iPhone 4 how to open the back cover. How to open iPhone to install SIM card. From simple to complex

How to open an iPhone is a scary question and the consequences of this action are completely unpredictable. Therefore, before you despair of taking this dangerous step, you should think carefully. After all, opening this device, even just removing it back cover iPhone is no longer an easy task. There are a lot of cables and fragile parts that are very easy to damage. Then you can only crack nuts with a smartphone, and only if it is in an aluminum case.

But if you still really want to practice this - and there can be no other reasons, because an ignorant person, even after disassembling the case and taking out all the guts, will still not carry out high-quality repairs. After all, even a simple replacement of the iPhone case or changing the charging connector requires certain skills. And explaining to experienced craftsmen here how to disassemble an iPhone is a stupid task. But for those who are simply curious, the instructions will be useful, because after looking at the features of disassembly, they may abandon the short-sighted idea.

So, how to disassemble an iPhone? If you look at similar requests online, you will see similar gems - “How to disassemble an iPhone without a screwdriver.” Yes, it’s very simple - after a good hit against the wall, it will open on its own, without any problems. And for all other more adequate options you will need a whole set of tools.

No, in principle, replacing the case on an iPhone allows the use of a minimal kit, but this is much more dangerous than when using professional kits.


  • Screwdriver Set. Yes, it is not advisable to take one - after all, on different iPhones, the fastenings (bolts) are different, and even in one model there are at least a couple of them. Therefore, it is advisable to stock up on a set containing different attachments;
  • iStick is a special device for safely opening the back cover of an iPhone without damaging anything. If this is not the case, in principle, it’s not scary - you can get by with a suction cup or double-sided tape. In fact, in many videos this is simply done carefully by hand;
  • Hairdryer – some elements are glued to the iPhone body, so it’s better to warm them up before removing them;
  • Plastic “spatula” - to easily and safely pick up parts, in particular the same body. There are professional “hooks”, but it is acceptable to simply use a plastic object suitable for this purpose;
  • Tweezers - it is advisable to use special ones with curved ends. It is much more convenient;
  • There are paperclips made specifically for repairing smartphones, but a paperclip, after all, is strong;
  • Antistatic gloves are an optional element, but not superfluous. Why - it will be clear from the instructions for disassembling the iPhone;
  • Magnetic mat - so that the bolts do not get lost. Many have markings, so it would be good to choose one that matches your model.


So, if the whole kit is assembled, then you can proceed to the most important thing. Here is an algorithm for removing parts from an iPhone 7. The model appeared recently and many are interested in the features of its design. And although there are no big differences from the sixth model, new nuances have appeared.

Now, the main thing is in order - 12 steps.

1 Before disassembling the device, you need to make sure that it is turned off and only then proceed with any actions. The SIM card also needs to be removed immediately. Here you will need a paperclip to press the eject button. 2 Important! Before opening the cover and touching the internal elements of the device, you must ground yourself by touching any metal surface, otherwise you can damage the sensitive elements with a static charge. Antistatic gloves were recommended for the same purpose. 3 The disassembly process itself begins by unscrewing two bolts at the bottom of the smartphone. And although the 3.5 mm jack is no longer there, the bolts remain (out of habit). You will need a Pentalobe screwdriver for the bolts. It will not be difficult to select a nozzle from the set. It is better to immediately place all fasteners on a magnetic mat. 4 Now you can carefully remove the back cover - this is a very important moment. After all, you can easily damage the cables (display, battery and camera). How to open the iPhone cover without ruining anything? Attention! On iPhone 7, the back cover opens from left to right and nothing else. 5 To open it, you may need to slightly heat the seam with a hairdryer - after all, it is glued with a special waterproof compound. After this, the joint is picked up slightly in a circle (without touching the right side!) with a plastic “spatula”. Not metal - otherwise you can slightly “bump” the body. As soon as the lid comes off slightly, it opens using the iStick device, a suction cup, or carefully with your hands. Do everything slowly! The main thing when figuring out how to open the back cover is not to kill the iPhone by opening it. 6 It’s clear how to remove the cover from an iPhone; now you need to remove the metal plates that press the connectors of the cables. There are triple screws, so we immediately talked about having a whole set of attachments. 7 After all the cables are released and disconnected, the battery can be removed. It is glued, so you will have to heat it up, as is the case with the body. 8 Next, the charging connector is released and the antenna cables and Wi-Fi bar antenna are removed. 9 Afterwards it is removed motherboard and speakers. Everything is extremely neat. 10 Now all that remains is to remove the cable connecting the speakers, microphone and Lightning port. As well as a plastic tray for a SIM card. 11 The main disassembly is complete. Next up is the display. Before this, the speaker for calls and the cable are removed front camera, Home button and a screen shield plate. Somewhere glue is used, somewhere bolts are used. The main thing is not to rush. 12 That's it, now you just remove the button for switching sound profiles and you can disconnect the display itself.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. It is recommended to glue the body joint again with a special compound. If everything was done correctly and nothing was damaged, the smartphone will work.


From all this, it is clear that replacing the iPhone case and other related procedures is not that simple. After all, there are many subtleties that cannot be taken into account in one instruction.

Moreover, sleight of hand and natural accuracy cannot be obtained by reading an article. Therefore, if you want to disassemble something, it is better to practice on less expensive devices. Moreover, a disassembled device like this will lose all warranties.

The popular and respected company Apple produces iPhone 4 smartphones, which are fragile things, and sometimes require replacement of the back cover. Or you just need to open it to install a SIM card. This raises the question of how to open iPhone 4 without damaging the device. To which we will give an answer.

How to open iPhone 4: details

First of all, we turn off the smartphone by pressing the power button, in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences from disassembling the device in an active state. The device has a complex electronic device, so anything is possible. There is a switch button on the side of the case; we set it to silent mode. This must be done so that you can remove the cover of the smartphone. At this point, the stage of preparing the iPhone 4 smartphone for the operation of separating the base ends. Next we move on to the next repair step.

Note. Do not forget to wash your hands, as during the process of removing the cover and after it, when replacing the battery or SIM card, dirt may get on the internal elements of the smartphone, which can subsequently cause problems. Let's not dwell on them.

How to open iPhone 4: open the cover, unscrew the screws

The operation must be performed on the table. There are special screws on the case for fastening the cover. To disassemble the device, you need to unscrew them. If we talk about how to open an iPhone 4 with a key, we note that you need to act very carefully. Using moderate effort. This is necessary to avoid stripping the threads on the screws and flattening the heads. Before us is the most difficult and most important stage of the operation, requiring the greatest concentration and concentration. The hardest part is over. Next, we continue to inform you how to open the iPhone 4: lift the lid up and take the smartphone from the table in both hands. We put two on the body. The camera should be in the direction of your fingers. To finally understand how to open the iPhone 4, very carefully press the lid a little and move it forward. This movement must be performed until it clicks. The sound means that the clamps located inside the case are disconnected. Next, you need to carefully place the smartphone on the table and proceed to the next stage of the operation.

Final stage

The modern electronic device Iphone-4, developed by specialists from the Californian brand Apple, is a fairly well-thought-out device. Along with the software and technical complexity of the implemented solutions, the ingenious assembly determines the practical inaccessibility of the gadget components located in the inside of the case. The question of how to remove the cover from an iPhone 4 is a kind of mystery for some users, since the process of dismantling the back of the panel involves the use of a special tool and requires knowledge of the design features of the case.

Threat to "presentability"

Due to intensive use of the mobile phone appearance he loses his “authority”. Most often, the rear panel suffers. Abrasion and mechanical damage tend to aggravate visual perception, as a result of which a completely logical question arises about how to remove the cover from the iPhone 4. Precisely in order to replace it and return its former beauty to the much-loved tempter of user hearts and connoisseurs of the “Apple” brand.

From simple to complex

Before you begin the actual disassembly, you need to have some tools. In particular, you will need an Apple screwdriver in the shape of a star and a new copy of the case, or rather the back of it. That’s probably all that will help you understand in practice how to remove the cover from an iPhone 4 and install a new one. It is worth mentioning that the body of the device is made of high-strength glass, which cannot guarantee 100% protection against careless actions. At the same time, the glass has fixing structural elements, which at the time of installation must be positioned along the guides, because if one of the locks is damaged, the appearance of gaps on the body is inevitable. So be careful.

How to remove the cover

  • "iPhone-4" is equipped with two fixing bolts with a star profile, which are located at the bottom end mobile device. They need to be unscrewed.
  • Then slide the cover and pry it up.
  • Install a new panel.

Agree, replacing the back cover of an iPhone 4 is a fairly simple process when dismantling is carried out using a special tool, otherwise a situation is inevitable when the user removes the bolt profile slots and further actions disassemblies become difficult to implement. It is advisable to purchase this screwdriver, and you can buy it in a special store that sells equipment and components for mobile phones. Ordering online is also quite feasible.


Now your knowledge of how to remove the cover from the iPhone 4 frees you from the sometimes obligatory visit to the service center in order to replace back panel. At the same time, the color palette reverse side you can change the housing whenever you want. It should be noted that it is easiest to disassemble and install new smartphones iPhone generations. The simplicity and ideal layout of the components makes it possible to quickly resolve various issues related to operational issues.

Distinctive feature iPhone is impossible to disassemble the phone yourself. Even during the presentation of the first Apple gadget, manufacturers assured that opening the back cover of a smartphone at home is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. Besides, self disassembly the device leads to loss of warranty, so if any problems arise, the service center may refuse to service the phone. However, if you decide to open the iPhone yourself, you should follow certain instructions presented below.

Features of smartphone maintenance

To prepare your iPhone for installing a SIM card, you must first open the cover of the smartphone. This process is much more complicated than with any other smartphones. As they say, as perfect as iPhone phones are on the outside, they are also inconvenient to maintain on the inside.

In reality, opening the cover of a smartphone yourself is not as difficult as it seems. But the fact that disassembling the device requires a certain preparation and a set of tools already says a lot.

Disassembling the smartphone

Before opening the cover of your iPhone, you need to prepare a special place to work. This is due to the fact that the inside of the smartphone is quite fragile and delicate. There should be no wet or damp places nearby, since dirt, moisture or dust should not get into the iPhone switch. It is best to place thick white cardboard, such as Whatman paper, on the table, which will allow you not to lose the smallest details.

To open the lid at the bottom smartphone Iphone You need to unscrew the two screws that are located on the sides of the Lightning connector.

After this, you should smoothly move the back panel up until you hear a characteristic click.

If you need to install in Iphone sim card, then you need to insert it into a special connector. It is worth noting that only cropped SIM cards can be installed in iPhone smartphones, so purchase such a SIM card in advance or visit a point where the card trimming procedure is carried out.

If you need to remove the battery, it is recommended to do this using a small plastic spatula so as not to damage the device.

After the SIM card has been installed or other measures have been taken, you can replace the panel and put the cover back. The process, naturally, takes place in reverse order, with the screws being tightened at the last stage. After this, you can continue to use your smartphone.

How to remove the cover from an iPhone?

The most popular smartphone among all existing today, the iPhone, is known for its good quality. The Apple company monitors its reputation and does not even repair broken iPhones under warranty, but replaces them with new ones. But even despite this, sometimes situations arise when we need to disassemble an iPhone at home. Therefore, next we will consider how to remove the cover from the iPhone so as not to damage it.

How to remove the cover from an iPhone: instructions

In order to remove the back cover from any iPhone, you will need an original five-point and Phillips screwdriver, tweezers, and to remove the cover from the iPhone 5, you will also need a vacuum suction cup. If you are determined to disassemble your smartphone at home, carefully study the instructions presented below and strictly follow their instructions.

How to remove the back cover from iPhone 4

To remove the back cover from this iPhone model, you first need to put it in silent mode.

  1. Then unscrew the screws that are located at the bottom of the phone.
  2. After that, place your thumbs on the phone cover at the edges and approximately in the middle and gently push it forward.
  3. Then carefully remove the cover of the smartphone.

That's all.

How to remove the back cover from iPhone 5

Before removing the back cover of this smartphone model, you need to remove the SIM card tray. Otherwise, you will most likely damage your iPhone.

  1. Then remove the screws holding the cover in place.
  2. Using a special suction cup that is attached to the bottom of the smartphone, slowly remove the bottom of the module.
  3. Try not to touch its upper part, since this is where important cables are located.
  4. To permanently remove the back cover, carefully insert a thin plastic card under the display and separate it from the back cover.

The goal has been achieved.

Before carrying out such manipulations with your iPhone, carefully assess all the risks. Even though it is quite simple to remove the back cover of an iPhone, it may be better to entrust this task to a specialist at a service center. After all, in the end, all responsibility for the future fate of your iPhone will fall on you.

If you want to learn more about how to disassemble an iPhone, read our articles.
