How to quickly delete all VKontakte photos. Removing personal information from VKontakte. We use an application to quickly delete photos

Hello, friends! On the social network VKontakte, a considerable number of photographs are uploaded to the page of almost every person. But there comes a time when you want to delete certain photos: they are associated with some situations that you don’t want to remember, or you simply have become uninteresting.

There are already similar articles on the site. We told, and... Now let’s figure out what you need to do if you want to remove just a few pictures from various albums or the main profile photo.

How to remove photos from an album via computer

To remove a VKontakte photo from a computer or laptop, go to your page of this social network through a browser and select “Photos” in the left menu.

If you need to get rid of the photo that is on your avatar, then go to the “Photos from my page” album. Further all actions are similar to those described below.

Under the photo, click on the “Delete” button. Confirmation after of this action does not appear, so be careful.

Getting rid of photos from your phone

If you access Vkontakte through an application installed on your phone or tablet, then select “Photos” in the side menu.

Then find the image you want to remove and click on it.

After the photo opens, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

In the menu that appears, select “Delete”.

Confirm deleting the selected photo by clicking on the “Yes” button.

How to remove an avatar on VK from your phone

To remove from your phone via mobile app VKontakte picture that is on the avatar, open the side menu and click on the image with the main photo of the page.

Will open home page Your profile. In the upper right corner, click on the image of three vertical dots.

In the menu that opens, select “Open”.

Why “Open” and not “Delete”, because there can be several photos on an avatar, and in order to select the one you want to delete, you need to open the entire list.

Today we will tell you about one secret that can certainly be useful to every social network user. VKontakte has a function called “Save to yourself”. This button appears next to every image on the social network that is not located in one of your albums.

If you click on this button, the image will be immediately copied to your album called “Saved Photos”. And now we are faced with a small problem. If you have been registered on VKontakte for a long time, then a huge number of such images can accumulate. And most of them, as a rule, you don't need.

How to delete saved VK photos not one at a time, but all together, at one time? Special function no from the developers. However, there is one secret that we will definitely tell you about right now.

Deleting saved VKontakte photos

To begin, you must log in to your page. After this, do the following:

Now you know how VKontakte can delete saved photos in just a few simple steps. Good luck!

Many users of the VK social network upload a large number of different photographs and pictures every day. After some time, the idea comes to mind to clean up your page, or rather, remove strangers, uninteresting videos that gradually become boring, also exclude musical compositions and, of course, photographs. Currently present special program for photos “VKontakte”, but using it you can only upload new images to your page. IN this moment it is considered no longer relevant, since it is much easier and faster to add a new photo through the interface of the VK social network site itself.


If you have a need to clean up the page, but you don’t know how to delete a VKontakte photo, then you should read this article to the very end. If you pay attention to everything written, then you should not have any difficulties with the necessary procedure.


So, let's move directly to solving the issue. The first thing you will need to do is go to the VK social networking site and log in. Next, go to the “My Photos” section. You can find this tab in the left list next to your avatar. After going to the “My Photos” page, you will see the albums into which the pictures were uploaded. Now you should select the one you need, which contains the images that you plan to exclude.

The question of how to delete a VKontakte photo will be resolved only after you select one of the unnecessary pictures. When you hover over the image in the right corner, you will notice a small icon that is in the shape of a pencil. Your task is to move the pointer to this symbol. Next, click the left mouse button once. If everything is done correctly, you should see new page, where you can edit the selected photo, this is where you should delete it. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the corresponding button and press the left mouse button once. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this and the question of how to delete a “VKontakte” photo is very easy to solve, although not all users know about it. Also, immediately after the operation, you will still have the opportunity to restore the snapshot, but as soon as you go to another page, this function will disappear.

Private settings

Let's now discuss the question of how to hide a VKontakte photo. This is also done on the editing page. You can hide the photo from strangers, leaving access, for example, only for friends. Of course, if you have a large number of pictures that you would not like to show to everyone, then you can move all such images into one private album. Today we told you one of the simplest and most convenient ways to solve the issue of how to delete a “VKontakte” photo without additional applications. Thank you for your attention.

Social networks are gradually replacing the good old family photo albums filled with pictures. Today, all photos are stored digitally and uploaded by users to their social media pages. The vast majority of users choose the VKontakte website for these purposes. But sometimes there is a desire to remove the posted photo. In this case, you will need information on how to delete photos in a contact.


To get rid of unnecessary photos, you do not have to delete your VKontakte page. Everything is much simpler: a photo card can be removed from the wall by clicking on the cross that appears on it when you hover the cursor.

The photo will be erased from the wall, but will remain in the album. We will look at how to remove it from there below.

If a photograph is attached to a post, then you need to open the post editing mode, hover over it and click on the cross that appears.

You can also go to the “My Photos” section, open an unnecessary photo card, and click the “Delete” button under it.

Working with photo albums

If you don’t want to remove pictures one by one and want to quickly deal with several dozen pictures at once, then it will be useful for you to learn how to delete an album on VKontakte.

Photo albums you create can be destroyed with all their contents at once:

You can also remove photos individually by clicking the “Delete” button next to each one.

Some control features

The pictures that you post on your page are stored in a special album “Photos on my wall”. It is system-wide, so it cannot be deleted.

But if you remove all saved pictures from it, it will automatically disappear from the “My Photos” section.

The same applies to the “Photos of Me” album. Here you cannot erase the pictures themselves, but you can remove the mark of your presence. To do this, just click on the cross that is located next to your name under the photo. If you remove all the marks, the album will also disappear.

Group management

To delete a VKontakte group, you must first clear it of content. If you are the creator or administrator of a community, you can also manage the photos posted in it. You can erase entire photo albums or individual photos. After destroying all materials, do not forget to delete VKontakte subscribers.

Hello everyone, dear blog visitors. In our article today we will talk about how delete all saved photos VKontakte immediately. After all, sometimes there are not a dozen or even a hundred of them, but they need to be removed quickly and in a short time. There are several effective ways to do this...

This social network appeared in 2006 and today is considered the most popular platform among young people. Almost everyone has a personal page and many users spend several hours a day here.

As in any social network, users have the opportunity to publish photos on their page and often, having published a photo, the user realizes that it is not entirely successful and he does not want other users to see it. Of course, photos can be deleted at any time, and if deleting one photo is not difficult, then what if there are a lot of photos and you need to delete them all at once? Read more about this in this article.

Deleting one photo at a time is tediously time-consuming, and there is no function on this platform that allows you to do this in one click. If the items to be deleted are in one album, you can delete the entire album, but if they are stored in different albums, use one of the methods described below.

Exists two ways How to delete all saved photos at once:

  • using the application;
  • using a script.

To delete photos using the application, you need to open the “Games” section, enter “ Transferring photos" and run .

Now you need to create a special album to which all photos to be deleted will be sent. If you do not want any of your acquaintances or friends to be able to view this album, make it private and it will be visible only to you.

Then you need to open installed application and specify "My Albums" and "Saved Photos" as the location where the photos will be moved and "My Albums" and the name of the created album (with the photos to be deleted) as the location where those photos will be moved.

Select all the necessary photos and click "Move". After all the above steps have been completed, go to the desired album and find the “Delete album” column.

Thus, in a matter of minutes, you can clean any number of your photos in one motion.

How to delete all saved photos on VK using a script

If your page has more than a hundred or a thousand photos and you want to delete them, the script method is best suited. So, to quickly delete photos on VK using this method, you need to launch the developer console. To do this, click F12— an additional window will appear at the bottom of the screen. Then, we need to go to the second tab “Console”. To launch the console, press hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+I.

After that, go to the “My Photos” section and click on the first photo in the list. The photo should open for viewing. Paste the script code into the data entry field.

Script for simultaneously deleting all published photos:
