How to make a wireless charger with your own hands. DIY wireless charging. About the operation of the wireless charger

Mobile devices have long become an integral part of the life of modern man. But for them to work, you must constantly use the power supply to replenish the battery life. The cord often becomes a hindrance when using the gadget during charging. To effectively solve this problem, is it enough to find out how to make wireless charging with your own hands?

About the operation of the wireless charger

Wireless charging is not an innovation. They are created based on technology developed many years ago by engineer Nikola Tesla. The latter found a way to transmit energy over a distance. This was achieved thanks to magnetic induction. The discoverer of the technology was able to provide electricity to an entire state in this way.

In gadgets, the technique is used like this. The coil built into the charger plays the role of creator and conductor of the magnetic field, which is directed to the device’s antenna. The receiving circuit is a flat spiral coil located under the cover of the mobile phone. The emission of electromagnetic pulses is activated only after the receiver comes within the range of the transmitter. Through capacitors and a rectifier, the gadget’s battery is affected.

About the disadvantages of a wireless charging system

Experts have found that such a convenient device at first glance has some significant drawbacks. These include:

  • lack of data regarding the degree of negative impact of high-frequency pulses on the human body;
  • low level of energy transmission efficiency;
  • increasing the time to fully restore the battery charge by at least two hours;
  • the risk of reducing the working capacity of the battery arising from connection to the charger before the battery is completely zeroed;
  • If you assemble the device incorrectly or use unsuitable components for wireless charging, the battery may overheat, which can lead to rapid wear.

A simple technology for modifying a push-button mobile phone

To improve your mobile phone, you need to perform a number of simple steps. After updating the gadget, problems such as failure of the charging socket, tangled wires, etc., will become insignificant.

To implement wireless charging, you will need a couple of meters of thin copper wire. The conductor must be wound into a coil. The optimal number of turns is 15 pcs. It is advisable to secure the spiral with glue or double-sided tape to maintain its shape. In this case, a few centimeters of wire are left for soldering the contacts. To connect to the charger socket, a pulse diode and a capacitor are used, attached to different ends.

In order to create a wireless charging transmission circuit, turns of 1.5 cm in size are formed. The diameter of the coil after twisting should be 10 cm. Both ends should be free. The rest of the structure is held together using electrical tape or adhesive tape.

Next, 30 turns of thinner copper conductor are wound for the transmitter. A transistor and a capacitor are used to close the circuit. By placing the device equipped under the receiver cover in the area of ​​the transmitting ring with the display facing up, you can achieve wireless charging of the phone.

Features of universal charging

This universal device will become indispensable in any home. Today, almost every user has a whole arsenal of mobile technology: laptops, tablets, e-books, cameras. Using personal charging for each of them is extremely inconvenient and impractical.

Leading equipment manufacturers helped solve this problem. Some time ago they agreed to equip devices with chargers that have a single standard. Equipment that supports this function is marked with the Qi symbol. It is likely that similar technologies will soon appear in public institutions - restaurants, cafes, libraries, etc. It is worth noting that the largest “apple” brand was not included in the association of manufacturers. Later, the developers of this company released their own iQi Wireless Charger charger.

If you are interested in assembling a homemade charger, you should watch the video with the master class. Here the developers cut the USB cable into three parts, removing the middle part. The remaining fragments were used to attach the induction coil. To strengthen the field of influence, a magnet was placed on the power supply. This experiment showed that the coverage area here is 15 m.

Why might you need wireless charging?

We are all tired of piles of extension cords and wires that get tangled with each other, gather dust and get lost.

Extension cords fray and stop charging. Or the problem may be in the smartphone socket. One way or another, wireless charging can make life much easier.

True, it still cannot be called completely wireless. The device itself will still have to be connected to a source of electricity. But you can simply put the phone on the charger and go about your business with a clear conscience.

The cost of such devices may vary. There are more expensive and cheaper charging cables for phones that we are used to. However, some enthusiasts are trying to do wireless charging themselves. There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps someone prefers to make do with minimal funds. Or maybe the passion for creating something with your own hands plays a role here. We wrote about this above.

There are situations when a mobile gadget is almost turned off, but there is no native charger at hand or there is no electricity. Then some knowledge will help solve this problem: a new invention is wireless charging, you can make it yourself. It is easy to use, even if there is no car charger nearby.

The answer to this question is yes. Anyone who has a basic understanding of the properties of wires and current can make it. Before you build such a structure with your own hands, you need to make sure that you have all the materials - a diode and copper wire. Any plastic box, for example, a CD disc, can serve as a housing. You will also need transistors (bipolar or any other), preferably field-effect ones - they will make charging the battery faster. All other tools are in each apartment, including glue and scissors.

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How wireless charging works

The operating principle of this type of charging is based on induction, the property of the coil to transmit electricity upon contact with the receiver. When connected to any power source, the device becomes a source of perpendicular magnetic field. If you place two coils close to each other, one of them is connected to any power source, the second will receive a voltage of a certain strength and energy for a mobile phone. This effect is possible if these two coils do not touch each other in any way. DIY wireless charging is a reality.

How to charge your phone

Almost anyone can make a portable wireless charger with their own hands, following the instructions. The whole process consists of two parts: making the transmitter (inner part) and the receiver (outer part). The first of them is separate, while the second is installed in the phone. The convenience of this solution is that you can always take the charger with you.

Transmitter device:

  1. It is necessary to prepare in advance a frame with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm. Wind about 40 turns of wire around it (exclusively copper, the diameter of which is 0.5 mm), not forgetting to make a tap in the middle after 20 circles. To do this, twist the wire, make a tap and continue winding.
  2. Connect a transistor of absolutely any value to the end of the coil and to the tap. If a direct conduction device is used, the polarity must be changed when connecting.
  3. Install in a plastic disc box or any other. Close.
  4. The device that transmits electricity is ready.

Receiver device:

  1. Unlike the transmitter, it has a flat appearance. It consists of 25 turns, and the wire needs to be taken a little thinner, in the range of 0.3-0.4 mm. Gradually the receiver needs to be strengthened with superglue.
  2. Separate the contour from the plastic base on which it was wound, using a knife.
  3. Connect it through a diode (high-frequency silicon is best) and attach it to the battery on top. A capacitor is used to stabilize the voltage.
  4. Connect to the charging connector. In some cases, this can be done directly with the battery, but the battery full sensor will not work.
  5. Close back cover mobile phone The receiving device is ready.

To use the charger, you simply need to place your mobile phone on top of the transmitter. In this case, you need to monitor the sensor on the smartphone screen. There is another circuit for this device using a voltage amplifier and a resistor. Such DIY wireless charging can also revive a mobile phone without electricity, but it is recommended to be used only by experienced craftsmen.

Disadvantages of using the device

At first glance, it may seem that a DIY phone charger is... perfect option, and you shouldn’t spend money on expensive store-bought analogues. Homemade charging has some disadvantages, for example, the process takes much longer because the power is low. This minus is not the worst, but there is always a risk of mixing up the polarity of the transistor. In the best case, the mobile phone simply will not charge; in the worst case, it will deteriorate: overheating may occur, and the device made by yourself will fail.

Video: how to make wireless charging for your phone

Do-it-yourself wireless charging - high technology news on the site"

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We will tell you how to make a wireless charger for your phone with your own hands or buy a ready-made one.

The transmitting circuit has two half-windings, which are connected to the middle point.
The middle point goes through the inductor to the power supply plus. Limiting resistors that go to the bases of the transistors are also connected to the power supply plus. The diode goes from the base of one transistor to the collector of the opposite transistor. The same with the second diode.

The collector goes to the ends of the winding. For DIY construction there is an option without a midpoint. To do this, you need to take two chokes, parallel one of the terminals of each inductor and connect it to the power supply positive. Disconnect the free leads to the collectors of each transistor. You can assemble this option with your own hands, but the elements will get very hot.

Power depends on the elements used. A device made according to this scheme can be made both weaker and stronger. Using this scheme, you can construct a 2-amp wireless charger with your own hands.

Making your own reel

First, let's wind the outline with our own hands. It doesn't have to be very neat. You can use a piece of plastic with a diameter of 5-10 cm or your fingers.

We take one long wire. Fold it in half. Straighten it.

We wrap 5 turns on fingers or plastic.

Now we secure the coils themselves around the entire circumference with glue or tape.

We are left with three tips. One with a fold. Cut off this fold. Now we have 4 tips. We clean them.

We will need to connect either the end of the first winding to the beginning of the second, or the beginning of the first winding to the end of the second. To check what is connected to what, we use a multimeter.

Set the multimeter to diode test mode. We connect the multimeter to each tip at both ends simultaneously. We see that when connected to some ends the multimeter reacts, but when connected to others it does not. These tips should be on different sides. We must twist them together and solder them. This is the middle point. The remaining tips are two collector windings that go to the transistors. Now we are ready to assemble the charger ourselves.

Putting it all together with our own hands

To assemble the device with your own hands, we take solder, a soldering iron and a circuit board. First we solder two transistors.

After this we solder the diodes.

They have resistors. One tip goes to the diodes, the other to the board.

Now we solder the circuit with our own hands. We wound it up earlier. Now you need to tin its two windings and connect them to the circuit.


As a rule, people don’t dare to make a wireless charging receiver with their own hands, since here you already need to get into the phone. A rather crude separate receiver can be made with your own hands just to check if the transmitter works. In a DIY receiver, it is advisable to use a UF diode as well.

Capacitor with a capacity of 47-100 µF. Operating voltage - 25 volts. The second capacitor can be used for 10-16 Volts. Capacity - 47 µF. The circuit of the receiver, made by hand, is also 10 turns. Wire diameter - 0.75 mm.

It is more difficult to understand the written instructions than to follow the actions shown. We have attached a video on how to make a wireless phone charger with your own hands.

Review of ready-made devices for those who do not want to assemble them with their own hands

Making your own phone charger is not that difficult, but few people will want to mess with it. It’s much easier to buy it than to design it yourself if you have the opportunity and don’t have a particular desire to make something. For that category of users who did not want to build everything with their own hands, we offer an overview of popular wireless chargers.

RAVPower Wireless Charging Pad
The battery of this device has a capacity of 5000 mAh, thanks to which it can simultaneously charge two smartphones. But they must support the Qi standard.

Anker Wireless Charger PowerPort Qi Wireless Charging Pad
It has a temperature sensor to monitor overheating, overcharge protection. When this charger is not in use, it enters sleep mode. Costs about $17.

Woodpuck FAST Edition Bamboo Qi Wireless Charging Pad
This charger is more powerful and more stylish. It is made of bamboo, which in itself is a big advantage. At the same time, it charges the phone 40% faster. Price about $40.

Samsung Fast Charge Qi Wireless Charging Pad
This option has support fast charging, but it also costs about $50. Naturally, this is the best option for the same smartphones and tablets from Samsung, if you want to spend less on charging more than an hour.

Tylt Vü
What makes this wireless phone charger different from the rest is its unusual shape, which causes the phone to charge in an unusual position. It looks like a regular stand. The phone or tablet is placed on it in a semi-tilt, so it becomes much more convenient to use them while charging.

Nokia DT-903
The Nokia phone charger has a backlight that changes color to match the case. Especially for the native Nokia Lumia, a missed call and SMS indicator is built-in.


The previous advantage is used to equip public places with phone chargers. That is, soon you won’t have to carry a charger with you everywhere and look for a cafe with sockets (the tables next to which, as a rule, are always occupied; and for a long time). But now you have to look for a cafe with wireless chargers. Which will probably be busy too. That is life…

If your smartphone is not very new, some elements in the socket may be worn out. Because of this, problems can also arise: the contacts simply will not touch each other tightly.


The minimum cost of such charging is about 700 rubles. Quite inexpensive, you say. But keep in mind that the speed is much lower than that of the standard model. You have to pay extra for high speed. As a result, one wireless phone charger will cost at least 2.5 thousand.

In addition to the fact that energy efficiency is less, part of it will simply go away in the form of heat.

However, this method is not suitable for all phones. The same iPhones, for example, need additional devices.


Above we told you how to do the exercises yourself and which one is better to buy. Now it remains to clarify some points. This technology is quite new, so not everyone knows what it is and how to use wireless charging. Here we answer the most popular questions.

What is the name of wireless phone charging?

Wireless charging is, of course, a name “for the masses”. Few people know what wireless phone charging is called. And its name is this: Qi standard induction coil. The name reflects the principle of its operation. Phone chargers of this type contain a transmitter induced current, which charges the phone. And the little word Qi also has its own history, a very ancient one - it is the energy of Qi, so it is written in Latin. The concept is taken from traditional Chinese medicine.

How does wireless charging work?

The basic operating principle of wireless phone charging is magnetic induction. Electric current creates a magnetic field in the charger, which transfers voltage to the battery in the phone or tablet. The Wireless Electronic Energy Consortium has developed its own Qi standard specifically for such devices, which can be used to evaluate devices regardless of the manufacturer. The standard determines the current power supplied to the coil - 5 Watts.

How does wireless charging work? The magnetic field operates at a distance of 4 cm. It begins to form when a signal is given - a compatible device. Most often, this signal is given by the smartphone itself. The NFC function helps them with this. It stands for Near Field Communication. Under the influence of the voltage of this field, a current also appears in the coil built into the phone, which is supplied to the battery.

Which phones support wireless charging?

In the previous paragraph, we described the principle of wireless phone charging. After reading it, we understand that according to the Qi standard, wireless charging will work if a receiver-receiver is built into the smartphone. This receiver will be able to receive energy from the magnetic field that is created in the charger coil. Which phones support wireless charging? Almost all modern smartphones and tablets are created taking into account this technology. These are companies such as Yota, Sony, Nokia, Samsung, Kyosera, Motorola, LG, Asus, Google, HTC and Blackerry.

How do you know if your phone supports wireless charging or not?

How do you know if your phone supports wireless charging? It depends on the specific model. For example, Samsung Galaxy Note Edge supports, and Sasung Galaxy Note 3 - no. You can ask a sales consultant or look on the Consortium website. There is a form on this page. By entering the brand name in the Brand name line and the phone name in the Product name line, you will find out whether your device is on the list or not. If not, don't worry. For those models that are not equipped with the necessary technology, special adapters are produced. And it would be a good idea to buy them, because wireless chargers are gradually appearing in public places like coffee shops or airports. They are even going to build them into IKEA furniture.

How to charge wirelessly

How to charge wireless charger? Paradoxically, this must be done using a wire. If voltage is supplied to the phone through the air, then current flows into the charger itself in a standard way. First, assemble the power adapter and connect it to the device. Then we connect the adapter to the outlet. Some models have micro-USB cables, which allows you to charge them from laptops, for example.

How to connect and charge your phone with wireless charging

How to connect and charge your phone with wireless charging? As easy as pie. After connecting the device to an energy source, you need to place it on a flat surface and place the phone on top. It must be positioned so that the battery is within the coverage area, that is, in the middle of the backrest.

There are no longer any people in the world who do not use mobile phones. One of the disadvantages modern smartphone and the tablet has poor battery life. That is, one battery charge with active use is enough for 1 day (maximum 2). With such frequent charging of the device, it is no wonder that the power connector will quickly break. To avoid this, you can purchase a wireless charger. But, as a rule, it is quite expensive. What to do if you don't have enough money? Do-it-yourself wireless charging for your phone comes to the rescue.

A little theory

I think there is no point in explaining what wireless phone charging is. After all, this is obvious - this is the most common charger that works wirelessly. But the question of how it works will be very interesting. Therefore, it is worth diving a little into the theory and initial course physics.

The technology is based on the use of induction coils. They can work both as a transmitter and as a receiver of inductive energy. That is, in simple terms, one coil is connected to the power supply. It gets excited and creates a magnetic field around itself. The second coil, falling within the range of this magnetic field, also begins to be excited and generate an electric charge.

Everything is quite simple and clear. From the above, it becomes clear that a wireless charger does not allow you to walk around with your phone in your hands while charging. That is, the restrictions that exist in wired chargers also apply to wireless chargers.

Moreover, the wire can be quite long (up to 5 meters) and you can easily move within this radius. But the magnetic field generated by the inductive coil, as a rule, does not exceed 5 cm. Therefore, the only advantage of such a device is that you will not break the microUSB connector itself.

And here it is a rather controversial question whether the idea is worth it. In principle, replacing the microUSB connector in your phone is quite easy and cheap. And if it is of high quality, it will last quite a long time.

Therefore, purchasing or manufacturing a wireless charger just for the purpose of saving money will not be profitable. Another question is if everything depends on aesthetics or reluctance to constantly deal with wires: then let’s get down to action. Essentially, wireless charging for Android is just a convenient stand for your phone that looks attractive and charges the battery at the same time.

From theory to practice

First of all, it is worth noting that we will have to not only make a base station, but also change the smartphone itself. The fact is that if the phone does not initially support wireless charging, then this indicates that it is not equipped with an inductive coil. And in that case, we will have to make it ourselves and place it in the smartphone case. And the contacts from the receiver coil will have to be soldered to the “+” and “-” inputs of the microUSB connector in the phone body.

In principle, absolutely anyone can make wireless storage. The main thing in this matter is strict compliance with all the rules. The manufacturing process itself can be divided into two parts:

  • transmitter manufacturing;
  • production of the receiver.

So, from words to deeds.

What do we need

Of course, to assemble such a device, you will need certain materials. Everything is quite simple here. For the transmitter we need the following:

  • Frame 5 cm (maximum 7 cm).
  • Copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm (25 turns).
  • Transistor – field-effect IRF Z44.
  • Capacitor – 10n.
  • Resistor – 10 Ohm.
  • Resistor – 1K (2 pieces).

That's all you need for the transmitter. Finding all these materials will not be difficult. The repeater will be powered by the most common mobile charger.

In order for the phone to receive electric current from the transmitter, we need to assemble a receiver. To do this you will need:

  • Diode VD1 M4.
  • Capacitor – 10n (nF).
  • Capacitor 100n.
  • Capacitor 10u (10mF).
  • Voltage stabilizer 7805 (5V).
  • The coil will require 0.4mm wire (30 turns).

So let's put it all together.

Assembling the transmitter

Everything is quite simple here. There is a generator and a transmitting circuit (the same coil). The generator is powered by a conventional 5V 2A power supply and transmits pulses to a transmitting circuit, which creates a magnetic field of a certain frequency. For radio amateurs with experience, assembling such a device will not be difficult. A diagram will be attached below.

So, in order to wind the coil, we need a frame with a diameter of 5 cm. Copper wire with a cross-section of 1 mm (it is important that it is varnish insulated). We take a copper wire, leave about 3-5 cm at the tip (conditionally this will be a plus).

As a result, you should have a coil in the form of a copper disk.

Set the coil aside until completely dry. In the meantime, let's start assembling the pulse generator. You do everything according to the following scheme:

It is worth noting that dimensions are not so important for the transmitter. You can place the generator with a coil in any housing you want and decorate it however you like. The main thing is that there is a minimum distance between the coils (transmitter and receiver).

Assembling the receiver

It also has its own receiving circuit (coil). It all begins with him. We have already discussed above how to wind a transmission circuit. The receiving circuit is wound in the same way, with the only difference that this time we use a wire with a cross-section of 0.4 mm and make 30 turns (every 5-7 turns, do not forget to coat the circuit with varnish or superglue). Next, the entire circuit is assembled using SMD components (these are the same radio components, but very small in size and surface mounted).

For example, these are the types of SMD capacitors:

We assemble according to the following scheme:

As you can see, nothing complicated. The only question is how best to place all this in the phone body. Here you yourself must show your imagination, since everyone’s case is different.

How it works in assembly

As mentioned above, the whole point is for the generator to transmit pulses to a transmitting circuit, which creates a magnetic field with a certain frequency. The receiving circuit, entering a magnetic field, begins to generate electrical impulses. Signals from the receiving circuit enter the rectifier and voltage stabilizer circuit. As a result, the output is stable voltage 5V (up to 1A). The output from the receiver must be soldered to the pins of the microUSB connector (“+” and “-”).

Here is the pinout of a standard microUSB connector on most smartphones and tablets:

Here we are interested in the black and red pins. It is to them that you need to solder the output from the receiver circuit. Next, assemble the smartphone, connect the transmitting circuit to the power supply network and bring the phone (the receiver circuit is already assembled inside) to the base station (within which the transmitting circuit is assembled). The closer you bring it, the higher the voltage will be, and accordingly, the current will increase.

Disadvantages of homemade BZU

The main disadvantage is that such a charger does not allow you to use the phone while charging. That is, you will not be able to move the gadget further than 5 cm from the WZU (wireless charger).

You will also have to disassemble your smartphone or tablet yourself and add a circuit with a coil, albeit a small one, to the case. Of course, it goes without saying that after such actions there can be no question of any guarantee. And there is a risk that you will simply damage the device.

Another disadvantage is that such generators and transmission circuits create quite strong magnetic fields (albeit with a short range), which can interfere with the power supply or speaker systems(if they are located near speakers or a sound amplifier).

In addition, such homemade devices have a rather low level of efficiency (coefficient useful action). That is, the charging speed will be quite low, while the electricity consumption will remain the same (even a little higher).

Is it worth making such a device? It's a matter of personal preference. If you are driven by curiosity and a thirst for experimentation, then it is quite possible to do everything with an old phone that you no longer mind. If you need savings, aesthetics and convenience, then it is better to use a regular charger or buy phones that already support a charger from the factory.

There are situations when the smartphone is almost turned off, but there is no charger nearby or there is no electricity. Then certain knowledge will help solve this problem: a new device is wireless induction charging, you can make it yourself. Do-it-yourself wireless charging is not only an excellent option for solving many problems in terms of restoring the functionality of a mobile phone, but also a great opportunity to experiment a little.

Work process

The term "wireless charging" refers to the process of induction. The meaning of the wireless charging circuit is quite simple. The role of this device will be played by the transmitter, and the the device consists of two circuits - a transmitter and a receiver.

The receiver (standard coil) is located in the smartphone, the transmitter is created in the form of a small and beautiful stand, inside of which the transmitting coil is placed.

Electricity passes from one circuit to another through induction, which occurs in the second circuit; the current is first rectified and transferred to the battery. You can use a weak diode as a rectifier.

Wireless charging phones

In the last paragraph, the mechanism of manual charging for the phone was disassembled. After reading this paragraph, you can understand that according to the Qi standard wireless device will work if the receiver is included in the phone. Such a receiver can receive energy from a certain magnetic field that is formed in the coil. What smartphones support this device? Almost all new smartphones and tablets are made using this technology. Companies that support this function: Yota, Sony, Nokia, Samsung and so on.

Reasons for making

How to make a portable charger for a smartphone? This question does not concern anyone, but only until they are faced with difficulties that can await everyone. So, why might it be necessary to create such a device? Main reasons:

  • Phone battery failure - before purchasing a new one.
  • The ability to recharge a mobile phone where there is no network or electricity.
  • Making a spare battery for a smartphone.

Creating a homemade charger

Is the cable input not working on your old or new smartphone? Now this is not a problem! After all, you can make wireless charging for your phone with your own hands. Detailed description works:

Done: If a smartphone with a receiver under the cap is placed inside the transmitting ring with the screen facing up, the battery will quickly accept energy. This is how easy it is to create and turn on a wireless charger with your own hands.

Connecting and charging your smartphone

How to use wireless charging? Very easy. You need to connect the device to an energy source, then place it on a smooth surface, and place the smartphone on top. It must be placed in such a way that the battery is within the range of action, that is, in the middle of the backrest. This is how easy it is to use a DIY phone charger.

Important information! Laptops and video cameras, cameras and tablets - all these gadgets will require constant power. It is quite difficult to store in an apartment or carry with you a huge set of several thick wires.

To get rid of such a problem, many years ago a couple of popular global manufacturers mobile phones agreed to introduce one standard in the use of chargers.

New and old devices that support this wonderful feature are indicated by the Qi sign. It is planned to supply restaurants, libraries and other important places with this special equipment. Many companies create samples of furniture in which this charge can be added to the working panel. You just need to place your smartphone on a special area (at night or during the day), and the energy will begin to flow.

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