How to flip one sheet in a Word document. Flip the sheet horizontally in Word. How to turn only one page horizontally in Word

It is often unclear how to reverse text in Word. However, it is actually simple and fast.

Working with text editors sometimes requires additional skills. Moreover, in the functionality of the usual Microsoft Word there are actually quite a lot of possibilities.

This is precisely the reason why we sometimes cannot find something as simple as flipping text.

Universal method

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There are several options for how to flip text in Word. Let's start with the table.

That is, let's look at it in order:

1 Open required file or create one.

2 The text editor panel will have various menu tabs. Select “Insert” and click on “Table”.

3 In the window that appears, draw a table by selecting the number of rows and columns.

4 Also Alternative option- circle only the phrase or word that needs to be turned vertically in the table.

5 After this, right-click on the table that appears and find the subsection “Text Direction”.

6 Select the desired direction and click OK.

Sometimes the table frames in this case need to be made wider so that all the text fits.

The visible design of a table does not always match the document. Accordingly, you need to make it invisible. Just go to the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, find “No borders”.

Method for MS Word 2003

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There is a nuance with creating a table. In order to reverse the text, you also need to go to the “Tables” section. Draw it and enter the desired phrase in one of the cells.

Select it and right-click. A menu will open where it will say “Format”, then select “Text Directions”. There you can rotate the text vertically.

Method for MS Word 2007

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In this version of the text editor, you can use either the universal method using a table or go a slightly different way:

  • Having opened the desired file, find the “Insert” section in the menu.
  • Select the “Inscription” subsection, “Draw an inscription”.
  • Then outline the area in which you will write.
  • Enter text within the caption.
  • A new Format tab should now appear.
  • Also find “Text Direction” and set the desired position.
  • In addition, the inscriptions can be rotated by a certain degree simply with the mouse. Click the square in the lower right corner of the text and rotate it until it fits the way you want.

Method for MS Word 2010 and 2016

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Microsoft Word 2010 and 2016 allow you to use the previous two methods to flip text.

The functionality of these editors is already one of the largest, but the developers did not add a special ability to flip text.

In fact, the reason for this is that it is necessary to rotate the text vertically only in the case of the design of any table and heading.

This solution is used not only in Microsoft Word, but also in other text editors. So you don't need to download additional software to flip the text. Be careful and don't fall for scammers. Moreover, hacker attacks have become more frequent recently.

Flip part of the text

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Sometimes you need to turn over more than one word or sentence, but there is no need to completely change the orientation of the page either. Then you should use the following method.

First, set the desired text format. Afterwards, select the necessary information (one sheet or several) and go to the parameters. There, find landscape orientation and click “Apply”, but only to the selected text. Then simply click “OK” for the changes to take effect.

If you need to arrange all the text not vertically, but along the width of the page, then simply flipping the text is too time-consuming and problematic.

To save time, change the page orientation. Even if you need to place some elements in the other direction, you can always do this by changing the direction of the text.

Reverse all text

Old computers still run simple Word 2003, but even a weak processor runs absolutely fine office work. So, rotating a page in MS Word 2003 remains a pressing issue.

Usually, when you open Word, the page is configured vertically; to change this to a horizontal orientation, follow the instructions:

  • In the menu, find the “File” tab.
  • Go to “Options”.
  • Find the “Margins” tab and then the “Orientation” line.
  • There will also be a layout of pages: portrait or landscape. Moreover, portrait is the usual orientation, that is, vertical, and landscape is exactly what we need.
  • Confirm the changes by clicking OK.

By default, when creating a new document in Word, the sheet is positioned vertically (portrait orientation). Flipping a sheet into a horizontal (landscape) view is often necessary when you need to create a presentation or when working with wide tables when all the columns do not fit across the width of the page.

In this article you will learn how to flip a sheet horizontally (landscape orientation) in Word.

Flip a sheet in Word 2003

Changing the orientation of all pages of a document

In order to turn all pages in Word 2003, you need to do the following.

  1. Click the "File" button in the upper left corner and go to "Page Options."
  2. In the window that opens, in the first tab “Fields”, find the “Orientation” setting.
  3. Select the required page type—portrait or landscape—and click OK.

Changing the orientation of multiple document pages

To flip horizontally only a few pages of a document in Word 2003, do the following.

  1. Highlight the text on the required pages.
  2. Click the "File" button in the upper left corner and go to the "Page Options" menu.
  3. Specify the required page orientation and click “Apply to selected text” at the bottom. Click OK.

This way, the orientation will change to horizontal (landscape) only on those pages that have been selected.

Flip sheet in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Change the orientation of all pages in a Word 2007, Word 2010 document

To change the book orientation to landscape on all pages of a document, do the following.

  1. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is in the Layout tab) at the top of the document.
  2. In the Page Setup category, click the Orientation button.
  3. To flip all pages horizontally, select “landscape”.

After selecting horizontal (landscape) orientation, all pages of the document will change their orientation. How to turn only some pages, read below.

Changing the orientation of some pages in a Word document 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

To turn only one or more pages in a document, do the following.

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first character on the page you want to turn.
  2. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is under the Layout tab) in the vertical menu at the top of the document.
  3. In order to turn only one page, you need to create breaks in the document. Click "Breaks" and select "Next Page".
  4. Click on this page of the document in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Orientation” - “Landscape”.

After performing these steps, all pages will turn over starting from the one on which you set the break.

To ensure that only this page remains upside down, place the cursor at the end last character pages and make another break, as shown above.

Now, you can return the orientation of all subsequent pages. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning of the next page and select “Page Layout” - “Orientation” - “Portrait”.

Thus, we ensured that only one page in the document has landscape orientation, and the rest are portrait.

By default, in Microsoft Word, all sheets have a portrait orientation, that is, they are arranged vertically, but sometimes it becomes necessary to flip them so that they take on a landscape view. In this article we will talk about how to make a landscape sheet in Word, released in 2007. We will tell you how to perform these manipulations with all sheets at the same time and with each one separately.

We turn over the sheets of the entire document

Before talking about horizontally, it is worth saying that the instructions will be common to all versions of the program, and Word 2007 will serve as an example. In some versions, the location of some interface elements, their display and name may change, but the principle is the same for all.

So, now you will learn how to flip sheets horizontally in Word. Please note that after following this instruction, all sheets in the document will turn over. If you need to turn over only one or a few, then proceed directly to the next method.

To turn over all sheets in Word, you need to:

  1. IN open document program move to the "Page Layout" tab (in later versions this tab is called "Layout").
  2. Click the "Orientation" button.
  3. In the drop-down list, select the required orientation: in this case, “Landscape”.

As you can see, after completing all the instructions in your document, all pages will change orientation to landscape. To return everything to the way it was, you need to do all the steps again, only in the last one select the “Portrait” orientation.

Turning one sheet of paper over in a document

You already know how to flip sheets horizontally in Word, but sometimes you need to change the orientation of only one or several sheets. In this case, the previous method is no longer suitable, but you can use what will be demonstrated now.

So, to change the location of some pages in Word, follow the following instructions:

  1. First, you need to select the part of the text that you want to move to the landscape sheet. However, please note that after moving it, the text will be on a separate page. If that's what you were thinking, then continue.
  2. Go to the Page Layout (Layout) page.
  3. Click on the "Margins" icon in the "Page Setup" tool group.
  4. In the list that appears, select "Custom Fields" located at the very bottom.
  5. In the window that appears, change the orientation of the sheet, this option is located in the "Orientation" area.
  6. In the "Apply" drop-down list located at the very bottom of the window, select the line "To selected text".
  7. Click "OK".

After completing this rather extensive instruction, move the selected text to new sheets with landscape orientation.


Now you know how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. As you can see, both instructions are quite easy to use and do not require deep knowledge. And following the attached instructions, any user can create a landscape sheet in Word.

How to change the orientation of all pages in Word

If you need to rotate all pages of a Word document, this is done very simply. You need to go to the "Page Setup" dialog box, which you can open by double-clicking on the left ruler of the document. This window also allows you to set the paper size and change the print margins.

[click on image to enlarge]

To rotate all pages of a document, simply click on the image of the sheet with the type of orientation you need. By default, the page is in portrait orientation. Change it to landscape to rotate the page 90 degrees.

If you only need to rotate one page in Word, then all actions are performed almost the same. The only difference is in which part of the Word document to apply page rotation.

Look at the previous picture. At the very bottom of the window there is an "Apply" list, which indicates the default value: "to the entire document." That is why all the pages were turned last time. If you want to rotate only one page of a Word document, then you need to select another item in the list, namely, “to the end of the document.” This will rotate all pages to the very end.

If you don’t need to expand all the pages, but only one, then the operation is performed in a similar way. The result of turning one page out of three is shown in the figure below.

[click on image to enlarge]

If you think about it, there are only three options for turning pages in a document:

  • All pages are rotated, starting from the first
  • Only the last page is expanded
  • One or more pages are rotated in the middle of the document

Obviously, the last case is the general one. Given the above, it should be quite clear to you how Word rotates only one page. If it is not very clear, then watch the instructional video, in which the operation of turning Word pages is shown step by step.

Let's sum it up

So, what have we learned about rotating pages in Microsoft Word? You can change the orientation of pages in a Word document either for an individual page or for the entire document. I explained how to turn a page in Word. I'll add something else important.

As with document margins, page orientation Word documents best to install before filling them with content. This will avoid distortion of the document structure.

Distance online courses will help you fully master working in Microsoft Word without leaving home.

I continue to describe working issues related to Word, because of which I had to climb, if not into search engines, then definitely ask my colleagues. Well, or these questions caused me a dullness, a stopper in the work process.

This time we'll talk about how to rotate a page in Word. Personally, I feel the need to turn pages “horizontally-vertically” when writing reports. Since the results of measurements and tests, in addition to tabular data, are various graphs, diagrams, and the same tables, but with a huge number of columns, which are more convenient to display on an inverted sheet.

As usual, I will describe the situation with Word 2003, and a few words about the features known to me in version 2007.

This means that the sheet orientation in Word has two meanings - portrait and landscape.

The menu itself, with which you can turn the sheet over, is located at the following address:

  • In Word 2003 - file => page settings => orientation => landscape or portrait
  • In Word 2007 - top menu => page layout => orientation => portrait or landscape

With this, everything seems to be clear. The only difficulties arise when you have a report consisting of many pages and the page whose orientation should be changed to landscape is located between two pages in portrait orientation. There are already features here that should be discussed in more detail.

There are such concepts as page breaks and section breaks. It is in these concepts, or rather in one of them, that the answer to the question of turning one page out of consecutive ones lies. To rotate just one or more pages, those pages need to end with a “section break,” and the page before our pages also ends with a “section break.”

The breaks menu is located in the following places:

A couple of parting words about the gap menu:

Video about changing page orientation through a page break in Word 2003, 2007

Similarly, instead of inserting section breaks through the menu, you can use the word 2003 menu - top menu => file => page options => select orientation type => further in the same window => sample => apply => to the end of the document.

As a result, the orientation of subsequent pages after the one on which the mouse pointer is positioned will change. Then you can select the next page in a row with a changed orientation and do this procedure again - it turns out that it alone will have, for example, landscape orientation. It seems like the second method works - since we do it through other menu items, but if we show the hidden symbols “non-printable characters”, then it will become clear that we were again dealing with section breaks from the next page.

Video about rotating a page through page parameters in Word 2003, 2007

Another option, for those who do not want to bother, may be the option when the pages that need to be turned are located at the end of the report, for example, appendices to the protocol or report. In this case, they can be created in separate files, where the required orientation is simply created immediately. In some cases this is more convenient, for example, if section break symbols take up space in the last line and because of them the break is transferred to the next page, which creates an unnecessary report unit =) and the numbering is continuous, this is where placing a separate page in a separate file will help . But in the end, the choice is up to everyone.

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