Names for robotics school. How to name. What mechanism can be called a robot?, The birth of robotics, Scientific and technological progress and robotics, What specialists are needed for robotics Come up with a name for the robot

Autobots and Decepticons, who have long filled toy stores, occupied cinema screens for a long time with the release of the first Transformers film. Robot names such as Optimus Prime and Megatron became known as Harry Potter and Voldemort. The cars, which are actually aliens that transform into humanoid creatures, were a hit with audiences. And the yellow Chevrolet Camaro named Bumblebee has become the favorite of many.

Very soon the fifth part of the film series will be released on screens, it's time to review the previous parts. Do you know what the heroes of Transformers look like? Are the names all familiar too? Let's check it out on the last one this moment movie "Transformers: Age of Extinction". Moreover, the events of the new film are a continuation of the previous one.

A little about the film itself

Age of Extinction takes the film series in a new direction. After the invasion of Chicago, the Autobots fell out of favor. The film touches on the theme of the soured relationship “people/transformers”. The names of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and the team become known throughout the world, because these are the names of dangerous creatures.

It is noteworthy that Age of Extinction touches on the diverse mythology of Transformers, the plot covers a significantly larger number of events than the first three films, which were built solely on the battle of Autobots against Decepticons. A new subspecies appears - Dinobots - further evidence that the film team is serious about moving away from the previous storyline.

Considering that the director was originally going to focus on three films, we can consider this a new era for the Transformers film.

Autobot names

Optimus Prime- the wise and formidable leader of the Autobots. At the beginning of the film, he appears as a rusty, crippled Marmon truck, but is later transformed into a Western Star 4900 long-haul tractor.

Bumblebee. From the very beginning, he was Optimus Prime's loyal assistant and protector of humanity. Despite the damaged voice module, Bumblebee actively communicates, switching radio stations and selecting suitable songs. It initially appears in the film as a 1967 Chevrolet Camaro and later becomes a shiny 2014 Camaro.

Ratchet. He is not a fighter by nature, but is a valuable member of the team - a medic. He decides to side with the Autobots because he feels that they are the ones who have the best chance of achieving peace - the only thing that really interests him. Transforms into a rescue SUV, which once again shows his peaceful attitude.

Hound. A cartoon character who, despite his terrifying appearance, loves to call the Earth his home and, like a child, enjoys simple things. In the film, he appears as a heavily armed artilleryman with a robotic beard and a love of using bullets as cigars. His mechanized appearance is the Oshkosh tactical vehicle.

Crosshairs- weapons master, paratrooper. He replaces Ironhide, who died in the third part of the film. Crosshairs is not a big fan of Earth and doesn't mind leaving it on occasion. Transforms into a 2014 Chevrolet C7 Corvette.

Drift. Initially he was on the side of the Decepticons, but later went over to the Autobots. In the film, he appears as a calm samurai, skillfully wielding swords and having practically no equal. Transforms into the stunning 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse and loves to drift around the city streets on occasion.

Junkhip. A Decepticon soldier whose sole reason for existence is to fight the Autobots. Transforms into a garbage truck.

Lockdown. Despite being on the Decepticon list, Lockdown is not technically part of either side. He is a ruthless intergalactic bounty hunter who is hired to track down one of the Autobots hiding on Earth. Who hired him and who he is hunting is not revealed. Transforms into a 2013 Lamborghini Aventador.

Dinobot names

Grimlock. The stubborn leader of the Dinobots. Doesn't like to listen to anyone, including Optimus Prime. The bosses hate the Decepticons more. Transforms into a powerful metal Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Slash. The cunning hunter Velociratops, Hound's partner.

Instead of a conclusion

Some of the robots had only a couple of seconds of screen time, others won a significant share of the plot, but thanks to the efforts of the team, each of them - Autobots, Decepticons and Dinobots - look stunningly detailed and impressively powerful on the screen.

As in previous films, the creators tried to include as many characters as possible, to the delight of fans of the Transformers film series. The names of the characters in our favorite story were discussed by us in this article.

If you're planning to start your own robotics club but aren't sure you can choose a suitable name on your own, this article will help you easily choose the best option. This article provides examples of the names of already existing circles operating throughout the country, and also describes ways to construct such names.

Principles for forming names of robotics schools

All such names can be divided into two main groups. After reading the description of each of them, as well as studying illustrative examples, an entrepreneur will be able to quickly and easily create his own, vivid and memorable version.

  1. Names that include the word "robot", "robbo", "robo". The use of these keywords makes the name as topical as possible, i.e. By choosing this method, you guarantee that your club will not be confused with either a language school or an electronics store. They can also be quite varied, mainly due to the use of different vocabulary or changing the keyword itself, for example, “Robotex”, “Robotics Lab”, “Robot League”, “Robbo”, etc.
  2. Other names. The vast majority of names from this category are also thematic, i.e. are associated with robots, technology or simply knowledge, for example, “Newton’s Binomial”, “Zhelezyaki”, “Academy of Geniuses”, “Smart Modules”, “ELECTRONIC”, etc.

As often happens in a young field of human activity, robotics does not yet have an established, generally accepted terminology. Disputes among experts over what kind of mechanism can be called a robot continue to this day. And people not associated with robotics often think that a robot is a device that performs certain labor operations for a person. Is it so?

Let us turn to the densely populated world of machines and mechanisms in our time. A considerable number of them perform work that just recently a person did himself. Let's not look far for examples. Let's take a look around. Many of us no longer turn the handle of our home coffee grinder, but turn on an electric coffee grinder, and it grinds the coffee beans in a few seconds, i.e., it does it for us. The same is true with a power saw, electric drill, etc. But you are unlikely to call all these mechanisms robots. What's the matter? What distinguishes a robot from, for example, an electrified tool?

Rice. 12. Two main parts of the robot: 1 - the actuator ("hand") and 2 - the "brain" (the device that controls the "hand").

To understand the main thing, we will not delve into terminological issues. Let us join the opinion of those who believe that a robot can be called a device that has two main parts: an actuator - “hand” 1 and a control system for this mechanism - the “brain” 2 of the robot (Fig. 12). This idea of ​​a robot immediately clarifies the question of why power tools are not robots: they do not have, apart from a simple switch, a system that controls the actuator (saw, drill, etc.).

Rice. 13. The design of an industrial robot, compactly combining its “hand” and “brain”

Rice. 14. Mechanical “arm” of the robot - manipulator; 1 - gripper (working link).

An industrial robot looks, for example, like the one shown in Figure 13: this robot has a clearly visible “arm” 1, and the “brain” is hidden in the body 2.

The most complex part in the design of a robot is, as in the human body, the “brain”. Therefore, let's start getting acquainted with the robot from its simpler part - the actuator.

The expression “whatever you call a ship, so it will sail” is relevant in all situations related to the release of new products. And if you're going to build your own robot and want to show it off to the world, sell it, or rent it out, choosing the right name is a very important task.

In this article, we will help you understand the main issues when choosing a name for a robot so that it is as successful as possible.

Compatibility with appearance

At first glance, choosing a name for a robot seems like a simple task. First, the image of the desired mechanism appears in our heads, then in practice. The name comes at the very end, and is usually based on the appearance and purpose of the car. It is very important that these two elements are combined with each other.

For example, if it is some kind of wheeled robot, like a car, then you can use the words “car” or “roll” in the name. If this is a humanoid robot, human names, both Russian and foreign, are quite suitable. The main thing is that the name is easy to understand and remember. If this is a robotic animal, you can take something from the names of pets or fictional cartoon or fairy tale characters.

Examples of successful robot names

Robot Robonaut

Robonaut is a famous humanoid robot created by NASA to work on the ISS.

The developers just combined “robot” and “astronaut”, and got a good balance between the appearance and type of activity of the machine.

Big Dog Robot

Big Dog is a robot dog from Boston Dynamics that is truly a powerful four-legged machine whose name is a great reflection of its essence.

Robot WALL-E

You can use abbreviations if you have come up with a complex, long-form name, but want to call the robot more briefly. Good example: cartoon robot WALL-E, named after waste allocation load lifter, Earth-class (earth-class waste loader). His name turned out to be harmonious and compatible with the appearance of this cute mechanism.

Simplicity and accessibility

An important point is the domain with the robot’s name. If you want to create a website that shows your robot in detail, look for a free domain. This way, you will ensure that your robot is unique and will avoid future confusion and other problems.

In addition, the name should be simple. Complex words are not only difficult to pronounce and read, they are also difficult to remember. Try not to overload the name with consonants or vowels, maintaining euphony. This is especially true for fantasy names and foreign names.

Avoid too many numbers too. In homemade models this is of no use. Usually the presence of numbers in the name is appropriate if we're talking about about many versions of a device or an entire line of products.


But that is not all. The robot's name should not inspire bad thoughts or become a reason for jokes and curses.

If you want to call it a foreign word, check all the meanings of the word so that there is no awkward situation, as happened with the famous android Pepper (the direct meaning is “pepper”). The developers, Aldebaran Robotics and Softbank, named it that way because one of the meanings of the word is “alive, energetic,” which, of course, corresponds to its purpose. But some users decided to add some spice to using the robot for dubious purposes, including sexual ones.

Using human names for robots

Human names - great option for a robot. But, again, it is important that it be correlated with his appearance and purpose. Plus, it must correspond to the culture in whose concept the mechanism was invented. It is clear that if the robot is made in Japanese style, calling it “Masha” would be inappropriate.

In the end, we also note that the name of the robot should not mislead consumers, reduce the perceived quality of the mechanism, contradict the identity, or blur the idea of ​​the purpose and features of this device.

Thus, after analyzing all these nuances, you can work on the name of the robot more carefully and choose the most successful option.

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What mechanism can be called a robot?

As often happens in a young field of human activity, robotics does not yet have an established, generally accepted terminology.

Let us turn to the densely populated world of machines and mechanisms in our time. A considerable number of them perform work that just recently a person did himself. Let's not look far for examples. Let's take a look around. Many of us no longer turn the handle of our home coffee grinder, but turn on an electric coffee grinder, and it grinds the coffee beans in a few seconds, i.e., it does it for us. The same is true with a power saw, electric drill, etc. But you are unlikely to call all these mechanisms robots. What's the matter? What distinguishes a robot from, for example, an electrified tool?

Rice. 12. Two main parts of the robot: 1 - the actuator ("hand") and 2 - the "brain" (the device that controls the "hand").

To understand the main thing, we will not delve into terminological issues. Let us join the opinion of those who believe that a robot can be called a device that has two main parts: an actuator - “hand” 1 and a control system for this mechanism - the “brain” 2 of the robot (Fig. 12). This idea of ​​a robot immediately clarifies the question of why power tools are not robots: they do not have, apart from a simple switch, a system that controls the actuator (saw, drill, etc.).

Rice. 13. The design of an industrial robot that compactly combines its “arm” and “brain”

Rice. 14. The mechanical “arm” of the robot is a manipulator; 1 - gripper (working link).

An industrial robot looks, for example, like the one shown in Figure 13: this robot has a clearly visible “arm” 1, and the “brain” is hidden in the body 2.
