What to do: your account has been hacked. What to do if your Steam account has been hacked. Access to a computer at home or in a service

If you see activity on your Google Account that you didn't do, someone may be using it without your knowledge. The instructions below will help you find suspicious activity, restore access to your account and increase its security.

Step 1: Login to your account

Use the account recovery service if:

  • someone changed the data in the account, for example the password or phone number to restore it;
  • someone deleted your account;
  • you cannot log into your account for another reason.

Advice. If you have forgotten your username, you can recover it.

Step 3: Take Additional Measures

How to find out if an account has been hacked

If you notice any of the following signs or similar ones, someone may be using your Google Account.

Important! If you think someone has hacked your Google account, change your password as soon as possible for:

  • Google account (unless you did this as part of the security check);
  • applications and sites where you use the same password;
  • applications and sites that send you information to your address Email from a Google account;
  • applications and sites where you use this email address to log in;
  • applications and sites for which you

Recently, as you know, there have been frequent hacking of Steam accounts. In turn, Valve is trying to secure the system by adding authentication with mobile phone, Steam Guard etc. But the hacks still continue. I’m sure every second person on this site has had at least one account hacked. What will help the victims? Steam has a support, it is more serious and adequate (much more adequate, I say without sarcasm) than the Origin support, which can be deceived by information from the client. Okay, let's not go off topic. As you can understand, this post is about how to restore your account.

Before the instructions:
1. Do not download third-party software.
2. Never download what is offered to you in the Steam LAN.
2.1. I myself worked as a spammer and hacked accounts using the method of trusting people (for Mr. Robot fans: first I hacked into human psychology). They will convince you in every way to download a fake communication program, don’t even trust your friends. If you were told to download, for example, TeamSpeak, under no circumstances download from the link that was given to you. Download only from. site. (Open any search engine and write the name of the program)
3. Be sure to save your purchase codes.
4. Be sure to save your Steam balance replenishment receipts.
5. Be sure to save your activated keys for Steam.
6. Don’t choose a super rare nickname, merge with the nicknames of other users.
7. Be sure to remember the first e-mail address.

The instructions themselves:
1) Go to
2) Click “Create an account” Yes, yes... Steam account and Steam support account are different things.

3) We go through the typical registration form. (PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL!)

4) Go to , and then “Contact support”.

6) Click "Submit"
7) Click “Your Questions (1)” and select our request. Next, look at the request number.
8) We print or find replenishment receipts or keys if they are on disk, write this number with a pen (As legibly as possible), photograph or scan, it is advisable to make as many receipts and keys as possible. We return to the question, click “Attach file”, then select and attach. In the field where you need to write, write the following: “I have attached receipts and keys as evidence.”
7) We wait several days, or even several months. And we follow the support instructions.
Bottom line: if you did everything correctly and proved that you are the owner of the account, your Steam will return to your hands. PROFIT
Well, that's all! Good luck!

Ashton Kutcher, Russell Crowe, Mark Zuckerberg - this is far from full list famous personalities whose social media accounts were subject to hacker attacks.

And if the pages of stars are hacked, as a rule, for the sake of vanity, then on the accounts ordinary users warm their hands - send spam, increase traffic, etc.

You've probably come across messages like this: “Hello! There’s something interesting here for you” or “They posted your photos, what a nightmare - I’m disappointed in you.” If yes, then you know that you should never follow the links accompanying such texts. Even if the message comes from your best friend, his account is probably hacked.

“Change your password – you’ll send spam” – no one is immune from this. Anyone, even an experienced user, can fall for a phishing scam and lose control of personal data on social networks.

What to do if you are hacked? Read in this article.

5 signs your account has been hacked

As a rule, the user understands that his account has been “taken away” quite quickly - he goes to his page, and it turns out that you work for a company that sells dietary supplements, and you actively advise everyone to join your “sect.”

But often hackers are very cunning and are in no hurry to discover themselves - the longer they have access to your page, the more of their business they will have time to do.

In this regard, check out several signs that can help you determine that you have been hacked:

  1. Strange likes and subscribers, unexpected addition and removal of friends. Do you remember exactly that you didn’t add Ivan Ivanov from Ivanovo as a friend? And are you sure you didn’t like “an innovative method of teeth whitening”? Most likely, someone did it for you. If no one but you has access to your account, then they are scammers.
  2. Private messages. You may not know that spam is being sent through you for a very long time, until one of your friends complains about it in a real conversation. The attackers are cunning - having completed their dirty deed, they often clean up the history. And sometimes it’s easier for virtual friends to delete a message than to warn them about a hack.
  3. An unexpected letter from the administration of a social network. If you receive an e-mail notifying you that your password has been changed, then most likely it was changed by scammers.
  4. New games, applications and communities. If “you” suddenly started playing a new game, suddenly installed some application, or suddenly joined a certain group, then you have been hacked.
  5. Statuses you didn't update, tweets you didn't write. Active users of social networks sometimes get lost in their own communications, but if you know for sure that a message appeared on your page that you did not write, then, alas, you have become a victim of scammers.

How to handle your password

Rule #1: never enter your password anywhere other than the official page of the social network. So, when using your Twitter account to log into any site, you should not be “asked” to enter a password. An authorization request via Twitter should occur, and you only have to approve it.

Rule #2: Beware of phishing sites. These are web pages that are one to one similar to the original resources. Cybercriminals try in any way to lure the user to such a site and force him to enter a password and other personal data (they say, sorry, there was a system failure - he logged out).

Watch the address bar carefully (the domain of a phishing resource often differs from the real one by literally one letter - for example, Twiter.com). In addition, to enter social media A secure connection is used – https://. If your browser's address bar only shows "Twitter.com", exit this page as soon as possible.

In addition, to disguise a fake account, scammers often resort to URL shortening. But, in addition to services that cut links, there are also tools that restore them. For example, LongURL. Before clicking on a suspicious link, expand it.

What to do if you are hacked?

Step 1. Stop panicking! The world has not collapsed, you are alive and well. Yes, it’s unpleasant, offensive and so on. But this is not a reason to become hysterical.

Step 3. Remove all “unauthorized” applications, games, groups, etc., or simply block access to them in the settings.

Step 4. Make sure your account is still linked to your email and phone.

Step 5. Check your computer for viruses.

Step 6 Notify your friends that your page has been hacked.

Has your Instagram account been hacked? You don't have access to account or is there strange activity going on in it? How to fix everything and get your Instagram account back under control? Let's figure it out! The more phones become part of our lives, the more attackers try to hack them. Meaning? Intercepting logins and passwords and sending malicious links on your behalf. Theft of bank data and withdrawal of money from accounts. Therefore, it is important to keep everything protected, but there are still cases when your account is hacked... What to do in such a situation? We tell you how to deal with the consequences of hacking Instagram account!

If you don't have access to your hacked Instagram account

If your Instagram has been hacked and access to your account is lost, here’s what you need to do:

Password reset

Recovery using Facebook

Restoring access from a PC

Follow this link access restoration Instagram and enter your login, email or phone number and then select “Reset password”.

Strengthening the protection of your Instagram account after hacking

Be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Be sure to change password to login to the application
  2. Revoke access Login to Instagram from all devices
  3. Include in the application
