Reverse charging of the phone battery. Rules for charging a new phone for the first time. Is it normal for the phone to get very hot while charging?

That the battery must be completely discharged so that it does not lose its maximum capacity. Allegedly, the device “remembers” how much energy you spend before the next connection to the power grid, and in the future it can no longer contain more than this amount. This phenomenon is called the “memory effect” and is typical for old nickel batteries, but not for new lithium-ion batteries.

Moreover, complete discharge harms modern batteries, significantly reducing their service life. Below you can see a table of the relationship between Depth of discharge and the number of Discharge cycles that the device can withstand.

It turns out that the more the battery is discharged, the fewer cycles it can last. Battery University, an organization that researches energy storage, recommends not allowing the charge level to drop below 30%.

2. And do not abuse full charges

Users often charge batteries to 100% to maximize device autonomy. Or, in the case of laptops, they do not unplug them from the sockets for a long time. There is nothing wrong with such exploitation as long as it does not become a habit. If the charge level reaches the maximum too often, it can accelerate battery wear.

Battery University members give the following comment on this matter: “Partial charging is better than full charging.” According to their observations, the device must be disconnected from the power supply until the battery is 80% full. If we recall the recommendation from the previous paragraph, we can formulate a simple rule:

To help your battery last longer, keep it charged between 30% and 80%.

3. But once every 1-3 months, completely discharge and then charge the battery to 100%

This advice contradicts the previous two. But now we will explain everything. Laptops and smartphones on Android and iOS show the remaining battery power in percentage or minutes and hours. After a large number of incomplete cycles, this counter may lose accuracy. But after calibration, the numbers on the screen again begin to correspond to the real state of affairs. If you calibrate your battery once every 1-3 months, it will not harm it.

4. Avoid overheating the device

High temperatures negatively affect battery life. In the table below you can see the relationship between an increase in temperature (Battery temperature) and a decrease in battery capacity (Permanent capacity loss).

That is why it is very important to ensure that they do not overheat.

5. Connect the device to the power supply correctly

It would seem that what could be simpler than putting the gadget on charge? But there are pitfalls here too.

For example, a damaged or counterfeit charger can damage the battery and the gadget as a whole. Not to mention the danger it poses to surrounding people. Therefore, always use only working and certified chargers from brands you trust.

Additionally, if you charge smartphones and other gadgets from your laptop via USB, this may put an unwanted strain on its battery. To avoid draining the battery in this way, make sure the laptop is plugged in and not in sleep mode.

6. Charge your gadget halfway if you plan not to use it for a long time

Let's say you're leaving home for a month or two and don't want to take all your gadgets with you. Then you need to properly prepare them for inactivity. Apple and other manufacturers recommend turning off devices in such cases, leaving about 50% charge in the battery.

The battery life of any smartphone does not last long – from a day to two, depending on the intensity of use. If earlier the owner could not worry about charging the device for several days, then modern batteries require connecting them to a power source within a day.
The need to frequently charge smartphones is explained by the fact that in addition to incoming, outgoing calls and SMS, various multimedia applications, games, Internet access, etc. are actively used. In addition, the large screen of the smartphone and the brightness of the colors also affect battery consumption. Not everyone knows how to properly charge a smartphone so that the battery lasts as long as possible.

Rules for charging your phone, what are they?

When purchasing a new mobile phone, it is very important to remember how to properly charge your smartphone for the first time. The further functioning of the battery depends on this, namely the duration of its operation in autonomous mode.
Immediately after purchasing a smartphone, you need to completely discharge it by actively using applications. Then charge for 15-16 hours straight. How to charge correctly new smartphone? During the initial charging period, you should not use the phone so as not to drain the battery.

The above steps should be repeated two or three more times. That is, discharge to 0% and repeat the charging cycle for 15 hours (you can leave the phone charging overnight). Knowing how to properly charge a new smartphone for the first time can extend its battery life.
Many users have a lot of misconceptions. There are several popular myths that need to be debunked immediately.

Myth 1: Use charger another device may be harmful
The “native” charger from the smartphone is not always nearby, and the percentage of energy at this time is approaching critical. Any charger with a suitable plug can be used to restore the battery.

Conclusion: You can charge with any charger, as long as it is not a Chinese counterfeit.
Myth 2: You can't use your phone while it's charging
Some users charge their smartphone only at night so as not to use the phone while charging. However, when using the adapter that came with the smartphone, there will be no harm from the work. The device is powered by something else that may cause it to malfunction while charging, but these charger faults are quite rare.

Conclusion: You can safely use your phone while charging.
Myth 3: You can't charge your smartphone at night
When using conventional mobile phones, charging the battery for a long time could cause it to overheat. This rule does not apply to modern smartphones, because they are free of this flaw. If the battery reaches 100%, the phone automatically stops charging.

These and other myths confuse people about how to properly charge a smartphone.

Why does it discharge quickly?

Most users are concerned not only with how to charge a smartphone, but also with the reasons that affect the rapid discharge of the battery. What affects battery charge?

1. Different phone options can consume electricity in different ways. For example, a larger percentage of the charge goes to the Wi-Fi wireless communication channel. If you do not need to access the Internet, it is advisable to turn off wireless connection so as not to drain the battery.
2. It is impossible to imagine the owner of a smartphone who does not have a single application installed. Regular automatic updates systems drain the battery, so they can be turned on manually if desired. Applications such as flashlight, GPS navigator, pedometer also cause the device to require more frequent charging. Communication in Viber applications, WhatsApp and others do not drain the battery so quickly, but they also consume enough energy.
3. Sound effects for notifications about calls and messages drain your battery considerably. If you don't have a charger nearby, you can temporarily turn off the sound to get a few extra percent of charge.
You can track the activity of processes that consume energy in almost any smartphone in the settings menu. Once you know which programs and functions consume the most energy, you can turn off applications in a timely manner and thereby optimize the operation of your mobile device.

Efficient smartphone charging

How to increase battery efficiency while replenishing energy? To properly charge your smartphone battery, you should follow several rules.

Having paid for a brand new mobile device at the checkout counter of an electronics store, it is unlikely that any of the lucky ones immediately and scrupulously begin to study the “energy” nuances of the purchased device. Most likely, the user will not have enough time (on the way home) to fully satisfy his curiosity, in terms of “What’s this, how does it do it, wow, what a feature, etc.” - the battery will run out. It’s understandable, because the factory primary “electric charge” is usually depleted within a few minutes. It is likely that the seller will be somewhat vague about how to charge correctly new phone. However, the buyer will still understand something, but this “something” without the rest “mandatory” and “required” is guaranteed not to work. So after reading the article (rest assured!) you will have a chance to maintain the energetic “health” of your phone.

Running on wires...

Yes, it is the correct current, no matter how funny it sounds, that is responsible for what happens to your cellular “favorite” during operation. The fact is that the original charger fails over time, usually it is replaced by a device called, as usual, Chinese. Agree, not everyone’s electrical network in their house or apartment is equipped with the latest stabilization equipment. Voltage drops in our outlets are the rule rather than the exception. In general, the question “How to charge a new phone?” quite popular. Of course, the stated facts also apply to several outdated mobile phones.

"Mistress" battery

Today almost everything mobile devices Some devices are equipped with lithium-polymer energy sources. Alkaline technologies were recognized as very harmful: nickel-metal hydride and cadmium batteries fell into oblivion, leaving only memories of their insufficient efficiency. However, deciding how to properly charge a new phone has become significantly easier.

Today, autonomous power supplies have become much lighter, and their performance has increased significantly. But they still need proper operation, on which, in principle, the durability of the battery cells depends (meaning the full functionality of the battery).

How to properly charge a new phone: practical tips

Batteries whose type has the prefix “lithium” do not require “pre-launch” preparation. That is, a new battery does not need to be subjected to cyclic charging/discharging. It’s enough to come home, connect the device to the charger and wait about 8 hours (about how long the battery needs to fill all the containers with energy). However, it may well be that the phone will charge faster. It is important that the indicator shows 100% of the full battery volume. Don’t be confused by the fact that some “experts” recommend pumping a new lithium battery 2-3 times. Believe me, once is enough.

Proper “power” for your device

The answer to the question of how long you need to charge a new phone is purely individual for each individual communication device. It all depends on the capacity of the installed battery, its modification and the features of the components of the cellular unit. By the way, it also affects the rate of “filling” of electrical energy. That is, the configuration of the original memory is designed specifically for your model. You shouldn’t blindly trust convincing advertising: “Our charger is universal and suitable for any mobile phone.” Believe me, this is a lie!

Active lifestyle, or manifestation of modernity

It is a well-known fact that the transience of time is an incredibly tangible fact today. Some people are literally torn between things and often forget to “refuel” their electronic friend. And even after the “alkaline stereotype” found its application in 3-time pumping, despite the fact that the question “How to charge a new phone?” torments the user with doubt... After all, there is an opinion that periodically recharging the battery is strictly prohibited. Dear reader, this statement has nothing in common with the true state of affairs and cannot have it. do not support the outdated “option” of alkaline batteries - memory effect. If you really need to recharge or refill your phone, be so kind as to connect the charger when necessary.

A few words for edification

Opinions on the question “How to properly charge a new phone?” an incredible variety. However, it is necessary to objectively approach a common understanding this process. The manufacturability of a lithium-ion battery is in no way comparable to the “training” of alkaline batteries. The only thing you should be wary of when using your phone is systematic deep discharge of the battery. It is also advisable to “fill” the containers when the indicator shows a “safety margin” of 20-30%. By the way, the correct answer to the question: “How long does it take to charge a new phone?” expressed by the definition - almost to the end (99%). Otherwise, everything is as usual - aging and wear and tear. Of course, the main accelerator of the “death” of a battery is the factor of intensive use. So you should not use the device while charging.


When covering the question “How to charge a new phone battery?”, the fact that people are often afraid to leave their devices for an overnight refueling was missed. There is no reason to worry, a special controller (battery device) always “knows” when to turn off the power supply. Therefore, charge your phone when it is convenient for you, but still do not forget that 1-2 times a month you should carry out the so-called battery calibration. This will allow you to update the battery volume indicator readings. So a full discharge/charge is still sometimes appropriate. Always keep your battery in good shape!

Imagine the situation - you purchased a new smartphone or a new battery for it. Before this, somewhere on the Internet you saw information that the battery needs to be charged for the first time using a special algorithm. Is this really so and if so, how to charge the device?

Indeed, if you look through the forums or social networks, you can see that for the first charge you need to use a special procedure that will allow you, so to speak, to “pump up” the battery of your smartphone or tablet. The bottom line is that the autonomy of modern devices is low - on average, a couple of days in a gentle mode, after which the device needs to be charged. If you use the device constantly, it will discharge within a few hours. How can you not remember Cell phones, which could not be charged for weeks...

But we are slightly distracted from the main topic. In order for a new battery to hold a charge better, it supposedly needs to be charged according to a special algorithm, otherwise the battery will quickly discharge.

There are a lot of different instructions on the Internet. Here are some of them:

  • Discharge your smartphone completely and then charge it from the mains. After it charges, do not unplug it from the network for 2-3 hours.
  • Let the device work until it is discharged to 10%, put it on charge and charge it for 10-12 hours.
  • Three times you discharge the device completely (to zero) and all these three times charge it to 100% from the charger.

It is not surprising that users get confused, ask questions, and sometimes resort to completely unnecessary procedures. Don’t rush to charge or discharge your phone or smartphone, read this article to the end!

Rechargeable batteries and their types

There are several main types batteries, which are used in the production of mobile devices:

  • Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium)
  • Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride)
  • Li-ion (lithium-ion)
  • Li-Pol (lithium polymer)

The first two types, namely nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries, were used in older push-button phones. The same ones that were produced many years ago and which, unlike modern smartphones, were primarily a means of communication.

These types of batteries were reliable, but they had drawbacks. One of them is the so-called “memory effect,” which means a reversible loss of capacity, which can also be caused by violating the recommended charging regime, for example, if you start recharging the battery until it is completely discharged. Over time, such batteries do require “pumping”. It was then that information appeared about “pumping” the battery, including for a newly purchased device.

But times change, technologies improve. If previously nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries were used, today lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are used. They are used everywhere, including in smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. Such batteries are distinguished by high power, safety, and relatively small size. In addition, they almost completely lack the “memory effect” that we mentioned above, and therefore they do not require any special charge cycles.

What does it mean? This means that if your device is powered by a lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery, charge it in the most normal way, without resorting to the manipulations described in the tips above.

However, if you still use advice from some forum, it is unlikely that anything will change.

Still, lithium batteries have their own characteristics. Here are some of them:

  • They are sensitive to low temperatures, so try to use the device less in cold weather.
  • Lithium batteries “don’t like” full discharge, so try not to let your device run out of battery.
  • There is an opinion that the optimal state of a lithium battery is about 50% charge, that is, charging it to 100% is also supposedly undesirable - 80-90% is enough. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say.

Based on our experience of use, we can say the following: the discharge depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on the optimization of the device system. If optimization is poor, even with a very powerful battery, discharge will occur very quickly. Of course, all other things being equal, including processor model, screen diagonal, resolution, etc. And dancing with tambourines in the form of “pumping” the battery will no longer help.

When buying a new phone, you want it to last as long as possible. In addition to careful handling, a parameter such as battery operation is very important for its durability. Properly charging a new smartphone battery is not just a whim, but a prerequisite for its long-term operation.

Modern smartphones use up battery power very quickly. This is a certain price to pay for large and high-precision displays, multi-level tasks and combining functions different devices in one gadget. To extend the daily use of your smartphone and the life of your original battery, you need to listen to the advice of experts who will help you “overclock” the battery correctly.

Battery types

Modern smartphones typically use two types of batteries:

  • lithium-ion;
  • lithium polymer.

Now all powerful devices can be found just like this, since they are much smaller in size than their predecessors - nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries. This allows you to reduce the weight of smartphones and other gadgets without reducing the operating time of the phone.

Modern batteries are less dependent on correct charging immediately after purchase, so even those who neglect the rules of the first stages of charging such batteries will be able to use smartphones without any problems, but the capacity reduction time will still be slightly shorter.

Different variants

The lifespan of a new smartphone's battery or a new battery on an old phone depends on many factors that cannot be discounted. One of the determining factors is proper charging.

There are several versions, in accordance with the recommendations of developers and specialists, among which you can choose the one that is most suitable in terms of time and capabilities.

First method

Before you start using it, you need to charge your new smartphone to the limit, and then quickly drain the battery. This is easiest to do when watching videos online or playing high-level games. system requirements. For battery calibration to be successful, this algorithm must be repeated three times.

Second method

Immediately after purchase, the new phone should be discharged, preferably on the first day. Then the smartphone turns off on its own, and after that it needs to be charged for half a day in the off state. This is necessary in order to ensure the flow of direct current. This procedure should not be repeated; you can immediately start using the gadget in normal mode.

Third method

Some masters believe that it is correct to infect new battery You need to do this: turn off the device and charge it for a day. This will allow you to avoid losing battery capacity for as long as possible during further use. Such calibration once will be quite sufficient, and it can only be used again after a year. Some sources give advice to carry out such calibration once a year, but in fairness it should be remembered that this is hardly applicable to modern models, which become obsolete much faster and are therefore replaced with new ones.

Fourth method

At first the battery is discharged almost completely, but bring it up to spontaneous shutdown smartphone is not allowed. After this, you should charge the gadget to 100%. This completes the calibration, and the new phone is completely ready for use.

After the new device has been calibrated, you should not forget about optimizing the device system. This factor greatly influences the premature loss of charge, so without good optimization, even correct “overclocking” of the battery will not bring the expected result.

Further operation

The operating time of one battery is not a constant parameter. Even identical phones after purchase, after a short period of time, you can observe different degrees of operation. This happens because owners load their phones differently, so statements that the battery will not reduce its performance over a certain period of time (a year or two) are common advertising ploys.

Experts always talk about the number of charge cycles, since one user can charge the battery once a day, and another three times a day, and the duration of operation will differ by three times. This difference began to manifest itself even more with the widespread use of external chargers, which are commonly called “power banks.”

For further use, the battery must be charged according to the following rules:

  • It should not be allowed to completely discharge; it is even harmful. The optimal time to connect to the network is when the discharge level reaches 14-15%.
  • Do not charge until fully charged. It is best to disconnect the cable when the charge level is 80-90%.
  • You cannot leave your phone charging after the battery is full. This leads to rapid failure. Thus, setting it to charge overnight is a bad idea.
  • To charge, you need to use a cable from this smartphone or a precisely selected one with the same characteristics. If you use a charger from another gadget, the battery may be damaged. You should be very careful when choosing a new cigarette lighter device for your car.
  • All smartphones can be charged from a computer or laptop; this method is completely safe, but very slow.

To summarize, we can say that you need to use your smartphone at optimal values ​​of 20-90%, avoiding constant overcharging and complete discharge. This approach can extend the service life to the maximum and eliminate the need to replace the charger and battery ahead of schedule.

How to properly charge your smartphone: video
