The best laptop for a girl. Attention: you need a beautiful laptop for girls. What arrogance is is complexes. Signs and causes of arrogance

Are you worried about the question: what to give to your mother, wife, grandmother or mother-in-law, sister or daughter? We suggest choosing a laptop of a non-standard color: you can use pink or blue, perhaps with flowers or patterns, or you can just buy a yellow laptop. Choose and delight your beloved women!


Such an indispensable assistant is pleasantly pleasing to the eye. The design of the model bewitches. Note the rounded, practical edges. You won't find a better gift. The 10-inch screen reproduces colors and shades with high quality. “Portable girlfriend” weighs 1.19 kg, and the performance is enough to completely immerse yourself in the multimedia world.


Delicate feminine lines. Attractive pink body. Everything is done taking into account the wishes of the weaker sex. This model has the same dimensions as the previous one. Due to the fact that its weight is 1.35 kg, then technical specifications the laptop is superior to the “portable girlfriend”. The battery life is 7 hours, the hard drive is 250 GB, the microprocessor is more productive. Included: case, mouse of the same color.

MSI Wind U100-055RU White

The netbook looks provocative. The feeling of celebration is created by the white body. It is decorated with hearts. They emphasize the purpose of the device – to please your better half. The netbook, weighing just over a kilogram, is equipped with everything necessary for pleasant work. An excellent addition is a 1.3 MP webcam, Wi-Fi.

Dell Latitude L2100 Red

The scarlet body adds elegance to this model. Weighing 1.32 kg, the dimensions of the computer are 187 x 265 x 22-40 mm. Girls will appreciate these characteristics. The 10.1-inch screen provides decent contrast and saturation. And the speed of the microprocessor will not let a woman get bored.

Samsung NC10-KAF1

Sophistication and style are inherent in this model. The glossy, black ornament emphasizes the mystery and uniqueness of the owner of the device. The purple lining around the end enhances the overall impression of style. The ten-inch screen conveys rich colors. The 160 GB disk will accommodate your favorite videos and photos. The 1.6 GHz processor will perform any actions quickly and efficiently.

Lenovo IdeaPad U350-3Wi red

A catchy ornament attracts the eye and is memorable. You will immediately notice that the weight is 1.6 kg, the 13.3-inch screen is suitable for convenient work. A 1.3 GHz processor, 3 gigabytes of RAM, and high-speed wireless Internet will make communication with the computer pleasant. A woman will be incredibly happy with such a gift.


The designers created the netbook specifically to complement the female image with unique tenderness. Agree, a white keyboard combined with a pink case looks great. A representative of the fair sex will not even feel the weight of 1.38 kg. Dimensions 286 x 196 x 35.5 mm make the device easy to transport. The battery provides 9 hours of operation. An 11.6-inch screen, 160 GB of data storage, and a 1.33 GHz microprocessor will allow you to comfortably spend time at the computer.

Lenovo IdeaPad Y330 Disney-3

Look at this handsome guy: white, stylish, original. Take a look at the lid. It depicts a fairy-tale ornament, a castle, and the silhouette of a princess from a Disney cartoon. The design will put the laptop owner in a great mood. It will become a good memory of the care and attention that you showed. Screen 13.3 inches. Excellent performance is guaranteed by the 2 GHz processor. A 320 GB hard drive will accommodate photos and videos from all holidays. 2 gigabytes provide ease of use random access memory. Give your beloved woman the only gift best laptop!

Date: 02/03/2016

Undoubtedly, when choosing a computer, we women evaluate not only the internal characteristics, but its appearance. A computer for a woman should match anything in her interior, be made in her favorite color or match the color of most outfits. A laptop for women is now an integral part of life.

Well, male developers thought about this and developed several lines of comfortable, beautiful, truly feminine laptops. They are functional and original. A woman's laptop can say a lot about its owner.

The best women's laptops

1) Undoubtedly, the leaders in originality are Intel and HP. Women's laptops are very original in their design. They developed a whole line of computers for women. Women participated in the creation of models. Of course, it would be difficult for men to come up with something similar in appearance to these models.

HP Chameleon. The outside of the laptop is covered with several layers of micro-scales, similar to elements of chameleon skin. Each layer of the panel is responsible for a different shade of the color spectrum. Two cameras, on both sides of the top cover, read the color of the environment and the laptop panel changes its appearance.

HP Fitness. This model useful for those who constantly monitor their weight. A women's laptop can withstand no more than 100 kilograms. On top cover The laptop contains weight sensors and an electronic display. The laptop contains a program that analyzes all data from all weighings.

A bonus for such a wonderful computer is a bracelet that reads pulse, blood pressure, and temperature.

HP Make-Up. The women's laptop has a “manicure” portal that allows you to paint your nails directly using the laptop. It is very unclear how the mechanism works, which should itself paint the nail in the color you like. According to the developers, after choosing a color on the website, you need to place your finger in a certain hole on the computer and paint the nail.

On the other side of the CD-rom there is a manicure set. It is very useful because... The monitor screen can switch to mirror mode. This small women's laptop is just a godsend for a girl.

HP Perfume. The laptop contains reservoirs with concentrates of the main shades of perfume. The owner of such a unique computer only needs to download the smell from the Internet, and in a few seconds it will be generated by the laptop.

The original neon lighting will be useful for those working in the dark and will decorate the interior in daylight.

HP Eco. The most environmentally friendly computer in existence. It is very thin and light. By coating it with light-sensitive paint, the entire green surface acts like a solar panel.

The laptop has a built-in barcode analyzer, which allows you to evaluate the composition and benefits of the product for the body. The kit includes a bracelet that displays body indicators.

HP Mama. The ideal computer for young mothers. Its case is shockproof, waterproof with rubber inserts. You can work on it while taking a bath. With such a computer, you don’t have to worry about your child dropping it or spilling something on it. The laptop monitor can be placed under a convenient one.

HP Nobag. Amazing, unearthly female computer. When not in use, it is simply a small tube folded into a fan. Its opening is simply incredible - the monitor and keyboard appear smoothly.

The laptop, as a convenient accessory, has a convenient lanyard that makes it easy to carry.

2) The second place of honor among the development of women's laptops is occupied by Sony with its VAIO line of laptops and netbooks. They tried to produce a variety of bright colors: pink, light green, orange, lilac. Beautiful women's laptops. Yes, not only women love bright computers, but I would like to see a man who bought a pink computer for himself.

A visual treat for fans of cutting-edge digital technology. Not the most productive, but the most attractive laptops currently existing or about to go on sale.

The matte shine of polished metal makes it difficult to take your eyes off the radial mark of the grinding mechanism. The surface of ZenBook is like a window into the universe - attracts attention and provokes curiosity.

Dell XPS

What is the modification with a 13-inch display, what is the 15-inch version, this the lineup features a conservative design. And this is also its decoration - the texture of the carbon coating perfectly emphasizes that the device belongs to the world of high technology.

This model has two unique features - the absence of a video card and the presence of an individual key backlighting system. The first feature allows you to put a powerful gaming laptop into an ultra-thin case - if you need top-class graphics, you simply connect an external computing module. The second makes it possible to customize the blinking of keys to suit your taste, be it highlighting the key buttons for gaming in color or just festive illumination.

Step-brother MacBook Air, which could give Cupertino's product a run for its money if someone wanted to compare the two devices directly. As far as aesthetics is concerned, there is the same all-metal body, the symbolic thickness of the main section, but the contours of the screen are an order of magnitude more modest. With the right screensaver design, the illusion may arise that they do not exist at all.

Apple MacBook Pro and 12″ MacBook

A reference example of design art, which remains so even after a considerable amount of time. Apple Macbook is still one of the thinnest, lightest, most powerful and best-looking laptops in its segment.

A small optical illusion - the beveled and darkened edges of the case create the illusion that the device’s body is not at rest, but rather floating above the surface. In reality, the wonders of levitation are not yet possible for the product of the Korean company, but the Ativ Book 9 Pro model rightfully occupies an honorable place in the list of the most beautiful laptops of the current era.

A snow-white miracle only one year old. Good electronic components and impeccable appearance, which radically distinguishes this laptop from the general range of promising models.

The color “champagne splashes”, ordinary silver or “clementine orange” – buyers of the premium gadget have a choice. Chief designer and functional element This model is considered to be a mechanism for attaching the display to the main unit of the laptop. This is both an opportunity to rotate the device 360º and simply a delight for the eyes of a lover of technocratic art.

HP Specter

Contender for the status of the thinnest laptop in the world on this moment. The pleasure doesn't come cheap - copper and gold inserts adorn most of the edges of the case, creating the illusion that the HP Specter is cut from a single piece of precious metal.

Not a laptop, but a hybrid - as long as the keyboard and screen are held together, you'll hardly notice the difference. Formally, it does not exist, but its deliberately ascetic and at the same time elegant appearance indicates that this is the main combat unit of the information space. Aesthetics of a utilitarian tool.

You may ask why, in our advice on choosing laptops for women and girls, we chose 2007 models. Everything is very simple. Firstly, some of the above laptop models appeared last year. Secondly, the cost of these laptop models for girls has decreased significantly since their announcements and the day official sales began. Well, thirdly, there is a crisis in the yard and the women’s laptops we are discussing, while not much inferior in performance, are an order of magnitude cheaper than their analogues. And so let's get started. What is most important for a woman or girl when choosing a particular laptop model? It is perhaps very rare for female representatives to choose high-power gaming laptops. Women and girls are primarily concerned with design, weight, performance and time battery life laptop.

Women's laptop SAMSUNG Q30
The Samsung Q30 laptop is a masterpiece of high technology. The weight of this laptop is 1.09 kg and the thickness is only 18 mm. Moreover, it is equipped with a widescreen 12.1″ display. The laptop has no fans, so quiet operation is ensured. Women's laptop SAMSUNG Q30 has a cool design and comes in two color solutions: elegant silver and daring red. The women's laptop model Q30 has good functional components, a bright glossy screen with an anti-glare filter and a powerful stereo system that supports high-quality three-dimensional sound, which is naturally important for many girls. Advantages and disadvantages of the Samsung Q30 laptop. Advantages of a laptop: portability and mobility; long battery life, both from the main one and from the additional one battery; high resolution and widescreen screen; included in delivery additional battery; quiet operation, in particular due to the lack of ventilation of the case; Disadvantages of the laptop: high price (no longer relevant); “mirror” display; low performance in gaming applications; lack of built-in optical drive.

Women's laptop Asus S6F
In a sleek leather laptop case Asus S6F luxury and very high performance are perfectly combined. In addition, the 11″ WXGA display (matrix, monitor) of this laptop, with anti-glare coating, has realistic and truly high-quality color rendition. Therefore, if you want a truly powerful and luxurious portable computer (laptop), then you can safely purchase the ASUS S6F laptop. It is available in various colors - with pink, dark brown or yellowish leather trim. The package includes a laptop carrying bag and a leather-covered mouse. Advantages and disadvantages of women Asus laptop S6F. Advantages: very beautiful design - genuine leather inserts, high laptop performance for its class, built-in Bluetooth 2.0 (no longer relevant), wide range of ports, long battery life, low noise level, high-quality screen (display, monitor, matrix) laptop. The only drawback of the Asus S6F laptop is that it is not very comfortable.

Women's laptop Sony VAIO VGN-C290
This laptop will melt the heart of any girl and woman. This laptop is made in pink color, which is favored by most female representatives. The laptop is very beautiful and at the same time powerful and productive. The Sony VAIO VGN-C290 laptop computer is equipped with Core processor 2 Duo and an energy-saving 13.3″ display with XBRITE-ECO technology. It weighs about 2.3 kg, and in addition to pink, it is also available in other colors, including black, blue, silver, green and even the usual gray. Advantages and disadvantages of the women's laptop Sony VAIO VGN-C290. The main disadvantage of this laptop is the very small hard drive (only 60 GB), the high cost of the laptop, the weight of the laptop is 2.30 kg (too heavy for a girl). Advantages of Sony VAIO VGN-C290: beautiful and stylish design, good performance and battery life.

Women's laptop Acer Aspire 5920
New concept appearance laptops from Acer, called Gemstone, was developed jointly with DesignworksUSA, the design division of the automaker BMW. The laptop is distinguished not only by its unique design, but also by its impressive hardware - it has support for Dolby Home Theater technology, an HDMI port, an HD-DVD and a Blu-ray drive in the package. Aspire 5920 laptop equipped with a 15.4″ widescreen Acer CrystalBrite screen, and the dimensions do not seem large. Advantages and disadvantages of women Acer laptop Aspire 5920— owner's opinion Advantages of the Acer Aspire 5920: Excellent laptop, everything works fine. Cons: Build quality. It turns on/off by itself if it is in a bag, or if you lightly press the lid in the area of ​​the power button. The laptop gets very hot and is uncomfortable to hold on your lap. Under operating system WinXP multimedia keys do not work. Under Vista, the keys only work in Windows Media Player.

Women's laptop MSI Megabook S271
12.1″ laptop MSI Megabook S271 made in soft pink tones (Baby Pink color), and therefore it would be foolhardy to assume that its owner would be a man. And if the black color looked too businesslike, then in this case tenderness and carefreeness prevail. Simplicity, asceticism, straightforwardness, lack of conspicuous frills - these characteristics fully apply to the Megabook S271. A signature “trick” remained from its predecessor - the fastening of the two halves is made in the form of a round tube with silver caps at the ends. But in any case, the laptop looks elegant and distinctive. The women's laptop weighs only 1.95 kg. Advantages and disadvantages of the MSI Megabook S271 women's laptop. Advantages of MSI Megabook S271: good design, high-quality TFT matrix, high performance outside 3D, long battery life, almost complete absence of noise and heating of the case. Disadvantages of the MSI Megabook S271 laptop: inconvenient layout of USB ports.
