How to link word and excel files. Examples of linking documents Linking Word documents. How Excel recalculates a workbook and why volatility should be avoided...

To connect two Word documents you can use the command Special insert(menu Edit) or command File(menu Insert).

In cases where you need to insert part of a document, you should use the command Special insert.

Because text may be formatted differently in different documents, to ensure that the text being linked is pasted in the format of the destination document into the list box How dialog box Special insert you must select an option Unformatted text.

When the cursor is inside a linkable region of the destination document, the entire region is grayed out. Although linked text can be edited in the destination document, changes made during editing will be lost when the link is updated. The gray background reminds you that the selected part should not be edited. If the communication area is not highlighted, select Options(menu Service) and on the tab View in the dropdown list Field shading select the line " When selected" or " Always».

To see the names of the files in the destination document that the inserted elements are associated with, select the command Options menu Service and on the tab View activate the checkbox Field codes. In this case, the document will not display the inserted information, but indications of the connection with the source files.

Information about the presence and nature of links is displayed in the Links dialog box (command Connections menu Edit) (Fig. 7.7).

Rice. 7.7. Command Dialog Box Connections

Links can be updated automatically if the corresponding button is selected. When installing the option On request update occurs:

when opening or printing a destination document file;

when pressing the field update shortcut key F9.

Linking an Excel table and a Word document

The procedure for linking an Excel table and a Word document is no different from linking two Word documents discussed above.

Most important point When linking a table to a document, it's a matter of choosing a format.

When choosing a format An object the table will be inserted as an Excel application object and can be edited in Excel by double-clicking on this object.

To insert a table as a table rather than as plain text, select the format RTF text. In this case, you usually have to edit the width of the columns and the height of the rows to make the table look neat.

If you select the format Unformatted text, the table will not be inserted as a table, but as plain text, with the data in the different cells separated by tabs.

When choosing formats Drawing And Raster the table is inserted as a picture and will be edited using Excel by double-clicking on the picture. When linking an Excel chart to a Word document, you should always select the format Drawing.

In general, Word is well prepared for integrating an Excel table into a document as an object. The standard Word toolbar has a button Add Excel table l., which is used to insert an Excel table as an object into a Word document. Clicking this button and selecting the table size will insert a blank table into your document.

When embedding objects, all actions are performed similarly to binding, only the option is activated Insert instead of To tie. When embedding a document, there is no connection with the source information, but it remains possible to edit the embedded document using the tools and means of the source application.

Very often, when solving various office tasks, we store and process data either in Excel spreadsheets or text editor Word. Moreover, most often these data are interconnected. For example, an Excel table or a fragment of it is copied and pasted into Word.
The advantages of this approach are obvious: the user is not tied to the choice of data storage media.
However, there is also a significant drawback, namely: if the data in the source table changes, then we must ensure that this data is corrected in all related documents. Therefore, the topic of copying, embedding and linking data from various documents turns out to be very relevant. In this video tutorial, I want to tell you what three ways we can copy data from Excel to Word, as well as how to establish a connection between this data.

The first, most common method, which almost everyone uses, is the usual copying and pasting of data using an intermediate clipboard. We select an Excel table or a fragment of it, click the “Copy” button in the toolbar, in a text editor we place the cursor in the desired location and click the “Paste” button.
The resulting table is a very ordinary Word table. We can format or edit it as we wish: change or add data. In this case, the original Excel table does not change in any way. Likewise, if I make any changes in the original table, nothing will change in the copied table. Simple, but not entirely convenient.
The second method of copying data involves inserting an Excel table into a Word document as a full-fledged object. This time, when copying, we will use the Paste Special mode. As before, the table with data in our two documents is not linked to each other, which is inconvenient. However, working in text word editor, we now have a full-fledged Excel table at hand, into which you can enter formulas, create graphs, and everything will work.
The last, third method of copying data involves linking them during a special paste. By appearance the table that appears is no different from the previous ones, but in fact, it is a completely different object, different from the previous ones. This time we see not a table, but a link to the original data source. If with the original Excel data anything happens, we will immediately see these changes in the Word text document. To achieve this, the associated data must be updated promptly. Having closed the resulting text document, we will continue editing the Excel table. Then, when we reopen the text document, Word warns us that the document contains related data that depends on external source and invites us to update them.

A word processor with some basic spreadsheet capabilities makes a fantastic combination. You can embed it into a regular text document quite easily Microsoft Word Excel tables.

Implementing Excel spreadsheets basically involves a tiny copy of the program. When editing an Excel section of a document, you have access to all elements Excel management as if you were using Excel as separate program. You can add standard text and numeric values, and, crucially, formulas that apply directly to the Excel mini-window.

To insert an Excel table in Word 2016, click the Insert tab at the top of the window, and then click the Table button. Click "Excel Table" from the drop-down menu.

Here's an example. I filled the standard cells with values ​​and used one of the most common sum formulas for the cells in the last column. So, for the "Total" value for "Product1" in cell E2, I use the formula "SUM(B2:D2)" to add all three values ​​to the row and automatically get my total. You can use any Excel formula, which you like in this built-in version of the program.

Excel tables have a basically infinite number of rows and columns, but this is impractical when you use that data as a table in a Word document. To change quantity visible lines and columns, click and drag the anchor points, the black squares that appear in each corner and in the middle of the box around the Excel table.

When you're done editing these values, you can click on any other part of the Word document and the default formatting will revert to the base table, suitable for printing or distributing through readable formats such as PDF. Here you can adjust the width and height of the table to better match the formatting of your Word document without changing the number of visible columns or rows.

To start editing the spreadsheet again, double-click on it to bring back the Excel controls.

It's also possible to embed an existing Excel file, which is handy if you're trying to share data you've already accumulated. In the Insert table, click the Object button (the small square with a blue border in the Text section):

In the window that appears, click “Create from File,” then click “Browse” to go and open the Excel spreadsheet on your computer’s drive. You also have a couple of other options. Selecting the Link to File option keeps the table you see in Word linked to the actual Excel spreadsheet, as long as they are stored in the same locations as when you linked them. Changes you make in any place are reflected in the other. You can also select the As Icon option to display the spreadsheet as a simple icon in your Word document, which you can click to open the spreadsheet in Excel.

When you're finished, simply click "OK" to insert the table.

Depending on the Word formatting You may need to resize or resize it to ensure everything is visible.

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When working with Office, there are several ways to share data between applications. One way is to copy and paste the data, but you can also link it to a source so it updates automatically, or embed it so you only update the data manually by opening the file. Additionally, using a linked object allows you to create a link to part of a file, such as multiple cells in an Excel worksheet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Linking and Embedding


    On the menu Insert click item An object and select an option From file.

    Find and select the file you want the link to point to and click the button Options.

    Check the box link to file ».

    Advice: As an icon.

    Click the button Insert OK if you are using Excel.

Changing Linked Data

    On the menu Edit select team Connections.

    If the team Connections unavailable means there is no associated data in the file.

    In chapter Original file Open source.

    On the menu Insert click item An object and select an option From file.

    Select the desired file and click the button Options.

    Uncheck link to file .

    Advice: If you only want to display an icon that you can click to view details, select the As an icon.

    Click the button Insert if you are using Word, or the button OK if you are using Excel.

Changing embedded data

    Double-click the embedded object.

    Make your changes and save them.

    On the menu File select command.

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert, and then - item Insert Link.

    In field How Sheet Microsoft Excel , and press the button OK.


Embedding data from one file into another

    Click the location where you want to embed the file.

    On the menu Insert select item an object, and then - from file.

    If you need to embed an Excel sheet, it must be the first one in the workbook.

    Click the button Insert and then the button OK.

Changing embedded data

    Make the necessary changes.

    Open the tab file and press the button Update.

    On the menu File select team Close and return to [filename].

    Please note that the changes are saved in the embedded file.

Copying data from a single file and pasting it as a linked or embedded object

    Select the data you want to paste (for example, a range of cells in an Excel worksheet).

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    Browse to another file and click where you want to paste the copied data.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert.

    In field Paste as select the object type, for example Microsoft Excel Sheet, and press the button OK.


Linking data between Word and Excel files

If the data is in an Excel file and the related information is in a Word file, you can link the two to make updating easier. For example, suppose you want to link the latest sales revenue to a monthly status report. The report is a Word document and the sales revenue data is in an Excel sheet. Once you link the document and worksheet, the data in the status report will automatically update when your sales revenue information changes. It is also possible that instructions from a Word document need to be inserted into several Excel files. If you use data binding, changes to instructions will be automatically reflected in all Excel files.

    Click where you want to insert the link.

    On the menu Insert click item An object and select an option From file.

    Select the file you want the link to point to and click the button Options.

    Check the box link to file ».

    Advice: If you only want to display an icon that you can click to view details, select the As an icon.

    Click the button Insert if you are using Word, or the button OK if you are using Excel.

Changing Linked Data

    On the menu data select team change connections.

    In chapter Original file select the desired file and click the button Open source.

    Make the necessary changes.

    Click the linked file. Please note that there are changes to the file.

Embedding data from one file into another

If you want to preserve the relationship between two files, without the main file being updated when the other file changes, you can embed the data. For example, you can embed data in situations where you don't want the status report to update when changes are made in an Excel worksheet, or you don't want the Excel worksheet to reflect changes in instructions. Because all information is stored in a single file, data embedding is useful in situations where you want to send an online version of a file to users who do not have access to the embedded file.

    Click the location where you want to embed the file.

    On the menu Insert click item An object and select an option From file.

    Select the file you want to embed and click the button Options.

    If you need to embed an Excel sheet, it must be the first one in the workbook.

    Advice: If you only want to display an icon that you can click to view details, select the As an icon.

    Uncheck Link to file and press the button Insert, if you are using Word, or the button OK, if used Excel application.

Changing embedded data

    Double-click the embedded file.

    Make the necessary changes.

    On the menu file select team Update.

    Please note that the changes are saved in the embedded file.

Copying data from a single file and pasting it as a linked or embedded object

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    Browse to another file and click where you want to paste the copied data.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert, and then - item Insert Link.

    In field How select the object type, for example Microsoft Word Document, and press the button OK.


Linking data between Word and Excel files

If the data is in an Excel file and the related information is in a Word file, you can link the two to make updating easier. For example, suppose you want to link the latest sales revenue to a monthly status report. The report is a Word document and the sales revenue data is in an Excel sheet. Once you link the document and worksheet, the data in the status report will automatically update when your sales revenue information changes. It is also possible that instructions from a Word document need to be pasted into multiple Excel files. If you use data binding, changes to instructions will be automatically reflected in all Excel files.

Open source.

Make the necessary changes.

Remember that changes are contained in a linked file.

Embedding data from one file into another

If you want to preserve the relationship between two files, without the main file being updated when the other file changes, you can embed the data. For example, you can embed data in situations where you don't want the status report to update when changes are made in an Excel worksheet, or you don't want the Excel worksheet to reflect changes in instructions. Because all information is stored in a single file, data embedding is useful in situations where you want to send an online version of a file to users who do not have access to the embedded file.

For example Sheet, and press the button Change.

Make the necessary changes.

On the menu File select team Close and return to [filename].

Please note that the changes are saved in the embedded file.

Copying data from a single file and pasting it as a linked or embedded object

You can create a link to a part of a file. For example, in a monthly status report, you might want to link to a specific range of cells in an Excel worksheet rather than the entire worksheet. For example, you might want to link to specific instructions from a Word document rather than the entire document.

    Select the data you want to paste (for example, a range of cells in an Excel worksheet).

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    Browse to another file and click where you want to paste the copied data.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert, and then - item Insert Link.

    In field How select the object type, for example Microsoft Excel Sheet, and press the button OK.


Embedding data from one file into another

If you want to preserve the relationship between two files, without the main file being updated when the other file changes, you can embed the data. For example, suppose you want to include the latest sales revenue information in your monthly status report. The report is PowerPoint presentation, and the sales revenue data is in an Excel sheet. After you embed a sheet into a presentation, the files remain linked.

    Click the location where you want to embed the file.

    On the menu Insert click item An object and select an option Create from file.

    Find and select the file you want to embed.

    If you need to embed an Excel sheet, it must be the first one in the workbook.

    Click the button Insert and then the button OK.

    If the data from the embedded file is not visible, drag the resizing handle until the contents of the file appear.

Changing embedded data

    Click the embedded file.

    On the menu Edit hover your mouse over the item Object [object type], For example Sheet, and press the button Change.

    Make the necessary changes.

    On the menu File select team Close and return to [filename].

    Please note that the changes are saved in the embedded file.

Copying data from a single file and pasting it as a linked or embedded object

You can only embed part of a file. For example, in a monthly status report, you might want to embed not the entire Excel sheet, but only a certain range of cells within it.

    Select the data you want to paste (for example, a range of cells in an Excel worksheet).

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    Browse to another file and click where you want to paste the copied data.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert.

    In field Paste as select the object type, for example Microsoft Excel Sheet, and press the button OK.


Linking data between Word and Excel files

If the data is in an Excel file and the related information is in a Word file, you can link the two to make updating easier. For example, suppose you want to link the latest sales revenue to a monthly status report. The report is a Word document and the sales revenue data is in an Excel sheet. Once you link the document and worksheet, the data in the status report will automatically update when your sales revenue information changes. It is also possible that instructions from a Word document need to be pasted into multiple Excel files. If you use data binding, changes to instructions will be automatically reflected in all Excel files.

Source file select the desired file and click the button Open source.

Make the necessary changes.

Remember that changes are contained in a linked file.

Embedding data from one file into another

If you want to preserve the relationship between two files, without the main file being updated when the other file changes, you can embed the data. For example, you can embed data in situations where you don't want the status report to update when changes are made in an Excel worksheet, or you don't want the Excel worksheet to reflect changes in instructions. Because all information is stored in a single file, data embedding is useful in situations where you want to send an online version of a file to users who do not have access to the embedded file.

For example Sheet, and press the button Change.

Make the necessary changes.

On the menu File select team Close and return to [filename].

Please note that the changes are saved in the embedded file.

Copying data from a single file and pasting it as a linked or embedded object

You can create a link to a part of a file. For example, you might want to create a link not to the entire Excel worksheet, but only to a specific range of cells within it.

    Select the data you want to paste (for example, several sentences in a Word document).

    On the menu Edit select team Copy.

    Browse to another file and click where you want to paste the copied data.

    On the menu Edit select team Special insert, and then - item Insert Link.

    In field How select the object type, for example Microsoft Word Document, and press the button OK.

20.1 Theoretical information

There are many different ways programs can share data. Microsoft Office. For example, Word provides several ways to insert Microsoft Excel data into a Word document. You can copy and paste an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document. In addition, you can also insert a spreadsheet into a Word document as a linked object or an embedded object.

The main differences between object linking and object embedding are where the data is stored and how the data is updated after it is placed in the document.

A linked object is an object (such as a spreadsheet) created in one file and inserted into another file, maintaining a relationship between the files. The linked object can be updated at the same time that the source file is updated. The linked object is not part of the file in which it is inserted.

An embedded object is an object (such as a spreadsheet) inserted into a file. Once embedded, the object becomes part of the file. When you double-click, the embedded object opens using the program in which it was created. All changes made to an embedded object are reflected in the file that contains it.

Linking and embedding can be done either using the clipboard or using the "Insert Object" dialog box, which is called up by the Object command on the Insert menu.

To accomplish this laboratory work You should become familiar with how Microsoft Office programs share data. Implementation using the "Insert Object" dialog box is described in the lecture course and in recommended sources of information.

20.2 Purpose of work

Acquiring practical skills in working with Microsoft Excel and Word programs in the process of creating documents, copying, linking and embedding a Microsoft Excel object (spreadsheet) into a Word document.

20.3 Statement of the problem

To complete the lab, do the following:

  1. create a Word document according to the attached sample shown in Figure 20.1;
  2. create a blank workbook, fill out the worksheet according to the attached sample shown in Figure 20.2, and perform the necessary calculations;
  3. Paste the created Excel spreadsheet into a Word document using the following methods:
    • as Word tables;
    • as an embedded object;
    • as a related object.

After inserting an Excel table into a Word document, delete the data in cell G5 in all tables and update the data.

Rice. 20.1

Rice. 20.2

20.4 Step-by-step execution of work

20.4.1 Turn on the PC

Click the button Power on system unit PC.

20.4.2 Launch Microsoft Word and Excel Launch Microsoft Word using the Main Menu command.

After launching Microsoft Word, the application window "Document 1 - Microsoft Word", which displays a blank text document based on the Normal template. Create a document according to the accompanying sample shown in Figure 20.1 and save it. Without closing Word, launch Microsoft Excel.

After you launch Microsoft Excel, the application window opens, displaying a blank Workbook 1 workbook with three worksheets. Create new book and fill out the worksheet according to the attached sample shown in Figure 20.2. Complete all calculations (fill out the Total rows and column and the Total row) in the spreadsheet and save the file (workbook).

20.4.3 Insert the created Excel spreadsheet into a Word document in various ways Insert the created Excel spreadsheet into a Word document as a Word table.

  • Go to your Word document, select where to insert the table, and click the Insert button on the toolbar. Insert the generated Excel spreadsheet into a Word document as an embedded object.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • select a range of table cells;
  • click the Copy button on the toolbar;
  • go to the Word document, select where to insert the embedded object;
  • set the switch to the Insert position; Insert the created Excel spreadsheet into a Word document as a linked object.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • select a range of table cells;
  • click the Copy button on the toolbar;
  • go to the Word document, select where to insert the linked object;
  • select the Paste Special command from the Edit menu;
  • set the switch to the Link position;
  • From the How To list, select Microsoft Sheet Office Excel(object) and click OK.

20.4.4 Delete the data in cell G5 in all tables inserted in the Word document and update the data Delete the data in cell G5 (number 128) of the Word table created by copying, and update the data in the entire table.

For this:

  • recalculate the data in the entire table. Delete the data in cell G5 (number 128) of the Word table created by the object embedding method, and update the data in the entire table.

For this:

  • double click on the embedded object (table) to open it with Excel programs in which it was created;
  • delete the number 128 in cell G5;
  • Click outside the embedded object box to return to Word. Delete the data in cell G5 (number 128) of the Word table created by the object linking method, and update the data in the entire table.

Do the following:

  • double-click on the linked object (table), an Excel application window will open with an open workbook;
  • delete the number 128 in cell G5;
  • the data in the entire table will be automatically recalculated;
  • close Excel to return to Word.

20.4.5 Shutdown

Tell your teacher about your completed work. After allowing shutdown, close your application programs Microsoft Word and Excel, after which you can begin taking tests on the completed work.
