Main and additional inscription. Main and additional inscription Beautiful fonts. Beautiful text online

Don't know how to write beautiful text? Then you've come to the right place

The owners of many sites try to write beautiful text that is published on the pages of their resource, and there are very good reasons for this.

As you know, a person perceives 80% of information through visual communication channels, but simple text is poorly absorbed compared to a regular image.

1. Online Letters Service

One of the most famous sites on this topic in RuNet is

It has a laconic but at the same time convenient design that provides basic functions for designing small inscriptions.

  • On home page The site contains a list of categories of typefaces, opposite each of which there is a small example of a typical style of a particular group of typefaces. For our example, we will choose a font that belongs to the group of smooth calligraphic ones.
  • By clicking on the category link, we will be taken to the next page, where we need to enter our text in the field and click on the “Next” button.

  • Next, we will be asked to choose one of hundreds of styles by selecting a checkbox. Moreover, each font name is illustrated by the letters represented in it.
  • At the last stage, we will be asked to choose a color (unfortunately, there can only be one) and text size. There is also the possibility of using a stroke. Then you can press the “Generate” button.

Advice! By default, the background for the inscription is always white and the stroke color is black, but these parameters cannot be changed. Take this into account when practicing your beautiful font.

  • After generation, the user receives a picture with his text in PNG format, which can be downloaded or posted a link to it on any forum. If necessary, it can also be easily placed in the picture.

2. Service EffectFree.Ru

If you need not just a beautifully executed phrase, but an original signature for a picture, which, for example, you can send to a friend as a postcard, then the EffectFree online service can help you.

On this site you can find many tools for images, but now we are interested in captions.

  • Enter the address into the address bar of your browser and top panel navigation, select the “Overlay text” function.

  • After this, you will need to upload to the server the image on which you want to place the inscription. To do this, you can use the image on your hard drive or specify the image’s address on the Internet.

  • As soon as the picture is loaded, you will have access to the editing panel, which includes functions such as:
  1. An input field where you need to enter the desired text.
  2. A movement joystick that changes the location of text on an image.
  3. Regulators for font size and angle.
  4. Selecting the type of headset (there are not very many of them on this service).
  5. A color palette that allows you to change the color of the entire inscription.
  6. Shadow size adjuster.

  • In order to complete the process, you need to click the “Overlay text” button, as a result of which you will receive an inscription uploaded to the service website. The link to the picture can be copied from the address bar or from the field below.
    And if you want to save the images on your computer. Then right-click on it and select “Save As” from the drop-down menu.

3. Cooltext service

The English-language Internet appeared somewhat earlier than Runet. Therefore, many ideas and services on English language somewhat more effective than their Russian-language counterparts.

If you adhere to this point of view, then to generate text without programs, you can use the site, which has rich functionality.

  • By going to on the main page, you will have to choose one of several dozen proposed inscriptions (logos).
    This assortment may seem rather meager, but don’t worry - in the next step you will be able to change all the parameters of your inscription.

  • Once you select a sample, you will be taken to the editing page, which has several tabs with different functions. On the first tab, called text, you will be asked to enter your own inscription, change the font size and type (1928 options).
    At the top you will be able to see an editable object that will change in real time.

  • On the Logo tab, you can change the color of your inscription using the interactive palette or by writing the code for the required shade in 16-format.

  • The next tab provides tools for working with the shadow cast by your text. Here you can select the type of shadow (clear, blurry, etc.), the direction the shadow falls horizontally and vertically, color and transparency.

  • Next, you should select the location of the text relative to the substrate (background), the size and format of the image file in which your inscription will be saved.

  • At the end, you can add a new inscription, editing it in the same way, which will allow you to create a composition. To complete the editing process, press the Create Logo button (which can be done at any stage).
    Then you can save the image to HDD or get a link to it by going through a simple registration procedure on the site.

Beautiful fonts. Beautiful text online!

How to write beautiful text: TOP 3 online services

6.5. Inscriptions

Labels are objects vector graphics, in which text is inserted. They help format the text of the document and make it more visual. Labels are also useful when creating posters, announcements, explanations, etc. Word 2007 has a large number of templates for these objects.

To insert an inscription template, go to the Insert tab and in the Text group, click the Inscription button (Fig. 6.17). In the menu that appears, select the inscription of the desired type and click on it with the mouse button. The inscription will be inserted into the place in the document that corresponds to its type. Each inscription blank contains a description, instead of which you need to enter your own text. Immediately after inserting the text, you can start entering text.

Rice. 6.17. Button menu Caption

If you don’t find what you need among the blanks, you can create the inscription yourself. To do this, in the Inscription button menu, select the Draw inscription command. Then click in the desired place on the workspace and, while holding the mouse button, draw an object of the desired size. A rectangle will appear with a text cursor inside.

An inscription cannot contain any amount of text - it is limited by the size of its area. Therefore, if the text does not fit, increase the size of the rectangle using the markers that are located around the perimeter of the rectangle.

You can work with the inscription in the same way as with shapes. When you select an inscription on the ribbon, the Working with Inscriptions -> Format tab appears, with which you can set the inscription style, position, apply shadow effects, volume, etc.

If you are not satisfied with the rectangle in which the text of the inscription is placed by default, you can easily change the shape. Any figure (except for lines, connecting lines and polylines) can become the frame of an inscription. To convert the created shape into a text box, do the following:

1. Select the vector object.

2. Right-click on it and context menu select Add text.

3. Enter text. The figure is converted into an inscription (Fig. 6.18).

Rice. 6.18. Creating a Label from a Shape

If the text of the inscription has already been typed, then there is no need to create a new shape and insert symbols into it. You can select the label and use the Change Shape button in the Label Styles group of the Label Tools -> Format tab. Clicking this button will open a list of available shapes. If you click on a shape, the text frame of the label will take the shape of the selected shape.

GOST 2.3010-68 establishes the location of the internal frame (done with a solid thick main line), the main inscription and an additional column (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Placement of the main inscription and additional column on formats

A4 format can only be vertical, while all others can be vertical and horizontal. On the left side of the format, the inner frame forms a field for filing with a width of 20 mm; on all other sides it is removed from the outer frame (made with a thin solid line) by 5 mm.

The format is chosen so that all the necessary information can be placed on it rationally (easy to read). A format is considered to be normally completed if the information takes about 75% his fields.

In the lower right corner of the format, adjacent to the sides of the inner frame, is the main inscription. It owes its name to the information that is indicated in it (Fig. 2 and 3).

Figure 2. Title block for the first sheets of drawings and diagrams

Figure 3. Main inscription for the second and subsequent sheets of design documents

If the main inscription is located on the part drawing, then it indicates:

    name of the part (name of the sheet) (column 1);

    designation of the drawing (column 2);

    part material (column 3);

    letter assigned this document(column 4);

    mass of the part (column 5);

    drawing scale (column 6);

    other basic data related to the product and the drawing.

Rice. 2 contains an image of the title block for the first sheets of drawings and diagrams. The second and subsequent sheets of design documents have a simplified form of the main inscription shown in Fig. 3.

In addition to the main inscription on training drawings, one additional column should be placed to the main inscription (Fig. 4), in which the designation of the document is placed, and the entry is made depending on which side the main inscription is located along in this drawing: if on the long side, then the additional column is located as shown in Figure 4a, if along the short one, then as in Figure 4b.

Figure 4. Filling out the additional column
