Where is the SIM card inserted into the third iPhone? How to insert a SIM card into an iPhone. For those who just bought an iPhone. Inserting a SIM card into the iPhone

Is it difficult to understand the iPhone?

From the point of view of the complexity of its iPhone devices It may well claim to be one of the most accessible and intuitive devices - even a child can understand it. However, when working with it, many people have the same question: how to insert it into the iPhone? To cope with this seemingly difficult task, you need to carefully study the delivery package of this device.

To insert a SIM card into an iPhone, you will need a special paperclip

In simple mobile phones, the SIM is inserted into the iPhone using a special paperclip, which can be found in its box. Outwardly, it resembles the most ordinary paper clip and is made of a special flexible wire. Before inserting a SIM card into your iPhone, you must turn it off. This can be done by pressing the on/off button of the device and holding it for 3-4 seconds. Immediately after this iPhone screen The message Slide to power off will appear. Just swipe your index finger over it and it will turn off immediately. Now you can insert a SIM card into it.

Insert SIM card on iPhone you can effortlessly

Then remove the special paper clip from the box. Insert one end of it into the hole in the SIM card slot and press it slightly. Remember to press lightly and very carefully, otherwise you may damage your iPhone. Once pressed, the slot should slide out automatically.

Then take the SIM card and carefully insert it into the slot. Push it back in and turn on your iPhone. This completes the entire procedure.

Worldwide popular iPhone smartphones The 5s and its other variants are incredibly easy to use. Every original iPhone is different high quality, a huge number of possibilities and a variety of functions. Despite this, the happy owners of iPhones who picked it up for the first time and are preparing to use it are confused by the very first question, namely “How to correctly insert a SIM card into your new iPhone?. In fact, this operation does not involve anything complicated; you just need to perform some steps sequentially. Which ones exactly? We will talk about this further.

Preparing to use your smartphone for the first time

To insert a SIM card into new iPhone 5s or some other model, the subscriber must first prepare the phone for first use:

  1. First of all, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the iPhone is not locked due to a change mobile operator. A huge number of iPhones are blocked to a specific operator mobile communications. If you want to switch to another operator cellular communication, you will need to unlock the SIM slot in your own iPhone.
  2. There are a significant number of iPhones that have absolutely no locking whatsoever.
  3. If the iPhone is still blocked to a certain network, it needs to be unlocked.

We select a SIM card and insert it into the phone

To successfully insert your SIM card into the new iPhone 5s or its other configurations, the subscriber must clearly and consistently follow the following steps:

If you follow the described steps very carefully, clearly and consistently, the operation considered will end in success, and you will immediately be able to use your brand new smartphone.

Finally, the treasured white box with the long-awaited iPhone 6 is in your hands. All that's left to do is set it up and use it for your own pleasure. It is clear that first of all you need to insert a SIM card.

What card is in the “sixes”?

You ask, “What kind of SIM card should be in the iPhone 6?” In the “sixes”, as well as in their predecessor, the iPhone 5 series, instead of a regular card, they use nano-sim, developed with the support of Apple, and launched in 2012. They differ, first of all, in size - nano is much more compact and thinner than the standard one. It has parameters of 12.3 × 8.8 × 0.67 mm. In all other respects, the principles of their operation are identical, there are simply no plastic rims around the metal carrier with the chip, and the security parameters are slightly improved.

It is best, of course, to insert the original nano-SIM into the iPhone; it looks like this.


The cost of replacing a standard SIM card with a nano, in the same MTS, for example, costs a lot - 24,300 rubles.

Therefore, many people prefer to cut it to the desired format themselves. This will take literally a few minutes, and does not require any special skills or equipment - the entire procedure is performed with ordinary kitchen scissors.

This is what “modifications” look like, which you can do on your own - just trim the edges. For “sixes” the one on the far right is suitable.

Many service companies offer to quickly and efficiently “adjust the nano-size” to the sixth iPhone for little money.

If you decide to cut it yourself, do not forget to first mark the characteristic beveled corner - you can put a dot on the reverse plastic side with a marker. We also recommend making something like a pattern - for the nano-sim parameters indicated above. This will make cutting it out much easier and less likely to make a mistake.

But here is an original solution from K. Ropp, which helps to quickly cope with the task.

Simply select the desired size and make markings along the intersection lines. The fit is almost perfect this way. And the likelihood of damaging important elements of the chip is minimized.

It’s better to cut with a small allowance, and then sand off any excess with sandpaper. Even if you go a little onto the metal surface, it’s okay. Usually the chip is placed in the center and will not be damaged.

After trimming and grinding the ends, remove a little thickness from the reverse plastic socket, since the factory SIM card, and therefore the slot for it in the iPhone, is 0.09 mm thinner - that’s what needs to be removed. If you do not do this, you will then not be able to open the port and remove the stuck card. We recommend inserting it into the tray from time to time and adjusting it so that it does not protrude above its metal side, and it can then be pulled out. After that, thoroughly wipe it from dust and that’s it - the nano-sim can be used.

How to install it?

So, the card is ready - all that remains is to install it. Schematically, you can remove the nano-socket like this.

In order to open the receiving tray you will need a special needle included in the kit.

With its help, you can safely remove the tray from the iPhone into which you need to insert a SIM card. However, many do not find it in the package, but it is there, it’s just not immediately visible.

All you need to do is take out the instructions and pull them out of the paper holder in the center.

So, in order to open the nano-card tray, you need to insert a pin into the hole located on the side, on the right side of the iPhone display, and press firmly.

After a slight click, the outer plug will move slightly away from the body and can be easily removed.

If the original iPhone needle is lost, the same thing can be done using a regular paperclip (needles with sharp edges cannot be used).


Regarding the SIM card, there are several important points.

2.If you plan to trim an existing one yourself, follow the manipulations we described. It must “sit” tightly in the tray, otherwise, at a minimum, you will have problems with communication, and in the worst case, the port will be damaged.

3. Very carefully go around the places with metal contacts, do not forget to “scrape off” the excess thickness only on the side where the plastic is. Walking on metal will probably ruin your SIM card.

4. Please be aware that older cards may no longer work after being trimmed.

Articles and Lifehacks

If we purchased a smartphone from Apple, we will not need to remove the back cover and battery at all in order to install the SIM card.

Our article today will tell you how to insert a SIM card into an iPhone 6, as well as the features of its format in the new generation of Apple mobile devices.

How to cut a SIM card

  • It is well known that Apple has already patented a system for automatically ejecting the SIM card tray, but it has not been implemented in the new smartphone.
  • The user is still asked to use a special paperclip included in the package (which is not always convenient, given that you need to carry it with you).
  • However, for security reasons, it is allowed to set the SIM card to be removed only after passing special procedure identification (for example, by fingerprint read by a fingerprint scanner).
  • Let's start with the fact that the iPhone 6 supports a nano-SIM SIM card (like the iPhone 5). You can make it from the most ordinary SIM card, cutting it to the required size. It measures 12.3 x 8.8 millimeters and is 0.67 millimeters thick.
  • For cutting yourself, you will need scissors, a stencil, a compass and sandpaper. In this case, it is very important to strictly adhere to the established dimensions, otherwise you can damage the SIM card.
  • Sandpaper will help remove the thickness, and scissors will help trim off excess edges. In addition, you can purchase a special machine for cutting SIM cards (you can easily order it online).
  • Let us add that if we are afraid of damaging the SIM card, then it is better to take it to any nearest communication store, where specialists will help to cut it.

Insert the SIM card into the device

  1. The device has a special tray for installing a SIM card. It is located at the end of the smartphone on the right side. To pry it off and open it, we need a paper clip that comes with the device.
  2. Instead, you can use a paper clip or other handy tool.
  3. Once we have removed the tray, we place the SIM card there and carefully push the tray back. A slight click should be heard at the end.
  4. After we install the SIM card, we can move on to initial setup mobile device. Let’s add that before installing the SIM card, you don’t need to turn off the iPhone like other devices.


Today, Apple smartphones are a design standard, which at the time of release use non-standard and, often, innovative technical solutions. This applies not only to the complex electronic content of the devices, but also to the developers’ approach to more prosaic nuances, for example, installing a SIM card. From this article you will learn how to insert a SIM card into an iPhone, what are the features of installing and using SIM cards in iPhones of all generations, from the classic iPhone to the modern 5s.

SIM card installation process

In the majority cell phones The SIM card slot is located underneath back cover and battery. But for the iPhone, such a solution turned out to be unacceptable, because all Apple smartphones have a non-separable case. In this regard, the developers of Apple smartphones had to take a different approach.

In the first generation iPhones, in particular the original iPhone, 3G and 3GS, the SIM card slot is located on the top end, next to the power button.

A special tray is inserted into the connector, into which the SIM card is installed. To remove the tray, you will need a special tool that comes with the device.

However, if you don’t have one at hand, any other thin object will do. Just do not use sharp objects such as needles to remove the SIM card from the iPhone, otherwise you risk breaking the tray latch. Next, simply insert the SIM card into the tray and insert it back.

Features of installing a SIM card in iPhone 4, 4s

The process of installing a SIM card for version 4 of the iPhone has several differences. Firstly, the SIM card tray connector has moved to the right side of the device. This also applies to iPhone 5 and 5s. And if the changed location of the iPhone 4 connector does not cause any problems, then the second nuance may unpleasantly surprise an uninformed user. The fact is that version 4 of the Apple smartphone, like 4s, only supports the installation of micro-SIM cards.

But don’t despair, because there are several ways to modify an existing SIM card to be compatible with the iPhone 4. First, you can trim off the excess plastic of your SIM card using improvised means, using the tray as a template. Be careful when cutting your SIM card, because it is quite easy to damage the contacts.

Secondly, you can purchase a special tool that resembles a stapler, designed for cutting SIM cards. But the most reliable way is to contact your operator with a request to replace your mini-SIM card with one suitable for your iPhone 4. Usually this service is provided free of charge and without delay. In addition, this approach ensures that there are no problems in the further operation of the device.

Features of installing a SIM card in iPhone 5, 5s and 5c

The release of version 5 of Apple's smartphone marked the next round of evolution not only for iPhones, but also for SIM cards. This time the developers decided to use a format called nano-SIM. Newest iPhone versions 5s and 5c also only work with this SIM card format. The new type of SIM card has practically lost the plastic around the chip and has also become a little thinner.

Unfortunately, attempts to cut your mini- or micro-SIM SIM card to ensure compatibility with the iPhone 5 or 5s are doomed to failure. At first, after the release of the iPhone 5, there was a shortage of SIM cards of the new format, and the option of obtaining a new SIM card from the operator was not feasible. However, this is no longer relevant. Today, all major cellular operators sell SIM cards suitable for iPhone 5 and 5s.


Apple sets the pace for the cell phone industry by being the first to implement the latest standards in its devices. And despite the fact that immediately after the release of new models there is often a shortage of new components and accessories for Apple smartphones, over time the solutions used in them often become the standard for the industry as a whole.
