Chop license check online. How to check a medical license. How to find out if an organization has a license

2. How to check a taxi permit?

To find and check a specific resolution, specify one or more parameters:

  • state registration number of the car. To enter, use the Russian layout;
  • carrier name. Be sure to put quotation marks and, without abbreviation, indicate the legal form of the legal entity, for example, a limited liability company or an open joint-stock company. If you are looking for permits issued to an individual entrepreneur, please indicate his full name. To enter, use the Russian layout;
  • region where the permit was issued: Moscow or Moscow region;
  • registration number of the permit.

You can filter your search results by permit status and the region in which it was issued. To do this, use the arrow icons in the headers of the corresponding columns.

To view and print if necessary detailed information for a specific resolution, click on its number in the first column.

If you want to view the entire register of permits issued for taxi operations in Moscow and the Moscow region, do not specify any of the search parameters and use the page navigator below the table.

3. Checking Permissions

4. What information can you find out using the service?

  • status and validity period of the permit;
  • date and region of issue of the permit;
  • registration number of the permit;
  • state registration number of the car;
  • make, model and year of manufacture of the car;
  • name, INN, OGRN or OGRNIP of the carrier (LE or IP);
  • series and number of the permission form;
  • Date of entry latest changes in permission;
  • information about the suspension and renewal of the permit, termination of the permit, revocation (cancellation) of the permit.

5. What is the fine for transporting passengers and luggage by taxi without permission?

Carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 2,000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens - in the amount of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials;
  • for officials - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials;
  • for legal entities - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials (Part 2 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger cars vehicle used for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers and luggage, by a driver who does not have permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 5,000 rubles (Part 2.1 of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) .

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District


List of registers of licenses/permits issued by Rostransnadzor

Motor transport and road facilities

Water transport

Railway transport

Air Transport

Search for permits

Today, in connection with the existing facts of death from alcohol-containing liquids, the state has strengthened control over the production of alcoholic products, including medicines, and assigned supervisory functions to the FS Rosalkogol Regulation, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The activities of the Service are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2012 No. 723, which imposes obligations on the Subjects of the Federation to provide information on retail licenses to the general Register, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law and other legal acts of the Ministry of Finance. The register of licenses for alcoholic beverages is located in open access and provides complete information about existing issued licenses, suspended and canceled analogues.

Not only enterprises producing alcoholic beverages must have licenses, but also organizations responsible for its storage (these are warehouses) and sales (shops, restaurants, bars). Availability of the document guarantees high quality alcoholic products and eliminates the appearance of counterfeit products. If an unlicensed product is discovered, the organization is subject to penalties and possible criminal liability for management if there are serious violations.

The license is verified in the following cases:

  • Government agencies at the verification stage at the time of issue.
  • In the process of producing and selling alcohol.
  • By the consumer upon request in order to ensure the legality of the actions.

To obtain permission, the company undergoes many checks to ensure the safety of using alcoholic products. Only legal entities, Individual entrepreneurs do not fit into this category.

Regular inspections are carried out by regulatory authorities strictly according to the planned schedule, and an unscheduled raid is possible in case of complaints or some emergency situations, for example, poisoning. Raids are carried out by representatives of Rosalkogolregulirovanie or the police.

How to check products through the Register of Liquor Licenses?

The Registry resource allows you to check:

  • validity period of the organization’s document, including TIN;
  • find out the current state of affairs of the counterparty before concluding an alcohol contract;
  • use the TIN to find out and check the license number.

The search for reliable suppliers is carried out in the following positions:

  • by region and type of activity;
  • according to the TIN of the enterprise;
  • by license number.

On the official portal of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market, you can find out the exact range of products manufactured by a particular enterprise, a complete list of alcohol producers, and even the names of companies that have the right to transport it. An integrated approach to inspections is a guarantee of providing the population with high-quality alcohol.

Important! Since 2017, licenses for retail sales and catering establishments have been issued separately, which is stated in the document.

How to check a license by TIN

The check consists of several stages:

  • Study of the main package of documents provided for obtaining a trade and product release permit.
  • On-site inspections according to the approved schedule.
  • Verification of a license by any citizen using the specified TIN.

Particular attention is paid to checking the information submitted for a license: location of production, area, distance to nearby social facilities, that is, schools, kindergartens, sports grounds, etc.

Certificates and conclusions from Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Fire Safety are required. The presence of quality certificates for the alcohol produced, connection to the Unified State Automated Information System, availability of excise taxes, etc. are also monitored. If at least one of the points is not met, then the license is either not issued or, if available, is cancelled.

For the production of alcohol and its sale without a license or in case of sale with a canceled document, the activity is suspended with the imposition of penalties, which can reach 300 thousand rubles with confiscation of the finished product. When selling products with counterfeit excise stamps, the fine for an individual is up to 5 thousand rubles, and for legal companies it can reach 300 thousand rubles.


Openness of information about alcohol producers and a constantly updated Register database will allow us to avoid mass poisoning of the population and enter into agreements only with reliable counterparties.

Russian government agencies have the authority to license the production and sale of drinks that contain ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and alcohol itself.

A license for the retail trade of such drinks is issued by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In contact with

Register of licenses for alcoholic beverages

State services maintain a consolidated register, which indicates issued, suspended and canceled licenses for the production and sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products.

All information on the retail trade in alcohol is submitted to the Federal Alcohol Regulation Agency by the state authorities of the constituent entities to enter into the register all information about enterprises and organizations that are engaged in the retail trade of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Those who want to make any changes to the information on the retail or wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages should contact the competent authorities directly.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie - official website

Rosalkogolregulirovanie is a federal body that controls the production and sale of alcohol and alcohol.

In addition to supervision, the executive body provides certain services in this area.

This service is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The service carries out all its actions in accordance with the Constitution of Russia and all laws adopted by the Russian government.

The Federal Service regulates the alcohol market through representatives in certain territories. In addition, the powers to control and regulate the sale of alcohol are exercised by organizations that are subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entities, as well as.

All information and proper documentation can be found on the official website of the Rosalkogolregulatory authorities, which was created Federal authorities to simplify operation and licensing applications. The portal allows you to keep records of production and sales, as well as inspections of licensed brands.

Good to know: documents submitted using electronic declaration are signed with a qualified electronic signature.

How to check your alcohol license

Throughout Russia, the sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted only with a sales license.

In order to obtain such permission for this type activities submit a package of documents to the relevant authorities.

Permits for the sale of alcoholic beverages are issued for one to five years. The price of a document permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages also depends on the validity period of the license, after which the license must be renewed.

It is important to know: Before submitting documents for licensing, licensees must provide information about the premises and its area. In addition, the manufacturer or trading organization must have been trading for one year.

You can check your alcohol license without much effort. To do this you need to go to the official website Federal service, which controls the production and sales of alcohol-containing products. This can be done by any consumer who is interested in the activities of a retail outlet or other facility.

In the unified state register you can find out all the information about the person in whose name the license was issued. It contains the address of the enterprise, number, date and time when the document was issued. In addition, the service asks citizens of the Russian Federation to report illegal sales of alcohol to the competent authorities.

Is it possible to find out the number and series of an alcohol license using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

You can find out the number and series of the current license by visiting the official website of the FSRAR, using the TIN of the manufacturer or owner of the outlet.

This is a very convenient feature that you can use without leaving your home.

In conclusion, we should summarize the above. An alcohol license is necessary in order to maintain control over organizations that are involved in the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. Such supervision is carried out to prevent the release of counterfeit products that are harmful and toxic to the human body.

Watch the video explaining how to obtain a liquor license:

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District


List of registers of licenses/permits issued by Rostransnadzor

Motor transport and road facilities

Water transport

Railway transport

Air Transport

Search for permits
