Smart socket megaphone instructions. Review of SMS socket MegaFon GS1. Climate control with just one SMS message. Tariff for GSM equipment from Beeline

This is a remote controlled smart plug. Moreover, “smartness” means the ability to control the load using a timer, schedule, as well as temperature conditions or combinations thereof. And an important difference from other Chinese GSM sockets is that this is a European type of connector, so you don’t have to build a pyramid with adapters.

The options for using a smart socket can be quite diverse, although an independent element smart home or just a remote on/off switch - the application is limited by your imagination. For example, a colleague uses such an outlet to turn on and off the pump for watering the garden at his mother-in-law’s dacha, so as not to have to go there after work. In my case, I needed the ability to remotely reboot one computer piece of hardware, which at the most inopportune moment tended to freeze, and in order to reboot I had to go to hell in the middle of nowhere. In addition, an additional task was set - so that high-ranking “dummies” could, if necessary, remotely turn this piece of hardware on and off. In general, by purchasing and installing such a device, I solved my problems and received a bonus of temperature control and notifications in case of a power outage.

But in order. Bought for $60. They sent it quickly and the parcel arrived relatively quickly - in 28 days. The device came in a branded box, which contained a GSM socket itself, an external temperature sensor, a small screwdriver and instructions in English.


Band: GSM 900/1800 MHz;
Remote control using SMS commands;
Remote control using applications on Android and iOS (via SMS commands)
Input/output voltage: 110V~250V/50Hz;
Connected load 16A (no more than 3 kW);
Operating temperature -10~+50℃;
Operating temperature sensor -10℃~50℃;
Climate control function when connected
heater or air conditioner;
Programmable timer
load on/off;
Programmable load operating mode;
Dispatch SMS messages about the ambient temperature.
Sending SMS messages about turning off and turning on the power supply
Support up to 4 mobile numbers and one master number;
LED indicators of operating mode.

The socket itself looks decent enough, but the dimensions are a little large. There are three operation indicators on the front side: Power– availability of mains power supply, GSM– operation of the GSM module and OUTPUT– load control. At the end there is a button " M» - manual load control, I/O- connector for connecting an external temperature sensor and Data port hidden by a plug, under which there is a service mini USB port, on the back there is a hidden connector for installing a regular SIM card and an on/off switch for the GSM module.

Beginning of work:
Install SIM card, turn the GSM switch to the On position and plug the device into a power outlet. If you do not turn the GSM switch to the on position, the connected load to the GSM socket will be turned on constantly. When you start the smart socket for the first time, the load will be turned off. During subsequent switching on and off from the 220 V network, the last state is remembered.

First, a command is sent to bind the main number, from which the smart socket will be configured and controlled, then you can set 4 additional numbers, from which it will only be possible to turn the load on and off; sending commands from unspecified numbers will naturally be ignored. For each command, a response will be sent about the status of the outlet and, if a temperature sensor is connected, then the current temperature.

For example, turning on an outlet is sending a message #01# for the main number, and #01#Password# for additional ones.

Commands for controlling a GSM socket

Synchronize time with SMS center
(1) #152#SIM card number#

Setting access rights
Add Master number
(2) #00#

Change Master number
(3) #14#NewMasterNumber#

Add a family number
(4) #06#Family Room#

Add some family rooms
(5) #06#FamilyRoom1#...#FamilyRoom4#

Delete family number
(6) #113#Family Room#

Delete multiple family numbers
(7) #113#FamilyRoom1#...#FamilyRoom4#

Delete all family numbers
(8) #113#

Power On/Off
Master user Turn on power
(9) #01#

Master user Power off
(10) #02#

Family User Power On
(11) #01#Password#

Family User Power Off
(12) #02#Password#

Activate power on/off via call
(13) #18#1#

Deactivate power on/off by ringer (default)
(14) #18#0#

Timer to turn on power after a certain number of minutes
(15) #138#1#Minutes#

Power off timer after a certain number of minutes
(16) #138#0#Minutes#

Work schedule
Enable scheduled work
(17) #128#1#

Set up a turn-on schedule
(18) #129#Workday#On Time#Off Time#

Disable scheduled work
(19) #128#0#

Work based on temperature sensor data
Turn on climate control
(20) #159#1#

Set up climate control
(21) #159#Mode#Low Temperature#High Temperature#

Disable climate control
(22) #159#0#

Enable sudden temperature change alert
(23) #160#1#

Set up an alert for sudden temperature changes
(24) #160#degrees#minutes#

Disable sudden temperature change alerts
(25) #160#0#

Enable critical temperature alerts
(26) #170#1#

Set up an alert for critical temperatures
(27) #170#min_degrees#max_degrees#

Disable critical temperature alerts
(28) #170#0#

Enable SMS when output power changes (default)
(29) #11#1#

Disable SMS when output power changes
(30) #11#0#

Enable SMS when input power status changes (default)
(31) #12#1#

Disable SMS when input power status changes
(32) #12#0#

Enable sound when power status changes
(33) #19#1#

Mute sound when power status changes (default)
(34) #19#0#

Checking status
Current date and time
(35) #152#

General state
(36) #07#

Output power status
(37) #000#

(38) #138#

Work schedule
(39) #128#

Climate control
(40) #159#

Sudden Temperature Change Alert
(41) #160#

Critical Temperature Alert
(42) #170#

SIM card balance
(43) #180#

Set up SIM card balance check
(44) #180#number#text#

Reset settings
(45) #08#

You can also control the GSM socket by calling, but this option is disabled by default and, frankly speaking, this is done correctly, since controlling by calling is inconvenient and it is not clear what state the device is in. For example, you make a call and immediately hear short beeps, if the load on the socket is turned on, it will be turned off after the call, you dial again and hear short beeps again, but the socket will turn on the load.

There are two ways to reset the settings to factory defaults: send an SMS command or hold down the manual control button for more than 5 seconds.

For anyone interested, photos of the insides

Overall I liked the device. After a month of operation under a kilowatt load, no problems were found; the only thing I was missing was the ability to set SMS notifications about changes on the device of all subscribers, for example, when the external power is turned off.

And yet, as it turned out, the device is not new and has been sold in large cities for a long time by telecom operators (Megafon, Beeline). It is positioned as a smart socket for use in country houses and dachas to control heating and cooling devices, although they are more expensive and are locked to a specific telecom operator, but there is the possibility of control via a web service.
Search keywords “Smart plug”, “SENSEIT GS1”,

By default, the Data port is disabled, if anyone knows how to activate it and what benefits it will bring, please write in the comments.

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There is a lot of automation nowadays. There is a huge amount of household appliances, all kinds of devices that can cope with assigned tasks in a short period of time. The Megafon company recently presented users with unique products that feature a huge number of advantages. A high-quality, modern Megafon socket is a great find for those people who constantly buy decent and proven devices. We can say that the product is somewhat reminiscent of a gadget that can be easily controlled using SMS messages.

Advantages of a smart plug

This smart plug has some features that are worth saying a few words about. Pay attention to the capabilities of this unique device:

  1. Ability to control all kinds of electrical appliances.
  2. Climate control. It is assumed that the set temperature is maintained by turning on the air conditioner.
  3. It can be used to check the operation of electrical appliances. This ensures complete safety of their operation.
  4. In addition, you can connect a security system to the outlet, which may include an alarm system, smoke and motion detectors.

All of the above suggests that the device is quite convenient to use, it has high quality and functionality in operation. It is worth paying attention to the purpose of this device; the Megafon gsm socket makes it possible to control various equipment in SMS sending mode, which is quite convenient. A SIM card is inserted into the socket slot, the number to which messages are sent. You can control your devices from any corner of the globe and this is certainly an eye-catcher.

The purchased device comes with detailed instructions that tell you how to use this product. In order to turn on the electrical appliance, you need to send an SMS with the code #01#, and to turn it off #02#. The cost of SMS depends on your tariff plan. Do not forget to constantly top up the SIM card located directly in the outlet. Consumers are completely delighted with such a smart device.

It is worth noting that using the gs1 megaphone, you can quite simply set up a schedule for the device’s daily operation.

Excellent purchase

A high-quality and proven GSM socket megaphone is an invention worthy of your close attention. Many buyers have seen from their own experience the advantages of this unique product. With its help you can simply control the New Year's garland. To do this, you just need to dial the megaphone, and it turns on. A special click informs about this event.

The unique Megafon sms socket will be a real and valuable gift for you, your relatives and friends. You should purchase this product especially if you are often away from home or office space. With the help of a gsm sms socket, you can completely control the operation of devices. If you spend a little free time and study the necessary instructions in detail, then you can enjoy the positive results of the operation of this product.

The GS1 socket, unique in its parameters and characteristics, is distinguished by its high quality and ease of use. Every consumer without exception can afford to buy this invention. The cost of the selected products is low, you can see this from your own experience.

Senseit gs1 is a remote-controlled smart socket that works properly and reliably for a long period of time. Having purchased such a device, you will not regret your choice.

The rapid development of wireless technologies has prompted one of the leading cellular operators to create a new method of controlling household appliances, called the Megafon GSM socket. This device quickly gained popularity due to the provision of a huge number of useful functions and relatively low cost.

Functionality and scope

The GSM socket was created by the Russian company Senseit, and the GS1 model was chosen for sale in the Megafon retail chain. It allows you to provide the user with all the functions of this innovation, but at the same time, thanks to production in the Russian Federation, reduce the price of the product.

Among the applications of the device are:

  1. remote control of equipment;
  2. time of switching on and off of devices;
  3. climate control;
  4. penetration protection.

Remote control any appliance, from a washing machine to a kettle. Today there are managed hardware on the market, but most often they require special operating systems, which owners of other smartphones cannot afford. This technology makes it possible to control your equipment from a distance, which includes turning devices on and off. Additionally, you can check the status of the device by sending a test SMS.

Time control of work. Set timers to perform certain actions. For example, when you need to receive guests, but there is no time to prepare, you just need to send an SMS with the task and the equipment will do everything on its own and on time.

Features of GSM sockets from Megafon

Climate control. GSM socket with temperature sensor Megafon is also used as room climate control. To do this, the adapters will change the program in the air conditioner or heater in the desired direction, allowing you to maintain the required temperature.

Intrusion protection. If the house has an alarm system, movement sensors or door opening sensors, an SMS will be sent that the GSM SMS megaphone socket will send when the device is active. When there are no protection systems, you can set a timer and periodically turn on and off the lights in the house, creating an imitation of the presence of the owners.

The GSM socket allows you to control electrical appliances from a distance; you just need to send a message to it and the socket will automatically turn on.

It is especially convenient that household appliances are controlled by sending SMS messages, which independently transmit information to the devices. Thus, it does not matter where the control comes from, even from another country or city. All this allows you to monitor household devices in your country house or second apartment without visiting them.

Operation and equipment of the new product

The GSM megaphone socket looks like a standard PLC adapter. It is installed using standard plugs. On the back of the device there is a power connector, which will allow you to replace the lost one.

Additionally, the connector has a SIM card slot in which you will need to place a megaphone SIM card. To synchronize, you should install an application that can integrate several SIM cards together.

Smart socket kit from Megafon

After connecting the device to the power grid, you will receive an SMS with detailed information about the status and functions of the existing devices. The timer works by turning off or on the power supply to the external outlet. If you call or send a message to the number installed in the adapter, the power will be restored and the connected equipment will begin to work. Along the way, you will receive notifications about the current state of the device.

The GSM socket GS1 includes the following parts:

  • gadget;
  • set of screws;
  • patchcord;
  • documentation, which includes instructions and a warranty card.

Like the MTS GSM socket, the MegaFon analog works on the long-known 3G frequencies. This device makes it easier to control household appliances and significantly expands the boundaries of its capabilities. A particular advantage is the control function from anywhere in the world.

The use of smart GSM or, as they are also called, SMS sockets, allows you to control the operation of various electrical devices using a phone, tablet or smartphone. This function is very useful if you are not sure whether the iron has been turned off or not, and will also help control the operation of electric pumps or heaters.

How the SMS socket works

Any such outlet consists of:

  • forks;
  • sockets;
  • GSM receiver;
  • temperature sensor;
  • switch.

This device is made as a single unit. Depending on the number of connection points, this device is made either small-sized, inserted into an outlet, or large. All the main blocks and the general structure of these devices are the same. The plug is necessary to connect to a regular outlet and receive 220 volts. The sockets of the device are designed to connect any devices of appropriate power, equipped with suitable plugs.

The GSM unit receives SMS from a mobile phone, smartphone, tablet or other similar devices and controls the operation of the switch. The SIM card that is inserted into this unit turns it into an analogue of a mobile phone with its own number. Most GSM sockets can be controlled using buttons on the front or side panels.

The temperature sensor determines whether the power consumption is exceeded and whether the device is heating up. When overheating is detected, it sends a signal to the switch and disconnects the device from the electrical network. The switch provides connection and disconnection of the load to the 220 volt network. The total power of all devices that can be connected to such an outlet depends on the characteristics of the switch. Therefore, the maximum power of conventional sockets for a single-phase network does not exceed 3–4 kW. To switch a more powerful load, you will need to connect it to the outlet via a contactor.

The best GSM sockets

The rating of the best SMS sockets is based on conversations with users of these devices and reviews published on the Internet. Only those sockets that can be purchased in regular or online stores were selected to participate in the rating. No homemade products or alterations, regardless of the impact of the changes on their characteristics, were included in the rating.

It’s not for nothing that the outlet received first place in the ranking. Users note that the device is very reliable and works without failures. The maximum rated power is 3.5 kW, but some users connected two infrared heaters with a power of 2 kW each to it and the outlet coped with this load without overheating or damage. In addition, Senseit GS2 M allows you to create a network of sockets that are controlled from a single SIM card via a radio channel. The main outlet supports the connection of up to 10 additional outlets, so you can take control of all household electrical appliances. Also, the Senseit GS2 M socket can connect and disconnect electrical appliances according to a given program or temperature sensor readings. Connecting electrical appliances using a temperature sensor allows you to increase the efficiency of heating systems. The average cost of one socket is 6.5 thousand rubles.

The Telemetrics T4 socket provides load switching with a power of up to 3.5 kW. Connecting a more powerful load leads to overheating and damage to the device.

The operation of the device does not cause any complaints from users. The socket can be controlled both through the Android application and using buttons on the case. The device supports operating mode according to a given program and can perform timer functions. Average cost 6 thousand rubles.

SMS socket MegaFon GS1

A good outlet that only works on the Megafon mobile operator network. The power is 3.5 kW, but for a short time (up to 5 minutes) it can withstand a load of up to 4 kW. About 10% of users are dissatisfied with this device due to the SMS delivery time on the Megafon network being too long. Perhaps this problem exists only in some regions or appears only on counterfeit sockets. The socket switches electricity both through dialing or SMS, and according to a given program or timer. The average cost of the device is 4.5 thousand rubles.

A low-power socket (2 kW) with a lot of functions. Electricity switching is possible both via SMS and using buttons on the device body. It can also work according to a given program or perform a timer function. Whenever there is a change in the load connection status (on, off, there is or is no voltage in the network), it sends an SMS with a report. The average cost is 4800 rubles.

How to choose SMS sockets

When choosing an outlet, you need to determine in advance what load you will connect to it, this will allow you to determine the power of the device. After this, you need to choose a control method. Sockets that can control electrical appliances according to a given program or in timer mode are preferable, but if this is not required, you can take a less complex option. When choosing a socket, make sure that it is suitable for working with your operator, because 4 frequencies are allocated for sending SMS: 900, 1800, 2100 and 2400 MHz. Read more about the distribution of cellular frequencies in the article. Make sure that the cell station signal is strong enough (at least 2 bars on the display of your smartphone, phone or tablet). If the signal strength of one operator is too weak, check the network of another operator or install a repeater in your home. Do not choose cheap models, especially if they perform many functions, such devices are not reliable.

Using such outlets may result in electrical shutdowns, short circuits, or fires. If you buy an outlet in a store, remember that all products that are legally produced in Russia or shipped from abroad must be registered in accordance with the consumer protection law. The packaging must indicate the purpose of the product and its characteristics, place of production, postal and email address of the manufacturer to which complaints can be sent. In addition, the box with the device must contain instructions in Russian and a warranty card filled out by the seller. If these requirements are not met, you have a counterfeit socket whose real characteristics are unknown. In addition, all serious manufacturers of SMS sockets certify them and supply them to the seller along with a certificate of conformity. If this document is not available, you are looking at products from an unknown or unreliable manufacturer. It’s up to you to decide whether to buy it or not, and to be responsible for the consequences.

Smart GSM sockets bring many benefits. They allow you to remotely control the operation of electrical appliances and automatically turn the heating on and off. Their installation fully fits into - increasing the comfort of living and improving the energy efficiency of the building.

The devices presented in our range are controlled via GSM channel. For this purpose, the devices are equipped with a cellular communication module and a connector for installing SIM cards in mini-SIM format(not to be confused with micro and nano). To ensure reliable operation of the device and reduce maintenance costs, you should choose a cellular operator and carefully select a tariff. But how to choose the right tariff and operator for your GSM device?

If the device is installed outside the countryside, then pay attention to the level of signal reception in the area. If the operator reception on your phone is problematic, ask your friends or neighbors nearby how their reception is going. On the Internet you can find coverage maps of cellular operators or a map of base stations. Remember - a stable and strong signal level will allow the GSM device to notify you in time if an emergency situation occurs.

After choosing a mobile operator, you should decide on a tariff plan. There are many tariffs here, but we will try to help.

Let's see what to look for when choosing a tariff:

  1. Subscription fee. Currently, all operators offer many package connections with a subscription fee, but they always have one or two tariffs without a subscription fee, which they try not to advertise. You should pay attention to such tariffs; they will help you significantly reduce costs.
  2. SMS messages. The most important parameter for us. It is through SMS commands that communication with our devices occurs, for example. Through messages, the device will notify you about a power outage, when various sensors are turned on/off, or when the temperature goes out of range. Each operator has SMS packages among its services. The cheaper these packages are, the better. They can be beneficial if the device sends you a large number of messages (about 100 messages per month), which is unlikely in real life.
  3. Incoming calls. Currently, almost everywhere is free. The only exceptions are cases when the SIM card is not in the home region and roaming tariffs apply. It would seem, why do we need incoming calls? OPERA-GSM can be controlled by calling the device and typing commands in tone mode.
  4. Outgoing calls. If you use or for a boiler, then pay attention to this parameter as well. For alarm notifications, the device can make a voice call to your phone. Calls are made in extreme cases, so their cost can be neglected in favor of a tariff with cheaper SMS.
  5. Internet. Completely unnecessary and not used in our devices. Please note that the operator does not connect you to any Internet package with a subscription fee. This is a common reason for the SIM card balance being depleted and, as a result, the number being blocked.

Thus, we have figured out the main nuances that are worth paying special attention to. Next, consider the current state of affairs among the proposed tariff plans.

All goods

Tariff forGSM equipment from Megafon

When using the Megafon operator, you should opt for the tariff "Go to zero". The cost of SMS in the tariff is 2 rubles, and voice calls to Megafon numbers in your home region are completely free. The tariff does not have a subscription fee. If you disable all the imposed service packages from it, the cost of communicating with a GSM device will ultimately amount to several tens of rubles per month. If, in your case, you actively communicate with the device, and the number of SMS messages sent to you exceeds 50 per month, then you can use the option "SMS S". The subscription fee for the service is 100 rubles per month. For this money you can send 100 SMS to numbers in your home region.

Tariff for GSM equipment from MTS

If you use MTS, pay attention to the tariff "Second-by-second". The cost of SMS on these tariffs will be 2 rubles. It is possible to connect a package of 100 SMS, costing 120 rubles.

Tariff for GSM equipment from Beeline

Among the tariffs of the Beeline mobile operator, we can highlight such tariff plans as "Signal" And "Zero doubts". The first tariff has an SMS price of 3 rubles (after the package of 50 SMS is exhausted) and an expensive cost for a minute of voice call (3 rubles/min). Calls can be used by our devices in any emergency situations. For example, OPERA-GSM makes a voice call when an alarm is triggered on the protected perimeter, and GSM-Thermometer can notify with a call about a drop in temperature in a country house. With the “Zero Doubts” tariff, an SMS costs 1.5 rubles. and also 1.5 rubles per minute of a voice call. In this case, you will not need to pay a daily subscription fee.

Tariff for GSM equipment from TELE2

The tariffs of this operator include the “Beneficial Set” tariff. Its advantage will be the absence of a subscription fee, the cost of a message is 1.5 rubles, fairly cheap calls are 0.90 rubles / min. But there are also several disadvantages: in Moscow and the Moscow region, the Tele2 operator works only in 3G and/or 4G standards. Tele2 does not work in the GSM standard in Moscow and the region (and will not work in GSM!), but it is in this range that most GSM devices operate. Also, if you do not use a SIM card, after 4 months a subscription fee of 30 rubles/month will appear.


"Go to zero"





"Zero doubts"

Subscription fee

3 RUR/day

SMS cost

Calls to Megafon numbers in your home region

1st minute - 1.85 rubles,

from 2nd - free

0.05 rub/sec

1.5 rub./min

Additional options
, which can be connected if you use a large number of SMS messages:

This article uses current tariffs and options as of April 28, 2018

It is also worth noting that some operators block the operation of a SIM card inserted into a GSM device. This happens because the operator perceives the device as a 3G modem and stops working. If you use a plan for tablets, difficulties may also arise due to device mismatches and lead to blocking by the operator.

Choosing a tariff plan is a very individual matter. This process depends on many factors: what kind of device you have, for what purposes you use it and what operating modes you have set for it. In our article, we tried to tell you what to look for and what are the nuances in choosing a tariff.
