How to transfer programs and data from old Mac to new? How to transfer data from a MacBook to a hard drive How to transfer files from Windows to Mac

Change of worker or home computer- an inevitable process that occurs every few years.

Apple developers have done everything possible to make data transfer as fast and convenient as possible.

Here are a few simple steps you need to take to transfer data from your old Mac to your new one.

What are the requirements

In order to successfully transfer data from one Mac to another, you need to:

1. Computers must run OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or more new version systems.

2. The computer from which the transfer is being carried out must be given a name ( System SettingsGeneral access– Computer name).

3. Both computers must be connected to the network and a power source.

How to transfer data

1. If both Macs have OS X El Capitan or newer, it will be enough to connect both devices to the same Wi-Fi network.

Otherwise, the old Mac needs to be connected to the new one via FireWire, Thunderbolt or USB Type-C. Data transfer is possible using external hard drive mode.

2. Next, you should run the utility on the new computer Migration assistant and select item . The utility is pre-installed and is included in every Mac out of the box.

3. On an old Mac, run the utility in the same way Migration assistant and select the item On another Mac.

If your old Mac is connected in external drive You don’t need to do anything on it. The Migration Assistant on the new computer will automatically recognize the connected boot disk and offer to transfer data from it.

All that remains is to wait for the process to complete.

How to transfer data via Time Machine

When it is not possible to directly connect an old Mac to a new one or it is being sold before purchasing a second device, you can use the utility Reserve copy for data transfer.

1. On an old Mac you should create backup copy manually or automatic mode. A copy can be stored on network drive or removable storage.

2. On new Mac you should run the utility Migration Assistant and select item From a Mac computer, from a Time Machine backup, or from boot disk .

3. The next step is to select a copy from Time Machine and select the data you need to transfer. You can copy documents, applications, data account and settings. The utility allows you not to copy any type of data.

If the new Mac already has an account with the same name, the system will ask you to rename it or replace it, overwriting the data from the old computer over the data on the new one.

After completing the transfer procedure, you will receive a familiar working environment with all the parameters, settings and programs.

How to transfer several “large” files at once from one Mac to another as quickly as possible? If both computers are nearby, this can be done at a record speed of 10 Gbps! All you need is one Thunderbolt cable, knowledge of one very useful feature of Macs and.

In contact with

How to quickly transfer large files from Mac to Mac using External Drive mode

With the appearance in MacBook Pro The 2016 superfast Thunderbolt 3 connector allows you to transfer large files at even faster speeds.

1 . Connect both Mac computers with a Thunderbolt (FireWire) cable through the connector of the same name (adapters may be needed).

  • Apple Thunderbolt cable (0.5 m). The cable allows you to connect Thunderbolt-enabled devices to a Thunderbolt or Thunderbolt 2 port on your Mac.
  • Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter. The adapter allows you to connect devices with FireWire interface to a Mac computer with a Thunderbolt port.

2 . On Mac, open System Settings, Choose a section Net and click on the item Thunderbolt Bridge with an arbitrary IP address. If this item is not there, add it manually using the " + " Write down the IP address that appears on the display.

3 . Check if it is activated Thunderbolt Bridge on the second Mac (the one you want to connect to).
4 . Navigate to the Mac you want to connect to. Open it on System Settings, Choose a section General access and check the box next to the item File sharing(second from top).

5 . Go back to the first Mac. Open Finder, select from the menu bar at the top Transition -> Connecting to the server.

6 . In the line that appears, write down the IP address from step 2, then click on the inscription Connect.

7 . In the window that opens, enter the information from the account of the second Mac (to which you are connecting).

8 . Select the volume to mount and click on OK.
9 . The connection will occur and the selected volume will be visible on the first Mac (under General access). You can start transferring data.

Once you're done, remove the drive and disconnect the Thunderbolt 3 cable.

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Bought a new Mac! Great! Now all that remains is to transfer all programs and data from the old Mac to the new one! How to do it? I'll tell you in this article!

Unlike others operating systems, in macOS data transfer is extremely easy! All you need is to install two Macs side by side and a ThunderBolt cable!

Save all data and close all programs on Macs, connect the devices together using a ThunderBolt cable, connect to charger, if you have a MacBook. Open the Finder file manager on the old and new Mac and go to “Applications”, then “Utilities” and find the “Migration Assistant” application icon. Launch Migration Assistant.

On the new Mac:

Select the first option from the list, “From a Mac, Time Machine backup, or startup disk,” and click Continue.
On an old Mac:

Click Continue and enter your account password.
Select from the list the third option “To another Mac” and click continue.

Again on the new Mac:

Select your old Mac and click continue. Check the automatically generated passwords on both Macs so that they match and click continue.

Select the data you want to transfer, after which the transfer process will begin. The duration will depend on the amount of data, but in any case it will not be fast.

Buying a new Mac is a celebration! But immediately after the ceremonial unpacking, the holiday is slightly overshadowed by the inability to immediately work fully on the new machine - you need to transfer data. This can be done in at least two ways.

Fast, but...

1. Transfer all data from one machine to another using the utility built into OS X Migration Assistant- The easiest way. To do this, you need to connect both Macs to the same WiFi network or via Ethernet. Unnecessary files and folders can be excluded from the process. The same result will be obtained if you make a system backup on an old computer using the utility Time Machine and “roll” the backup onto a clean OS X of the new Mac using the same Migration Assistant.

The advantage of this method of data transfer is its simplicity - the user only needs to make a couple of clicks, OS X will do the rest for him. But if you don’t want to send all the rubbish that has accumulated over the years of using the old Mac to a clean system, it is better to selectively transfer the settings and files you need and manual programs.

How to Manually Transfer Settings and Files from One Mac to Another


So let's transfer your iTunes library. Where are we without music?

All information from iTunes is stored in the folder /Users/User_name/Music/iTunes(hereinafter User_name must be replaced with your user name). Here you can find music purchased or transferred to iTunes (if the option to copy music to iTunes Media when adding to your library is enabled) and applications from App Store for iPhone and iPad. Copy the entire contents of the folder or select only what you need and move it to the same location on the new Mac.

Advice: take a critical look at the contents of the folder Mobile Applications, which contains programs and games for iPhone and iPad. It is very likely that some of them have not been used by you for a long time - feel free to delete them before transferring them.


If you're a photographer or hobbyist using the Lightroom batch processing software, there's important user data that needs to be transferred. This includes a photo catalog (stores information about the photo library, image processing parameters, etc.), presets (a set of image processing presets) and watermarks.

We take them here and transfer them and replace them to the same folders on the new Mac (first, of course, you need to install Lightroom on the new system).

Catalog: /Users/User_name/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat

Presets: /Users/User_name/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Develop Presets

Watermarks: /Users/User_name/Libr/ary/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Watermarks


Settings and correspondence history are located in the folder:

/Users/User_name/Library/Application Support/Skype/Nickname

We copy it, transfer it and overwrite it to a new Mac.


Anyone else using the old Adium? I am yes :)

/Users/User_name/Library/Application Support/Adium/Adium 2.0/Users/Default


I have 14 workers mailboxes. Everything is necessary and important everywhere; on the old Mac, mail took up more than 60 GB. At random I determined that there is no need to copy all mailbox files; it is enough to transfer one folder that stores information about your mail accounts. Namely:


On a new Mac, after overwriting the folder, open the Mail program and wait a while until all the old letters are downloaded. It is advisable to be in a vibrant WiFi networks. After this operation the folder /Users/User_name/Library/Mail/ began to weigh 2-2.5 times less. Profit!


FileZilla is a decent and free FTP manager. You need to transfer the program settings and FTP data of your sites. Go to the Filezilla program, click on the menu File - Export and save the settings to the file FileZilla.xml.

On a brand new Mac we perform the import operation: File - Import and specify the path to the file FileZilla.xml.

Do not forget!

Calendars, Notes, Reminders, Contacts, bookmarks, and Safari settings are all synced and stored in your iCloud. You have it turned on, right? 🙂

There is a third way

You can bring your Mac in and entrust all these operations to our specialists. Value your time and use only the best products!

If you have questions or want to know how to transfer data from programs that are not in this article, write in the comments.
