Arrow brush for Photoshop in different directions. Photoshop brush - drawn arrows. How to draw an arrow using the Free Shape tool

Greetings, reader of the Start-Luck blog! In touch Andrey Zenkov is a man who will talk about the intricacies of web design and creating effective images for. Today we will talk about how to draw arrows and refresh your face with makeup using a graphic editor. Intrigued? Then let's continue!

Unfortunately, the urban rhythm of life does not always allow you to find enough time for leisurely actions - including applying makeup. But what about the desire to look impressive and beautiful in photographs?

Let's look at applying makeup in a graphic editor step by step.

Experimenting with the palette

You will no longer have to leave shopping centers fabulous amounts: you can play with different shades of eye shadow on the computer. First, let's find a suitable source for the job.

If desired, you can change the opacity of the shadow layer: this will make them look more natural. I stopped at 75%, but you have the right to experiment by doing unobtrusive or colorful makeup.

Drawing arrows

Drawing arrows evenly and not spoiling the image is not an easy task. Let's try to implement it in Photoshop. Create a new layer using the method you already know and select the Straight Line Lasso tool. We begin to draw the outline for the future arrow, and then use it in the desired color:

Ready! Now our arrows look very natural. The last step is the eyelashes, otherwise the makeup will remain unfinished.

Emphasize the look with mascara

To give your eyelashes expressiveness, it is best to use special brushes. I downloaded the appropriate ones from Photoshop Wizard. By the way, you can also find a free one there set of four mini-courses , which will reveal to you many interesting features and nuances of working with the program.

But let's not deviate from the topic, but download the downloaded set of brushes. To do this, open the panel, click on the triangle and select “Load Brushes”:

We look for the right brush, create a new layer and, by clicking on it, make the eyelashes long and fluffy, like a fashion model:

I decided to add a touch of dark brown on the outer corner of the eye. The white shade is perfect for interior:

We admire the result

As you can see, we applied the makeup step by step. Let's compare the source with the final image:

This completes the lesson of magical transformation. Share useful material with your friends and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. This way you won't miss a single useful lesson. Vkontakte community will tell you about the most important updates on the Start-Luck pages.

Welcome to the site site! Friends, on our website you can find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself, your loved ones and children. We offer a huge range of brushes, frames, styles, shapes, icons and many other additions to your photography.

Frames for Photoshop

Particularly popular are frames for Photoshop, with which you can decorate your photo without any effort. You just need to find a suitable frame, insert your photo, which will serve as a creative decoration for your workplace or family album. Also, you can create a fun room for your baby. A large selection of children's frames will help you with this. Even novice users can master these types of frames.
We draw your attention to frames for wedding photos, for family photos, vignettes, for lovers, “for you”, congratulations, calendars, Easter, February 23, Happy New Year, birthday, Valentine's Day. You can download all these frames from this link

Download templates for Photoshop

It's time to talk about the main section of our site - “Templates for photographs”. First of all, it is popular among girls of different age categories. After all, a girl always strives for charm and beauty. It is in this section, dear girls, that you can be in the image of a stranger in the moonlight or, conversely, a good fairy. All you need to do is follow this link. Let's not forget about our dear men, because our site has prepared for them many interesting templates in which a man will feel himself: a hardworking gardener, a musketeer, a knight, a pilot, a biker, a cowboy, a king, an iron man, a German officer, a race driver, etc. etc. And all this absolutely free, just need to click on the mouse button and .

Dear users, the administration of our site has prepared a surprise for your children: the “Templates for Children” section. Your child will feel like a sweet bunny, a little one, a pirate, a duckling, a spider, a king, an elf, etc. Quickly click the mouse and follow the link and get a lot of fun.
We recommend paying attention to the “Icons” section. We offer a large selection of not only “frames”, but also “icons”. You can use this section for different purposes - from ordinary amateur photography to a large-scale design project. Here you can find a lot of exciting things!

Our website does not stand still, we are constantly developing, filling the site with useful information and, of course, listening to the opinions of users. You can leave all your comments and suggestions in the section “ Feedback".. site administration!

Welcome to the site site! Friends, on our website you can find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself, your loved ones and children. We offer a huge range of brushes, frames, styles, shapes, icons and many other additions to your photography.

Frames for Photoshop

Particularly popular are frames for Photoshop, with which you can decorate your photo without any effort. You just need to find a suitable frame, insert your photo, which will serve as a creative decoration for your workplace or family album. Also, you can create a fun room for your baby. A large selection of children's frames will help you with this. Even novice users can master these types of frames.
We draw your attention to frames for wedding photos, for family photos, vignettes, for lovers, “for you”, congratulations, calendars, Easter, February 23, Happy New Year, birthday, Valentine's Day. You can download all these frames from this link

Download templates for Photoshop

It's time to talk about the main section of our site - “Templates for photographs”. First of all, it is popular among girls of different age categories. After all, a girl always strives for charm and beauty. It is in this section, dear girls, that you can be in the image of a stranger in the moonlight or, conversely, a good fairy. All you need to do is follow this link. Let's not forget about our dear men, because our site has prepared for them many interesting templates in which a man will feel himself: a hardworking gardener, a musketeer, a knight, a pilot, a biker, a cowboy, a king, an iron man, a German officer, a race driver, etc. etc. And all this absolutely free, just need to click on the mouse button and .

Dear users, the administration of our site has prepared a surprise for your children: the “Templates for Children” section. Your child will feel like a sweet bunny, a little one, a pirate, a duckling, a spider, a king, an elf, etc. Quickly click the mouse and follow the link and get a lot of fun.
We recommend paying attention to the “Icons” section. We offer a large selection of not only “frames”, but also “icons”. You can use this section for different purposes - from ordinary amateur photography to a large-scale design project. Here you can find a lot of exciting things!

Our website does not stand still, we are constantly developing, filling the site with useful information and, of course, listening to the opinions of users. You can leave all your comments and suggestions in the “Feedback” section.. site administration!

06.02.2017 28.01.2018

Greetings, dear website visitors!

When working in Photoshop, sometimes you need to draw an arrow on an image to show/highlight or point to an object. Naturally, the Photoshop program provides us with this opportunity. Adobe Photoshop - graphics editor with the widest range of capabilities, allowing you to perform the same task.

As for the arrow, it can also be drawn using different tools and methods - simple and accessible, and more complex. We will show you two easy ways to draw an arrow in Photoshop.

Arrows are usually drawn to point to something in an image, to draw someone's attention to a specific object. With help you can easily add arrows to a photo, any image.

How to draw an arrow in Photoshop using the Line tool

Notes: This method is convenient because you can easily adjust the length of the arrow while adding it with the mouse. But you need to adjust the thickness of the arrow each time before creating it in the settings.

Open in Photoshop ( Ctrl+O) image:

Activate the tool Line (Line Tool). Hotkey calling the tool - U.

Let's go to top panel tool settings and adjust the color, stroke, line thickness, etc. settings.

In our case, the stroke is disabled (0 pixels), and line thickness install 12 pixels. Color red - our arrow will be red.

Click on the “gear” for additional settings:

The following drop-down menu will open, in which you can configure the size and type of the arrow, as well as the location of the arrow (at the beginning or end of the line). The curvature parameter is responsible for the curvature of the arrow tip.

Add a check mark to "at the end" so that the arrow is at the end of the line.

The settings are ready, now you can add an arrow to the image.

Draw an arrow by dragging the mouse from the upper left corner down to the right. The arrow points to the elephant:

How to draw an arrow using the Free Shape tool

Tool Free figure is in the same tool subgroup as the tool Line.

Activate the tool Free figure (Custom Shape Tool):

Go to the top tool settings panel:

Note: Panel settings may differ in different versions of the program. This lesson was recorded in Adobe versions Photoshop 2015.

Advice: To prevent the settings from being applied to an existing arrow, create a new layer. If you do not do this, after changing the color in the settings, the color of the red arrow will change to blue.

Now you need to configure the future arrow. First, change the color to 006ac3(blue):

We have selected a figure, but specifically we need an arrow. Therefore, we load the shapes with arrows:

  1. Click on the list with shapes
  2. Next, click on the gear - these are the tool options
  3. Select from the list - arrows

Shapes have been added to the tool list. Now you can select the desired arrow shape.
