Autonomous information and control systems. Main disciplines of master's training

In the spring of 1938, students of the first two years of the KMMMI (Red Banner Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute named after N.E. Bauman - that was the name of the oldest engineering university in the country since 1930) passed the session and were preparing to move to special faculties in order to subsequently receive engineering degrees in areas of locomotive engineering, machine tool building, and textile industry. They did not yet know that in the fall they would dramatically change their plans and in the future they would receive completely different specialties, the need for which had especially increased in connection with the approaching war...

That year, by decision of the government, two new defense faculties were created at KMMMI: artillery (E) and ammunition (H), and taking into account the requirements of industry, the university was removed from subordination to the Higher School Committee and transferred under the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Armaments.

The opening of new specialties at MVTU was due to a number of reasons:

There was a historically established school for training engineers, which had a powerful general technical and scientific-methodological base;

It was possible to relatively quickly create their own scientific and pedagogical schools based on staffing teachers primarily from among their own graduates - bearers of the “Bauman” traditions;

Thanks to its location in Moscow, it was possible to attract leading specialists from industry and specialized scientific and educational organizations (primarily the F.E. Dzerzhinsky Military Academy).

At Faculty H, two departments were organized, one of which - PB-H ("Ammunition Production") - became the ancestor of the currently existing departments SM-4 and ours - SM-5. The first head of the department was Dr. Sc., prof. Gorst A.G. - specialist in the field of explosives; he contributed greatly to the development of the faculty and department. The training of engineers was organized in the specialty “Ammunition and fuses” with the specializations “Shells, mines and bombs” and “Fuses”. Thus, the specialty in the profile of our department is over 65 years old, it is one of the oldest in the faculty.

Enrollment of the first students began in June, and the structure of the faculties was approved in July. By September 1, all groups of 1–4 courses were filled with students, and the best students from other faculties were accepted into senior courses. At this first, very difficult, stage of development, the formation of a teaching staff took place, the creation of educational laboratories and equipping them with samples of equipment and teaching aids.

... In the fall of 1941, students of faculties “H” and “E” were supposed to begin their diploma projects for the first time, the topics of which were approved and issued in the spring. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, by decision of the State Defense Committee, graduate students without defending their diplomas were sent to industry. Junior year students joined the Moscow People's Militia and participated in the construction of defensive structures.

Teachers of special departments were left without students; Some of them went to the front, the rest became involved in active scientific work aimed at helping defense enterprises. Weapons were made in the workshops; In a specially created design bureau, the design of an anti-tank rifle was developed.

The greatly reduced faculty staff was evacuated to Izhevsk in October 1941. The difficulties that the young department encountered during the evacuation can be judged from the memoirs of Serafima Sergeevna Kalinina, one of the first teachers of the department, who worked at the faculty from the day of its foundation: “At first, the School was located in various unequipped premises. They also studied in “classrooms” where students sat on benches in fur coats, felt boots, and mittens, and the board was replaced by a Dutch oven. Availability teaching aids: one piece each of RGM-2, KTD and AGDT fuses and one book describing the device and operation.”

The first graduation of engineers trained at Faculty H took place in 1944, after the return of the School from evacuation (on May 25, 1943, the historical name was restored - Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman). Among the graduates are future famous fuze designers I.D. Klebanov. (noted by order of the institute and the industry People's Commissariat as an excellent student) and Pchelintsev V.I. (later - director of the Research Institute), Potapov K.N. – head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR, long-term chairman of the State Examination Commission (GEC) of the department.

And again the memories of S.S. Kalinina: “In June, after the first defense, it was decided to solemnly celebrate it. Under the card system, they collected coupons for meat, bread and cereals and handed them over to the National restaurant. The gala evening of the first graduation was attended by ministers B. L. Vannikov and D. F. Ustinov. For the good conduct and organization of the first graduation, both ministries - ammunition and weapons - awarded all of us, faculty members, with two-month salaries.”

The department staff did everything possible and impossible to quickly establish the educational process, equip the laboratory with the latest equipment and product samples. At the same time, connections were established with the Military Artillery Academy named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, which were subsequently constantly strengthened: lectures on special courses were given by professors of the Academy; under their leadership, the training of the first permanent teachers began.

All this was aimed at training the ammunition specialists that the country desperately needed. Great assistance was provided by People's Commissar P.N. Goremykin, who sent the chief engineer of the main department, N.L. Solovyov, to head the department. (he headed the department from 1943 to 1947).

In 1947, a structural reorganization took place: on the basis of faculties E and H, a new faculty was formed - RT (34) - rocketry. The department of ammunition, called H-331k, was headed by the head of the main department, S. Ya. Bodrov.

In 1953, faculties H and E merged, and a new faculty was formed - No. 6; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor I. D. Fedotov becomes its dean and head of the department (its new name is 33-1). In 1955, the Faculty of RT was renamed “Mechanical Engineering” (MS), and the “Sixth” Faculty was renamed “Mechanical” (M).

A humorous student song that appeared in the early 50s (its author is B. Senderov, the melody is the folk song “Dubinushka”) is dedicated to the Faculty N:

Who came to us on N,
He stopped being sad.
After all, on N is not life, but raspberries.
We mechanics are salt, and technologists are zero.
Well, welders are just cudgels*.
Eh, cudgel, let's whoop.
Eh, bludgeon, she’ll go on her own.
Let's pull it, let's pull it,
Let's go...
Now the sun is standing
But the student is still awake:
He bent his back over the project.
Passed a hundred exams
I suffered a hundred tests,
But... the cudgel remained a cudgel.

* - At one time, for some reason, in the junior years there was a single lecture flow from students of the Faculty N and the Department of Welding (Welding Production) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The years passed, the student population grew, the teaching staff increased, but there were also many difficulties. The educational process for special training was conducted by professors V.I. Akin and K.P. Stanyukovich, associate professors V.D. Khazov, I.V. Khazomenov, V.I. Titov, I.P. Kuznetsov, P.I. Kozyrev, I. P. Kunaev, S. F. Korndorf, G. G. Rempel, I. D. Fedotov, N. N. Sokolov, assistant S. S. Kalinina. Contacts are established with the Artillery Academy, lectures are given by its teachers - N. P. Byzhko, M. E. Katanugin, V. V. Korolev.

At this time, scientific work at the department is noticeably intensifying and the training of its own teaching staff is intensifying. The range of scientific interests of the department included problems of a more in-depth study of physical processes and phenomena occurring during the functioning of ammunition. Of particular note is the interesting work of G.S. Batuev, a young candidate of technical sciences, devoted to the issues of predetermined crushing of ammunition casings.

Of great importance for the industry was the introduction at the faculty and department of training engineers according to the so-called “accelerated” cycle: students with extensive experience in industry received solid theoretical training at the School in two years. P. D. Kukleva, the future long-term head of the department’s laboratory, also came out of the ranks of the “accelerated students.”

The 50s were marked by the rapid development of new rocket technology. Mechanical fuses, which Department 33-1 had previously dealt with, could no longer fully satisfy the increasingly stringent requirements put forward by industry. A new generation of fuses was required - non-contact, i.e. products operating in different scale ranges electromagnetic vibrations(radio, optical, magnetic, thermal, x-ray) and responding to the acoustic fields of affected objects. They had to have increased reliability, efficiency, speed, and noise immunity. The tasks of comprehensively studying the factors characteristic of the operating conditions of ammunition have become extremely urgent. Life itself put forward a very complex scientific and technical problem, for the successful solution of which other scientific and methodological foundations were necessary. These reasons served as the basis for the organization of our department.

On May 31, 1955, the USSR Ministry of Higher Education ordered the Moscow Higher Technical School to organize a department for the training of engineers and scientific workers in the field of fuze design, as well as for conducting scientific research in this area. The specialty was called “Electromechanical fuses” and had the number 0547.

The birthday of the department is considered to be May 3, 1956 - this is the date of the order of the rector of the Moscow Higher Technical School No. 478 on the creation of the department as an independent division of the School. From that time until 1978, it was headed by a prominent specialist in the field of precision instrument making and temporary devices, I. P. Kunaev. Subsequently, the heads of the department were Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. M. P. Musyakov (1979–1992) and Ph.D., Associate Professor. V. A. Pylaev (1992–1994). From 1994 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the Russian Government Prize V. K. Khokhlov. The first full-time employees of the new department were Ph.D., Assoc. G. S. Batuev, Ph.D., Assoc. S. Ya. Bodrov, assistants S. S. Kalinina, B. M. Gorchakov and S. N. Spassky; engineers V. S. Evseev and A. K. Efremov. Future leading teachers of the department began their journey in science, but for now graduate students Yu. V. Golubkov, M. P. Musyakov, A. A. Fedosov, and M. G. Pokrovsky.

A unified “Mechanical Engineering” faculty, which included nine departments, was created in 1959; it already included a new department, which for some time was called M-6, in 1961 received the name M-5 and then (in 1989, in connection with the creation of the Faculty of Special Mechanical Engineering) the current one - SM-5.

The pulpit tree looks like this:

Period Faculty Name
1938-1947 N PB-N
1947-1953 N 331k
1953-1955 № 6 33-1
1955-1959 "Mechanical" M-6
1959-1989 "Machine-building" M-5 (since 1961)
1989 - to present "Special
mechanical engineering"

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR No. 92с dated August 10, 1970 and No. 115с dated August 25, 1971, the letter of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 10-4433 dated November 2, 1970 and the orders of the rector of the Moscow Higher Technical School No. 16/U dated January 12. 1972 and No. 132/U dated March 21, 1973, the department began training engineers in two specialties: “Design and production of electromechanical fuses” (0547) - two groups and “Design and production of radar fuses” (0575) - one group . A number of new disciplines were included in the curricula, mainly in radio engineering and optical-electronic areas.

During this period, i.e. in the 60–70s, the department formed a full-time teaching staff capable of conducting the educational process at a modern level, mainly at the expense of its own graduates, and it should be noted that this staff was very stable. It was during this period that the department united as a team of like-minded people, and a spirit of camaraderie and mutual assistance was created, which has survived to this day. Head of the department prof. I.P. Kunaev pursued a reasonable personnel policy, striving to ensure that young teachers quickly got on their feet, using the rich experience of the older generation. An outstanding role in this sense was played by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G. S. Batuev, who created a scientific school in the field of designing mechanical fuze systems and testing and trained many specialists in this field (A. A. Fedosov, A. K. Efremov, Yu. S. Saratov, V. I. Kozlov, V. M. Metalnikov, N. N. Simonenko, etc.).

Doctor of technical sciences, prof. worked at the department. P. P. Mesyatsev, specialist in the field of reliability of radio systems (from 1960 to 1964), former head of the ammunition department of the Artillery Academy, Ph.D. M. E. Katanugin (since 1947 as a part-time teacher, since 1960 - as a full-time teacher, in 1966 he was awarded the title of professor); part-time - a major theorist in the field of radio fuses, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. I. M. Kogan; outstanding designer of mechanical fuses G. A. Okun. A great contribution to the development of the department and improvement of the educational process was made by O. N. Bogdanov and A. V. Orlovsky (both served as deputy heads of the department). The latter deserves special credit for setting up a series of disciplines in radio and microelectronics and creating a corresponding laboratory workshop. Recent graduates V. I. Kozlov (graduated in 1962), V. A. Kovrigin (1963), N. S. Soboleva (1963), V. A. Pylaev and V. K. Khokhlov (1964), V. . P. Voronkov (1968).

By order of the MV and SSO and MM of the USSR No. 453/95 dated 04/21/77 at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman organized a Council for coordinating the educational and methodological work of university departments conducting training in specialties 0547 and 0575. The Coordination Council included representatives of the USSR MM and its enterprises, the Ministry of Higher Education, and related departments. The M-5 department was designated as the head and base department for the defense specialty. The Coordination Council was entrusted with developing recommendations to improve the quality and adjust the content of specialist training and educational and methodological activities of departments and to further strengthen the connection between scientific and pedagogical teams and industry enterprises.

Currently, the department heads the Educational and Methodological Commission (EMC) in the specialty “Autonomous information and control systems”. The development of state standards for the specialty is carried out jointly with related departments of Russian universities included in the educational complex: Baltic State University "Voenmech" named after. D. F. Ustinova, St. Petersburg; Penza State University; Samara State Technical University; Novosibirsk State Technical University; Far Eastern Higher State Maritime Academy, Vladivostok; Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering and Automation. In addition, the department is represented in the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the field of radio engineering, electronics, biomedical technology and automation and in the Educational and Methodological Council in the areas 550200 and 651900 “Automation and Control”,

The emergence and development of precision-guided ammunition has led to the complication of the functions of fuses as control systems for weapons of destruction. It was necessary to significantly revise the concept of training engineers, and in 1988 the previous specialties were transformed into specialty 210800 - “Radio-electronic and electromechanical instrument devices” with three specializations: A - Transceiver modules; B - Signal processing devices; B - Electromechanical devices. The curriculum includes such disciplines as “Microelectronics”, “Radio Engineering Circuits and Signals”, “Statistical Radio Engineering”, “Fundamentals of Near Range Location”, “Circuit Design and Synthesis of Transceiver Modules”, “Circuit Design and Synthesis of Signal Processing Devices” , "Modeling methods".

Honorables were recruited to work at the department. scientist of the Russian Federation, State laureate. Prizes Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. B.I. Shakhtarin, a major specialist in the field of radio engineering systems, and a graduate of the SM-7 department, honorable mention. scientist of the Russian Federation Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Yu. M. Astapov, who began teaching a course on managing technical systems.

The traditions of the department are successfully supported by teachers of the “second wave” - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Labunets L.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Borzov A.B., associate professors G.G. Vaneev, S.V. Suvorov, A.N. Ivanov, G.L. Pavlov, V.B. Steshenko; Recently, candidates of sciences K. P. Likhoedenko, A. V. Bumagin, V. B. Suchkov, A. L. Nazolin, Yu. A. Sidorkina have been added to them. Veterans pin their hopes on them that in the future the department will maintain its position and increase the successes achieved in the past.

In subsequent years, the department took measures aimed at significantly increasing the level of educational, methodological and scientific work. The need to take these measures was also due to a number of objective factors: fundamentally new weapons and weapons systems, more advanced elemental base, new information and computer technologies appeared. The ability to receive information, automatically process it in accordance with a given algorithm (detection, recognition and direction finding of objects) and issue a control action (command) to the actuator in modern conditions possess not only fuses as weapons control systems, but also other systems for various purposes.

Their specific features - non-stationary processes, limited decision-making time, the presence of destabilizing factors, etc. - require the creation of a special theoretical basis for solving problems of a fundamental nature.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, specialty 210800 was named “Autonomous information and control systems (AIUS)”, within which the training of engineers is carried out in three specializations:

  • 210801 “Autonomous location and control systems” - these systems, including short-range systems (SBL), detect, recognize, filter, resolve and measure the parameters of location signals, which allows solving various problems related to determining the shape and size of objects, and also with measurement of their movement parameters and optimal control.
  • 210802 “Signal processing in autonomous control systems” - the professional activity of a specialist in this profile is associated with signal processing paths in the automated control system, as well as with methodological, algorithmic, software and hardware support of systems; the factor of a priori uncertainty determined the use of adaptive, robust and nonparametric signal processing methods.
  • 210803 “Autonomous mechatronic control systems” are structurally complex systems that include microsensor devices, information processing units and issuing control actions on actuators; in these systems, which are exposed to extreme operating conditions, elements of electromechanics and electronics are integrated with computer technology.

At the request of industry and research institutes, within the framework of specialty 210800, the department can organize the training of engineers in two specializations:

  • 210804 “Autonomous locating systems for controlling weapons” - these high-precision systems comprehensively use target fields of various physical natures to solve detection and recognition problems.
  • 210805 “Contact and remote control systems for weapons” - in modern systems of this type Microsensor and satellite navigation and communication technologies are used to solve problems related to the detection and classification of targets; non-contact information is entered about the range to the target and the parameters of its movement.

In 1996, the State Standard for Higher and Professional Education in specialty 210800 was developed, taking into account new requirements for the training of specialists and the conversion of the defense industry. The concept of training engineers is based on the qualification characteristics of a graduate of the SM-5 department, whose main activity is now system and circuit design and construction of automated control systems for ammunition systems and conversion systems, taking into account the promising level of development.

A feature of the new curriculum and programs of relevant disciplines is the further improvement of the educational process. New disciplines are being introduced - AIMS modeling and neurocomputer information technology, modern integrated FPGA technologies and CAD methods.

Many academic disciplines arose on the basis of generalization of the results obtained during the work carried out by the corresponding schools. In the scientific groups of the department and in the departments SM2-2 and SM2-7, end-to-end individual training students for independent scientific and practical engineering work, including in scientific groups and departments.

The department has created educational laboratories in the main areas of training specialists in the field of near-location systems, signal processing and autonomous mechatronic control systems. A computer center has been created; installed modern PCs included in local network, which combines the computing resources of the department for their more efficient use in organizing and conducting the educational process, organizing a unified program and documentary flow and in carrying out research. In the future, it is possible to organize training for students via distance learning using Internet access. Head of the CC - I. V. Ivanova (graduate of 1976); L. F. Voropaeva (1963), M. V. Denisova and T. V. Rybakova also work at the CC.

It is impossible not to name the educational and support staff to whom the department owes a lot: these are the heads of the laboratory P. D. Kukleva, M. I. Smetannikov, K. I. Lenchik; (currently a graduate of the department V.B. Fedoseev); training masters V.F. Petukhov, V.D. Esin, A.P. Fedorovich; Department secretaries V. A. Alekseeva (Khaidina), T. A. Izmailova, N. I. Smirnova, G. M. Kuzicheva, S. V. Aleksandrova. The badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” was awarded to L. M. Zhurkina, a veteran of the department.

Over the period of its existence, the department has graduated about 3,000 specialists in full-time education; in addition, at one time training was carried out in the evening form and, as mentioned above, “accelerated”

Direction of master's training

Direction 04/27/04 Management in technical systems

Master Program:

"Autonomous information and control systems"

Under autonomous information and control systems

refers to systems that control high-speed objects or complex processes in conditions unacceptable for human presence. Of course, the task before the autonomous system is set by a person, and his limited remote intervention is possible at a number of stages in solving the task. However, the acquisition, processing and use of information in real time is performed autonomously by the system using complex algorithms with recognition of given signals and objects while adapting to interfering influences. Promising autonomous systems use information received from GLONASS or GPS satellite navigation systems to correct the trajectory and switch operating modes.

Autonomous information and control systems (AICS), integrated into missile, aviation, space and other complexes, include a wide range of components:

Processor-based onboard means of processing, control and target recognition;

On-board short-range systems, sensors, navigation instruments and computers for controlling high-speed carriers of precision weapons;

3D search, guidance, docking and soft landing systems on complex surfaces;

Optoelectronic devices, control systems and telemetry of unmanned aerial vehicles;

Satellite devices of functional optoelectronics for spatial and spectral signal conversion;

Autonomous navigation, measurement, control and safety systems in transport;

Protected Information Systems and defense and industrial facilities;

Robotics containing technical vision, information channels, manipulators.

The problems of controlling aircraft must be solved in aerospace technology and in high-precision weapon systems. Master's students specialize in high-tech information and measurement areas:

Intelligent information and control complexes. Multispectral optoelectronic and radio object recognition systems. Integrated automatic control systems for aircraft. Aircraft detection, guidance and orientation systems. Modeling, identification and recognition of aircraft. Methods of testing, monitoring and diagnostics of aircraft on-board systems.

Mathematical theory of systems. Modern methods management theory. Fundamentals of system design. Intelligent control systems. Mathematical models aircraft as control objects. Analysis and synthesis of automated control systems for aircraft. Algorithmization of aircraft control processes.

Main disciplines of master's training

Aircraft detection, guidance and orientation systems.

Methods of image processing and object identification.

Computer control technologies in technical systems.

Integrated control systems for dynamic objects.

Optoelectronic information and control systems.

Radio-electronic information and control systems.

Ultrasonic and microwave intelligent systems.

Methods for protecting autonomous systems from accidental impacts.

Theory of information processing in autonomous systems.

Synthesis of autonomous information and control systems.

Organizational and legal support of information security.

Methods of countering technical intelligence.

Test methods for autonomous systems.

Master's students are provided modern equipment. The laboratories of the department and its branch at JSC "NIIEP" are equipped with computerized instruments that provide observation, digitization and conversion of fast processes and signals. Original software allows you to solve problems of reconstruction, processing and recognition of images of objects in all wavelength ranges. The antenna laboratory equipment makes it possible to simulate the radiation pattern and field distribution and develop small-sized antennas and microwave devices.

For students in the target master's program for high-tech enterprises (Government Decree NSO 425-p dated 09.29.11) it is proposed internship at leading universities, scientific organizations in Russia and abroad.

Master's degree graduates are ready to:

- carry out knowledge-intensive projects to create autonomous information and control systems for defense and dual-use needs, formulate targeted programs;

Work in a unified information space for enterprise planning and management;

Explore new principles for constructing highly informative noise-resistant automated information systems;

Develop autonomous systems using modern CAD systems;

Model the operation and evaluate the effectiveness of automated information systems and systems using them;

Develop methods and equipment for testing AIUS as part of weapon systems;

Conduct scientific and pedagogical activities: preparation of scientific works and the results of dissertation research, teaching at universities, publication of educational and methodological literature.

Graduates of the AIMS department can successfully work in high-tech industries and are guaranteed employment at defense enterprises: JSC "Research Institute of Electronic Instruments", Research Institute of Measuring Instruments, PA "Sever", JSC "Information satellite systems named after M.F. Reshetnev", Federal Nuclear Centers (Sarov, Snezhinsk), Institutes of the SB RAS, Institute of Applied Physics, Siberian Aviation Research Institute, NAPO named after. V.P. Chkalova, Oil Refinery OJSC, Central Design Bureau Tochpribor, Siberia Airlines, Tolmachevo Airport, Sibirtelecom OJSC, Cisco Systems, Inc. And others, economic and banking sector.

Autonomous information and control systems (AICS) detect, recognize and find objects, evaluate their movement parameters, process incoming information and issue control actions to actuators. These systems are used in close-range locations when solving problems of controlling means of destruction of various targets, docking and landing of spacecraft, landing military equipment, mastering


Autonomous information and control systems (AICS) detect, recognize and find objects, evaluate their movement parameters, process incoming information and issue control actions to actuators. These systems are used in close-range locations when solving problems of controlling means of destruction of various targets, docking and landing of spacecraft, landing military equipment, developing the continental shelf, protecting objects for various purposes, as well as managing complex technological processes, medical diagnostics, development of advanced weapons systems. When creating an automated information system, the latest achievements in radio electronics, information technology and instrument production technology are used.

Automation and control is a field of science and technology that includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating and using algorithmic, hardware and software systems and means of monitoring and managing moving objects, autonomous systems, technological lines and processes, freeing a person partially or completely from direct participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transferring and using energy, materials and information.

The objects of professional activity of engineers in this profile are automatic and automated systems and control and management tools, their mathematical, information, technical and software; methods and methods of their design, debugging, production and operation in various sectors of the national economy. Objects of automation and control are: objects of industry, agriculture, energy, transport, trade, medicine, etc.; technological and production processes; technical diagnostics, scientific research and production tests.

Expand Collapse

Employment and salary of bachelor's degree graduates in the specialty "Management in Technical Systems" who graduated from MSTU. N.E. Bauman

Graduate employment rate

78.11 %

74.3 %

Average wage

33 211

48 689

Average value University indicator value

Information is provided on graduates of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (National Research University), who graduated with a bachelor's degree in "Management in Technical Systems", based on... Information is provided on graduates of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (national research university), who graduated with a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Management in Technical Systems", based on data from the Russian Pension Fund on payments to graduates in 2016-2017, in comparison with the average value calculated for bachelor's graduates of this specialty of all Moscow universities. The program "Autonomous information and control systems" is implemented by the university "MSTU named after N.E. Bauman" within the framework of the specialty 03.27.04 Management in technical systems. When analyzing the success of university graduates in employment, you need to keep in mind that some bachelor's graduates continue to study in master's programs. More
