Administrative centers of the Krasnoyarsk region. Territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk region. Territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Territorial structure Krasnoyarsk Territory

In accordance with the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the region on June 5, 2008, the territory of the region is an integral part of the territory Russian Federation and has internal unity and integrity. The territory of the region is not divided into territorial entities that have elements of the status of a state-territorial entity. The territory of the region is a part of the earth's surface established within the borders of the region, including land, internal waters and subsoil.

The borders of the region are recognized as its borders existing at the time of adoption of the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, determined in the prescribed manner by the state authorities of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. The borders of the region with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are changed by agreement of the region with the corresponding subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The consent of the region to change its borders must be expressed by adopting a regional law on amending the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in accordance with the will of citizens living in the region expressed at the regional referendum.

For the purposes of local self-government, municipal-territorial units are formed on the territory of the region - municipal formations: city districts, municipal districts, settlements (urban and rural). Settlements (urban and rural) are included in municipal areas while maintaining their independence as municipal entities.

The formation, transformation and abolition of municipalities, endowing them with the appropriate status, establishing their administrative center, the boundaries of municipalities and their changes are carried out by the laws of the region in accordance with the requirements stipulated by federal laws.

The municipal-territorial division in the territories of administrative-territorial units with a special status - the territories of the former Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs is established by the law of the region, taking into account the requirements of the federal constitutional law. In accordance with federal laws and in the manner prescribed by them, municipalities in the territory of the region may be assigned a special status.

For the purposes of exercising state power, the territory of the region is divided into administrative-territorial units: districts, regional cities, district cities, towns, village councils (integral systems of administratively independent territorial units - towns, villages and other settlements), closed administrative-territorial formations.

District cities, towns and village councils are united administratively and territorially into districts. Regional cities can be divided into administrative-territorial units - districts in cities. In administrative-territorial terms, individual settlements may be part of regional cities.

The list of administrative-territorial units and territorial units in the territory of the region, with the exception of closed administrative-territorial entities, is established by the law of the region. Territories with a special status may be formed on the territory of the region. Special status can be given to territories by forming special administrative-territorial units or by giving this status to already formed administrative-territorial units.

In order to effectively protect the rights of indigenous peoples, at the proposal of the relevant representative bodies of local self-government, districts, towns and village councils on the territory of which indigenous peoples live may be given the status of national administrative-territorial units.

For the purpose of organizing administrative management in certain regions and spheres on the territory of the region, special administrative districts and zones, the boundaries of which can be determined with or without taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the region.

The Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets and Evenki districts are administrative-territorial units with a special status that guarantees that the interests of these territories are taken into account by the regional government authorities in accordance with federal legislation, the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the laws of the region. The interests of these administrative-territorial units are ensured by taking into account their special status in the regulatory legal acts adopted by the state authorities of the region.

Issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the region (formation, abolition, unification, division, allocation, annexation, giving and changing status, establishing and changing the boundaries of administrative-territorial and territorial units, territories with a special status, administrative districts and zones, establishing and moving administrative centers administrative-territorial units, territories with special status, administrative districts and zones) are resolved by adopting regional laws. These laws of the region are adopted upon the proposal or in the presence of an opinion from the Governor of the region.

The administrative-territorial division of the region is established and changed taking into account the municipal-territorial division. The state authorities of the region resolve issues of administrative-territorial structure in relation to the territories of closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as issues of the names of administrative-territorial units within the limits and manner determined by federal laws.

There are 553 municipalities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Of them:

  • urban districts - 17,
  • municipal districts - 2,
  • municipal districts - 42,
  • urban settlements - 26,
  • rural settlements - 466.

The most important social and economic importance for the region are cities such as Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk, Lesosibirsk.

On the administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Article 1. Subject of regulation
This Law regulates relations in the sphere of the administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including the procedure for the formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division and abolition of administrative-territorial units, the establishment and change of administrative boundaries, the accounting of administrative-territorial units, as well as the powers of state authorities of the region on issues of administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Law
For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are used:
1) Administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - a territorial organization of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, formed for the purpose of the effective functioning of public authorities.
2) Administrative-territorial division of the region - a system of administrative-territorial units formed in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3) Administrative-territorial unit - a settlement or other territorial entity.
4) The border of an administrative-territorial unit (administrative boundary) is a line fixed in the established order that distinguishes the territory of an administrative-territorial unit.
5) Settled area - a territorial entity that has concentrated development within the established border and is used for permanent or seasonal residence of people.

Article 3. Principles of administrative-territorial structure
The administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is based on the following principles:
- exclusive jurisdiction of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the region;
- integrity of the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- multi-level system of administrative-territorial units;
- compliance with the historically established system of population settlement in the region and sustainable trends in its development;
- rational use of natural resources, economic potential, development of social, transport infrastructure, communications system;
- ensuring economic and organizational conditions for the effective functioning of state authorities and local self-government.

Article 4. System of administrative-territorial structure of the region
1. The system of administrative-territorial structure is formed by the following administrative-territorial units:
1) administrative districts, regional cities, closed administrative-territorial entities - first level;
2) district cities, urban settlements, districts in cities, village councils - the second level;
3) rural settlements that are part of village councils, as well as rural settlements that are part of an urban district or urban settlement - the third level.
2. The system of administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory may include administrative-territorial units with a special status.
3. Settlements on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are divided into urban settlements and rural settlements.
4. Urban settlements include: regional cities, district cities, urban settlements.
5. Groups of buildings that have temporary significance and a variable composition of the population, which are objects of official purpose (field camps, weather stations, buildings in which people live who are engaged in servicing transport or protecting communication routes), as well as single houses (road booths, foresters’ houses, railway workers), are not populated areas and belong to the nearest populated areas.

Article 5. Administrative and political center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
The administrative and political center of the region and the seat of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the region, the Council of Administration and the Statutory Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Article 6. Administrative region
1. Administrative district is an administrative-territorial unit that unites other administrative-territorial units in territorial and administrative terms.
2. The boundaries of the administrative district coincide with the boundaries of the municipal district.

Article 7. Regional city
A regional city includes a settlement that is an economic and cultural center, has a developed industry, with a population of at least 100 thousand people, of which workers in the industrial production and service sectors and members of their families make up at least 85 percent. In some cases, settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people, which have important industrial, socio-cultural and historical significance, and the prospect of further economic growth and population growth, may be classified as regional cities.

Article 8. District city
A district city includes a settlement that is an industrial and cultural center with a population of at least 12 thousand people, of which workers in the industrial production and service sectors and members of their families make up at least 85 percent. In some cases, settlements with a population of less than 12 thousand people may be classified as regional cities.

Article 9. Urban settlements
1. Urban settlements include: workers' settlements, holiday villages, resort villages.
2. A working village is a settlement with a population of at least 3 thousand people, on the territory of which there are industrial enterprises, hydraulic structures, enterprises for processing agricultural products and other economically important facilities. In some cases, settlements with a population of less than 3 thousand people that have the prospect of further economic and social development and population growth may be classified as working settlements.
3. A resort village is a settlement located in an area of ​​medicinal value, with a population of at least 2 thousand people, provided that the number of people who come to these villages annually for treatment is at least 50 percent of the permanent population.
4. A holiday village is a populated area, the main purpose of which is to serve the population of cities as sanatorium centers or summer holiday destinations.

Article 10. Village Council
The village council is an administrative-territorial unit that, as a rule, unites several rural settlements.

Article 11. Rural settlement
Rural settlement - a village, village, town and other settlements that are not classified in the established manner as urban settlements.

Article 12. District in the city
A district in a city (city district) is an administrative-territorial unit within the administrative border of a regional city, formed for the purpose of organizing effective management of the city economy.

Article 13. Closed administrative-territorial entities
1. The territory of the region includes closed administrative-territorial entities.
2. The status of closed administrative-territorial entities is established by federal legislation.

Article 14. Changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
1. Formation of an administrative-territorial unit - the creation of an administrative-territorial unit within the boundaries of a territory that was not previously an administrative-territorial unit.
2. Transformation of an administrative-territorial unit - changing the type of administrative-territorial unit.
3. The merger of administrative-territorial units is the merger of two or more administrative-territorial units into one new administrative-territorial unit.
4. The annexation of an administrative-territorial unit is the inclusion of an administrative-territorial unit into another administrative-territorial unit, entailing the abolition of the annexed administrative-territorial unit.
5. Division of an administrative-territorial unit is the division of one administrative-territorial unit into two or more administrative-territorial units.
6. Abolition of an administrative-territorial unit is the liquidation of an administrative-territorial unit in the corresponding territory.

Article 15. Taking into account the opinions of the population and local governments on issues of changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region
1. On issues of changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region, the opinion of the population of the administrative-territorial unit that is directly affected by these changes, as well as interested local government bodies, must be identified.
2. Identification of the opinion of the population can be carried out by making decisions at gatherings (meetings) of citizens, public hearings, collective appeals, surveys of citizens or otherwise.

Article 16. The procedure for the formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division or abolition of administrative-territorial units
1. The formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division and abolition of administrative-territorial ones is carried out by the law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
2. The law of the region on the formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division or abolition of administrative-territorial units establishes the boundaries of a new administrative-territorial unit.
3. An administrative-territorial unit in which there is no population may be abolished. To establish the fact that an administrative-territorial unit has lost the sign of population, the Council of the Territory Administration, with the participation of interested local government bodies, creates a commission that draws up an act containing conclusions about the lack of population of this administrative-territorial unit, the presence and condition of real estate, the prospects for the further existence of this administrative-territorial unit units.

Article 17. Establishing and changing the boundaries of an administrative-territorial unit
1. The establishment and change of the border of an administrative-territorial unit, with the exception of the administrative district, is carried out by the law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, taking into account the territorial planning documents of the relevant municipalities.
2. The boundaries of an administrative-territorial unit are established and changed based on the historical settlement and systems of inter-settlement services for the population, prospects for the development of settlements, determined by the territorial planning documents of the relevant municipality, and taking into account the current use of land.

Article 18. List of documents and materials submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the region on issues of formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division, abolition of administrative-territorial units, establishment or change of administrative boundaries
To consider issues of the formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division or abolition of administrative-territorial units, the establishment or change of their administrative boundaries in the Legislative Assembly of the region, along with a bill on the formation, transformation, merger, division or abolition of administrative-territorial units, the establishment or changes in their administrative borders of the region, the following documents and materials are submitted:
a) documents on identifying the opinion of the population and decisions of interested local government bodies;
b) an explanatory note containing justification for the feasibility of the proposals made; information about the composition of the administrative-territorial unit; proposal for the name of the administrative-territorial unit; information on the population of the administrative-territorial unit, the state of communications and means of communication, the name of the nearest railway station and the distance to it, the presence of a postal office, an electrical communications establishment, a description of historical and other local traditions, features of settlement and service to the population, as well as other issues relevant for the adoption of a law on the formation, transformation, merger, annexation, division or abolition of administrative-territorial units, the establishment or change of their administrative boundaries;
c) an estimate of expenses indicating the sources of their coverage;
d) the main provisions of the territorial planning documents of the relevant municipalities as amended, as well as the description and draft boundaries of the administrative-territorial unit, developed in accordance with current legislation;
e) explication of lands.
2. When an administrative-territorial unit is formed, a decision on the allocation of land plots for development is additionally submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the region.
3. When an administrative-territorial unit is abolished due to the loss of a population indicator, an act of the commission specified in paragraph 3 of Article 16 of this Law is additionally submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the region.

Article 19. Name and renaming of an administrative-territorial unit
The naming and renaming of an administrative-territorial unit, except for a district in a city, is carried out in accordance with federal legislation.
The naming and renaming of a district in a city is carried out by regional law at the proposal of local governments of the corresponding cities.

Article 20. Registration of administrative-territorial units
1. The registration of administrative-territorial units is carried out by the Council of the Territorial Administration in the Register of Administrative-Territorial Units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
2. The register of administrative-territorial units includes the following information for each administrative-territorial unit:
type and name of administrative-territorial unit;
description of the boundaries of the administrative-territorial unit;
date of formation of the administrative-territorial unit;
details of the decision by which the administrative-territorial unit was formed;
an indication of the administrative-territorial unit, which includes this administrative-territorial unit;
a list of administrative-territorial units that are part of this administrative-territorial unit;
area and population of the administrative-territorial unit (according to the latest population census).
The procedure for maintaining the Register of administrative-territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is established by the Council of the Territory Administration.
All changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region must be entered into the Register of Administrative-Territorial Units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory no later than one month from the date of entry into force of the relevant law of the region.
5. The register of administrative-territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is maintained on paper and electronic media.
6. An official copy of the Register of administrative-territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on paper and electronic media as of January 1 is annually submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Territory by February 1 of the year following the reporting year.

Article 21. Entry into force of this Law
1. This Law comes into force on the day following the day of its official publication.
2. From the date of entry into force of this law, the following shall be recognized as no longer in force: Regional Law of December 27, 1995 No. 8-207 “On the administrative-territorial structure in the Krasnoyarsk Territory” (Krasnoyarsk Worker, 1996, January 10);
Law of the region of September 23, 1998 No. 4-154 “On introducing amendments to the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “On the administrative-territorial structure in the Krasnoyarsk Territory” (Krasnoyarsk Worker, 1998, October 16).
3. The administrative-territorial division of the region existing at the time of entry into force of this Law is preserved and does not require additional approval.

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

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d) rural settlements located on the intersettlement territory of the regions of the region, which belong to territories with low population density in accordance with Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".

2. Urban settlement - an urban settlement that is administratively and territorially part of a regional city or, as of January 1, 2007, part of a district city, or an urban-type settlement, or part of the North Yenisei region.

(edited) Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of June 20, 2012 N 2-416)

3. Groups of buildings that are of temporary importance and have a variable population composition or are objects of service purpose (railway booths, houses of foresters, beacon keepers and other villages associated with the maintenance of transport or the protection of communication routes, weather stations, etc.), as well as single houses do not constitute independent settlements, are not territorial units and belong to the nearest settlements.

Article 8. Administrative and political center of the region

1. The city of Krasnoyarsk in accordance with Charter of the region is the administrative and political center of the region.

2. The status of the administrative and political center of the region is established by the law of the region.

Article 9. Changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region

1. Changing the administrative-territorial structure of the region - formation, abolition, consolidation, division, allocation, annexation, giving and changing the status of administrative-territorial and territorial units of the region, establishing and moving administrative centers, establishing and changing administrative boundaries, as well as the formation of territories with special status (special administrative-territorial units), special administrative districts and zones, establishing their status and boundaries.

2. The administrative-territorial structure of the region is changed by the adoption of laws of the region.

3. The laws of the region specified in paragraph 2 of this article are adopted upon the proposal or in the presence of an opinion from the Governor of the region.

4. If the laws of the region specified in paragraph 2 of this article entail changes in the territorial organization of local self-government or lead to a discrepancy between the boundaries of administrative-territorial units and municipalities, then such laws come into force no earlier than the day the laws of the region on changing boundaries and (or) come into force ) transformation (abolition) of municipalities.

5. Changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region that entail the incorporation of territorial units into district cities and urban-type settlements are not allowed.

Article 10. List of documents submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the region when changing the administrative-territorial structure of the region

1. When submitting to the Legislative Assembly of the region a draft law of the region on changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region, subjects of the right of legislative initiative, in addition to the documents provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 20 of the Charter Law "On the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory", must additionally submit:

a) written justification for the feasibility of the proposed changes, information about the composition of the administrative-territorial or territorial unit, information about the population;

b) description and draft of new boundaries of administrative-territorial and territorial units of the region;

c) decisions of interested local government bodies - in the case provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Law;

d) act of the commission - in the case provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 14 of this Law;

e) other documents, if the need for their submission is established by federal laws and regional laws.

2. Failure to submit the documents specified in paragraph 1 of this article entails the return of the draft law on changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region to the subject of the law of legislative initiative who introduced it.

Article 11. Establishing and changing the boundaries of an administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region

1. The establishment and change of the administrative boundary of an administrative-territorial unit and the boundary of a territorial unit of the region is carried out taking into account the territorial planning documents of municipalities, unless otherwise established by federal law.

2. The administrative boundaries of an administrative-territorial unit and the boundaries of a territorial unit are established and changed based on the historical settlement and inter-settlement service systems for the population, the development prospects of settlements determined by the territorial planning documents of the relevant municipality, and taking into account the existing use of land.

Article 12. Change in the status of an administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region

A change in the status of an administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region is the assignment of an administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region of one type to an administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region of another type, as well as the transformation of an administrative-territorial unit of the region into a territorial unit of the region and the transformation of a territorial unit of the region into the administrative-territorial unit of the region.


Article 13. Establishment and transfer of administrative centers

1. The administrative centers of regional districts and village councils are the administrative centers of the corresponding municipalities.

2. Administrative centers of regional districts and village councils are established and transferred taking into account state and municipal interests, as well as geographical, historical, national, everyday and other local conditions.

Article 14. Other forms of changing administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region

1. The formation of an administrative-territorial unit or a territorial unit of a region is recognized as the creation on the territory of a region of an administrative-territorial unit or a territorial unit of a region that did not exist previously, and giving it the appropriate status. The formation of an administrative-territorial unit or territorial unit may be a consequence of a change in the administrative-territorial structure of the region in the form of transformation of administrative-territorial units.

2. The abolition of an administrative-territorial unit or a territorial unit of a region is its liquidation on the territory of the region. The abolition of an administrative-territorial unit or a territorial unit of a region is carried out only in the absence of duly registered residents and residential buildings in it, with the exception of cases of abolition of administrative-territorial or territorial units as a result of the transformation of administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region.

Rural settlements in which there have been no residents registered at their place of residence in accordance with the established procedure for more than three years are subject to abolition. Settlements located in territories subject to flooding in connection with the construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP may be abolished earlier than the specified period, subject to the completion of measures for the resettlement of citizens living in these settlements, in accordance with the Regional Law "On the conditions and procedure for the provision of residential premises citizens subject to resettlement from the flood zone of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station." To establish the fact of the cessation of the existence of these settlements, by decision of the Regional Government, a commission is created with the obligatory inclusion in its composition of a representative (representatives) of local government bodies of the corresponding urban or rural settlement, municipal district, which includes the settlement subject to abolition. The commission draws up an act reflecting the fact of the absence of registered residents in the locality, the condition of the real estate located on its territory, or the fact that measures for the resettlement of citizens living in abolished localities have been completed, in accordance with the Regional Law “On the conditions and procedure for providing residential premises to citizens subject to resettlement from the flood zone of the Boguchanskaya HPP", containing reasoned conclusions that in the coming years there are no grounds for restoring the settlement.

(edited) Laws of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated June 20, 2012 N 2-424 , dated March 19, 2015 N 8-3263)

3. A change in the administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region in the form of a merger is a territorial connection of two or more administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region, as a result of which a new administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region is formed. Merging administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region lose their status.

4. A change in the administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region in the form of annexation is a territorial connection of the administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region, as a result of which the annexed administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region loses its status.

5. A change in the administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region in the form of division is the territorial division of one administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region into two or more administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region, as a result of which the divided administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region loses its status.

6. A change in the administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region in the form of allocation represents a territorial separation from one administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region of one or more newly formed administrative-territorial or territorial units, as a result of which the administrative-territorial or territorial unit of the region, from composition of which new administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region are allocated retains its status, and the allocated administrative-territorial or territorial units of the region acquire a certain status.

Article 15. Identification of the opinion of the population and local governments on issues of changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region

1. On issues of changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region, the state authorities of the region can identify the opinion of the population of the administrative-territorial or territorial unit whose interests are directly affected by these changes, as well as interested local government bodies - the representative body of the municipality and (or) the head municipal entity elected in municipal elections.

2. Identification of the opinion of the population can be carried out by making decisions at gatherings (meetings) of citizens, public hearings, surveys of citizens or in any other way established by federal legislation or the law of the region.

Article 16. Informing state authorities, local governments and the population about changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ensures that federal bodies executive authorities authorized in the fields of statistics, geodesy and cartography, as well as local government bodies of municipalities of the region and the population of the region, information on changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region.

Article 17. Name and renaming of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the region, other geographical objects

(edited) Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of March 19, 2015 N 8-3263)

1. The name (renaming) of administrative-territorial and territorial units of the region, except for districts in cities, as well as other geographical objects, is carried out in accordance with federal legislation, taking into account the opinion of the population expressed by the representative body of the relevant municipal entity.

2. The name (renaming) of a district in a regional city is carried out by the law of the region, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of local government of the corresponding city.

3. To identify the opinion of the population, the Legislative Assembly of the Territory, upon receipt of proposals for the name (renaming) of administrative-territorial and territorial units of the Territory, other geographical objects, formalized in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation, within five days from the date of receipt publishes information on the proposals received and necessary costs on its official website and sends copies of received documents to the representative body of the relevant municipality.

The representative body of the municipal formation, within 45 calendar days from the date of receipt of documents in the manner prescribed by the charter of the municipal formation and (or) the regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipal formation, makes a decision on approval or disapproval of the name (renaming) and sends it within five days from day of adoption by the Legislative Assembly of the region. If the representative body fails to make a decision within the prescribed period, the naming (renaming) initiative is considered approved.

Article 18. Transitional provisions

1. The list provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 4 of this Law shall include administrative-territorial and territorial units existing on January 1, 2007 in the territories of administrative-territorial units with a special status: Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets District and Evenki District.

2. Changing the status of a workers' settlement to a district city, urban settlement, urban settlement or rural settlement is carried out before January 1, 2015 by making a corresponding change to the list of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the region. Until appropriate changes are made to the list of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the region, workers' settlements are equated to urban-type settlements, with the exception of workers' settlements that are administratively and territorially part of the regional city and the North Yenisei region.

Article 19. Recognition of the laws of the region as invalid

From the date of entry into force of this Law, the following shall be declared invalid:

1) Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of December 27, 1995 N 8-207 "On the administrative-territorial structure in the Krasnoyarsk Territory"(Krasnoyarsk worker, 1996, January 10);

2) Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of September 23, 1998 N 4-154 “On introducing amendments to the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “On the administrative-territorial structure in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”(Krasnoyarsk worker, 1998, October 16);

3) Law of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug of October 7, 1997 N 63 “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug” (Evenki Life, 1997, October 20);

4) Law of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug of November 22, 2006 N 653 “On amendments to the Law of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug” (Evenki Life, 2006, November 23).

Article 20. Entry into force of this Law

This Law comes into force the next day after its official publication.
