In Borisov, a young radio amateur. Borisov V. G. Young radio amateur (8th ed.)

Borisov Victor Gavrilovich


Mass radio library

Release. 1101

Preface to the seventh edition

Young radio amateurs are a large group of children interested in radio engineering and electronics, radio engineering design and radio sports. For them, now sitting at a school desk, amateur radio helps them consolidate in practice the knowledge they acquire in the classroom, introduces them to socially useful work, and broadens their horizons.

The book “Young Radio Amateur” is intended for inquisitive boys and girls, people of various ages and professions, numerous radio circles and clubs organized in secondary schools and out-of-school institutions.

Its first edition was published in 1951 (by the Energia publishing house) and immediately gained popularity among schoolchildren. Over the past more than thirty years, the book has been updated and reprinted six times and has always enjoyed constant success among young readers. Each subsequent edition took into account the achievements of radio electronics and its changing element base.

The sixth edition of “Young Radio Amateur” was awarded a second degree Diploma at the All-Union competition for the best work of scientific and technical literature, held in 1980 by the All-Union Society “Znanie”.

And here is the next, seventh edition of this book. It, as in previous editions, takes into account the suggestions and wishes expressed by many readers in letters and at conferences of young radio amateurs held in various cities of the country, at gatherings of young technicians. In addition, it significantly expanded and updated the descriptions of radio engineering devices and instruments offered to readers for self-production. In general, the book is a generalization of the experience of radio circles in schools and non-school institutions, with which the author, a great amateur radio enthusiast, has long maintained a business relationship.

We thank the organizers and participants of reading conferences, activists and mentors of young radio amateurs’ circles, all readers who sent reviews to previous editions of the book “Young Radio Amateur”, and we are waiting for feedback and suggestions on this edition.

Please send letters to:

101000, Moscow, Post Office, PO Box 693, publishing house "Radio and Communications". Mass radio library.

Young friend!

This book is just a Primer that will help you take the first steps towards understanding Big Radio Engineering and its companion - electronics. But even on this short section of the path to your cherished goal, you will find difficulties that you will have to overcome, and, of course, the joys of success.

First, I will introduce you to some events that are directly related to the history of radio, I will begin to build and set up simple receivers, from which you will learn the elementary truths of the basics of electrical and radio engineering. Don't be discouraged if at this stage you feel like a first-grader, as you did a few years ago when you first crossed the threshold of school. Then you will begin to study and design measuring instruments, without which you simply cannot move on to mastering more complex radio equipment.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Everything has its time. Now remember the main thing: if you want to become a radio amateur not in words, but in deeds, accumulate knowledge, experience, develop perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. Don't give in to difficulties. Then on your path to understanding the miracle of radio engineering, a wide road will be open, you will gain confidence in your abilities, and it will certainly begin to bring the joys of creativity.

I wish you great success on this path!


Humanity owes the birth of radio to the outstanding Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov. The wireless means of communication he invented was a logical continuation and development of the doctrine of electricity, the history of which goes back centuries. But in this first conversation I am not going to tell you about all the discoveries, research and all the stages practical use magnetic and electrical natural phenomena underlying radio engineering. It would be too long and maybe even boring for you now. I will only tell you about the most important thing, in my opinion, from this story, about the most important natural phenomena, without knowledge of which you will not be able to evaluate and truly understand the operation of even the simplest radio device.


Legend attributes the discovery of electrical phenomena to the wisest thinker of ancient Greece, Thales, who lived more than two thousand years ago.

... Even in those days, in the vicinity of the ancient Greek city of Magnesia, people found pebbles on the seashore that attracted light iron objects. After the name of this city they were called “magnets” (that’s where the word magnet came to us!). Thales also found other, no less mysterious stones, which were also beautiful and light. These attractive seafood did not attract iron objects like magnets, but had an equally curious property: if they were rubbed with a woolen cloth, then fluff, light pieces of dry wood, and grass stuck to them. We now call such pebbles, thrown out by the tides and waves of the seas, amber. The ancient Greeks called amber electron. This is where the word electricity was subsequently formed.

This is an interesting natural phenomenon called electrification of bodies by friction, you can observe without going to the sea in search of pieces of petrified resin of fossil plants - amber. Rub a plastic comb with a woolen cloth and hold it to small pieces of thin paper (Fig. 1, A): they will instantly stick to the electrified comb, and after a while they will fall onto the table. Bring the electrified comb to your hair. The hair will also be attracted to the comb, which can sometimes even be accompanied by the appearance of sparks - subminiature lightning.

Try one more experiment. Place dry wiped glass on two dry matchboxes, and under it - the same pieces of thin paper. Fold a woolen cloth into a swab and rub the top of the glass with it (Fig. 1, b). You will see pieces of paper jumping and dancing under the glass! Although it looks like a trick, there is nothing mysterious here: a comb or glass rubbed with a woolen cloth becomes electric charge, thanks to which they, like a magnet, attract light pieces of paper and hairs.

Rice. 1. An electrified comb attracts fluff, hairs, pieces of paper ( A); under the electrifying glass, pieces of paper “dance” ( b)

But neither the ancient Greeks nor other thinkers and philosophers for many centuries could explain this property of amber and glass. In the 17th century to a German scientist Otto Guericke succeeded in creating an electric machine that extracted significant sparks from a rubbed ball cast from sulfur, the injections of which could even be painful. However, the solution to the mysteries of the “electric fluid,” as this electrical phenomenon was called at that time, was not found then.

In the middle of the 17th century. In Holland, at Leiden University, scientists have found a way to accumulate electrical charges. Such an electricity storage device was a “Leyden jar” (after the name of the university) - a glass vessel, the walls of which were lined with lead foil on the outside and inside (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Leyden jar condenser

A Leyden jar connected by plates to an electric machine could accumulate and store a significant amount of electricity for a long time. If its plates were connected with a piece of thick wire, then a strong spark would jump at the point of the short circuit and the accumulated electric charge would instantly disappear. If the plates of a charged device were connected with a thin wire, it quickly heated up, flared up and melted, that is, it burned out, as we often say now. There could be only one conclusion: an electric current flows through the wire, the source of which is an electrically charged Leyden jar.

Now we call such devices electric capacitors (the word “capacitor” means “thickener”), and their non-interconnected strips of foil are called capacitor plates.

A more advanced, and most importantly almost continuous source electric current invented at the end of the 18th century. Italian physicist Alexander Volta. Between small disks of copper and zinc he placed a piece of cloth soaked in an acid solution (Fig. 3).


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A most interesting book by a famous scientist from the GDR, a specialist in the field of physics and semiconductor technology.

The book outlines the principles of operation, describes manufacturing methods and outlines the areas of application of electronic devices. Described in detail technological process manufacturing of semiconductor devices, in particular microcircuits. The basics of the theory of computer science are given and the principles of operation of the microprocessor and microcomputers as a whole are described. The material is supplied with a large number of illustrations, conventionally depicting the fundamental processes underlying the functioning of integrated circuits.

The book is recommended reading for everyone without exception. At least for general development, although we assure you that after reading this book you will definitely have an interest in studying various areas of electronics and electrical engineering! In our opinion, this is one of the best electronics publications of all time.

Bibliographic description: Enderlein, R. Microelectronics for everyone. Introduction to the world integrated circuits: basics of operation, manufacturing technology and application. - Per. from German / R. Enderline. - M.: Mir, 1989. - 192 p.
