Is it possible to save a phone after water? How to dry a phone that has fallen into water. life-saving manipulations if your phone gets wet

To begin with, you can immediately answer the question most frequently asked question which torments!

How much does it cost to repair a wet phone?

We will answer immediately. From 800 rubles! The master will determine more precisely. But as a rule, repairs are much cheaper than buying a new phone.
And one more subtle question

Does it make sense to repair a drowned smartphone?

Of course yes! As we said, it's much cheaper.
Think for yourself...
Cost of a new mid-range phone
10-15 thousand rubles

Repair of drowned man price

average 800-2000 rubles
Does it make sense to buy when your refurbished mobile phone will work like a new one? In this case, you will not need to restore contacts!

So about the cellular “diver-diver”...

This article prompted me to write a large number of calls with questions: “My phone fell into the water, what should I do, how much will it cost to repair a sunken phone?”, or “My phone got wet, it worked right away, then stopped turning on,” or “We washed my phone in the washing machine.” typewriter, the phone won’t turn on, can it be repaired?” etc.

First, I’ll tell you what to do first if liquid gets into your phone:

  1. The first step is to remove the battery from the phone and do not insert it for at least a day. Oddly enough, it’s not just water that kills the elements inside the phone, but electricity, which oxidizes the elements inside and disables the radioelements and the device board.
  2. Second thing the phone needs to dry inside. But based on practice, I will tell you that liquid gets inside the phone very quickly, but it can dry for a very long time, not just one day. And even if all the liquid dries inside, there are still salts dissolved in the water, which corrode the radio elements when the phone is operating, since salts are conductors of electric current.
  3. Therefore, I recommend the third step in saving your phone after moisture gets into it: contact service center for phone repair, and it’s better not to hesitate, the sooner you do it, the cheaper the repair will cost, and perhaps only preventive maintenance of the phone’s elements will be enough.

But it's not always so easy. Let’s say you dropped your iPhone into water, but you can’t easily get out the battery without disassembling the device. In this case, if you cannot contact the service center as soon as possible, I advise put iPhone in rice(just don’t laugh, but it really helps! the most ordinary food rice, at first I didn’t believe it, but after people brought in sunken iPhones dried in rice, during repairs it was really clear that the effects of moisture were minimal). The photo shows the board of a recessed iPhone 4, which was placed in rice and then brought to the service center. The board was perfectly clean, the only thing oxidized was the touch screen connector (marked with a red circle). The red diamond shows an indicator that liquid has entered the iPhone.

And now I want to answer the most common question: “How much will it cost to repair a recessed phone?” If the phone does not turn on after liquid gets inside, then I will answer honestly: “I don’t know.” In this case, it is impossible to do without diagnosing the malfunction, since water could damage any element, and therefore the phone must be disassembled and tested to identify the malfunction.

The most harmless case is when the phone is dropped into water, it continues to work, but there are water stains on the screen. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but it looks unpleasant, especially against a light background. The only way out of this situation is to replace the display on your phone. Even after the water has dried, traces of it still remain, and it is impossible to remove them from the old screen, since the display contains several layers of film that diffuse the backlight, and it is unrealistic to disassemble them without damaging them.

The worst case is when water that gets into the phone oxidizes the radio elements and disables them. The degree of oxidation depends on the time the phone was in the water, on the amount of liquid that got inside, on whether the battery was immediately pulled out of the submerged phone or after some time. If you do not immediately take action after liquid gets into your phone, then it will end up with approximately the same thing as the phone in the photo. The elements oxidize, the salts corrode the phone parts, and the recessed phone becomes unusable for repair.

The last picture shows the board of a phone that fell into the water and the battery was not immediately removed from it. The phone worked for a while, then turned off and never came back on. Yes, it won’t turn on anymore, the phone cannot be repaired, since many of the radio elements inside have simply rotted. In this case, it is necessary to completely change the circuit board on the phone, which is usually comparable in cost to the price of a used phone of the same model.

Therefore, to avoid this and extend the life of your phone after liquid gets into it, immediately take the measures that I wrote about at the beginning of the article.

Let's face it - this is one of our worst nightmares. You accidentally dropped yours mobile phone in the bathroom or jumped into the pool with him, or your phone got wet in the rain. It doesn’t matter what the reason was, the only thing that matters is that the phone doesn’t want to turn on.

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Wet problems

The trouble is that the manufacturer's warranty does not cover any damage caused by water. This means that all your photos and contacts can be lost in one moment! This alone is enough to cause trembling and panic.

But don't panic! We have good news: not everything is lost and some things can even be fixed if you use our advice.

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Remove it from the water immediately

This may sound obvious, but you may think that it's too late and there's no point in rushing into it. However, the faster you remove your phone from the water, the better your chances of saving it.

Turn off your phone

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Most often, your phone will automatically turn off when it gets into water, but if this doesn't happen, turn it off immediately. This will protect the device from possible short circuits.

Take out the battery

If your mobile phone does not allow you to remove the battery, such as an iPhone, skip this step. But if you can remove the battery from your phone, do so without delay. This will help prevent your phone from overheating. By removing the battery, you will reduce power supply and avoid further damage.

Remove SIM cards and memory cards

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Remove any covers or plugs that cover any gaps or slits in the phone. Wipe your phone with a dry microfiber cloth. Repair experts do not recommend using paper because paper particles can clog your phone's connectors.

Place your phone in a vacuum bag

This way you will be able to extract any water stuck in slots and hard to reach places. Place the phone in a plastic bag and suck out the air, creating a vacuum effect. If you have special vacuum bags, that's great.

The winter months are behind us, which means it's time to get yourself in order before the warm season. I suggest following just these 10 tips and your appearance will freshen up in just 30 days. 1 Tip. ...

If not, try putting your phone in a ziplock bag, then cut a hole in it the same size as your vacuum cleaner pipe. Pass the vacuum cleaner into this hole and secure the edges tightly with a rubber band. Now turn on the vacuum cleaner at the lowest speed and suck out the air from the bag as much as possible.

Place the phone in the rice

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No, this is not a myth. Drying the phone with a handkerchief will prevent anything from getting inside the phone. This means you will need something to absorb the moisture - dry rice. Place the phone and all its parts in a bowl of rice and leave it there for about two days. You can use other materials that absorb water, such as cat litter or silica gel (usually found in dry foods, vitamins, or new shoe boxes).

Turn it on... and cross your fingers

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Although technicians warn that there is a high chance of damage to your phone if it falls into water, we try to always believe in a positive outcome.

It is very important to let your phone dry for at least two days. So stop your urge to turn it on earlier. After all, if even a tiny particle of water remains inside, all your efforts will be useless. Good luck!

Today we are surrounded by plastic everywhere. , what markings indicate the safety of plastic products.

With the growth of technology, it is no longer uncommon for people to own expensive smartphones. But often they slip out of your hands, and sometimes, sadly, right into the water. You can forget your phone in the pocket of some item sent to washing machine. But don’t worry, because if you act quickly, the device can be saved. To do this, it is important to know a few recommendations on how to dry your phone.

First necessary measures

To “reanimate” a mobile device that has fallen into the water, measures must be taken as soon as possible. After all, the future of the device depends on the first actions:

How to dry your phone correctly

When the device is turned off and the battery is removed, you must immediately subject the device to emergency drying. But to do it right, it’s worth considering a few tips on how to dry your phone at home:

If the battery is not removable, after turning it off, as far as possible, you need to disassemble the device and urgently contact a service center. There the device will be opened and the battery power will be turned off. Please note that even when the smartphone is turned off, the circuit is connected to the battery, and if water gets in, it will deteriorate.

Checking the operation of the mobile device

After drying, you can check how the device works:

If the check shows that there are no problems, then everything ended well. If problems are identified in the form of a breakdown, you must contact the service center.

How to dry your phone from water correctly and quickly is now more or less clear. The algorithm of actions is not so complicated. But it happens that when a problem arises, people act incorrectly, as a result of which the device breaks down.

What is prohibited to do

How to dry your phone from water safely for the device - there are additional warnings for this:

Although there are many waterproof devices on the market now, most smartphones still do not survive contact with liquids well. Getting caught in the rain is not the worst thing that can happen, but you can dry the device and return it to working condition even after accidentally washing it or falling into a puddle or pool.

What to do if your touch phone gets wet

Before proceeding with any actions, you must immediately turn off the gadget. For phones with non-removable battery this can be done by long pressing the lock button. Otherwise, simply remove the battery - this way you will avoid a short circuit, otherwise even a service center will not be able to restore the device’s functionality. Then follow these instructions on how to dry the gadget:

  1. Disassemble the device. Ideally, each part should be dried separately: remove the SIM and MicroSD cards. Remove the covers safety glasses And back cover. There is no point in unscrewing everything down to the screws; it will be difficult to put the device back together, so if you have a monoblock model (with a non-separable case), stop at removing all inserted cards. Use screwdrivers only if you are sure that you know the gadget's structure well.
  2. Place the device with the screen facing up. Let gravity do its thing and allow water to accumulate at the bottom of the gadget.
  3. Absorb moisture with paper towels or napkins where possible. Turn the device slightly so that any accumulated liquid flows out through the holes. At the same time, avoid sudden movements and do not shake the gadget in the hope of drying it faster, otherwise water will flow inside again and flood hard-to-reach places.

Keep in mind that turning on the device immediately after you have wiped the surface is strictly prohibited. The most important and final stage is drying the phone after water. Depending on which method is chosen, this will take a different amount of time.

You can dry the phone by leaving the device in the air for 3–7 days, but this is long and does not guarantee further operation, since radioelements oxidize under the influence of liquid. Use an absorbent substance to help draw water out of the device and dry it faster.

How to dry your phone at home

An absorbent is a substance that draws and absorbs moisture. Whichever method you choose, you will need a container to place both the product and your phone. Drying rules for each method are below:

  1. Put the phone in the rice. This is the most famous absorbent. The fact that you can dry your phone in rice is not a myth; this remedy is effective. Place the gadget without battery and cover in a bag of cereal for 2-3 days. Turn the device over once every 12 hours.
  2. Use silica gel cat litter. This product is considered an even better absorbent than rice. To dry the gadget, place it in a container with filler for 48 hours. In this case, the product should completely cover the device. Turn your smartphone over from time to time.
  3. Dry your phone in silicone shoe balls. Alternative option, similar in effectiveness to the previous one. Draws out moisture in 2 days.

Advice that applies to all methods: check your smartphone every 6 hours and wipe off moisture from its surface with paper napkins. In addition, in case of severe damage, you can replace the absorbent with a new one.

Is it possible to dry your phone with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner?

To dry the elements by removing liquid from the inside of the device, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner. To do this, put on a narrow nozzle and sequentially bring it to all the holes of the gadget. Remember that after this procedure you still need to place the device in an absorbent or leave it to air dry.

All the tips mentioned above are relevant both for smartphones that have been in water, and for those that have swum in soda, lemonade, tea and other liquids. Do not rush to wash the substances under the tap, but follow all the steps in the instructions or take the damaged device to a service center - they will know how to dry it thoroughly.

Repair may be necessary even when the procedure was carried out correctly: diagnostics will show whether the boards and radio elements have oxidized under the influence of liquid. In addition, there are times when water stains remain under the display.


Most users mobile devices at least once we even “bathed” them in water. What to do in such a situation?

To begin with, we will briefly tell you what needs to be done, and then, if anyone is interested, we will tell you why :).

What to do:

1). Be sure to disconnect (remove) the battery as quickly as possible. If you have a device with a non-removable battery, such as an iPhone, Sony Xperia, then simply turn off the device and move towards the service center as soon as possible.

2). Remove SIM card, memory cards and remove everything peripherals. If the case has replaceable panels, remove them; if the holes and connectors are closed with rubber plugs, they should also be opened. You need to try to shake the water out of the device.

3). Wipe your phone with a dry, absorbent cloth or paper towels (toilet paper in extreme cases), removing as much moisture as possible at this stage. We also wipe all items removed from the phone.

4). Place your mobile phone in a closed bag or box of rice and place it in a warm place for a day, because... Rice absorbs moisture very well and absorbs its evaporation. In this case, rice acts as silica gel, which is a hydrophilic sorbent.

After you have dried your phone for at least a day, you can check it. Insert the battery and turn it on.

Then decide for yourself: If you have the opportunity to buy a new one, you can take a risk and not wear it anywhere, hoping for luck. Even if it turns on and works, it may fail after some time, since the process of internal corrosion is inevitable. If the device is expensive, then it is better to take it to a service center, where it will be completely disassembled, washed, dried, checked under a microscope to detect the formation of oxides, and all noticed areas of occurrence of which will be soldered off, and damaged elements, if any, will be replaced with new ones.

  1. Try to charge it. (Do not try to charge it under any circumstances!).
  2. Dry it with a hairdryer
  3. Treat by complete immersion in vodka or moonshine, because your device's screen and some other components will not survive this. (At the service center they only wash motherboard, having previously disconnected all modules from it)

Now about why water is so dangerous for equipment:

Ordinary water is a solution of various salts of metal ions, which is why ordinary water conducts electricity so well (although distilled water is a dielectric). It is due to the presence of salts that water causes corrosion of metals through electrolysis. The phone contains thousands of copper conductors and hundreds of parts and contacts containing different metals, plus the liquid added through our efforts, plus an energy source - the battery - as a result, ideal conditions for electrochemical reactions, and due to the battery, a very fast reaction. Metal objects are destroyed, and the salts formed as a result of the reactions settle as a thin film on the parts, changing their electrical characteristics.

Interestingly, the theoretically safest liquid for devices is vodka, because... is a solution of alcohol in distilled water, and unlike mineral water and other liquids consumed by humans, it does not contain salts of metal ions, and the most severe case is sea water.

In general, all of the above applies not only to cell phones, but also to any other mobile electronics powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries. Players, tablets, navigators, video recorders flooded with water, e-books and remotes car alarms We treat according to the same scheme, first turning off the power as quickly as possible.

Liquid often causes damage not only to phones, but also to laptops. You can find out what to do if you suddenly spill liquid on your laptop or computer in our next article.

And for dessert: Video from Nokia, what to do if you drown your phone
