Mail agent after update. How to prevent an agent's email from updating? Manual cleaning of the computer from the remains of Agent Mail ru

27.05.2017, 14:28

The other day I turned on the computer, and my mail agent told me: “I’ve updated! Look how good and handsome I am now!” I looked, it’s kind of disgusting. I understood where to look for contacts, where I found the settings. But it’s not clear how to add a VK and OK profile, it seems he can’t do this.
I uninstalled it, installed the old version 6.2, after some time it was updated again, without even asking my opinion/desire.
The support service says that you cannot disable/prohibit updates, use what we created, if you don’t like it, don’t use it.
I want to use the old version and not update it. Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem.

27.05.2017, 14:32

27.05.2017, 15:01

read - - as an option, install the portable version there is a link
I'm going to try now.
I didn’t really find anything, I’m not very good with search engines.

27.05.2017, 15:44

Recently I was also confused with the installation. old version client, but in the end he demolished everything. There is no point in using older versions if some of the functionality no longer works. You can forget about the good old mail agent.

Added 05/27/2017 at 16:08 ----------

Then you go to the control panel, administration, system configuration, autorun tab, and there you uncheck the mail agent and click apply.

27.05.2017, 16:15

Install your version, then enable display in the control panel hidden folders and files and follow this path: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Mail.Ru\Agent
there you delete the magentsetup file
That's what I did, only the version is portable. I always remove the agent from startup.

27.05.2017, 16:42

The problem is not that it hangs in autorun, but the fact that it is registered there with the -CU key, which most likely means something like checking updates:) most likely, uninstalling magentsetup is not necessary at all, since the same file is also used to uninstall the program from a PC, without it it will give an error and everything will have to be deleted manually, but at least its absence does not interfere with the agent’s work and this gives additional peace of mind that he will not do anything dirty :)

27.05.2017, 17:01

You go to the control panel, administration, system configuration, autorun tab, and there you uncheck the mail agent and click apply.
I don't have a mail there, maybe because the version is portable.
If it doesn’t update in 3 days, I’ll try to install the regular version, then wait another 3 days and write about the results.
P.S.: The Russian people are invincible!

02.06.2017, 21:48

How is it going?)

02.06.2017, 22:09

why is he? :) I noticed a long time ago - I log into my mail and at the bottom, on the right, I see something like an agent widget. you can chat freely there: dnt: or are you pursuing other goals, my friend? :)

02.06.2017, 22:12

Mail notifications arrive in the Windows 10 notification tray via Outlook, but you can also enable it in Quip

02.06.2017, 23:34

Quip itself is a half-dead service...

03.06.2017, 00:29

Quip itself is a half-dead service...

Come on, but what about salts, spices, mixes... :D

03.06.2017, 15:15

How is it going?)
The portable version works fine.
I installed the usual 6.2, the agent was updated the first time I rebooted the computer.:mad:

06.06.2017, 18:28

The portable version works fine.

06.06.2017, 18:44

When installing from the official website, isn’t it possible to specify portability as an option to continue the installation? Before that, turn off the Internet, remove the agent from autostart or disable the service, turn off the update in the settings and use it for your health? :)

And here is also - in my opinion this is more convenient: dnt:

06.06.2017, 21:31

But when installing from the official site, is it not possible to specify portability as an option to continue the installation?
I don’t know in the tenth version, not in the old ones.

and here’s another - in my opinion it’s more convenient Taste and color....
And yes, you need the portable version...

06.06.2017, 22:07

What difference does it make how you launch it? executable file- manually or from autorun? The update is still downloading, something is trying to update, but since portable version- then nothing simply works (the program does not start).

Turn off the Internet = nothing downloads :) look at the settings. fixing auto-update. Or are there no variations on the update theme in the settings? BUT I recommend that you disable the program completely from autostart... and from services, if any, too...

As a result, the program will stop updating itself...

Hello everyone Today we will touch on two topics: disabling the Agent update from and how to completely remove it from your computer. So what is this Mail ru Agent anyway? This is a program with the help of which users who have an account on can communicate, transfer files, make calls, and there is also video communication. In general, I personally have been using this program for a long time, I tried to communicate, so to speak, but for some reason I didn’t like it and I continued to sit on ICQ. Yes, there was still ICQ back then, but few people use it now, but ten years ago it was popular

Mail ru Users do not like the Agent because it has such behavior, well, in short, intrusive, this is how this behavior can be characterized. Not all users can easily delete it; for some, it doesn’t want to be deleted at all; in general, users write all sorts of things, and I think it’s time for me to sort this matter out..

I installed Mail ru Agent to understand what kind of beast it is and can I tame it? Will I be able to delete it, or prevent updating, will I be able to find out in which folders it took root and where in Windows it left its marks? This is all I have to find out today and I think I will succeed.

So I opened an email account on, downloaded the Agent, installed it, launched it, there was a field for login and password, I indicated everything that was needed and logged in to the Agent. Everything went smoothly, there were no lags, in the end this is the picture:

Well, that is, a pure Agent, there are no contacts or conversations in it.. If you click on this button:

The following menu will appear:

Here you can add a contact, create some kind of group chat, turn off sounds... In general, the Agent has advanced since the last time I saw him, that’s a fact. Okay, now let's click Settings here, let's see what's what, then the settings have opened, look what they look like:

I thought there would be fewer settings. So what can you configure here? On the Basic tab, you can move the Launch at system startup slider, so that the Agent itself does not turn on when Windows starts...

But how to disable Agent auto-update?

But one thing I’m wondering is where is the disabling of the Agent’s auto-update, so that it doesn’t update itself.. Hmm, interesting, for some reason I can’t find this option yet... So I went through all the settings, but I couldn’t find anything to disable the auto-update, this is weird. Okay, I'll do one more thing now. In general, my guesses turned out to be correct, which means that the fact is that programs often have a so-called assistant in the form of a module that is responsible for updating. This is a special module and it is found in many programs, including Agent! And look, I’m showing you what you need to do, first start the dispatcher:

And here the folder where the Agent is installed will open, here it is:

But the most important thing is the magentsetup.exe file, it is responsible for installing the Agent, including auto-updating, or rather, I’m not sure about this, but I think so.. When updating, this file, that is, the magentsetup.exe module is launched, and downloads the new version of the Agent and puts it on top. Do you see there is also a magent.exe file there? So, this is the Agent himself! That is, to disable Agent auto-update, you need to disable the magentsetup.exe module, but how to do this safely? Yes, you can simply delete it. This is a radical method, but a little dangerous, what if there are bugs and glitches later, is this what you need? I think no! Therefore, you just need to rename it! Here, rename from magentsetup.exe to magentsetup.exe_ I always add a lower space character for such purposes. To rename, click once on magentsetup.exe and then press the F2 button on the keyboard and then add the bottom space (or any other character of your choice):

That's it, and then the file was already renamed:

That's basically it, auto-update should be disabled now. If you do not have exe in the file name, this means that you have disabled the display of extensions. Actually, this is not critical and I think that even without this the renaming should work, try it! If an error pops up, check whether you have the magentsetup.exe process running in the manager; if it is, shut it down and try again. I then rebooted, the Agent turned on, I didn’t notice any problems or glitches, so the method is safe!

So guys, why didn’t we check the startup? Let's see if there's an Agent there! So I press the Win + R buttons and write this command:

I clicked OK, a system window called System Configuration opened, then I switched to the Startup tab and saw that fellow Agent was right there, here is his agent.desktop entry:

Guys, in fact, the Agent is not to blame for anything here, because if I’m not mistaken, then in the Agent settings there is an option for autostart, so if you disable the Agent’s autostart, then the entry should disappear here too. And you know, I took it and checked it! And yes, that’s right, if you disable autorun in the options, then the entry will disappear in autoload!

How to remove Agent Mail ru in the usual way?

First, I will show you how to remove the Agent as usual, that is, without any frills, so to speak... So first you need to exit the Agent, to do this, go to the tray and right-click on the Agent icon, then select Exit:

We exited the Agent, that’s good, now we hold down the Win + R buttons, a window for entering a command will appear, write the following command there:

After this, a window will open with all the installed software on your computer, in this list you need to find something like Mail.Ru Agent (version 10.0.20061), but of course you may have a different version, well, find Agent and click right-click and then select Delete:

But then this strange window popped up, look:

And I didn’t immediately understand what this was all about, what kind of error? And then I remembered, it seems to me that the point is that I renamed the magentsetup.exe file, remember, so that the Agent itself would not be updated! Therefore, in this window I click No and open this folder:


Then I renamed the file back, in short everything was returned as it was. By the way, do you see the word Dima in the address? Well, this is what my account is called in Windows, but you will probably have a different name, this is just a note for you. I returned to the window with the list of programs, again right-clicked on the Agent, selected Delete, and there was no message anymore, there was nothing at all, no window, no removal wizard, the Agent just took it and quietly left...

This is how you can remove the Agent, so to speak in a simple way, without complications...

How to remove Agent Mail ru: a complex technique that everyone can do!

Now I will show you a more aggressive way to remove Agent Mail ru, so to speak, how to completely throw it out of your computer without asking! First, you need to have the Agent running, let it work and not even suspect that now we will remove it... I almost forgot, for this operation we will need the Unlocker utility, it is easy to download on the Internet, so if anything, get it! So, the Agent is running, go to the manager, find magent.exe in the processes, right-click, select the first item in the menu, that is, this one:

And then click here again:

As a result, we will have the folder selected, great, now right-click on it, select the Unlocker item in the menu (I already have the utility):

The magic has begun:

The magic lasted for some time, not very long, or rather I thought so, but the shamanism somehow dragged on for about five minutes... And then a message popped up saying that deletion was impossible and the question was whether to perform the deletion the next time the system boots, well, okay, so be it:

After that, I immediately rebooted, then went to check if there was a Mail.Ru folder and it turned out that there was, here’s what’s inside this folder:

There was one strange, incomprehensible file left, I right-clicked on it and calmly deleted it, there were no problems with that. Then I deleted the folder from Roaming and everything was clear too

We have reviewed alternative way removal of Agent Mail ru. In principle, the Unlocker utility can delete a lot of things this way. Just know, the only correction is, do not use the Unlocker utility to remove those programs that use drivers in their work, because this can lead to real glitches and lags in Windows, remember this

Manual cleaning of the computer from the remains of Agent Mail ru

Well, you deleted the Agent, right? Well, everything is okay, no problem, yo! But wouldn’t it be good to also clean Windows from traces? I think that it will be good, but it’s clear that this is not necessary to do, this is so for those who like that there is no garbage in Windows. And then when there is a little bit of garbage, that’s one thing, but when it becomes more and more... Then slowdowns may appear over time..

You will probably immediately think, well, why do I need all this, it’s complicated... Nothing like that, no complicated thing, I assure you, in short, do what I’m going to tell you now! So first you hold down the Win + E buttons, an explorer window will appear, your disks will be there, in general there will be a search field in the upper right corner, write the website there and wait:

Please note that they will search for ALL FILES in the name of which this site is mentioned, that is, be careful, maybe you need some kind of software from, then in short, you watch what you delete! Well, do you understand what I mean? Hope so! And here's what I found guys, look:

Yes, not so little, I twisted the results a little, and now I see that there are also such folders and files, as I understand them, these are system ones:

Well what can I say here, system folders and of course I won’t delete the files, although I don’t know why they were found, I don’t see the word in their name, but they were found anyway, although their names contain the word mail and separately ru, but I wrote , damn, such an incomprehensible scoundrel... So I selected all the files and folders that are definitely not system ones, and which can definitely be deleted (well, I think so) and right-clicked on them, and then selected the Delete option:

Then another message appeared, saying that the object cannot be moved to the Trash, and then it is proposed to delete it permanently, well, okay, I also put a checkmark at the bottom and click the Yes button:

Then such a window appeared, well, it’s like we couldn’t find this element, it’s like it’s no longer there, well, okay, I also put a tick here and click Repeat, I’ll try again to say this:

But the window appeared again, then I checked the box again, but already clicked the Skip button:

That's it, now there were no errors, everything was deleted. Or not all? Yes, this is not a simple question, I closed the window, pressed Win + E again, and again repeated the search for the word, and here are the results:

In general, you can’t see everything here, this is understandable, but I looked carefully, everything that was found, it relates only to Microsoft, that is, to the system. Nothing that relates to, there is nothing like that here. That is, the conclusion suggests itself: the goal has been achieved, file system cleared of the remnants of Mail ru, hurray comrades!

Is that all, you ask? I may disappoint you, but no, there is still a registry left, there are often traces of programs that you have already deleted, alas... So, don’t relax, we are hard workers, let’s hold down the Win + R buttons, and in the Run window write this command:

Clicked OK, the registry editor opened, it contains many sections and parameters (they are also called keys). The database here is huge, and it’s better that there is no junk data here, so let’s clean the registry, in the editor press the Ctrl + F buttons, a search window will appear, write the word there and click the Find Next button opposite:

A search in the registry will begin, it is called here as Viewing the registry, during which the following window will appear:

Now what are your actions? All that can be found is a section or key (parameter). It will be searched one at a time, when something is found, the search will stop and what was found will be selected, you right-click on this selected one and select Delete in the menu. Then press F3 to continue the search. Repeat all steps until a window appears informing you that the search is over. Difficult? As you can see, no! For example, I found a parameter called path, I right-click on it and select Delete:

Then you need to confirm the action, click here Yes:

And that’s it, it’s gone, but stop mobile! Well, look carefully in which section this key was located? Here I immediately realized that this section, where the path parameter was, can also be deleted, it is from the Agent:

Guys, look, you better look for the remains not only by the word, but also by the name agent.desktop (as we see, it is often referred to as the name of the section). Maybe you will find some other words, then search for them, this increases the efficiency of finding garbage

And just a minute. It may be that a key was found, but there is nothing in the name that would say about Mail ru.. But did you look at the contents of the key? Click on it twice and everything will fall into place

Well guys, is it difficult? No! Well it seems so to me...

Control shot: how to clean Windows using CCleaner?

Do you want to do the best cleaning? Then you need to download and install CCleaner, it is free and the best program of its kind for cleaning your PC from trash! This means you can download CCleaner on the official website (here it is, go to the website, click Download Free Version there:

Then you need to click on Free Download again here:

Damn, there’s a bit of a hassle with downloading, in short, then you need to click on here (I download it from there the best):

Oh, well, the installer download has finally started, it weighs 9 megs, which in principle is not much, so it’s downloaded, I launch it:

Then the installer will appear, but here you need to select a language, this can be done here:

Russian has been selected, now you can click the Install button:

STOOOOP! I was wondering, what options are hidden behind the Configure button? Well, that second button at the bottom under Install! I clicked it and here are the options there, look:

So if anything happens, you can customize something here! Well, that’s it, now I definitely click on Install, the installation was lightning fast (thanks PrimoCache), now I press the Run CCleaner button:

And here is CCleaner in all its glory:

In this window, at the bottom, I immediately clicked the Analyze button to scan the computer for junk files, now the analysis is over, three and a half gigs of garbage were found (that’s a lot of shit), I press the Clean button here:

I confirm my intentions:

The cleaning has begun, I feel like Windows is breathing easier, how happy it is that I’m finally cleaning it!

Now on the left I click Registry and here I also need to clean it, click Search for problems:

There was also quite a lot of rubbish here, so I clicked further on Correct selected:

And then in the next window all that remains is to click Correct marked ones:

In a second it was all corrected there:

Works clearly and quickly CCleaner cleaner, do you agree? Good program

Guys, I think it’s time to finish, I’ve already written a LOT of BUKOFF here, it’s time for me to rest, I think you don’t mind. I hope everything was clear. Good luck to you too, I look forward to visiting you again


Mile Agent is a very simple, but at the same time, multifunctional messenger that allows you to quickly exchange messages, send various files and even make calls.

Moreover, all these options are provided free of charge, which determined the high popularity of the application. However, many users are faced with the problem that how to update Mail Ru Agent. Decide this question this article is intended.

How to update Mail Ru Agent on your computer

The developers of this program took into account the features of modern devices, which are sometimes strikingly different from each other, and therefore offer an application for several operating systems and devices:

  • Android;
  • Windows;
  • MacOS;
  • Symbian;
  • Java and others.

Accordingly, first of all, it is necessary to find out what operating system installed. IN further topics who decided update Mail Ru Agent on your computer, you will have to perform several steps:

It should be noted that the program does not require any payment when downloading or updating. In addition, it always notifies users that its next version has appeared by sending a corresponding message. That is, you will never miss the release of a new version of the Agent.

How to update Mail Ru Agent on your phone

Update Mail Ru Agent on your phone can be done in the same way as described above. Only this time you need to go to the developer’s official website via your smartphone and download the new version of the program from there. Installing the application proceeds in a similar way.

Also a new version agent is always available through Google Play and AppStore. On any of these resources, just enter the phrase “Mail ru Agent” into the search so that it displays the corresponding application for your phone. When downloading from here, you need to remember that the program is free. Therefore, it is better to ignore those versions that require any money.

Master's answer:

One of the most popular programs for communication between friends is Mail Agent. With its help you can make video calls, instant messages, voice calls, SMS, conference calls, and calls to landlines, in addition, anti-spam protection is provided. It is also possible to communicate in popular in social networks, among them Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. This application very comfortable for users of the mail service.

You only need two conditions: access to the Internet and a computer on which the mail agent is installed.

First, you need to find out what version of the mail agent is installed on your PC. To find out this information, you need to perform a number of specific actions - launch the program and go to the “About the program” item. This way you can determine whether you need this update.

You can check whether there is a newer version of the mail agent program than the one you have installed by going to the official website at Updating the agent will not pose any problems, due to the fact that the official page does not require registration.

Click the button on the right side of the site “update mail agent”, in the window that appears, from all the proposed options, select the most suitable one quick option update by clicking “run” and wait for the installation file to finish downloading. This process usually takes a few minutes, depending on your Internet speed.

First, you need to select the installation language. Remember that the language you select will be used not only during installation, but also in subsequent work.

Decide on the options that you will use in future work. You can select several options at once. If you set as your home page, it will always open when you launch the browser you are using. If is set as the default search, then any search will be carried out through the Mail.Ru system. You can launch the application by pressing one key, but for this you need to create shortcuts on the desktop, in the panel quick launch and in the browser. There is also a panel for the Internet browser, for this you just need to install [email protected], and then your work worldwide network will become much more efficient and comfortable, especially if you work with Mail.Ru services.

Let the mail agent be completely updated. While the update process is in progress, the application will be closed, but it will automatically open after the installation is complete. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your contacts, they, as well as Accounts and the settings will be completely saved and you will be able to see them in the new version.

About the application Agent of the company. Then the program caused a lot of criticism: a clumsy interface, limited functionality, unstable operation.

The first major Agent update was released the other day. What changed?

Screenshot from website

First of all, the developers rewrote the application almost from scratch. An agent is still unlikely to qualify for the Apple Design Awards, but you can use the program now. By the way, it also works stably - there are no crashes or freezes, unlike the previous version.

The Agent interface has undergone major changes: it no longer looks alien, many unnecessary details have been removed. Now, as far as I know, has begun to take interface design and design seriously, so, look, in a year the Agent will already delight users. Agent message sending window

In terms of program capabilities, there are few changes. The Mac agent still lags far behind the Windows version. It is immediately clear which platform is considered a priority, and which receives attention from time to time. If the Windows program has long allowed you to communicate by voice via VoIP telephony, make video calls, and support communication with friends via ICQ, then the Mac analogue is deprived of all this. There is only the opportunity to chat with other users and find out about new statuses and posts in My [email protected]

Immediately after installing, the Agent is added to startup without asking. Keep this in mind.

And finally, a quote:

“There are still very few Macintosh users in Russia, but they are, as a rule, the most demanding of the design and interface of any application, and among them there are the most sophisticated aesthetes who are difficult to please,” says Anna Artamonova, vice president of strategic projects at Mail. .Ru Group. “That’s why we are very pleased that we were able to meet their needs.” Our new Mac version already at the testing stage generated a large number of positive reviews from inveterate Mac lovers.

Tell us, makolyubs, did please you?
