Live dune. How LiveDune will burst the Instagram bubble. What is Social Capital

, containing more tools for targeting Instagram, LiveJournal and Twitter bloggers, as well as detailed analytics for many of them.

The key feature of LiveDune PRO is its mass availability, unlike similar services where analytics for one Instagram account costs an average of 300-500 rubles, we provide access to the entire service base and it can be replenished with your own or any other accounts, in any quantity.

1. Any user is immediately greeted by our main section - “Instagram User List”, from here you can get into the statistics of any of the 5 million monitored accounts or filter bloggers according to the necessary parameters. For example, do you need to find mom bloggers with 10,000-100,000 subscribers living in Moscow and with an average of 1000 likes per post? No problem. Find fashion bloggers in Minsk? That's possible too.

2. Statistics are updated every day for 200 thousand accounts, for top ones it is updated daily, for less popular accounts - once a week, and for simple/personal accounts once a month.
You can view detailed statistics for many accounts, for example:
- total number of likes/subscribers/posts/comments;
- graph of changes in the number of subscribers/outgoing subscriptions/Engagement Rate;

3. For clarity, the data is displayed both in tabular form and in a pair of graphs.

4. You can analyze how the blogger grew from month to month, based on the average number of likes/comments.

5. Or how he used mass following services (this is when he automatically follows other users in the hope of getting a mutual subscription)

6. If you do not find the account you need in the list, or it is not updated as often as you would like, then on the " Tracking "You can add any account you are interested in and soon it will be indexed and statistics will be updated daily.

7. On the next tab, you can similarly add a blogger for tracking, but now the service will monitor the link in his profile every hour. If you buy advertising from a blogger with a link, it will be useful to know whether he deceived you or removed the link ahead of time.

8. You can analyze post types, filters and their impact on the number of interactions. Of course, this is still a side factor.

9. LiveJournal has a similar targeting tool. The filters you use can be saved and returned to them later (similarly on Instagram and VK).

10. Every day the service monitors 25 thousand popular bloggers/communities and saves the history of changes in the social network. For each of them you can see sub-divisional statistics.
The circles indicate the blogger's posts that were in the TOP LJ, and their best position. You can estimate how often a blogger gets into the TOP LJ. The graph below clearly shows: there are no posts in the top, no growth in social networks.

11. LiveDune also monitors the blogger’s posts, how they are commented on, how often they are shared on social media. networks (which circle belongs to which social network, I think it’s not difficult to guess)

12. Additionally, you can see how the blogger’s TIC has changed, as well as the well-known Alexa Rank. Not everyone recognizes the built-in belly meter LiveJournal - social. cap, which is not as transparent as Alexa Rank.

13. If you hold events with a hashtag or your establishment has its own hashtag, then it will be useful for you hashtag analysis service . All you need is to enter a hashtag or several separated by commas, specify the time period (for what period posts will be collected) and click the Analysis button.
In a few minutes, you will receive an email with brief statistics on the hashtag and a link to full analytics.

14. In analytics you can see the total audience of all users who posted a post with a hashtag, the total number of likes and comments. Below is a plate with all the posts found; it can be sorted in any direction convenient for you, by any of the fields.

15. And look at what cities the users who posted the posts live in.

16. There are also several additional TOPs, for example TOP by the number of postings of posts with the specified hashtag.
If you're hosting a giveaway, the "Random" tab will help determine the winner by displaying a random post.

17. B this moment We are actively developing analytics on VKontakte. The database already has about 1.8 million users and 1 million VKontakte communities. Some targeting options are already available.

Insta-Bloggers can be combined into lists, useful if you have a dozen accounts by region and you want to see them on one page. Or maybe you just wanted to save all the interesting accounts that you are interested in as an advertiser in one place? There are many options for using lists.

The service is constantly evolving, by the end of winter it is planned to complete the VKontakte and LiveJournal analytics, and make the Instagram analytics even more detailed and flexible. Additionally, several auxiliary services will be added to simplify the life of an Internet marketer. And of course there will be a bunch of improvements in already working interfaces, as well as bug fixes (where would we be without them?).

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  • Rating by country.
  • Rating by city (more than 160 cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
  • Thematic ratings: actors, brands, video bloggers, city publics, House 2, comedians, models, singers, athletes, dancers.

Any Instagram user can register on the LiveDune service to participate in the rating and at the same time receive a number of advantages, such as:

  • Statistics are updated every 3 days.
  • Detailed statistics about likes, subscribers, posts.

Besides, in Personal account LiveDune PRO can view all 5 million accounts from full statistics, additional filtering, sorting and export capabilities.

LJ rating (Livejournal)

I would like to immediately draw attention to the features and advantages of LiveDune ratings over standard LiveJournal ratings: LiveDune provides ratings by city, region and country, and even by other information - TICs, comments and posts, what is not in standard LiveJournal ratings.

LiveDune collects data on more than 20 thousand Livejournal bloggers and 5,000 communities, and data on the social capital of LiveJournal bloggers is updated daily.

What is Social Capital?

Social capital LJ- an indicator reflecting the degree of influence of a particular user or community.

Social capital is formed based on the activity of registered users who added the magazine as friends or visited it. An important aspect of calculating social capital is that it is not so much the number of users that is taken into account, but their behavior. Thus, bots are not taken into account in the calculation and do not add to the social capital of the user or community. Those. social capital includes only “live” and non-virtual audiences.

VKontakte and Twitter ratings

These ratings represent popular VKontakte bloggers who have at least 1000 subscribers. At the moment, there are 588 thousand bloggers on VKontakte, and 216 thousand on Twitter. It should be noted that these ratings are currently under active development, and full functionality for these will appear in the near future.

Personal Area

IN Personal account LiveDune needs to fill out a Form, where you indicate basic data and you can link your Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and Twitter accounts.

In addition, there is an interesting feature for Instagram - for a small nominal fee (only 150 rubles for 3 months), you can switch from the Standard package to the Superior one. This will make it possible to more quickly obtain rating details for the required parameters, for example, the number of subscribers in the Improved version is updated daily, and not once every three days, as in the Standard version.

It is impossible to ignore and affiliate program LiveDune - 1.10.100, which is also located in your Personal Account. All program participants receive assignments by email and mobile app, after completing which an individual reward is credited to the internal account.

Tariff packages for working with LiveDune

There are currently two packages available:

  • Free
  • LiveDune Pro, which in turn is available in two versions:
    • Free trial demo access to get acquainted with LiveDune Pro.
    • Improved, 750 rubles per month, for business and SMM agencies.

Along with the question of “the death of LiveJournal or not the death of LiveJournal,” it is often mentioned that Instagram and YouTube are now the undisputed leaders in social networks. There is no doubt - new trends, new formats. But when, in my field of activity, I began to pay attention to the numbers that Instagram bloggers put out and from which both advertisers and simply those who judged the popularity of the service “danced”, I could not get rid of the feeling that the WHOLE COUNTRY was sitting there ! But at the same time, among my friends, it’s good if 10% have Insta at all. But exactly based on these numbers from accounts with a bunch of zeros, everyone considers Instagram a popular social network. Oh, how cool! Oh, how fashionable!

Come on guys, are you serious? What hundreds of thousands there are! What millions! Who believes this?

I point with my fingers...

We can agree with the small number of truly popular Instagrammers who are public figures. There are those who, through long and painstaking work, have accumulated 10,000 subscribers over many years. There is a significant part of those who do not actually chase ratings and numbers and simply post photos for friends and relatives with a couple of hundred subscribers at best.

But the main part of Instagram with accounts of 50,000, 100,000, 300,000, 500,000 subscribers is just a regular boost for pennies! Like who will figure it out, the main thing is to show a big number. Yes, how many million-dollar accounts have already been exposed for the fact that only 10% of them are alive?

Let's not touch Buzova, let's take the average Insta account at random:

The dentist attracted to his account 450 000 Human! Imagine! This is, damn it, the population of such a city as Tula For example. Why is this woman, even if she is a dentist, so attractive to them? What does she post so exclusive on her Instagram? Let's check now...

It’s strange that it’s somehow creepy in order to lure you into your account I kiss Tula. Don't you find it? Some teeth, banal photos on the go. Let's analyze more carefully. Now it’s the 21st century and the Internet has not just appeared. Many people have probably wondered about analyzing accounts on social networks.

We go to an already popular resource, register and find the corresponding section:

To begin with, you can immediately pay attention to the “Mentions” column. It shows how many posts the blogger was mentioned by other bloggers. This also speaks of some kind of popularity or something. Look, an account with 391,000 subscribers has 441 mentions, which is actually not bad. And the account AJ S has 451,000 subscribers in total 18 , which is somehow suspicious. Many accounts with 10,000 followers are mentioned more often. Let's remember this moment!

What would you understand, at the beginning of the graph it is 85 000 subscribers in October 2017, and today 450 000 subscribers. Do you see the steps? This is how the number of subscribers increases by one day 50 000 ! Cool, right? Everyone can say whatever they want about LiveJournal, but to show cool numbers here you need to invest either a lot of money or a lot of work. For insta, so you understand - this is only measured in several thousand rubles and you are already supposedly the opinion leader of the population of the whole city! Of course, after this everyone will consider Instagram a fashionable and popular platform.

What about our likes?

Here are a couple of posts where 3,000 people liked this picture in an hour! Now that's efficiency! But graphics and common sense cannot be fooled. Purchased likes can be seen from afar.

Let me explain to you in more detail what is shown in the screenshot from

The dots on the blue line of the graph show how many likes there were on the post at the specified hour. Those. the first dot is the date of publication, the second shows how many likes there were after an hour, the third - how many after two, etc. With each passing hour, the post should theoretically receive fewer and fewer new likes. However, both graphs show that in the first 3 hours posts collect approximately 800 likes, and in the next 3000, although following common sense they should have received no more than 200. In total, by 4 hours after publication, 75% of likes in this account screwed up.

And we found this out completely without special knowledge and “equipment” using one well-known service. What I mean is that the Instagram “bubble” is gradually deflating and will continue to deflate. Now it’s difficult to blur your eyes with the huge numbers of simpletons.

Previously, Instagram really had the problem of checking the quality of the audience. In fact, there was no way to find out how many of the hundreds of thousands were alive and not bots. Many took advantage of this and began to get subscribers and likes for pennies. Some just to show off, and some to present it to advertisers and make money. The coolest thing is that then for reporting, tens of thousands of likes are also earned for pennies, and the advertiser could not verify anything from this - he took his word for it. The numbers are big - that was enough.

This is how it seems to me precisely on this basis there was an opinion that Instagram is super visited and super fashionable. But in reality it is a natural bubble.

Okay, let's leave the question of markups. Whoever wanted to understand the general background and meaning of all this. Let's take some large Instagram account and look carefully at the posts. For example, look at 1.2 million subscribers there 2,000 comments And 70,000 likes- this is considered cool and normal! At the same time, you often come across posts with 300 comments And 20,000 likes. Yes, in our LiveJournal there are 3,000 comments in a post by a blogger with 10,000 subscribers. And if there are less than 300 comments in a post, then it’s generally considered a failure. At the same time, of course, there is no talk of any audience of millions of subscribers. It’s good if the blogger has five thousand subscribers. There is a difference - 5,000 and 1,200,000. You can’t really trump five thousand, but they’ll laugh now, right?

But that's not all.

Let's take it again and do an analysis of comments and activities. For example, one of the posts received as many as 82 comments and 64 of them were meaningful. Those. the rest are like “hello”, “come in”, “Ah-ah-ah!” and such a plan. Yes, of course, we can say that in other posts the audience is somehow attracted by polls and questions, but the essence does not change from this - an ordinary post shown on a million-strong Instagram account is often interesting to several dozen people. That's all. These are realities.

But how effectively one can speak - I have almost one and a half million subscribers. At the same time, modestly keep silent about the fact that for one reason or another, sometimes 300 people, sometimes a couple of thousand, see and read your posts.

Why am I all this? The legs of the resource’s imaginary popularity grow precisely from these millions, which can be shown to everyone, but which are often of no use. Yes, of course there are Instagrammers with good conversion rates and a live/honest audience. Surely they have more traffic there than on any social network - but these are dozens of people (even a hundred). And the rest then exploit the numbers according to full program. And the numbers turn out approximately as in the title picture. They present kilometers of zeros, which should be divided into several orders of magnitude. Exactly the same as conversations about the popularity and fashionability of Instagram.

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Instagram analytics from LiveDune

At the moment, there are 3 types of tariffs in the system: blogger, business and agency. The first tariff is suitable for you to analyze your own profile. But the business may well be enough for all tasks. Your Profile Insights will collect data from your business profile.

Summary statistics by profile Analytics for your audience Statistics for each of your posts
Statistics on your profile growth with beautiful graphsSubscriber ageDynamics of the number of likes and comments per post
Changing your ERGeography of subscribers (city and country)ER for each post and total number of likes/comments
Number of comments, likes and saves with average per post per month and amount Information on tags and filters used
Detailed statistics on the number of subscribers and unsubscribers Reach and number of views per post
Statistics of all Stories

It all looks very nice and clear. A couple of chart examples.

And as you understand, working on the principle of obtaining data ensures their maximum relevance, since this data comes directly from Instagram business profile statistics.

This same fact can greatly simplify life when preparing reports. Instagram is still the only one social network, which does not download key indicators in any format. Imagine a situation where you need to make a monthly report on 60 publications. Collect coverage for each post manually? What about Stories? Feeling a problem?

In LiveDune, for each of your accounts that you added to the dashboard, you can upload statistics to excel/pdf for further use in reports. Statistics on growth, engagement, average number of reactions, by posts and Stories. I constantly use it in all reports, I can’t live without it.

The only point that should be taken into account when working with reports is that the system does not take into account paid promotion. Therefore, statistics on promoted posts BYE Only organic reach and reactions are shown. LiveDune developers plan to add accounting for paid promotion in September-October 2018.

Instagram Comment Tracker!

LiveDune turns into a real harvester for SMMers and can now send you notifications about new comments in monitored accounts directly in Telegram or process them in the livedune web interface. Comments from all monitored accounts are collected on one page and grouped by post.

An additional convenient feature: link your managers to different Instagram profiles. That is, notifications will not come to one profile, but to different ones assigned by you. Beauty.

Tracking is also available on Facebook/Vkontakte. Of these, comments come to the service instantly, from Instagram the delay is around 1 minute.

Checking bloggers for cheats on Instagram.

According to my statistics (based on an analysis of 50+ million likes), approximately every third blogger cheats. Buying advertising without checking is simply throwing money into the air.

The main thing I like about the LiveDune check is the verbal decoding of the indicators. Knowing the dynamics of the set of likes, the ratio of likes to comments and other indicators on millions of profiles, the service can easily determine the increase in likes/comments among bloggers.

Unfortunately, the service no longer offers analysis of other people’s audiences, but you can always request statistics on geography from selected bloggers.
