Windows loads and then black screen. Black screen after loading Windows: what to do? Repairing the Registry and Windows Explorer

Hardly anyone will like to see after Windows boot black screen. However, sometimes this happens not only with beginners, but also with real computer gurus. True, the reasons due to which a black screen occurs after loading Windows XP are quite different. If beginners, by their random actions, can damage some of the system files or break the boot manager, then the "specialists", checking various programs, can cause a system crash and, as a result, get a black screen after loading Windows. Please note that such a malfunction is inherent in all operating systems - both Windows of all versions, and Linux, which is famous for its reliability. And in the second "break" the system is even easier. But back to the creation of Microsoft. The reasons why the user sees a black screen after loading Windows can be caused not only by his inept actions, but also by a malfunction of the hardware and software components.

Video adapter

Since the video card is responsible for displaying the image on the screen, it is quite possible that the time has come to check its performance. It is worth recalling the sensational story of soldering chips manufactured by Nvidia. A video adapter based on a similar problem solution could work quite well in 2D mode, but when switching to hardware 3D functions, it would freeze, and the user would see a black screen after loading Windows 7. It's simple - this system (and subsequent ones) uses some of the adapter's functions to render the Aero interface. Thus, it is necessary to check the card on another computer or, conversely, the system unit itself, but with a different video solution. However, before looking for an adapter, it is worth checking the status of the driver. Sometimes, due to a glitch in this control program, a black screen appears immediately after loading Windows. In this case, you should reinstall the driver. To do this, turn on the computer, after the BIOS screen disappears, press the F8 button and select "Safe Mode" in the menu that appears. After booting into the operating system, you need to uninstall the video driver through the "Remove Programs" in the control panel. After a reboot, you can install new version control program.


The next reason may be related to an error in the download. For example, a power outage and shutdown of the computer may cause file system will be damaged. Accordingly, the download is not possible. For recovery, you need a disk with a Windows distribution kit. On one of the installation screens, you will be prompted to launch the recovery console - you must use this software mechanism and scan the hard drive's system partition for errors.


One of the characteristics of electronic component failures is that they cannot be foreseen. Today the device can work stably, and tomorrow it will fail. Sometimes the system cannot be booted because bad cells appear in the memory modules. To check, you need to prepare a bootable CD or USB flash drive with the MemTest program and check the entire volume random access memory.

Programs and people

Sometimes, after the system boots, a black screen is displayed for the simple reason that during the previous session, another video card output was selected as a priority in the driver settings - for example, a television one. To solve it, you need to select “Last working configuration” through the F8 menu (described earlier).

Immediately you need to make a reservation, which means "after loading." You should not think that this refers to the case when the user turned on the computer, but he does not react to it in any way and the monitor screen remains black, as before turning on the PC. “After loading” means that the user sees on the monitor screen the results of the so-called post (power on self tests), BIOS messages about the computer configuration, the initial Windows 7 welcome screen. And then the usual desktop is displayed (or may not be issued) in black, and even sometimes with some details in the lower right corner. Why does Windows not start in its normal mode?

We list the most common causes Black screen occurrences (in ascending order of difficulty to resolve them):

  • Short-term hardware failures, such as power outages.
  • Problems with the video card, such as a corrupted video driver file.
  • A virus attack attempting to damage system files and/or the Windows registry.
  • Trying to update a pirated copy of Windows 7.
  • Problems with OS activation.

The simplest reason is a short-term power failure in the mains, which can be checked by trying to turn on the computer again and boot Windows 7. If this was the reason for the black screen, then when you restart Windows, the black screen will disappear and everything will work as it should. Otherwise, the user will have to work a little.

In any case, the absence of a normal desktop means that Explorer (explorer.exe) was not launched for one of the above reasons. First, let's assume that for some reason the explorer does not start, and we will try to start it. For this:

  1. Use the Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Alt + Ctrl + Shift buttons to call the task manager.
  2. In its window, open the "Applications" tab.
  3. Click on "Create a new task".
  4. In a window with this name, set explorer and click "OK".

Now you need to restore the normal launch of Explorer so as not to do the described steps every time you start Windows.

In order not to get involved with the difficulties of editing the system registry, we will use the AVZ utility. We launch it and open the “File” item in the main menu, then click on “System Restore”. A window opens with a list of recovery actions. In it, we mark the items "Restore Explorer settings" and "Restore the Explorer launch key", then click "Perform the marked operations."

Finishing AVZ works reboot, after which the explorer starts normally.

Problems with the video system

Usually a black screen occurs for two reasons - due to overheating of the video chip or distortion (substitution) of the video card driver file by some malicious application. The first of them is easy to determine if you find out the temperature of the video chip using one of the many utilities for monitoring the state of the computer, for example, AIDA64. As a rule, overheating of the video chip occurs when the fan that blows it is stopped or overloaded with modern "heavy" games. For most video cards, the maximum temperature limit for the video processor is 100 degrees Celsius. If a black screen appears during PC operation due to overheating of the video processor, then repeated attempts to boot will not lead to anything - you should wait a while for its temperature to drop, then try to boot again.

Black screen due to a virus attack

Problems with the video card driver, as a rule, arise either due to viruses affecting the video driver file or after an unsuccessful attempt to update it and the resulting incompatibility of the new video driver with the OS version. In any of these cases, you should download Windows to safe mode. To do this, after turning on the computer, you need to press F8 to achieve the appearance additional options boot and select safe mode in it. If after loading in this mode the black screen disappears, then most likely you need to reinstall the video card driver. Of course, reinstalling the video driver is possible only when Windows starts up, and, apart from the black screen, there are no other problems. To reinstall the driver, you need to go to the video card manufacturer's website, download the most latest version driver and install it. You can also update the driver in another way. You need to go to the device manager, select the desired video adapter in it, right-click on it (RMB) and select "Update drivers" from the menu.

But we cannot turn a blind eye to the possible consequences of exposure to viruses. In this case, restoring system files and rolling back to the last working system configuration can help.

Restoring system files

To do this, use the sfc system utility. It is launched in a command mode window as an administrator by typing the sfc /scannow command in it. This utility will check system files for corruption and restore them if necessary. Sometimes it may ask you to install a disk with a Windows 7 distribution, but usually this does not happen, and the files are restored from their copies on the hard disk.

Last Known Good Configuration

This feature is available in the Advanced Boot Options menu, which can be accessed by holding down the F8 key immediately after turning on the computer.

It is possible that restoring a successful configuration will not help, since it can also be corrupted by a virus attack. It remains to apply the following recovery option.

Rollback to one of the previously created restore points

This can restore the contents of system files and the registry and get rid of their distortion and deletion as a result of viruses. To perform such a restore, the following steps are required.

We boot into safe mode, call the control panel, in which we select the "System" item. A window appears, on the left side of which we select "System Protection". After that, we are presented with a window like this:

If the system partition hard drive If the "Protection" column does not indicate "Enabled", then it makes no sense to continue further, since there are no rollback points due to the fact that the user did not worry about it. However, suppose the opposite - the user has taken care of the "health" of his PC and the protection of the system disk is installed. Then you can click on "Restore" and get a window prompting you to select one of the rollback points:

This screenshot shows the dot that was automatically created by the system when Avast Antivirus was installed. If you check the "Show other restore points" checkbox, you can select earlier rollback points. You should choose a point at which there was the most stable operation of the system. After setting the rollback point, click on "Next", after which the system recovery process starts, which ends with a reboot. You can be sure that when the system boots up, there will be no problem with a black screen.

Problems with activating and updating a pirated copy of Windows 7

These two points of the reasons for the appearance of a black screen are closely related, so the author of the article combined them into one point.

It will not be a big secret if we say that many users install unlicensed Windows versions 7. Therefore, they may occasionally experience a black screen after installing system updates distributed by Microsoft. Every update is authenticated installed system, and in the case of "piracy", when the system boots, the user receives a black screen, in the lower right corner of which there is an inscription that a fake copy is installed operating system, which is not authenticated. Moreover, some inquisitive but inexperienced users try to verify its authenticity with their own hands, and receive a black screen as a reward for their curiosity. Why, because he knows that this is a pirated version.

In this case, you can get rid of the black screen if you follow these steps. You need to go to the "Center" through the control panel windows updates," in which you need to click "View update history", and in it "Installed updates". In the window that opens, the user will see all installed updates, among which you need to find KB971033, remove it and reboot.

To prevent a recurrence of the situation, this update should be disabled altogether. To do this, in the Update Center, select "Search for updates" and search for this ill-fated update. Then you need to right-click on it and select "Hide Update" from the menu. In addition, you need to uncheck the small box next to the name of the update, then click "OK".

Well, in order to finally “discourage” the system from authenticating with each update, it is recommended to edit the hosts system file, which is located on the system partition in the Windows/System32/drivers/etc directory, by placing the line com.

In contact with


Hello. Do you have input USB ports? How did you define it? The system, as far as I understand, does not boot. Or can't boot from the flash drive?

Disconnect all devices from the computer. Leave only the mouse, keyboard and monitor.

To solve the No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed error, you can try resetting the BIOS to factory settings.


About fifteen years ago, my friend, an avid Beatle fan, decided to write a book about the Beatles. Until that time, he had no experience with computers. I turned to a private master (I was not yet familiar with me at that time), he assembled a computer for him, as I understood, from what was no longer needed and thrown away anyway ...)) Four lines of memory, a Pinnacle card, a drive that writes DVD a drive and three hard drives of different capacities… Later, for some reason, the Internet provider installed an additional network modem for him…
In short, the computer's power supply was clearly overloaded and the computer cooled badly. The system crashed twice a week... The person who assembled the computer quickly got tired of it and found a plausible excuse to get rid of this client's problems.
Here I "turned up".)))

Reinstalling the system was not always successful. It didn’t happen again and again, and at some point, I began to use a block of three fans from an old Soviet computer. Removed the cover system block, disconnected two of the three hard drives, directed the airflow inside the computer and ... installation success is almost guaranteed ... ..
After some time, a friend learned to install the system on his own, without my help, and when he got tired, he bought a new computer.

The case I described, of course, is not quite common, but, as it turned out later, good airflow at the time of installation of Windows never interferes - it helped me two or three times in my memory.

I have a terabyte "Seagate", which was not helped by any cooling and I never managed to install a system on it. And judging by the state of its connectors, about a few thousand people tried to do it before me ...)))
However, I have it "taken root" in the box for an external hard drive with self-powered NexStar. There is no bad without good.)))

Very often, people underestimate the importance of the power source, or more precisely, the power supply system, and more precisely, the frequency parameters of integrating chains. Usually, "by eye" having estimated the power consumption, they put the power supply with a small margin, without thinking about other parameters at all.
During the operation of computer chips, high-frequency “creeps” occur on the power buses, which can greatly affect the performance and even the health of RAM chips, etc. It is important that the thickness of the tracks on printed circuit board was sufficient and that "smoothing" capacitors were installed near each chip on the power rails.
When developing computer science, experienced specialists put several capacitors on the chip, differing in capacity by one order of magnitude, to effectively smooth out ripples. For example, electrolyte 1uF, ceramics 0.1mF and 22nF, in close proximity to the chip.
Soviet electronics, which over the past three decades has gone all to "dredge", was not without reason "stuffed" with ceramic thermostable capacitors with a high content of palladium.
Nowadays, everyone wants to save money, we want to buy a "mother" "more abruptly" and cheaper, and manufacturers want to sell us more and do not install smoothing capacitors in the required quantity (to reduce the cost). Everyone saves and hopes for each other, and the result is a lottery.
As a result, we get a power supply unit, say, 500 W (bp manufacturers also like to save money), in practice, at half the load it no longer “pulls”, and if you look at the power bus with an oscilloscope, then the ripple can reach half a volt or more.
A sign that the "mother" is not in order is swelling of electrolytes - high-frequency "creeping" is fatal for them, they overheat and explode in swelling.

Installing Windows puts a heavy load on the entire system. work HDD, the memory of the processor is "to its fullest", all this is heated and at any stage of the installation it may give an error. A comparable load can happen when playing, for example, tanks. But, if we "flew out" of the game - so what? - they went in again and didn’t pay attention ... But if Windows failed during installation - yes, we’ll immediately notice ...

My life experience suggests that most failures occur for reasons not related to programs - dust interferes with cooling, the fan is not lubricated and does not rotate well, electrolytes are swollen, microcracks appear, again, from overheating, and people also have a lot of cockroaches in apartments, who strive to hide in a warm computer and lay their offspring there ....

Sometimes, when booting the system, users encounter such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of a black screen, on which only the mouse cursor is displayed. Thus, it is simply impossible to work with a PC. Consider what are the most effective ways fix this problem in Windows 7.

Most often, a black screen appears after the welcome screen has been opened. Windows window. In the vast majority of cases, this issue is caused by an incorrectly installed Windows update when something went wrong during the installation. This entails the impossibility of launching the explorer.exe system application ( "Windows Explorer"), which is responsible for displaying the graphical shell of the OS. Therefore, instead of a picture, you see just a black screen. But in some cases, the problem can be caused by other reasons:

  • Damage to system files;
  • Viruses;
  • Conflict with installed apps or drivers;
  • Hardware malfunctions.

We'll look into ways to fix this issue.

Method 1: Restoring the OS from under "Safe Mode"

The first method involves using "Command line" launched in "Safe Mode", to activate the explorer.exe application and then roll back the OS to a healthy state. This method can be used when the device has a restore point created before the black screen problem.

  1. First of all, you need to go to "Safe mode". To do this, restart your computer and when you turn it on again after sound signal hold down the button F8.
  2. The shell for selecting the type of system boot will start. First of all, try activating Last Known Good Configuration by using the arrow keys on the keys to select the indicated option and pressing Enter. If the computer starts normally, then consider that your problem is solved.

    But in most cases it doesn't help. Then, in the boot type shell, select the option that involves activation "Safe Mode" with the support "Command line". Next click Enter.

  3. The system will start, but only a window will open "Command line". Drive into it:

    After entering, press Enter.

  4. The entered command activates "Conductor" and the graphical shell of the system will start to be displayed. But if you try to restart again, the problem will return, which means that you should roll back the system to a working state. To activate a tool that can perform this procedure, click "Start" and go to "All programs".
  5. Open folder "Standard".
  6. Enter the directory "Service".
  7. In the list of tools that opens, select "System Restore".
  8. The start shell of the standard OS resuscitation tool is activated, where you should click "Further".
  9. Then a window is launched where you should select the point to which the rollback will be performed. We recommend that you use the most recent version, but one that must have been created before the black screen issue occurred. To expand your choice, check the box "Show others...". After highlighting the name of the optimal point, press "Further".
  10. In the next window, you only need to click "Ready".
  11. A dialog box will open where you must confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes".
  12. The rollback operation will begin. At this time, the PC will restart. After turning it on, the system should start in standard mode, and the problem with the black screen should disappear.

Method 2: Restoring OS files

But there are times when the OS files are so badly damaged that the system does not boot even in "Safe Mode". It is also impossible to exclude such an option that you simply may not have the necessary recovery point on your PC. Then you should perform a more complex procedure for resuscitating the computer.

  1. When starting the PC, move to the boot type selection window, as demonstrated in the previous method. But this time, from the presented items, choose "Troubleshooting..." and press Enter.
  2. The Recovery Environment window opens. Choose from the list of tools « Command line» .
  3. The interface opens "Command line". In it, enter the following expression:

    Be sure to click Enter.

  4. The shell will start "Registry Editor". But you need to remember that its sections will not refer to the current OS, but to the recovery environment. Therefore, it is required to additionally connect the registry hive of the Windows 7 that needs to be fixed. For this in "Editor" highlight section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  5. After that press "File". In the list that opens, select "Load hive...".
  6. The Load Hive window opens. Navigate in it to the section of the disk on which your operating system is located. Next, go to the directories sequentially Windows, "System32" And "Config". If, for example, your OS is on drive C, then the full path to navigate to should be:


    In the directory that opens, select the file called "SYSTEM" and press "Open".

  7. . Enter in its only field any arbitrary name in Latin or using numbers. Next click OK.

  8. After that, a new partition will be created in the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Now you need to open it.
  9. In the directory that opens, select the folder setup. In the right part of the window, among the elements that appear, find the parameter "cmd line" and click on it.
  10. In the window that opens, enter the value in the field cmd.exe without quotes, then click OK.
  11. Now go to the parameter properties window "SetupType" by clicking on the relevant item.
  12. In the window that opens, replace the current value in the field with "2" without quotes and click OK.
  13. Then return to the window. "Registry Editor" to the section that was previously connected, and select it.
  14. Click "File" and choose from the dropdown list "Unload bush...".
  15. A dialog box will open where you need to confirm the decision by clicking "Yes".
  16. Then close the window "Registry Editor" And "Command line", thus returning to the main menu of the recovery environment. Click the button here.
  17. After rebooting the PC will automatically open "Command line". Enter the command there:

    Click here Enter.

  18. The computer will be checked for the integrity of the file structure. If violations are detected, the procedure for restoring the corresponding element is automatically activated.

  19. After the restore is complete, enter the following command:

    shutdown /r /t0

    Click Enter.

  20. The computer will restart and turn on normally. At the same time, it is important to consider that if the system files were damaged, which caused the black screen, then, quite possibly, the virus infection of the PC could be the root cause of this. Therefore, immediately after restoring the computer's performance, check it with an anti-virus utility (not a standard anti-virus). For example, you can use Dr.Web CureIt .

If none of the above methods helped, then in this case you can install Windows 7 on top of a working operating system with all settings saved or completely reinstall the OS. If these actions did not work, there is a high probability that one of the hardware components of the computer is out of order, for example, a hard drive. In this case, it is necessary to repair or replace the broken device.

The main reason for the appearance of a black screen when booting the system in Windows 7 is incorrect installed update. This problem is "treated" by rolling back the OS to a previously created point or by performing a file recovery procedure. More radical actions also involve reinstalling the system or replacing computer hardware.

Suddenly after another Windows startup 7 instead of login screen account or the desktop may have a black background with a cursor on it. Before proceeding to solve the problem, let's delve into its essence, because even a few template instructions for various cases will not always help.

Most often, a black screen and a cursor on it become a consequence of the functioning of a virus or malware. software. This program interferes with system settings, making it so that instead of the explorer.exe process it starts itself or completely replaces the aforementioned file (many remember the Win32 family of viruses that hid files and directories, replaced them with their own "bodies" and even copied their icons to disguise). After all, he is responsible for GUI Windows: everything the user sees on the desktop, etc.

It is impossible not to recall the Avast antivirus, which tends to block system processes, including explorer.exe, due to the manifestation of excessive activity when starting the PC.

The likelihood of sudden collisions of video card drivers with the operating system is low, although in the case of a recent update, it increases significantly. And drivers downloaded from nowhere or using driverpacks only exacerbate the situation.

More deplorable will be the appearance of bad sectors on the hard drive, and even when they contain fragments of system files, the same explorer.exe. Partially damaged strips of RAM are also not bypassed, but in the last place.

First of all, let's try to start the computer in one of the additional boot options - from the last successful configuration. It is a set of system settings stored in the registry for the status of drivers, applications and services with which Windows 7 last booted successfully. If something was installed before restarting or shutting down the PC, the registry or the list of automatically launched applications was edited, the method will clearly help. To implement it, we do the following steps.

  1. We reboot.

This is done using the Reset key or through the task manager.

  • In the second case (it is recommended to use it), we call the dispatcher using Ctrl + Alt + Del .
  • We move the mouse cursor to the “File” main menu item and call the “New Task” command.

  • We execute the commands "shutdown / r" to reboot the system.

  1. After the BIOS information appears, click F8 until a menu of additional boot options appears.
  2. Using the cursor block of keys, select "Last successful configuration" and press Enter.

Did not help? So the source of the trouble is different. Let's go further.


If the "seven" is protected by a comprehensive antivirus solution from Avast, the application may be the culprit that the explorer does not load. Removing the antivirus is not an option, but adding the file with which the problem occurs to the exceptions is necessary.

Not relevant for all versions of Avast, but it's worth a try, since such behavior has been noticed behind it.

  1. Open Task Manager.
  2. We start the process "AvastUI.exe", as in the previous case, finding executable file in folder with installed antivirus(in Program Files).
  3. In the application menu, click "Security".
  4. Then we go to the "Antivirus" subsection, where we click on the "Behavior Screen" tab.

  1. We click "Browse" or enter the path to a reliable process manually - as shown in the screenshot.

  1. Click "OK" and restart.

Did the blinking cursor appear again on a black background? Let's move on.

Manual launch of Explorer

You can open the program responsible for the graphical interface on the problem computer in several simple ways.

  1. If we stop at this option, we reboot again, and after completing the iron self-test procedure, press F8.
  2. In the window, select "Safe Mode with Command Line Support".

  1. In the CMD text line, write "explorer.exe" and press Enter.

If the process does not start, then the corresponding file is damaged, missing or not accessible.

The rollback of the system, which we will touch on later, the restoration of the "seven" from the installation flash drive, the fight against viruses and their consequences, or editing registry entries will help here. In the latter case, you will have to boot disk with an anti-virus program, start from it by selecting the CD / USB with the distribution kit in the BIOS antivirus program. Depending on it, the way to start the scan may differ, but the meaning is obvious: we find and remove all viruses at least on the system volume.

If viruses annoyed

Even a laptop that is not now infected with viruses can crash, displaying a black screen with or without a cursor. By the way, in the first case, the video driver can become the source of the problem. And all because the virus did its job, replacing the path to explorer.exe with its own. It is noteworthy that the following method works even without booting in safe mode, and you can also call the registry editor through the task manager.

  1. Open the "Run" window through the task manager.

  1. We write "regedit" and press Enter.

  1. Expand the HKLM branch.
  2. We go to the Software section.

  1. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Open the Shell key editing window.

  1. In the "Value" field, set "explorer.exe" and apply the settings.

  1. We reboot.

If this does not help, you will have to return to one of the previously saved states of the computer's operating system.


Here we will deal with time travel, provided that the system restore function is activated.

  1. Through the task manager, open the command execution dialog.
  2. We register rstrui.exe and execute the command.

  1. Specify the recovery options (it makes sense to choose the last created rollback point before the black screen appears or stop at the recommended one).

  1. We click "Finish".

  1. We get acquainted with the warning and click "Yes", but there is no other choice.

An alert will appear when the process is complete.

The next time you turn on your PC, the desktop should appear.

When the graphics driver is naughty

Rolling back drivers during a system rollback is extremely rare. Well, if the installation graphics driver was produced quite recently, and if it was installed a couple of weeks ago, many files and applications may suffer during the resuscitation of the "seven". Rolling back the driver will help get rid of such software, and even then, if the problem does not occur when starting in safe mode.

  1. We start in safe mode.
  2. Calling context menu my computer and click Properties.
  3. Click "Device Manager" in the vertical menu on the left.

  1. Open the "Properties" of the video adapter used (there may be several of them in the system: integrated, discrete, built-in to the central processor).

  1. On the Driver tab, click Roll Back.

You can also try to remove or update the video adapter driver by downloading it from the official website.

Before that, you should test the RAM strips through a utility like Victoria 4.47, check the HDD for failed memory cells (chkdsk C: / f) and the integrity of important system resources (sfc / scannow command). They are executed through the command line.

Black screen after standby

After waking up from standby, a black background may appear instead of the desktop or user selection interface. In such cases, there will be several ways out, depending on the situation:

  • rollback or install more old version graphics driver, if problems started after updating the video card driver, especially when using driver packs or installers downloaded from third-party resources;
  • alternately switching between the four main values ​​​​of the ACPI Suspend Mode parameter (responsible for program control computer components) located in the BIOS section called Power;
  • reinstalling Windows 7 using the original image, and not the next author's assembly - it is likely that it caused the problem (removal and disabling of some system functions could have affected to save disk space and facilitate assembly);
  • updating drivers for USB controllers, mice and keyboards downloaded from their official support resource;
  • disable the transition of the PC to standby mode;
  • preventing one of the input devices from waking up the PC from sleep mode.

Let's consider the last option in more detail. You can restore your PC using the mouse or keyboard. It is possible that one of the devices is blocking the return of the computer to a normally functioning state, and it is not difficult to determine this at least by the increased activity of the fan blades. In this case, deactivating the option to disable sleep mode for the mouse or keyboard will help.

Do not turn it off for both devices at the same time, because you won’t be able to wake up from sleep mode later!
