Labels xp. How to change the default drive icons in Windows XP? Changing the folder icon

Monitor screens are becoming larger, screen resolution is also increasing, and therefore the icons on the desktop are becoming smaller. Small labels are extremely inconvenient because they are more difficult to navigate, especially for people with impaired vision. In this regard, many people have a question - How to increase (reduce) desktop icons on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8. In this article I will describe step by step how to do this.

How to enlarge (reduce) desktop icons in Windows XP.

In order to increase or decrease desktop icons in Windows XP, there are two ways:

1 Method. Right-click on an empty area of ​​your desktop and select context menu"Properties".

Select the Appearance tab and click the Effects button. In the window that opens, you need to check the box next to “Apply large icons” (to make the icons smaller, uncheck this box accordingly). After that, click "Ok" in both windows.

2 Method. Right-click on your desktop and select Properties.

Go to the Appearance tab and click the Advanced button.

Then, in the Element field, select “Icon” and in the Size field, enter the required size (the default is 32).

As you can see, the second method will allow you to select the size of the icons more accurately.

How to enlarge (reduce) desktop icons in Windows 7.

To enlarge (reduce) icons in Windows 7, there are two ways:

1 Method.

Click on an empty space on the desktop (or on a shortcut on the desktop), press and hold the "Ctrl" key and use the mouse wheel to adjust the size of the icons to suit your needs.

2 Method.

Right-click on the desktop, select "View" and specify the size of the icons you want.

Recently I encountered a small but annoying problem - I arranged the icons on the desktop to suit myself. but after a system failure they were mixed in random order. Is there any way to lock the positions of shortcuts on the desktop so that they cannot be moved or shuffled?

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, most likely you have a huge number of shortcuts on the Windows desktop, arranged exactly in your order, in which it is most convenient for you to find and launch games, programs and documents.

But sometimes, the slightest glitch operating system or running the game in a lower screen resolution can destroy the entire idyll and mix the icons in random order. However, it doesn’t even take a system crash to disrupt the usual order of shortcuts - we all know how little children love to mess with your computer! Don't despair - you won't have to re-arrange the shortcuts again, we'll tell you about a special program that will allow you to Pin desktop shortcuts in Vista and XP.

How to pin shortcuts to the desktop in Windows XP and Windows Vista 32bit

Pin shortcuts to the desktop of Windows XP and Windows Vista 32bit very easy and can be done with just a few special programs. We will look at some of the simplest and most understandable programs for pinning and restoring the positions of shortcuts on your desktop.

We pin shortcuts on the desktop in 32-bit Windows versions using Icon Positions

To save icon positions on your desktop, you just need to download special utility Icon Positions and follow our instructions.

To get started, arrange your icons as convenient for you - by groups, by type, by frequency of use, or in random order and run the program Icon Positions.

A small window with only three buttons opened in front of you - Save icon position, Refresh icon cache, Rearrange icons. It’s probably not worth going too deep into the topic, since even a novice PC user will understand what needs to be done.

Press the button Save icon position and feel free to close the program. The positions of the desktop shortcuts are saved, you can check the operation of the program without waiting for a failure - just drag several shortcuts and swap them.

Now open Icon Positions again and click the Arrange icons in their places button. As you can see, in a matter of seconds the previously saved location of all icons was restored.

Please note that Icon Positions only works correctly on 32-bit operating systems, so icon positions will not be saved and restored in Vista 64-bit.

Pin shortcuts to the desktop in 32-bit versions of Windows using Icon Restore

This program does not have a Russian interface, but this should not cause any significant problems even for novice users.

After downloading the program, run and install it, following all the instructions in the installation wizard. We wait a few minutes and click OK in the window confirming completion of the installation. The program is installed and ready to use.

Now, in order to save the location of shortcuts on the desktop press right click on the icon My computer and select the item Save Desktop Icon Layout. The position of the icons is saved; you can check the functionality of the program by shuffling the shortcuts.

To restore the saved location of shortcuts, press again right click on My computer and select the item Restore Desktop Icon Layout. Done, the desktop is as before.

How to Pin Desktop Shortcuts in Vista 64bit

If you have difficulties with the performance of the two previous programs, you are happy with the 64-bit operating system. You can easily pin shortcuts to the desktop of 64-bit Vista using the program Desktop Icon Position Saver 64-bit version.

Install the program following all the instructions in the installation wizard. After successful installation Desktop Icon Position Saver just hold down the key SHIFT and click right click on an empty area of ​​the desktop.

In the context menu that opens you will find two new items Save Desktop Icon Layout And Restore Desktop Icon Layout. Accordingly, by selecting the item Save Desktop Icon Layout you'll save your current desktop icon layout by selecting Restore Desktop Icon Layout- restore the previously saved position.

Surely almost every novice user personal computer I encountered a problem setting up the Desktop.

In this article I tried to provide detailed, step by step instructions on setting up the Desktop.

I want to say right away that everything written below is more suitable for beginners, although... perhaps it will help those who already consider themselves confident PC users to remember forgotten truths.

So, let's start decorating our Desktop.

Screen Properties

Selecting a Desktop Theme

The Desktop theme set includes all the design elements we can see and hear ( background picture, set of sounds, mouse cursor type, “screen saver” and others).

To customize your theme, follow a few simple steps:

1. Right-click on an empty area Desktop to open the context menu and click on the item in it "Properties".

2. Go to the tab "Themes"

and select the design you like from the drop-down menu.

3. Click on the button “Apply” for the changes to take effect.

Setting the desktop background image (wallpaper)

4. Go to the tab "Desktop " and select a background image from the list provided; if you don’t like the images proposed by the system, you can specify your own.

To do this, click on the “Browse” button and indicate where it is located.

The picture on the monitor screen can be centered, stretched or tiled.

5. If for some reason you don’t want to be in the background Desktop When you make a drawing, you can fill it with the desired color. Click on the drop-down list "Color" and go to "Other".

It is believed that this color strains the eyesight less than others. However, configure, experiment, try!

Creating icons on the desktop

Click on the button “Desktop settings”, a window will appear in front of you “Desktop elements”. Go to the tab in it "Are common". Here you can check the boxes by clicking on the box next to the desired name icon.

My computer - we get access to the content hard drive and to the Windows Control Panel.

My Documents - a folder specifically designed for storing documents.

network - you can access all computers connected to the local network.

Using the button "Change icon" you can change the appearance of the icon.
To do this you need:

1. Mark the desired icon with the left mouse button (the icon will have a blue background)
2. Click on the button “Change icon” in the window “Desktop elements”. You will see a window “Change icon”
3. Here you are asked to select the icon you need, left-click on it and click on the button "OK" to apply the settings.

If you are not satisfied with the selected icon, click the button “Regular icon” in the window " Desktop elements” and the icon will appear as default.

When you press the button “Clear desktop” Unused items are moved from it to a special folder. When checking the box next to the inscription “Clean your desktop every 60 days” the latter will be automatically cleaned of unused elements.

Don't forget that you can organize your desktop icons. To do this, select “Arrange icons” in the desktop context menu. Here you can align them by name, by type, by size, and also arrange them automatically or align them to a grid.

This is probably the end of the basic settings.

In addition, in the window "Desktop elements" You can add a link to your web browser's home page on your desktop. To do this, go to the tab "Web" check the appropriate box.

Here you can prohibit moving or resizing elements on the desktop by checking the box "Pin desktop items"

Next tab in window "Desktop elements" -"Screen saver".
A screensaver is an image or animation that will be shown on the screen after some time of user inactivity. It can be different kinds animations or arbitrary text specified by the user.

On the tab "Decor" you can change the design style, color scheme, as well as font size.

Updated – 2017-01-25

Setting up a worker Windows desktop HR. No matter how good and convenient the Desktop is, it can still be improved. For experienced users this is not difficult, but for beginners it is a problem. So, so that this is not a problem for you, let’s look at the most necessary settings of the Windows XP Desktop. You will soon see for yourself how much more convenient it is.

Unlike previous versions The Windows XP desktop after installing the system often appears completely “naked” to the user, without any icons. Some people like this, and some prefer not to search for programs through the Start menu, but to launch them directly from the Desktop. There are several ways to return the table to its usual working state.

Customizing the Windows XP Desktop Using the Taskbar

Open the menu - StartControl Panel . In the window that opens " Control Panel » click on the inscription « Switch to classic view ».

In the already changed window " Control Panel » find the icon « Taskbar and Start Menu " and open it.

You will see a window “ Taskbar and Start menu properties " On the " Task bar » Check all the boxes. Then, if you want, you can always disable any of these functions.

Go to the next tab " Start Menu ».

Set the switch to " Classic menu"Start ", and click the " Apply" And " OK ».

This is how the Taskbar is configured.

Now you have the most necessary icons on your desktop.

My computer - the most important icon thanks to which we can access the contents of the hard drive, as well as the Windows Control Panel.
