it below in the comments
