How to properly create a group in contact. How to create a group for business in VKontakte and promote it correctly. How to add such a video to the header of your page

VKontakte is an excellent platform for quick start online business and finding your customers. This article is just for those who are taking their first steps and thinking about how to create a VKontakte group and organize it correctly. The right choice of community type and design will allow you to sell more quickly and more.

Why do you need a group on VK?

A VK group or community is an association of subscribers based on interests that allows you to conduct business, learn news, communicate, exchange information, opinions, conduct discussions or simply have fun.

For businesses, this is an opportunity to communicate with their customers and receive feedback.

The community can be used as:

  • Representative business;
  • Internet media;
  • Association of interests for communication;
  • Fan club;
  • A platform for conducting paid courses and trainings;

The fundamental difference between a community and a personal page is that its members can also add materials to the community.

Flexible privacy settings and appointments of managers allow you to conduct almost any type of social activity in communities: from business and trade unions to fan clubs of stars or films.

How to create a group on VK for dummies

Open section Groups on your personal page and click the button Create a community.

A window will open to select the type of community.

It seems that we see 6 options to choose from.

In fact, there are only 3 of them:

  • Interest Group;
  • Public page;
  • Event.

The top three views were created to make selection and configuration easier for users for whom the concepts of “group” and “public page” did not clearly mean anything.

Business(cafe, shop, fitness club, bank, cinema, workshop) and thematic community(news and posters, entertainment, thematic blogs and media) - these are all public pages. Whatever you choose, it will be a public page. The only differences are in the preliminary settings that were made at the time the community was created.

Brand or organization(product, film, company, educational institution, charitable foundation) is a group.

How not to make a mistake in choosing the type of community

Each type of community solves its own problems. I’ll tell you about all 6 types, indicating the presets. The actual type of community will be indicated in brackets.

Within one type (group, public page or event), all features of this type are available, regardless of the selected presets (business, thematic community, brand or organization, interest group, public page, event). Missing settings can be enabled later.

Public page— for doing business and selling goods and services, media and online magazines. A personal brand is also packaged into a public page.

The administrator can add the company address, days and hours of operation of the company, and button settings for communicating with clients. This type is suitable for shops, fitness clubs, workshops, pizzerias, bars, cinema halls, hairdressers, manicure salons. In general, for companies providing services and selling goods and for the media.

Group— suitable for creating a community of interests, entertainment topics, i.e. to sell advertising. You can create closed groups to conduct secret communities or closed paid trainings. Groups are also able to indicate the address and place goods. But they are still more aimed at communication between subscribers.

Event- a slightly more specific type, created more for organizing one-time or periodic events: master classes, concerts, performances, trainings. It’s easier to invite participants, but it’s already functional in terms of selling goods.

If you plan to run your business or entertainment portal permanently, then choose between a group and a public page.

Each type has its own advantages. I’ll say right away that you can use it effectively strengths both types and transfer the community from one type to another after creation, no more than once a month.

Groups and public pages cannot be exchanged for an event, just as an event cannot be exchanged for groups and public pages.

Be careful when choosing.

Click on the desired option and proceed to setting the parameters.

How to properly set up a group, public page, event

The settings when creating a group, public page, and event are different.

What all three types of settings have in common is the name and theme.

How to name a group on VK

In order for a group to be popular, promote well and people can easily find it, the name must be approached responsibly.

Namely: the group should be called as people are looking for similar topics in search.

For example, if you deliver flowers in Podolsk and are called “Garden of Eden,” then you don’t need to call the group “Garden of Eden.” Call yourself “Flower delivery in Podolsk” or, as a last resort, “Flower delivery in Podolsk | Garden of Eden".


Topics help VKontakte determine what your group is doing in order to recommend you to users with similar interests and advertisers.

Currently there are 114 topics available for groups and 235 for public pages. Choose something that characterizes your group.

The topic of the community can be changed, but only at the initial stage of the group’s life, until there are more than several thousand subscribers. Large groups are blocked for changing topics, because... Previously, the practice was to sell groups and change the topic by the next owner. It turned out that people subscribed to one information, but in the end they began to receive something completely different.


If you selected “Interest Group” or “Brand or Organization”, the following window will open:

Group settings in VK

A group has its own specific settings: group type, website address and physical address.

Group type

3 types of groups:

  • Open - anyone can join;
  • Closed - entry by invitation or application;
  • Private - you can join only by invitation of managers.

If you are not going to do paid courses, a closed club or some other secret society, then choose an open type of group so that everyone can join.

Web site

If you have a website, write its address here.

VKontakte has ample opportunities for integration with the site.

Make your design recognizable and unique

Groups on different topics should have different designs and take into account the characteristics of your subscribers. If your hands are growing in the wrong place, then it’s better to hire a designer in the same place. Quorke(inexpensive service exchange), where they will do it for you for 500-1000 rubles beautiful design. The expression “one meets people by their clothes” is exactly about this.

If you design each post differently and change your avatar often, your subscribers will simply skip your new posts because they will not recognize you. And in the feed there are a lot of irritants that distract attention.

Agree that the same Layz chips and Tide laundry detergent are so ingrained into the subconscious that you can unmistakably recognize them on store shelves even from afar.

In the same way, your group should be recognizable as Tide even in passing.

Avatar or cover?

To design a group, you can use both an avatar and a cover image.

The cover is a horizontal banner in the group header.

An avatar is a vertical banner in the group at the top right.

What should be in the avatar or cover:

  • Community name;
  • Description of the community, its USP (maximum 3-5 words);
  • Contact details;
  • Arrow for subscription.

If a group has a cover image, the avatar is hidden and displayed only as a small icon. This is the circle to the left of the group name and status. It can also be seen when you write on behalf of the group in messages, comments, or posts.

Cover benefits:

  • Larger size 1590x400 - more information can be placed;
  • Horizontal position - the text is easier to read, it does not break into words;
  • Audience activation: you can display active subscribers and competition winners on the cover;
  • Increases conversion: if you place instructions on the subscribe and message buttons on the cover;
  • Can be placed Additional information and promotional offers: for example, on the right side, set aside a place for the promotion of the day and change the promotional product in the cover daily.

Advantages of an avatar:

  • Arbitrary height: you can make a square, medium rectangle, long;
  • The proportions of height to width are less than 2 to 5;
  • Contains information about the community;
  • Can be integrated with a pinned post - this is perhaps the most significant advantage. Valid on the condition that you completely remove all information from the information block so that it is not displayed. Otherwise, a single whole will not work, since the banner will go too far.


A banner is one that comes immediately after the community information block.

Banner options:

  • Just a picture;
  • Picture + text;

When you click on the banner, the group menu should open.

What should be in the banner:

  • Community name;
  • Description of services, USP, benefits or other information about the community;
  • Menu;
  • Visual identification of the menu: from the banner, the visitor should understand what awaits him in the menu, what sections or content are there;
  • Menu button with cursor.

Banner purpose:

  • Convey information about community goods or services: categories of goods or services;
  • Show that clicking will open a menu. For example, write on it: “Open me” or “Menu”;
  • Form a unified group style along with other design elements.
  • If there is an avatar instead of a cover, then form a single whole block with it.

What to remember

  • Consider what type of community is right for you before creating a group, as the ability to change it later is very limited. The event cannot be changed at all. Group to public and back no more than once a month;
  • Remember the 5 second rule: it is in 5 seconds that the user decides whether to subscribe to your community or move on, whether it has hooked him or not;
  • Design the group in the same style so that it is recognized as Lay's chips or Lego. Become memorable;
  • Give the user information on how to buy from you wherever possible. Do not be shy.
  • Leave calls to action: a pointer in the cover to subscribe to the group, in information about the community a call to subscribe to notifications, in the banner an arrow calling to go to the menu;
  • First of all, design the first scroll: avatar or cover, title, status, information block, banner.

After creating and registering a group, the next stage is promotion, which lasts as long as the community exists.

Subscribe to new articles on the site so as not to miss useful information about the promotion and promotion of groups.

Consider drawing up an agreement between group members. It's hard to get four or five musicians to agree on everything. One member who is unable to perform or participate in rehearsals can ruin the entire team. Such a “contract” will help protect the name, money, songwriting, equipment, etc. , if someone leaves the group.

  • Resolving this issue now will help avoid quarrels in the future. Remember that group members may not like it. Therefore, make sure they agree before drawing up a contract.
  • Ask an impartial party to help draft the contract (or get templates from the Internet). If one member of the group writes the contract, it will appear as if he has more power than the others.

Find a rehearsal location. Will it be a basement? Or a garage? Will you store all your tools there? Get permission from the owner of the space you and your band have chosen for rehearsals.

Rehearse! To become a good band, you need time and effort. Rehearsals also ensure that you and your bandmates develop rapport. Additionally, recording time is expensive. The better you rehearse, the faster you can get into a studio. As a musician, you probably don't have a lot of money.

  • A good work ethic is important for success. If someone is unwilling to rehearse, they can become dead weight that needs to be dropped. Make your rehearsals regular - the band should be a priority if you are serious about it.
  • Start writing songs. Write as many songs as possible without sacrificing quality for quantity. Remember that if you want to headline a concert, your repertoire must consist of at least 11-12 songs to fit within the allotted time.

    • An opening band should have 4-5 songs, so have 5 good songs ready to open for more than famous bands at first.
    • You may want to register the copyright of your songs. You can do this on the website
  • . It's a pretty simple process. All you need to do is fill out the application and sign the contract. Select a group name.

    You can choose a name that has deep meaning or one that just sounds cool. Usually all members of the group decide together what to call it. It is best to choose short and concise names; they are easier to remember. This is called creating a brand for yourself! Another tip is to avoid using names that are already trademarked. Unless you want to become a group praising a product.

    How to make a VK group popular: step-by-step instructions for creating a group + 3 ways to make content unique + 4 main methods of promotion.

    The VKontakte group allows you to unite a large number of users based on interests.

    This is a tool with which you can popularize ideas and lifestyle, as well as share your own creativity if you are an aspiring writer, musician, hair stylist, etc.

    You can even make money by placing advertising posts if you gather many “live” participants in the community. Find out,

    how to make a VK group popular and attract the maximum number of users.

    1) How to create a group on VK and make it popular: 4 steps

    Obviously, before you promote a group, you need to create it. If you already own a public account, feel free to skip this section. And for those who are still at the very beginning of their journey, we suggest you carefully study these step-by-step instructions.

    Step 1.

    Go to “Groups” and click on the “Create Community” button.

    Step 2.

    We come up with a name and determine the theme. It is important that the “name” of the community contains a keyword by which it can be found in a search.

    PS. You can also choose the "event" format if you want to spread the word about an upcoming concert, festival, etc.

    You can read about additional features of the group, public page and event here:

    Step 3.

    Choose a stylish photo that reflects the theme of the group.

    *Crib sheet for choosing the size for the cover

    It is also important to make a short but meaningful description to attract readers.

    Step 4.

    Ready! Click on your avatar and add a photo. You can also click the “three dots” button in the left corner and the group management menu will open.

    The picture above is the cover we chose in the previous paragraph.

    2) How to create popular and unique content for your VK group?

    The next important step, without which we will not figure out how to make a group on VK popular: it must be filled with thematic information.

    The simplest and quick way– copy posts from similar communities, but this approach will make you only “one of.” But to create unique content you will have to work hard.

    In a group you can:

    Publish interesting materials in your VK group that a person would like to repost and save on his page:

    • collections of books on popular topics (self-development, startups, health);
    • lists of useful mobile applications;
    • lists of sites with free online courses;
    • selections of videos from TED conferences;
    • tops (“top 5 products for healthy skin”, “top 7 romantic comedies”);
    • posts with links to your previous articles in the public.

    Where can I get pictures for a VKontakte group to make it popular?

    Collections with beautiful pictures always attract readers, collect a lot of likes and reposts, which allows you to make the VK group popular.

    To avoid violating copyright, you need to use free stock photos. There are not so few of them, and there you can find a large number of high-quality photos. All you need to do is go to a stock photo site and enter a keyword that describes the picture.

    In order to make beautiful collections, use popular stocks:


    How to increase the audience for a VKontakte group and thereby make it popular?

    When to publish posts for the VK group?

    To make your VK group popular, publish posts every day at a certain time.

    In the media sphere, there is the concept of “prime time” - this is the most convenient time for a person to listen to a radio station or watch a TV channel.

    Well, you and I have to determine when the largest number of people view the VKontakte news feed. To do this, it is important to study your target audience.

    For example, schoolchildren and students often open their pages on social networks after studying at 16:00 and before going to bed at 22:00. Those who are a little older check their accounts during the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00.

    The infographic shows the best time to publish posts in green, and the worst time in red, respectively.

    Also, you should not update your VK group wall at a specific time, for example at 12:00 or 18:00. Because large popular public pages will do this with you, and users may simply not notice your post.

    3) 4 best methods on how to make a VK group popular

    So we have come to the answer to the main question, how to make a group on VK popular.

    In order to do so, it is necessary to disseminate information about the community as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through advertising and sending messages.

    a) Advertising on VKontakte.

    b) Contextual advertising in search engines will help make your VK group popular.

    In this case, you need to come up with a correct name for the group that would specifically describe it. For example, “Nail salon in Moscow”, “High-quality furniture in Kazan”, “Children’s toys”, etc.

    It is important to note that here you pay for each link click. Thus, the minimum order amount ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, while the rate per “click” starts from 30 kopecks.

    c) Advertising a VK group in another community.

    Choose a popular community with a large number of post views, likes and reposts. Also keep in mind that his topic should be similar to yours.

    Often, administrators publish the price list for advertising on their page (in the “information” section or in the discussion form).

    The video below shows an example of how the popular messaging program Vkinformer works (

    The license is paid, but you can create your first free newsletter in a two-hour test mode.

    d) Sending out advertising messages for joining the VKontakte group.

    Send private messages to users inviting them to join your community. You can do this manually or use special programs mailings.

    Summarize: in order to make the VK group popular— you need to create interesting and high-quality content, and then take care of its promotion.

    Such a community with a large number of participants allows its owner to earn money without leaving home by selling goods or placing advertising posts.

    1. Marinochka

      Now I would like to create a group in contact for sales and administer it myself, what type of group should I do?

    2. Kira

      Tell me if there are any instructions on how to create a successful, cool group on VKontakte. So that it would be interesting to others and bring a stable income over time.

    3. Hope

      Hello, I'm creating a group, how can I make it so that everyone can publish the news themselves? So that there is no button “Suggest news” And add for example

    4. Natalia

      I want to conduct a paid collaboration (handicraft), what is the best group to create, which could then be deleted without problems

    5. Tatiana

      Good evening!
      I created a group of interests, I am the owner. When I add information to the wall, the entries come from me personally, and not from the group, how can I make the entries go on behalf of the group. And there is no function on the wall - to pin a recording?
      Thank you.

    6. Larisa

      Event - when creating, you need to specify the start date of the event and the organizer, you can also add an end date. Created to promote an event and sell tickets, it allows you to both estimate the number of people who want to attend and remind subscribers about the start of the event.
      It says here... and ticket sales. Is it possible for participants to buy my virtual tickets in advance for the planned day? At the online event, an amount of 2000 rubles will be raffled off.

    Hi all! Today I will talk about how to create a group in VK, why it is needed and what settings to pay attention to. I will present all the information in simple form step by step instructions so that you don't have any questions.

    The main goal of those who create communities on social media. networks – profit. In order to estimate its size, you need to know two things: what audience we are interested in and on what Internet platform to look for it.

    If we talk about the most popular in Russia in social networks, then VKontakte will be in first place, then Odnoklassniki, and Facebook in third. 4th place is occupied by Instagram, which is becoming more and more popular every day. Therefore, if you are a businessman from Russia, then public on VKontakte will be the most profitable. In addition, the audience of this social network is so diverse that it also covers the CIS countries.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    And now about the pros and cons that you can get by creating a VKontakte group yourself. I'll start with the pros:

    The disadvantages include the following:

    • The main audience is up to 30-35 years old. The reason is banal - a large percentage of the “older” generation is on Odnoklassniki;
    • strict moderation. VKontakte carefully ensures that the community does not contradict their rules. Therefore, if you are selling a specific product, it is better to re-read them again;
    • safety. Unfortunately, this is a rather “morbid” topic. There have been many stories of scammers stealing large communities.

    What to create

    If you decide that you are going to create your own public VKontakte, then the first question you will face is “Which is better: a group or a community?” And here are the differences between them:


    This is an association of participants based on interests. It is intended for discussion.This is a page that is intended for publications on behalf of a company or celebrity. Communication is reduced to a minimum.
    Can be made open or . This way you can limit participantsThey do not have such a function.
    The Wiki menu will be hidden, and to get there you will have to click “Group Information”.The Wiki menu is in place of the pinned entry and is immediately visible.
    Displayed in " Detailed information» about the user.Displayed in the “Communities” side block. Serves as additional advertising if you have an interesting page.
    You can invite friends.There is no such function.
    It is possible to make the wall “open” and users will be able to leave their comments.Users can suggest news, and once published, it will appear in the news feed.
    All users can add videos, photos and audio.Participants can only add photos.

    How to make a VKontakte group

    Now let’s figure out how to create a group in VK on a computer yourself:

    Step 1. To begin with, you will have to. When this is done, go to the “Groups” section.

    Step 2. In the top menu, find the “Create Community” button.

    Step 3. We choose a topic. If you change your mind, you can change it in the settings.

    Everything except the “Interest Group” and “Event” items are public pages. You can change their appearance once a month.

    Step 4. Choose a community category and give it a name. If there is a website, we also indicate it. And just below you need to confirm that you are familiar with the rules.

    Congratulations! Now you know how to create your own community.

    Publication design

    So, you have created a public page, but this moment he looks unpresentable. This needs to be fixed urgently. The group simply must catch and attract the attention of a potential client. Therefore, carefully consider what the “face” of your company should look like and what you can offer your audience. Well, about that...

    Design is important point, which you should pay close attention to. Fortunately, many companies provide services for developing creative and selling design in a single style. For example, you can search for performers on

    basic settings

    It's time to look at the community and get acquainted with the main points that will be needed when setting up.

    1. Name;
    2. Status. You new promotion or a new product? Tell your subscribers about it;
    3. Information about the group. As a rule, everything related to the brand/store/person is included there;
    4. Public category.
    5. Avatar;
    6. Settings panel. I'll tell you about it a little further;
    7. . Here you can find information about all visitors, subscribers, number of unsubscribes, etc.;
    8. Advertising on the official VKontakte exchange;
    9. Opens remaining functions. For example, you can move a page to a group, remove it from the side menu, or add it to bookmarks;

    Community Management Basics

    This item is responsible for all settings: changing the page address, title, description, cover, assigning administrators, deleting participants. This is a whole control panel that you need to get used to in order to configure your group in a way that is convenient for you.

    Be sure to pay attention to. This is an excellent opportunity, with the right approach, to get many new, profitable, “cheap” subscribers. And ideally, clients.


    I hope I have sufficiently answered the question of how to create a group in VK, what it can be useful for and how it differs from a page. In general, creating a VKontakte community is an excellent opportunity to attract a new audience to the site or customers for the online store. However, before creating, it is important to remember that investments will be required. All groups that make a profit are the result of long, financial and creative work of a number of specialists, lasting more than one day or even a month. Be prepared for this.

    That's all. I hope everything works out for you and you achieve results in a simpler way. Subscribe, tell your friends and see you in the next articles. Bye bye!
