CVM flame-kv and converting devices. Digital computer "Plamya-KV" and converting devices

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Subject. TsVM "Plamya-KV" and converting

devices General information about the digital computer "Plamya-KV" Study questions:

    Purpose, composition of digital computers and main tactical and technical

characteristics of the digital computer.

    Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200V air defense system Digital computer operating modes

1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and main performance characteristics of the “Plamya-KV” digital computer Digital computers of the "Flame" series are specialized digital computers designed for automatic and semi-automatic control systems with a small amount of processed information and a relatively low required calculation accuracy.

According to their logical structure, digital computers of the "Flame" series are universal machines, i.e. capable of implementing any algorithm within the limits of their memory, accuracy and speed. Depending on the specific application, the “Flame” digital computer has the form of a modification and is assigned a letter index. For our case - “Plamya-KV” or abbreviated “P-KV”.

The P-KV digital computer is a machine with a constant program and is designed to solve only certain tasks. The machine implements a dynamic principle of information processing. The calculation program is recorded in the P-KV digital computer at the factory and does not change during operation.

Fig.1. Scheme of the main connections of the digital computer “P-HF” The digital computer of the "Flame" series consists of the following main devices (Fig. 1): an arithmetic unit (AU);

storage device (storage device);

control devices (CU);

devices for inputting information into a digital computer and outputting information from a digital computer (UVV).

In addition, the digital computer includes control and auxiliary equipment.

In the AC, computational and some logical operations on numbers and commands are carried out. Table 1. Basic specifications


Parameter value


asynchronous, serial-parallel action

with parallel access from memory



transmission and processing of information by serial code



Bit depth

16 digits

Number representation

number code - additionally modified, 2 sign digits, 14 mantissa

with a fixed point before the most significant digit

Performance addition, multiplication

62500 op/s, 7800 op/s

division is performed using a special subroutine

Memory capacity ROM-1 RAM-1

4096 16-bit instructions and 26516-bit constants

"P-KV" uses 2 cubes of ROM and RAM

Number of teams

32 standard operations

Number of communication channels

4 parallel receptions of information 3 parallel outputs of information

16-bit channels

Number of control signals (digital computer commands)

13:4 - pulse9 - relay

in the form of packets of pulses in the form of voltage drops


Subject.TsVM "Plamya-KV" and converting


General information about the “Plamya-KV” digital computer

Study questions:

Purpose, composition of digital computers and main tactical and technical

characteristics of the digital computer.

Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200V air defense system

Digital computer operating modes

1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and main performance characteristics of the “Plamya-KV” digital computer

Digital computers of the "Flame" series are specialized digital computers designed for automatic and semi-automatic control systems with a small amount of processed information and a relatively low required calculation accuracy.

According to their logical structure, digital computers of the "Flame" series are universal machines, i.e. capable of implementing any algorithm within the limits of their memory, accuracy and speed. Depending on the specific application, the “Flame” digital computer has the form of a modification and is assigned a letter index. For our case - “Plamya-KV” or abbreviated “P-KV”.

The P-KV digital computer is a machine with a constant program and is designed to solve only certain tasks. The machine implements a dynamic principle of information processing. The calculation program is recorded in the P-KV digital computer at the factory and does not change during operation.

Fig.1. Scheme of the main connections of the digital computer “P-HF”

The digital computer of the "Flame" series consists of the following main devices (Fig. 1): an arithmetic unit (AU);

storage device (storage device);

control devices (CU);

devices for inputting information into a digital computer and outputting information from a digital computer (UVV).

In addition, the digital computer includes control and auxiliary equipment.

In the AC, computational and some logical operations on numbers and commands are carried out.

Table 1.Main technical characteristics


Parameter value


Type asynchronous, serial-parallel action

with parallel access from memory

Addressability unicast transmission and processing of information by serial code
Notation binary
Bit depth 16 digits
Number representation number code - additionally modified, 2 sign digits, 14 mantissa with a fixed point before the most significant digit


addition, multiplication

62500 op/s, 7800 op/s division is performed using a special subroutine


4096 16-bit instructions and constants

265 16-bit numbers

2 cubes of ROM and RAM are used

Number of teams 32 standard operations
Number of communication channels

4 parallel receptions of information

3 parallel information outputs

16-bit channels
Number of control signals (digital computer commands)

4 - pulse

9 - relay

in the form of packets of nmpulses

in the form of voltage drops

Duty cycle 16 µs
Frequency 1 MHz
Ready time no more than 2 minutes preliminary activation of MOZU thermostats 30 minutes in advance.
Nutrition standby 38О V, 50 Hz operating 115 V, 400 Hz

from a 3-phase voltage network.

from a separate unit

Power consumption

via network 380 V - 500 VA

via network 115 V - 110 VA

The memory consists of a magnetic random access memory (RAM) and a read only memory (ROM).

The first is intended for receiving, storing and issuing operational information(initial data, intermediate data and calculation results), the second is for storing the calculation program and issuing control commands in accordance with the calculation program. Constants are also stored in ROM.

The control unit ensures automatic coordinated operation of all machine devices when calculating a program.

The UVV is intended for entering initial information into the RAM and outputting the counting results to consumers from the RAM.

The control and auxiliary equipment of the digital computer includes:

automatic control device (ACU) - for automatic monitoring of the correct operation of the digital computer;

control device (CU) - for monitoring the digital computer in the routine control mode and for manual monitoring of the serviceability of digital computer devices;

control control panel (CPP) - for manual control of the operation of the digital computer in control mode;

system simulator (IS) - for simulating digital computer input information in control mode;

control panel (CP) - to control the operation of the visual control device(VKU), indicating the contents of the digital computer registers during program calculation, as well as for turning the digital computer on and off.

Power is supplied from the power supply unit (PSU) and the main pulse generator (MPG). The first one generates voltage direct current, the second - the main pulses that serve for pulse power supply of typical dynamic elements of a digital computer.

Control of the progress of calculations (selecting a program, receiving and issuing information) is carried out in the main mode using signals coming from external devices. When a signal is received in the machine, an unprogrammed command is generated, which is sent for execution, interrupting the main program. The digital computer provides nine unprogrammed commands.

The main technical characteristics are given in Table 1.

2. Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200 air defense system.

The P-KV digital computer is tasked with solving three main tasks:

ensuring the targeting of ROC tracking systems;

calculation of initial data for shooting;

ensuring the operation of the firing channel in the “Training” mode.

Guidance of angular tracking systems and range and speed tracking systems at a target is carried out according to target designation data (TC) issued from the control and target distribution point (CTD). At the same time, the digital computer, together with digital-to-analog converters, acts as a discriminator of the ROC tracking systems, generating coordinate differences between the control center data and the data characterizing the position of the ROC tracking systems or simulator tracking systems (index “TR”):

 = CC- ROC; = CC- ROC  = CC-  ROC; rTR= rCC-rTR

r = rCC-rROC; TR =CC- TR

The initial data for firing is provided to the control center, control cabin and launch preparation cabin. The PUCR issues:

coordinates of the calculated meeting point of the missile with the target (TV) and the points of intersection of the affected area with the target’s trajectory (for target distribution indicators);

the time remaining until the target TV leaves the affected area (tVZ) and the target parameter (RT) (for the tVZ-RC indicator);

the “Target is not in the zone” sign, if the extended trajectory of the target does not pass through the affected area or the TV missile with the target has gone beyond the boundaries of the affected area (indicated by a light bulb);

control center data for slave ROCs (used when distributing group targets in the “Master - Slave” mode);

the difference between the coordinates of the control center and the coordinates of the target tracked by the ROC (for the difference indicator);

rectangular coordinates and velocity components in the rectangular coordinate system of the target accompanied by the ROC (for documentation).

The following are provided in the control room:

coordinates of the calculated TV missile with the target and the points of intersection of the affected area with the target’s trajectory (for the launch officer’s indicator);

command “Launch prohibition” of the next missile (indicated by a light on the launch officer’s console);

TV coordinates at the time of missile launch (TVP) (for the launch officer indicator);

slant range to target (for launch officer indicator).

For launch automatic equipment, the following are determined and issued to the launch preparation cabin:

estimated operating time of the rocket propulsion engine (tdv);

value 1/2 , Where - speed of approach of the missile to the target;

azimuthal lead for the initial phase of a missile's flight when firing into the far zone (±);

command "Kom 3TsVM" to turn on the rocket flight mode to the far zone.

Digital computer operating modes.

The digital computer operates in various modes, determined by special signals coming from the control room and the control center. These modes are:

Standby mode;

target designation training mode;

automatic target tracking (AS) mode;

mode of automatic tracking of an active interference source;

digital computer mode for target designation;

simulator mode;

control test mode;

regulatory control regime.

Of the indicated modes, the first five modes are used in the process of combat work.

3.1. Standby mode

It is set from the moment the digital computer is turned on until the data from the central control unit arrives. In this mode, the coordinates of the ROC strobe (values ​​str, str, rstr, pp). The digital computer recalculates the spherical coordinates of the ROC strobe into a rectangular coordinate system and outputs this data to the control center for displaying the ROC strobe on target distribution indicators.

3.2. Target designation training mode

There are two points to note here. Firstly, the tasks solved by the digital computer after issuing the data from the control center for calculation (in the PUCR on the target distribution console, the “Target Designation” and “Counting” buttons are pressed), and, secondly, the tasks solved after the control center of this digital computer is assigned (on the target distribution console in PUCR button "Exercise control center" is pressed).

In the first case, the digital computer solves the problem of preparing the initial data for firing and provides this data to the control center, the control cabin and the launch preparation cabin.

In the second case, in addition to the above, the digital computer provides guidance of the tracking systems to the target, the coordinates of which are indicated in the target designation issued from the K9M. At the same time, in the process of testing the control center, the signals “Training control center” are generated (issued to the control center and the equipment cabin) and switching the speed of the range tracking system “6 TsVM” (issued to the equipment cabin).

Due to the fact that the control center received from the command and control system of the regiment (brigade) is issued with a frequency of 0.1 (0.2) Hz in a rectangular coordinate system, the digital computer extrapolates the control center coordinates to a frequency of 10 Hz and recalculates the control center data into a spherical coordinate system.

If the control center comes from the leading ROC, then the digital computer recalculates the data from the control center into a coordinate system associated with the location of the ROC, and also converts the coordinates of the control center from a spherical system to a rectangular one, since a number of problems are solved in a rectangular coordinate system.

To reduce the amplitude and number of oscillations of the azimuthal and elevation shafts of the antenna post when testing the control center and achieving a mismatch of a certain value, the digital computer generates special signals braking.

3.3. Automatic target tracking mode

This mode is activated when the "AS ROC" command is issued. In this mode, the digital computer continues to solve the same problems as when testing the control center. The only difference is that the data from the control center, used to solve the problem of meeting the missile with the target, is replaced by more accurate data supplied to the digital computer from the tracking systems of the Russian Orthodox Church.

When working with a monochromatic signal, the ROC does not determine the target range coordinate (rt). And this value is necessary to solve the problem of meeting a missile with a target. Therefore, the value rts is either calculated from the control center data, or prolonged from data obtained earlier with a stable target AS in all four coordinates, or entered into the digital computer by the operator using the steering wheel, if the operator knows the range or height of the target.

The essence of entering rts based on a known target height is as follows. In the digital computer, based on the known value of the target elevation angle (ts) (in AC3 mode, ts is entered into the digital computer) and the range rts, the target height is determined

Hc = rc sin c+ rc2 / (2R),

Where rts - slant range to target;

ts- target elevation angle;

R- radius of the Earth.

Hz- issued to the altitude gauge. If the operator knows the value of the target height (for example, according to PRV-13(17) or other data), then the value of rts using the steering wheel is set so that the height value on the device coincides with the known one.

3.4. Auto-tracking mode for active interference source.

Turns on when the ROC is switched to the “Interference” mode

In this mode, the same tasks must be solved as in the target AC mode. However, when tracking a source of active interference, the ROC determines only the angular coordinates of the target. Missing coordinates rc and μ, necessary to solve the problem of meeting a missile with a target, are either calculated from the data of the control center, or are calculated in the digital computer by prolongation according to the data received in the digital computer before the appearance of interference. If the control center data is missing and the extension is not carried out, but the target’s AC along and is, then rts in the “MD” (local sensors) mode is entered according to the known height of the target (as in the previous case), and C is entered into the digital computer in the “Manual pointer” mode.

3.5. Digital computer mode for target designation

This mode of operation of the digital computer is an emergency and is used in the event that the coordinates received from the ROC tracking systems earlier disappear in the digital computer or when they are distorted. The transition to this mode is achieved by pressing the “Digital computer by central control” button. Preparation of initial data for firing in this mode is carried out according to the control center data.

3.6. Simulator mode

It is used for training RTC operators and ensures the generation of a simulated target signal, the coordinates of which coincide with the coordinates of the control center coming from the control center. In this case, the digital computer performs the same calculations as during combat work. The mode is activated by switching the ROC to simulator mode using the "BR-KS-Tr" switch on the KI-2202V unit in the equipment cabin.

3.7. Control test mode

Used to monitor the performance of the digital computer. At the same time, a control test program is executed in the digital computer, providing a performance check various devices TsVM. The mode is turned on by moving the "Combat work - Control test" switch to the "Control test" position.

1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and main performance characteristics of the digital computer “Plamya-KV” 113

2. Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200 air defense system. 115

3. Digital computer operating modes. 116

3.1. Standby mode 116

3.2. Target designation training mode 116

3.3. Automatic target tracking mode 117

The essence of entering rts based on a known target height is as follows. In the digital computer, based on the known value of the target elevation angle (ts) (in AC3 mode, ts is entered into the digital computer) and the range rts, the target height is determined 117

Hc = rc sin c+ rc2 / (2R), 117

where rts is the slant range to the target; 117

ts - target elevation angle; 117

R is the radius of the Earth. 117

Hts - issued to the height gauge. If the operator knows the value of the target height (for example, according to PRV-13(17) or other data), then the value of rts using the steering wheel is set so that the height value on the device coincides with the known one. 117

3.4. Auto-tracking mode for active interference source. 117

Turns on when the ROC is switched to the “Interference” mode 117

3.5. Digital computer mode for target designation 118

3.6. Trainer mode 118

3.7. Control test mode 118

secret Topic. Digital computer "Plamya-KV" and converting devices General information about digital computer "Plamya-KV" Educational questions: 1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and the main tactical and technical characteristics of the digital computer. | |14 |Power supply |standby 38О V, 50 |from 3-phase network| | | | Hz operating 115 | voltage | | | |V, 400 Hz |from separate | | | | |unit | |15 |Consumed |via 380 V network -| | | |power |500 VA | | | | |via 115 V network -| | | | |110 VA | | At the same time, the digital computer, together with digital-to-analog converters, acts as a discriminator of the ROC tracking systems, generating coordinate differences between the control center data and the data characterizing the position of the ROC tracking systems or the simulator tracking systems (index “TR”): ?? = ?TSU - ?RPC; ? = TsU - ROC?? = ?TSU - ?RPC; ?rTR = rTSU - rTR?r = rTSU - rRPC; ?TR = TsU - TR Initial data for firing are issued to the control center, control cabin and launch preparation cabin. The PUCR provides: coordinates of the calculated point of missile meeting the target (TV) and the points of intersection of the affected area with the target’s trajectory (for target distribution indicators); 3.1. Standby mode Set from the moment the digital computer is turned on until the data from the central processing unit arrives. In this mode, the coordinates of the ROC strobe (values?str, ?str, rstr, str) are received at the digital computer input. The digital computer recalculates the spherical coordinates of the ROC strobe into a rectangular coordinate system and outputs this data to the control center for displaying the ROC strobe on target distribution indicators. 3.2. Target designation training mode Two points should be noted here. Firstly, the tasks solved by the digital computer after issuing the data from the control center for calculation (in the PUCR on the target distribution console, the “Target Designation” and “Counting” buttons are pressed), and, secondly, the tasks solved after the control center of this digital computer is assigned (on the target distribution console in PUCR button "Exercise control center" is pressed). The essence of entering rts based on a known target height is as follows. In the digital computer, based on the known value of the target elevation angle ((ts) (in AC3 mode (ts is entered into the digital computer) and the range rts, the target height Hts = rts sin ?ts+ rts2 / (2R) is determined, where rts is the slant range to the target; ? ц - elevation angle of the target; R - radius of the Earth. Hts - is output to the altitude dial. If the operator knows the value of the target height (for example, according to PRV-13(17) or other data), then the value rts is set using the steering wheel. so that the altitude value on the device coincides with the known one. only the angular coordinates of the target. The missing coordinates rts and ts, necessary to solve the problem of meeting the missile with the target, are either calculated from the control center data, or are calculated in the digital computer by prolongation according to the data received in the digital computer before the interference appears. If the control center data is missing and the extension is not performed. is produced, and the target AC? And? is, then rts in the “MD” (local sensors) mode is entered according to the known height of the target (as in the previous case), and C is entered into the digital computer in the “Manual pointer” mode. 3.5. Digital computer mode for target designation This mode of digital computer operation is an emergency mode and is used in the event that coordinates previously received from the ROC tracking systems are lost in the digital computer or when they are distorted. The transition to this mode is achieved by pressing the “Digital computer by central control” button. Preparation of initial data for firing in this mode is carried out according to the control center data. 3.6. Simulator mode Used for training RTC operators and ensures the generation of a simulated target signal, the coordinates of which coincide with the coordinates of the control center coming from the control center. In this case, the digital computer performs the same calculations as during combat work. The mode is activated by switching the ROC to simulator mode using the "BR-KS-Tr" switch on the KI-2202V unit in the equipment cabin. 3.7. Control test mode Used to monitor the performance of the digital computer. At the same time, a control test program is executed in the digital computer, ensuring the functionality of various digital computer devices is checked. The mode is turned on by moving the "Combat work - Control test" switch to the "Control test" position. 1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and main performance characteristics of the digital computer “Plamya-KV” 113 2. Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200 air defense system. 115 3. Digital computer operating modes. 116 3.1. Standby mode 116 3.2. Target designation training mode 116 3. 3. Automatic target tracking mode 117 The essence of entering rts based on a known target height is as follows. In the digital computer, based on the known value of the target elevation angle ((ts) (in AC3 mode (ts is entered into the digital computer) and the range rts, the target height is determined 117 Hts = rts sin ets+ rts2 / (2R), 117 where rts is the slant range to the target; 117 ес - target elevation angle; 117 R - radius of the Earth. 117 Нц - is output to the altitude dial. If the operator knows the value of the target height (for example, according to PRV-13(17) or other data), then the value rts using the steering wheel. is set so that the height value on the device coincides with the known one.


Subject. TsVM "Plamya-KV" and converting


General information about the “Plamya-KV” digital computer

Study questions:

1. Purpose, composition of digital computers and main tactical and technical

characteristics of the digital computer.

2. Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200V air defense system

3. Digital computer operating modes

1. Purpose, composition of the digital computer and main performance characteristics of the “Plamya-KV” digital computer

Digital computers of the "Flame" series are specialized digital computers designed for automatic and semi-automatic control systems with a small amount of processed information and a relatively low required calculation accuracy.

According to their logical structure, digital computers of the "Flame" series are universal machines, i.e. capable of implementing any algorithm within the limits of their memory, accuracy and speed. Depending on the specific application, the “Flame” digital computer has the form of a modification and is assigned a letter index. For our case - “Plamya-KV” or abbreviated “P-KV”.

The P-KV digital computer is a machine with a constant program and is designed to solve only certain tasks. The machine implements a dynamic principle of information processing. The calculation program is recorded in the P-KV digital computer at the factory and does not change during operation.

Fig.1. Scheme of the main connections of the digital computer “P-HF”

The digital computer of the "Flame" series consists of the following main devices (Fig. 1): an arithmetic unit (AU);

storage device (storage device);

control devices (CU);

devices for inputting information into a digital computer and outputting information from a digital computer (UVV).

In addition, the digital computer includes control and auxiliary equipment.

In the AC, computational and some logical operations on numbers and commands are carried out.

Table 1. Main technical characteristics

Ï appaìmòð

Parameter value


Typeasynchronous, serial-parallel actionwith parallel access from memory
Addressabilityunicasttransmission and processing of information by serial code
Bit depth16 digits
Number representationnumber code - additionally modified, 2 sign digits, 14 mantissawith a fixed point before the most significant digit


addition, multiplication

62500 op/s, 7800 op/sdivision is performed using a special subroutine


4096 16-bit instructions and constants

265 16-bit numbers

2 cubes of ROM and RAM are used

Number of teams32 standard operations
Number of communication channels

4 parallel receptions of information

3 parallel information outputs

16-bit channels
Number of control signals (digital computer commands)

4 - pulse

9 - relay

in the form of packets of nmpulses

in the form of voltage drops

Duty cycle16 µs
Frequency1 MHz
Ready timemore than 2 minutespreliminary activation of MOZU thermostats 30 minutes in advance.
Nutritionstandby 38О V, 50 Hz operating 115 V, 400 Hz

from a 3-phase voltage network.

from a separate unit

Power consumption

via network 380 V - 500 VA

via network 115 V - 110 VA

The memory consists of a magnetic random access memory (RAM) and a read only memory (ROM).

The first is intended for receiving, storing and issuing operational information (initial data, intermediate data and calculation results), the second is for storing the calculation program and issuing control commands in accordance with the calculation program. Constants are also stored in ROM.

The control unit ensures automatic coordinated operation of all machine devices when calculating a program.

The UVV is intended for entering initial information into the RAM and outputting the counting results to consumers from the RAM.

The control and auxiliary equipment of the digital computer includes:

automatic control device (ACU) - for automatic monitoring of the correct operation of the digital computer;

control device (CU) - for monitoring the digital computer in the routine control mode and for manual monitoring of the serviceability of digital computer devices;

control control panel (CPP) - for manual control of the operation of the digital computer in control mode;

system simulator (IS) - for simulating digital computer input information in control mode;

control panel (CP) - to control the operation of a visual control device (VCU), indicating the contents of the digital computer registers during program calculation, as well as to turn the computer on and off.

Power is supplied from the power supply unit (PSU) and the main pulse generator (MPG). The first generates DC voltages, the second - the main pulses used for pulse power supply of typical dynamic elements of a digital computer.

Control of the progress of calculations (selecting a program, receiving and issuing information) is carried out in the main mode using signals coming from external devices. When a signal is received in the machine, an unprogrammed command is generated, which is sent for execution, interrupting the main program. The digital computer provides nine unprogrammed commands.

The main technical characteristics are given in Table 1.

2. Tasks solved by the digital computer in the interests of the S-200 air defense system.

The P-KV digital computer is tasked with solving three main tasks:

ensuring the targeting of ROC tracking systems;

calculation of initial data for shooting;

ensuring the operation of the firing channel in the “Training” mode.

Guidance of angular tracking systems and range and speed tracking systems at a target is carried out according to target designation data (TC) issued from the control and target distribution point (CTD). At the same time, the digital computer, together with digital-to-analog converters, acts as a discriminator of the ROC tracking systems, generating coordinate differences between the control center data and the data characterizing the position of the ROC tracking systems or simulator tracking systems (index “TR”):

Db = CC- ROC; D = CC- ROCDe = eCC- eROC; DrTR= rCC-rTR

Dr = rCC-rROC; DTR = CC- TR

The initial data for firing is provided to the control center, control cabin and launch preparation cabin. The PUCR issues:

coordinates of the calculated meeting point of the missile with the target (TV) and the points of intersection of the affected area with the target’s trajectory (for target distribution indicators);

the time remaining until the target TV leaves the affected area (tVZ) and the target parameter (RT) (for the tVZ-RC indicator);

the “Target is not in the zone” sign, if the extended trajectory of the target does not pass through the affected area or the TV missile with the target has gone beyond the boundaries of the affected area (indicated by a light bulb);

control center data for slave ROCs (used when distributing group targets in the “Master - Slave” mode);

the difference between the coordinates of the control center and the coordinates of the target tracked by the ROC (for the difference indicator);

rectangular coordinates and velocity components in the rectangular coordinate system of the target accompanied by the ROC (for documentation).

The following are provided in the control room:

coordinates of the calculated TV missile with the target and the points of intersection of the affected area with the target’s trajectory (for the launch officer’s indicator);

command “Launch prohibition” of the next missile (indicated by a light on the launch officer’s console);

TV coordinates at the time of missile launch (TVP) (for the launch officer indicator);

slant range to target (for launch officer indicator).

For launch automatic equipment, the following are determined and issued to the launch preparation cabin:

estimated operating time of the rocket propulsion engine (tdv);

value 1/2, where is the speed of approach of the missile to the target;

azimuthal lead for the initial phase of a missile's flight when firing into the far zone (±b);

command "Kom 3TsVM" to turn on the rocket flight mode to the far zone.

3. Digital computer operating modes.

The digital computer operates in various modes, determined by special signals coming from the control room and the control center. These modes are:

Standby mode;

target designation training mode;

automatic target tracking (AS) mode;

mode of automatic tracking of an active interference source;

digital computer mode for target designation;

simulator mode;

control test mode;

regulatory control regime.

Of the indicated modes, the first five modes are used in the process of combat work.

3.1. Standby mode

It is set from the moment the digital computer is turned on until the data from the central control unit arrives. In this mode, the coordinates of the ROC strobe (values ​​bstr, estr, rstr, str) are received at the digital computer input. The digital computer recalculates the spherical coordinates of the ROC strobe into a rectangular coordinate system and outputs this data to the control center for displaying the ROC strobe on target distribution indicators.

3.2. Target designation training mode

There are two points to note here. Firstly, the tasks solved by the digital computer after issuing the data from the control center for calculation (in the PUCR on the target distribution console, the “Target Designation” and “Counting” buttons are pressed), and, secondly, the tasks solved after the control center of this digital computer is assigned (on the target distribution console in PUCR button "Exercise control center" is pressed).

In the first case, the digital computer solves the problem of preparing the initial data for firing and provides this data to the control center, the control cabin and the launch preparation cabin.

In the second case, in addition to the above, the digital computer provides guidance of the tracking systems to the target, the coordinates of which are indicated in the target designation issued from the K9M. At the same time, in the process of testing the control center, the signals “Training control center” are generated (issued to the control center and the equipment cabin) and switching the speed of the range tracking system “6 TsVM” (issued to the equipment cabin).

Due to the fact that the control center received from the command and control system of the regiment (brigade) is issued with a frequency of 0.1 (0.2) Hz in a rectangular coordinate system, the digital computer extrapolates the control center coordinates to a frequency of 10 Hz and recalculates the control center data into a spherical coordinate system.

If the control center comes from the leading ROC, then the digital computer recalculates the data from the control center into a coordinate system associated with the location of the ROC, and also converts the coordinates of the control center from a spherical system to a rectangular one, since a number of problems are solved in a rectangular coordinate system.

To reduce the amplitude and number of oscillations of the azimuthal and elevation shafts of the antenna post when working out the control center and achieving a mismatch of a certain value, the digital computer generates special braking signals.

3.3. Automatic target tracking mode

This mode is activated when the "AS ROC" command is issued. In this mode, the digital computer continues to solve the same problems as when testing the control center. The only difference is that the data from the control center, used to solve the problem of meeting the missile with the target, is replaced by more accurate data supplied to the digital computer from the tracking systems of the Russian Orthodox Church.

When working with a monochromatic signal, the ROC does not determine the target range coordinate (rt). And this value is necessary to solve the problem of meeting a missile with a target. Therefore, the value rts is either calculated from the control center data, or prolonged from data obtained earlier with a stable target AS in all four coordinates, or entered into the digital computer by the operator using the steering wheel, if the operator knows the range or height of the target.

The essence of entering rts based on a known target height is as follows. In the digital computer, based on the known value of the target elevation angle (ec) (in the AC3 mode, ec is entered into the digital computer) and the range rts, the target height is determined

Hc = rc sin ec+ r c 2 / (2R),

where rts is the slant range to the target;

ec - target elevation angle;

R is the radius of the Earth.

Hts - issued to the height gauge. If the operator knows the value of the target height (for example, according to PRV-13(17) or other data), then the value of rts using the steering wheel is set so that the height value on the device coincides with the known one.

3.4. Auto-tracking mode for active interference source.

Turns on when the ROC is switched to the “Interference” mode

In this mode, the same tasks must be solved as in the target AC mode. However, when tracking a source of active interference, the ROC determines only the angular coordinates of the target. The missing coordinates rts and s, necessary to solve the problem of meeting a missile with a target, are either calculated from the data of the control center, or are calculated in the digital computer by prolongation according to the data received in the digital computer before the appearance of interference. If the control center data is missing and the extension is not performed, but the target’s AC for b and e is, then r center in the “MD” mode (local sensors) is entered according to the known height of the target (as in the previous case), and the center point is entered into the digital computer in the mode "Hand pointer"

3.5. Digital computer mode for target designation

This mode of operation of the digital computer is an emergency and is used in the event that the coordinates received from the ROC tracking systems earlier disappear in the digital computer or when they are distorted. The transition to this mode is achieved by pressing the “Digital computer by central control” button. Preparation of initial data for firing in this mode is carried out according to the control center data.

3.6. Simulator mode

It is used for training RTC operators and ensures the generation of a simulated target signal, the coordinates of which coincide with the coordinates of the control center coming from the control center. In this case, the digital computer performs the same calculations as during combat work. The mode is activated by switching the ROC to simulator mode using the "BR-KS-Tr" switch on the KI-2202V unit in the equipment cabin.

3.7. Control test mode

Èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ êîíòðîëÿ çà ðàáîòîñïîñîáíîñòüþ ÖÂÌ. Ïðè ýòîì â ÖÂÌ èñïîëíÿåòñÿ ïðîãðàììà êîíòðîëüíîãî òåñòà, îáåñïå÷èâàÿ ïðîâåðêó ðàáîòîñïîñîáíîñòè ðàçëè÷íûõ óñòðîéñòâ ÖÂÌ. Ðåæèì âêëþ÷àåòñÿ ïåðåâîäîì ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëÿ "Áîåâàÿ ðàáîòà - Êîíòðîëüíûé òåñò" â ïîëîæåíèå "Êîíòðîëüíûé òåñò".

1. CONCLUSIONS, CONSTITUTIONS OF THE NATION AND THE NEW TOUR OF THE “Penal-Kal”................................... ........................................... 113

2. CONCLUSIONS, DIFFICULT SYSTEMS AND THE TERMINAL CASE OF S-200...................................... ........................................................ ............ 115

3. Reactions of the world...................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............. 116

3.1. Reaction................................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............... 116

3.2. Resolution of the Russian Federation...................................................... ........................................................ ................................ 116

3.3. Reaction to this issue..................................................... ........................................................ .................................... 117

Sósú vâvàà rö èçâåñòíâûñîòå öåëè çàkëþ÷àåòñÿ âñåäóþùåì. In this case, this is the meaning of the word ( e ö) (â ðåæèìå ÀÑ3 e ö vâväèòñÿ v ÖÂÌ) i äàëüíîñòè rö îïðåäåëåòñÿ âûñîòà öåëè...................................... .......... 117

Hö = rö sin eö+ r ö2 / (2R),.................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................. 117

Gãäå rö - íàkëlííàÿ äàëüíîñòü äöåëè;........................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 117

eö - óãîë ìåñòà öåëè;........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ............... 117

R - ðàäèóñ Çåìë................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 117

Hö - this is the meaning of the word. The following Ø Thes of the following ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........ 117

3.4. Reaction to this problem...................................... ................................................... 117

VALUE IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE REPUBLIC...................................................... ........................................................ .................... 117

3.5. RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 118

3.6. Resolution of the Republic...................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 118

3.7. Reaction of the Kotor's Republic..................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 118

NPO "Vega" at the very beginning of the 60s worked on the on-board digital computer "Plamya-VT". In 1961, a version with circuitry hot backup was developed (from the memoirs of V.A. Torgashev), since it was not possible to achieve sufficient reliability. However, the reserved version was 2.5 times more complex and about the same amount heavier. Taking into account the fact that all this was assembled from discrete elements and completely manually... In general, due to the requirements of the aviation industry customer, we simply had to work out the production technology head-on. It took three years - and the finalized version of the Flame-VT was put into production as the TsVM-264.
Another option from here:

In September 1958, as a 4th year student at LETI, I began working at OKB-590. whose main task was to develop promising means computer technology for aviation. At that time, the OKB was creating a prototype of the first Soviet (and the world’s first) semiconductor on-board digital computer BTsVM “Plamya-VT”. Having gone through all the stages of working with this sample, starting from debugging the main components and devices and ending with the development of elements software, by the time I graduated from the institute in 1961, I was considered an established, experienced specialist in the field of digital computer technology, although my diploma listed the specialty “automation and remote control.” Back in 1960, on the instructions of the head of the Design Bureau V.I. Lanerdin, I developed a version of the onboard digital computer with increased reliability. From the calculations carried out it followed that the reliability should have increased by at least two orders of magnitude. However, increasing the equipment by 2.5 times was considered too high a price, and the project was not implemented. But it was precisely because of low reliability that the transfer of the digital digital computer into mass production was delayed by 3 years and occurred only in 1964 under the name TsVM-264. And in the future, for the same reasons, it did not reach combat units. It should be noted that the first Soviet digital computer of increased reliability, Argon-17, appeared only in 1978.

The onboard digital computer “Flame” was completely assembled on a discrete semiconductor base - high-frequency diodes and transistors. This computer has a speed of 62 thousand op./s (for register-register operations) and 31 thousand op./s (for register-memory operations), RAM with a capacity of 256 16-bit words and ROM with a capacity of 8Kx16 bits. MTBF - 200 hours, equipment weight - 330 kg, power consumption - 2000 W. On the basis of the on-board digital computer “Plamya-263”, “Plamya-264” was developed and mass-produced for the “Berkut-142” anti-submarine complex of the Tu-142 aircraft.

Moreover, even on Orbit-1, which can be called the direct successor of TsVM-264 (*1), generally discrete elements were used. Although exotically packaged -

Therefore, OKB "Electroavtomatika" in the laboratory of the main logical element base of the BCVM, under the leadership of its head B. E. Fradkin, together with the enterprise's technologists, carried out search work on the creation of microminiature elements for the second generation on-board computer, which received the name – on-board computer “Orbita” (hereinafter referred to as Orbita).

It should immediately be noted that the second generation onboard computers (a distinctive feature of the second generation onboard computers is the use of micromodules as a design and technological solution for the elements of the main logical base) formed two generations: the first generation Orbita-1 - on micromodules of our own design and production PI-64 and PI -65 and the second generation Orbita-10 - on thin-film hybrid microassemblies Trapezia-3 developed by OKB-857 together with NIITT and produced by the Angstrem plant (both in Zelenograd).

The manufacturing process of dynamic elements PI-64 and PI-65 is shown in Figure,. As can be clearly seen, the electroradio elements are initially fixed by welding on parallel conductive buses, which are then connected to a polyvinyl chloride (non-flammable) film strip that serves as a frame. Electrical circuits modules are formed by targeted perforation of certain places of conductive busbars.

Subsequently, the module blanks are rolled into a spiral and fixed on an insulating base with leads for installing modules on boards. The modules are filled with moisture-resistant varnish or additionally insulated with a compound. Various options for this moisture protection are possible. The use of new technology for dynamic elements significantly improved the characteristics of the onboard computer and made it possible to implement the first generation of the second generation onboard computer - Orbita-1.

And if we take the 102/116 series, as on Gnome-A (which was actually developed at NIIRE, GK Lyakhovich E.M.)? In general, the situation with the element base and the dissemination of information about it, multiplied by the departmental nuances of competition and control and distribution... NIIRE - MinRadioProm, and OKB-857 is already MinAviaProm...
But the mass, even taking into account the redundancy, could be reduced by at least a third.

On the issue of the 1957 Path as another option - Primary Chips and “Computer” E1488-21. But the problem, as it turns out further from the quotes, is in the start date of development - the digital computers began to be made in a specific aircraft version at the end of 1959, and the 102/116 series is still 1962 and later. Although, taking into account the timing of development and debugging of the system...


The developer of the complex was the Leningrad NIIRE Ministry of Radio Industry (hereinafter referred to as “Leninets”), the digital machine was entrusted to the Leningrad OKB-857 Ministry of Aviation Industry (the modern name is the FSUE “St. Petersburg OKB “Electroavtomatika” named after P. A. Efimov”, hereinafter referred to as OKB " Electroautomatics").
The choice of OKB-857 was not accidental - for a number of years it successfully carried out the design of analog air fire control computers for heavy aircraft of the General Designers
A. N. Tupolev, S. V. Ilyushina, O. K. Antonova, V. M. Myasishchev and gained experience in the field of computer technology.
At the origins of this work was a group of leading specialists led by the head of OKB-857, chief designer V. I. Lanerdin: V. S. Vasiliev, M. I. Shmaenok, S. N. Guryanov, I. B. Vaisman, L. P Gorokhov, V. I. Khilko, O. A. Kizik, I. V. Kulikov, B. E. Fradkin and some others.
The “Flame VT” digital computer was chosen as a prototype, the development of which was carried out at NII-17 of the Ministry of Radio Industry in the department of Chief Designer Karmanov.
Based on and around this work, by 1960 OKB-857 had formed a team that designed and produced in 1964 the first prototypes of onboard digital computers, with the help of which the integration of on-board equipment could begin and laboratory and flight tests could be carried out.
Therefore, we consider this year – 1964 – to be the year of birth of the first domestic aviation digital computer. The chief designer of this on-board computer is Viktor Iosifovich Lanerdin, the head of OKB-857.


Work on the Berkut system began at the Leningrad Research Institute-131 of the State Committee for Radio Electronics in December 1959 and was carried out under the leadership first of V. S. Shumeiko, and then of A. M. Gromov and P. A. Iovlev. In total, more than ten research institutes and design bureaus took part in the creation of Berkut.
The Berkut PPS was connected to a large number of sensors that measured the aircraft’s flight parameters and its spatial position, as well as to the Put-4B-2K flight navigation system, the AP-6E autopilot, the ARK-B automatic radio compass and other hardware and instruments. means. All this equipment was combined into a single whole using the on-board digital electronic computer TsVM-264 (Chief Designer V.I. Lanerdin), which was supposed to provide automation for solving both navigational and tactical problems, including the use of onboard weapons. After the navigator-operator entered the initial data, the digital computer calculated the probability of hitting the target with the selected type of weapon, the cargo compartment doors automatically opened and bombs or torpedoes were dropped at the right moment. At that time, the creation of such a highly automated system was certainly a significant technical achievement. Unfortunately, the reliability of some of its elements turned out to be at a very low level, and their development required such a long time that ultimately the teaching staff became morally obsolete.

Government decree on the development of the future Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft with a Berkut search and targeting station (SPS), consisting of radar station(radar) and many different sensors, information from which was processed using the on-board digital computer TsVM-264, was published on June 18, 1960. The document required that a prototype of the vehicle be presented for testing in the second quarter of 1962.
In September 1962, the second prototype of the Il-38 took off. The installation of the Berkut equipment on the vehicle, combined with a flight and navigation system using the TsVM-264, was completed only on March 16, 1963, and state tests of the fully equipped vehicle began in April of the following year .

In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of December 11, 1959 No. 1335-594, the development of on-board equipment for the RGAS search and detection system for the Berkut submarine was entrusted to NII-131 MRP, and NII-753 MSP was appointed responsible for the creation of buoys.
Onboard computer control panel

Whole remote control

the main elements of the teaching staff are combined using a digital computer TsVM-264, developed by a team led by V.I. Lanerdina. Is the machine designed on the basis of the “Plamya-VT” digital computer, created at one time by NII-1? SCRE for automation of solving aircraft navigation problems.
TsVM-264 is a special uniaddress control machine with a binary number system. Machine speed modern concepts is small and amounts to only 62 thousand operations such as addition.
The weight of the machine with frame reaches 450 kg.

The digital computer issues signals to the signal board located on the pilots’ instrument panel: “Get to the given altitude”; “The digital computer is faulty”, etc.

The computer is completely assembled on a discrete semiconductor base, without the use of microcircuits and microassemblies - only on high-frequency transistors and diodes, and the machine's memory is on ferrite rings. The installation is carried out on single-layer and single-sided printed circuit boards.

Single-level memory. Programming in machine codes Development of programs on interpreters and control panels

Photo from Zavalov scAvenger


SKB-4 NII-131

Created on the basis of OKB-287. Specialized in the development of electronic systems for naval anti-submarine aviation. Development of search and sighting systems: PPS "Berkut" for Il-38 with TsVM-264, "Berkut-95" for Tu-142.

In 1956-63 radio fuses systems for UAVs have been created.

Ch. designer (1959-64) - V.S. Shuneyko (deceased).

Responsible leader (1959-64) - V.S. Shuneyko. Head (1964-71-) - A.M. Gromov, (-1982) - E.I. Nesterov.

Ch. designers: (1964-72) - N.A. Iovlev (aviation teaching staff), (1969) - A.M. Gromov (Berkut).

TsVM-264 (in development TsVM-262) is designed on the basis of the "Flame-HELICOPTER" digital computer, created at one time by NII-17 GKRE and intended to automate the solution of aircraft navigation problems.

Onboard computers of the first and second generation used a unique external analog interface according to the 847AT standard, containing an ADC and DAC - both for information signals from devices and for control signals from the onboard computer
In Orbit-20, a third-generation machine, in addition to analogue ones, a standardized digital channel GOST 18977-73 (ARINC-429), radial, serial, with a speed of 48 kbit/sec (in later modifications 200 kbit/sec).
The version of GOST from 1979, implemented already in the fourth generation of onboard computers, determined speeds of 500 and 1000 kbit/s
The development of the 4th generation digital digital computer officially began in 1982.
In addition to GOST 18977-79, they began to use GOST 26765.52-87 (MIL-STD-1553B) multiplex megabit channels.

TsVM-264, front view - from the book “Cybernetic Picture of the World” by M. B. Ignatiev
