Installed image for virtualbox mac os. Installing Mac OS X Mountain Lion in Virtualbox (Ubuntu). Installation from USB stick

Start: A description and comparison of other installation types is described on the page.

What you will need:
    - Windows disk or distribution
    - Virtual machine "Virtualbox"
    - Flash drive for downloading drivers from the Apple server

Enter the query “Virtualbox” into the search engine, go to the official website, then follow the link “download for OS X”. After downloading, we perform the installation.

In the first step, select the standard parameters and click “install”, then click on the icon of the installed program and “create”.

At the next step, specify the machine name and type.

We adjust the size of the provided random access memory, in this case, at least 1024 mb is recommended, provided that no less is left for OS X. If you have more than 2048 MB of RAM, you can divide it in half.

In the next step, leave the default checkbox: “Create a new virtual hard disk.”

We use the default type: "VDI(VirtualBox Disc Image)".

Now, let's decide on the storage format:

    1) "Dynamic" - can increase as it is filled, but cannot decrease after. This is an option for those who plan to install on mac Windows 7 via Virtualbox with many different programs, but I wouldn’t want to make a mistake in choosing what I need free space.

    2) "Fixed" - does not increase or decrease, but usually functions faster. An excellent format for running one or more third party applications to get the most out of the possible speed.

In our case, mark “Fixed”. Also, it is important to note that the amount of free space should be slightly larger than that specified in the options when creating.

Then we decide on the partition size. To install Windows 7 on a Mac via Virtualbox, the recommended volume is 25 GB, although in reality it will take about 10-15 GB. We leave it as is, i.e. 25 GB, or more if you need additional space.

Once the virtual machine is created, you can begin installing Windows 7 on your Mac via VirtualBox. The icon of our new system should appear on the left side of the menu.

If you see an error on your screen like the image below,

Without closing this window, click on “Devices” -> “CD/DVD Devices” in the menu at the top and select either a file with an installation image or an optical drive with a disk from the list and restart the emulator.

If everything is done correctly, the installation of Windows on the Mac will begin and a window with language settings will appear.

On the section change screen, leave it as it is.

After copying the files, enter “username” and “computer.” The keyboard layout can be switched using the link at the top of the screen.

You don't have to enter a password and leave the field blank.

You can enter the key immediately or within 30 days from the date of installation; if you purchased a licensed DVD, the key must be printed on a booklet located in the box with the disc.

At the stage of determining the degree of protection, check “Use recommended settings” and enter the date and time. We mark the location - in our case, this is “Home Network”.


What's the point of using OS X versus Windows? As a person who lives under Windows, but regularly finds himself using a poppy for 3-5 slaves. days I want to understand. For what? Just don’t talk about a computer with a human face, I want to hear something practical - this is more convenient/faster, this excellent software is not available for Windows, etc.

@direless, it’s just for people to try what and with what before buying a Mac. Or a person at work on a Mac, can’t stand Windows, but hasn’t saved up on a Mac yet at home. So he will launch his native system on the Internet, if only for the sake of not seeing the vile Internet exporter. In short, once they did it, it means someone needs it. I wrote the first thing that came to mind, there are probably other reasons why this is necessary.


“Just try” is for children. No matter what the child scratches, as long as time passes. I’m still waiting for understanding - why Makos is cool, I want enlightenment! Then we'll roll.

There's a whole section on this. Saturate yourself with information.

@Artem Bausov, everything under this tag resembles shamanism with a tambourine, because I look at the titles and this is what I see: how to shamanize with an automate to do ordinary simple things, like on/off simple things, like on. the mode is for the Mac to work when the laptop lid is closed, a file viewer, etc.
Dubious advantages!)))
Nothing! I myself am the owner of several poppies, it’s just that now the advantages of Macos have become worthless. All professional software has been trashed (I'm talking about aperture, logic and final cat), the rest works great on Windows and here.

@dimixx, aperture professional software??? they didn't fuck him, he was shit.
or am I wrong? tell me why it was good, seriously, maybe I didn’t understand something. I did it twice, but all times it ended with him making some kind of trash out of my good collection. it's for amateurs. I don’t use anything other than bridge for navigation. and of course edit in the shop

@direless, I once had a netbook, it initially had Windows 7 Starter, well, it was very hard to work with, the Atom processor was weak. I decided to hang it up, it got better.
somehow an image of a MacOSI was circulating on the Internet of a netbook specially created for this purpose, by the way, it was called Samsung NC10.
As soon as I installed it, everything worked, I felt the speed of operation compared to Xpi and Seven. That's when I met Makos.
After that I decided to buy a MacBook.
The speed of operation and all the other goodies became the reason to buy a MacBook as a novice Mac owner)))

@direless, until you try, you won’t understand... there are things that are much easier to solve on a Mac than on Win. But, there are familiar tasks that are difficult for the user to solve on a Mac (in the usual way). As a rule, highly specialized application software cannot be launched on a Mac (often this software is under Win 98, XP, NT, etc.)… I have 14 years of experience in using Windows, and 3 years on Macs (after Windows). I switched first at home, then at the office. I don't regret a minute. I forgot what reinstalling the system is. Windows needs to be rearranged once every year and a half. The mac axis simply moves to new computer with all settings, files, etc. Automator helps at work... I gave up a lot of software for Windows altogether. On a Mac there are many microprograms for one or two actions with a file (converters, taggers, etc.). I have a computer on Windows 8.1. Sometimes I turn it on and see what’s new. I'm waiting for 10 to review. In win latest versions The interface has become friendlier and features from the Mac axis appear there too. I think soon there won’t be much difference in terms of convenience. But the vulnerability and cost of Windows will always be higher than the Mac axis)

Mac OS is an excellent platform with a beautiful interface, interesting design, and other wonderful advantages. But not everyone has the opportunity to use it, since not everyone can pay $1000 for their favorite computer. Especially the user who has only heard about Apple computers. Also, the fact that most games are not released for Mac may turn off younger audiences.

But in order to get to know Apple computers better, it is enough to install the Mac OS operating system on a VMware or Virtual Box virtual machine. True, such an OS will work well only for owners of sufficiently powerful computers. By a powerful computer I mean something like this:

  • Intel Core 2 2.4 gigahertz and higher.
  • RAM from 4 gigabytes.
  • And, of course, a powerful gaming video card.

All we need is to download the virtual machine and image Mac drive OS. I want to assure you that this does not apply to the piracy section, since the official Apple says that the disk is multi-user.

Unfortunately, I cannot give direct links, but I will tell you under what words you can find what we need. By typing these words in a search engine, you will be offered many options, but the surest option is still to take the Mac operating system from friends, if of course you have any.

After installation, we should open the image and launch our long-awaited Mac OS X, select the apple on the boot screen and wait for it to load. After a five-minute wait (depending on RAM), our Macintosh appears in front of us in all its glory.

But I won’t bore you and present the final result of our simple actions:

After all your efforts and diligence, you can sit down with peace of mind and enjoy this miracle. But there are a lot of problems with using Mac OS X and Windows at the same time, for example, if you actively use your real operating system, then the second one launched through a virtual machine will be very slow. I advise you to disable all active and high-capacity applications before and during use.

Of course, no one can guarantee that slowdowns will bypass you. And using this option for frequent use of Mac OS X is not a good idea. But let's not talk about sad things, but let's move on to the main features.

As you can see, infamous programs clearly appear in the screenshot, such as:

Despite my recommendation, the Apple operating system hardly slows down even on computers with 2 gigabytes of RAM. But still, not using anything while you are behind this wonderful system is quite difficult.

If you are satisfied with all the difficulties that I described above, then this way to enjoy the Mac OS X is the most optimal. And in conclusion, I want to present you with a screenshot of a Mac open App Store, Twitter and other applications, including computer information.

Enjoy your work on the Macintosh, I hope that this will help you make a choice which platform in your opinion is better for comfortable use!

Because not everyone useful programs can boast of having a version for OS X to the owners Mac computers sooner or later there may be a need for an operating system from Microsoft. Buying another computer is quite expensive (and inconvenient), so installation utilities come to the rescue virtual machine on Windows. We are already VMware Fusion 7, and today we want to talk about the VirtualBox utility from Oracle.

The main advantage of VirtualBox over its competitors is that the program is completely free. Of course, this also means that it has a limited set of functions compared to other products, but for simple tasks VirtualBox may be quite suitable.

Installing the program is quite simple. Download (versions available for both OS X and Linux). After that, run the VirtualBox installation utility.

Once the installation is complete, the main working window of the program will open in front of you. First of all, we need to create a new virtual machine. Click “Create”.

In the next step, select the type operating system, its version and name.

Next we indicate the volume virtual memory for our future virtual machine. We advise you not to go below the recommended volume.

After this you need to select HDD to install the operating system. Although VirtualBox considers the optimal volume virtual disk 10 GB, better increase it to 20 GB.

Almost everything is ready! In the next step, we launch our created virtual machine, select the disk image with the operating system and begin Windows installation.

Once you complete all the steps, you will be able to run Windows on your Mac. The system operates in a separate window. In addition, it is possible to exchange files between Windows and OS X.

That's how, in a few simple steps, you can install Windows on your computer completely free of charge.

What is the advantage of VirtualBox over another free alternative— Boot Camp? First, with VirtualBox you can interact with both systems in real time without rebooting your computer. Also, unlike Boot Camp, you have access to a shared clipboard - you can copy text on OS X and then paste it on Windows. Essentially, you get a stripped-down version of VMware Fusion, but completely free.

Another way to quickly and easily start the system Mac OS X on PC is to use virtual machine. It sounds menacing, but in reality it is not difficult, you can do it in 10 minutes. Ideal way to get to know each other OS X on your desktop or even laptop without unnecessary partitioning, formatting and reboots, but simply by launching it from under the old friend Win XP, 7 or 8.

For full-fledged work installed on virtual machine OS X only suitable conditionally, and only if you stock up on at least 4 gigabytes of RAM to run the old one Snow Leopard and 8 gigs – for Mavericks. A virtual machine without risk to the main system and a special puzzle will allow you to evaluate the version Mac OS X on PC to then install it fully.

As always, we start the process by searching for a ready-made image that is most suitable for your configuration. The most critical is the list of processors that is usually specified for each build. We search using keywords OS X + VMware. The last word indicates the most popular virtual machine.

Download iso image c OS X for PC, mount it with the CD image program and dvd discs, For example Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%. A computer with a virtual machine appears in the system. We copy all the contents to the hard drive in the folder with virtual machines(We’ll create one for them, if not already).

If they go to the image additional instructions For different types processors, we execute them.

Download and install VMware, can choose free version VMware Player, which is also a little faster than the more sprawling VMware Workstation.

Select “Open virtual machine”, go to the desired folder, select. Everything is installed in a second. OS X is already selected in the list (if not, click on it).

Click “Play virtual machine”!

...Of course, something can go wrong.

It helped me when in the settings of the virtual machine, in the “parameters” tab, in the selection of “guest operating system” I set not “ Mac OS X 10.8", but simply " Other 64-bit».

It is also advised, especially at the initial stage of loading, when it crashes and freezes, in the settings, where the number of processor cores was set, to disable acceleration for binary translations. This will greatly slow down the process, but then, when Mac OS X is fully loaded, we go there and uncheck the box.

But, if with some version Mac OS X something doesn’t work out completely, don’t despair, try an older one, for example Snow Leopard can work without hardware virtualization.

Like any article about hackintosh, this one can also end with a wish: “Good luck”!
