Idiot profile phpbb group. Group management. Default Groups

There are two types of groups: preset and custom.

Preset Groups
These groups are installed by default with phpBB 3.0. These groups cannot be deleted directly because the conference needs them to perform various functions. But you can add new users to these groups, change group attributes (description, color, title, avatar, etc.), and add group leaders. Users who register for the conference are automatically added to the Registered Users group. Do not try to delete them manually through the database, otherwise your conference will no longer work correctly.

This group contains all conference administrators. All users with Founder status are administrators, but not all administrators are founders. This group allows you to control what administrators can do.

This group is intended for search bots. phpBB has features to prevent common problems associated with search bots indexing conference pages. To get more detailed information about bots, their management and configuration, see the “Spiders and Bots” section.

Super moderators
Super moderators are moderators who have moderating rights in each conference forum. You can change the rights of super moderators using this group.

Guests are unregistered conference visitors. You can restrict the rights of guests using this group.

Registered users
Registered users are the main and largest part of the conference. With this group, you can control what registered users can do.

Registered COPPA users
COPPA Registered Users are the same as Registered Users, except they are subject to COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). This law does not apply to users living outside the United States.

User Groups
These groups were created by you or another conference administrator. These groups are similar to the groups in phpBB 2.0. You can create as many of them as you like, delete them, set leaders, and change their attributes (description, color, title, avatar, etc.).

The Manage Groups page in the admin section displays separate lists of preset and custom groups.

Group Attributes

List of attributes that a group can have:

Group name
Group name.

Group Description
The description that appears in the group list.

Show group in legend
This option enables the group to be shown in the legend in the Who's on Conference Now list. Note: this option only makes sense if a group color is specified.

The group can receive private messages
This option allows private messages to be sent to group users. Be aware that allowing this option, for example for the Registered Users group, may not be secure. There is no permission that can prevent user groups from sending private messages, so anyone who can send private messages will be able to send a private message to that group!

Limit of personal messages in each folder
This setting will override the overall message limit for users. A value of 0 means the user default limit will be used. See the user settings section regarding setting up private messages.

Group color
The names of users for whom the custom group is the default group (see the Default Groups section) will appear on conference pages in the color specified here. When you enable the "Show group in legend" option, a legend element with that color will appear below the "Who's in the Conference Now" list.

Group title
Users for whom the custom group is the default group (see the Default Groups section) will have this title below their name. You can change a specific user's title to any other title, which will override the title specified for the group that is their default group. For more information, see the Rank section.

Group avatar
Users for whom the custom group is the default group (see the Default Groups section) will have this avatar. The user himself can change his avatar if he has the ability to do so. necessary rights. For more information about setting up avatars, see the Avatar section.

Default Groups

Since it is now possible to assign attributes, such as colors or group avatars (see section “Group Attributes”), a user can be a member of two or more groups that have different avatars and other attributes. What avatar will be applied to the user?

To overcome this issue, you can assign a user one "default group" and the attributes of that group will be applied to the user. Please note that there is no way to combine and mix attributes of different groups: if one group has a rank but no avatar, and another group only has an avatar, then there is no way to display the avatar from one group and the rank from another.

Important Note
Default groups have no effect on permissions.
Additional rights for the group are not assigned or added by default. Therefore, the user's rights will remain the same, regardless of which default group he belongs to.

There are two ways to change the default group. First, you can do this using user management (see the "User Management" section), or directly from the group management page. Be careful with the second option when changing the default group using the group management page, as this action may change the default group for all its members and overwrite their old default groups. Thus, if you change the default group for the Registered Users group using the "Set as the default group for each participant" link, then all conference participants will have this group as their default group, including administrators and moderators, since they also are members of the Registered Users group.

Important Note
If you assign a default group that has a title and avatar, then the user's old avatar and title will be overwritten by that group's attributes.

In one of the comments to my article, I was asked to tell you how to remove the copyright field of the creators of the phpBB engine: “Created based on phpBB.” Since this information may be useful to other visitors, I decided to write this article about it.

Why remove this field? Many of you may express indignation, saying that removing this field will be regarded as non-compliance with copyright. However, this is not entirely true - phpBB is a free web forum with free source code. Therefore, any changes you make assume that you own the copyright in your specific product. In other words, after creating a forum on this engine, it becomes your intellectual property. The authors of phpBB wrote a mechanism, a tool for creating forums, and not a finished product. In this case, if you remove the copyright notice in the forum footer, this will not be a violation of copyright. On the other hand, if you do leave this inscription, it will be a sign of gratitude and support for the developers, which is definitely good!

So, if you decide to get rid of this inscription, then the first step is to find out where the parameter responsible for displaying copyright information is located. To do this, we need to open any forum page where the forum is visible in one of the browsers that support the function of viewing page code (Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.), and by right-clicking on the inscription itself, select the option from the drop-down menu code review (Inspect element).

After opening the code inspector, we can see that the block we are interested in is called " copyright". It is there that changes need to be made in order to edit, hide or delete information.

The second step is to find the file that contains the “copyright” block. Since we do not know the name of the file, searching manually will take a very long time. Therefore, we will use a convenient function - search by content, which is available in my favorite file manager - Total Commander, hereinafter referred to as TC (there are other ways to search by content, but they will not be discussed in this article). In the file manager, open the folder in which the forum is installed on local server or on your hoster's FTP server. To make searching easier, we will immediately open the folder in which the files of the default style are stored. Next, select search for files in the menu “ Teams"or just click Alt+F7. In the search window that appears, we ignore the “ Search files“, since the name of the file is unknown to us. In field " Search location"The path to the folder with the installed forum engine must be specified; by default, the TS picks up the path automatically if the search window was called from the active part where you view the contents of folders. Next, put a checkmark next to the “ With text" and enter "copyright" into the search bar, after which we safely press the button " To start searching" and wait for the results to be displayed.

The search gave us several files, in theory there should be 5 of them, in which the name of the copyright block is mentioned. From all the output files we clearly see that we are interested in the file called “ overall_footer.html"since the block is located in the footer of the page, and the word overall suggests that this file stores global settings, that is, for the entire forum. Now we have 2 options for how to edit the file we need - through the built-in phpBB template editor or using a third-party editor. First we will look at the editing option through the native phpBB interface.
We need to go " Administration Center" and go to the tab " Styles". In the style management section, we look at which style is installed by default, this is indicated by an asterisk after the style name. In the example, only one basic style is installed - prosilve, but you can have several of them.

Next, in the section for managing style components, we go to the subsection “ Templates" and select the item " Change" next to our active topic.

Now we need to select from the drop-down list the file we are interested in called “ overall_footer.html»

In the editing area that appears, we go to the very bottom of the page and find the line:
