In order to place orders. Examples of the best checkout pages for online stores. Online store ordering optimization

Product selection

You can find a product on the M.Video website in several ways: search box in the upper right corner, menu, catalog, comparison of several products, selection of products according to parameters.

If you need help choosing products, read ours.

Method 1. Search the site

The search box is in the upper right corner. Enter the product name in the field or use the advanced search functions. In this case, already when you enter the first word, you will see hints.

Method 2. Filters

To narrow down your results, use filters, and to find the product you need faster, use sorting.

· by manufacturer;

· by price;

· by shares.

Method 3. Product catalog

In the online store catalog, products are divided into categories. In each category, you can sort equipment by price and/or manufacturer, indicating the price range and/or list of manufacturers that interest you. To see product categories, select the desired section in the catalog line directly under the “M.Video” logo.

Method 4. Selection by parameters

Selection by parameters allows you to limit the list of products to only those that meet the characteristics you specify.

Method 5. Compare products

To compare several products, check each of them in the "Compare" box and click the "Compare" button - you will see a table showing the differences and similarities in characteristics between the selected products. You can add no more than 5 products to the table.

Placing an order

Step 1

You must select the city in which you are located or want to make a purchase.

Step 2

Go to the product page and click on the “Add to Cart” button or on the shopping cart icon if you are making a purchase from the product selection page. You can then continue shopping or proceed to checkout. The absence of a button means that the product is not on sale or can only be purchased at a retail store.

Step 3

While the order is not completed, you can change the number of items in the cart, add certificates of additional service and/or coupons for installation, connection of equipment, delete individual products - the cost will be recalculated automatically. At the end, check the data and, if everything is correct, click the “Place an order” button.

Step 4

If you register, your personal data and other information specified previously will be automatically added to your next order: delivery address, favorite store, etc.

Registered users can:

· track order status;

· receive special offers and invitations to closed sales;

· accumulate and write off Bonus rubles;

· apply for a loan online;

· save order history.

· add a product to your favorites.

Step 5

Enter your Bonus Card number and we will award Bonus Rubles for your purchase.

Don't forget to check if your card is registered.

Select the method of receiving the order and the type of payment.

Step 6

If your order contains multiple items, their shipping methods may not be the same.

In this case, you need to place orders sequentially.

Step 7

Check the information and click on the “Finish registration” button.

Done: your order has been created!

After the purchase, you will receive an SMS to the phone number specified in your personal account. Please check that your phone number is correct before making a purchase. Please note: it is not possible to resend the document.

Step 8

How to do it?

Login to your Personal Area. The rating is available in the block with the latest orders, on the “Order History” page or on the details page of a specific order. Just click on the “Rate your order” link in the desired line.

In the form that opens, select the number of stars, leave a comment if desired, and click the “Submit Rating” button. Thank you!

Aliexpress is an excellent site for shopping, prices are low, the selection is huge, reliability is high, if not for the long delivery... But what did you want? The goods are sent directly from China! How to place an order on Aliexpress so that the goods reach you EXACTLY?


This article is essentially step by step instructions, which will tell you everything from A to Z, and if something is not clear, then at the end of the article you can watch several training videos. So let's get started.

How to place an order on Aliexpress: 7 steps

Without registering on the site, you won’t be able to place an order, and even if you add the product to your cart, you won’t be able to buy it.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to write down your username and password! I advise you to use LastPass extension, which can store your passwords securely online.

LastPass - what is it? Full review and how to use it...

Second phase— . At this link you can read comprehensive instructions on how to do this correctly. Also in the article there is a service for converting Cyrillic into Latin, since everything needs to be written ONLY with Latin letters. An exception is when ordering goods from the TMOLL section (delivery from Russia), where the address must be written in Russian.

IMPORTANT! An error in the address may result in the goods not reaching you or not being given to you at the post office!

If you have any doubts about how to correctly write the address on Aliexpress, then contact me in the section, I will definitely help you.

Product selection

Third stage— . In the article at the link you can learn many secrets about searching and selecting products. It is important to understand that Aliexpress is not an online store, but an online market, and the same product can be sold by different sellers at completely different prices.

Also at the end of each article there is a search form that can help you find the product you need on Aliexpress; in this case, the site search is conducted by Google, which makes the search very effective.

Checking the seller

Fourth stage— . Aliexpress sellers are different, honest and not so honest, so it is very important to pay attention to the reputation of the store where you want to buy something. You can read the link above detailed instructions and lots of tips on how to do it.

An extension from Letishops cashback, which right on the product page will show you what percentage of trust a particular seller has.

Choose cashback

Fifth stage— . Follow the link to find out what cashback is and how it helps you save when purchasing. I have made a table for you from which you can find out which cashback gives you what percentage of return and how much you can trust it.

Pay attention not only to the return rate, but also to the reliability of the service, since you will receive a refund no earlier than in a month, and during this time a lot can happen.

Ordering goods

Payment for goods

Seventh stage— . This is the last stage of placing an order, follow the link above to learn about all possible ways payment for the goods, choose the one most suitable for you and complete the purchase.

The simplest and most accessible payment method is payment by card. Do not be afraid for the security of this payment, millions of people pay for their purchases using this method every day, it is all quite reliable.

Well, that’s all, we went through all the stages, from beginning to end, if you did everything as I advised you, then after some time you will be able to joyfully run to the post office to pick up your parcel. If problems arise, then read the article on how to get your money back.

There has long been an opinion that the need to register on a website leads to a decrease in the number of sales. Taking this into account, it is logical to assume that a payment page for the goods should appear, where you just need to enter the address Email and delivery details. Thus, online shopping should resemble a self-service store, where the buyer is given complete freedom, without the need to inform Additional information, but you can easily calculate the total cost of the purchase.

But is this really the case? We invite you to familiarize yourself with some ordering forms on commercial websites.

Examples of checkout pages on commercial websites

Before creating a commercial website, the main thing is to understand that mandatory registration not only has a negative impact on the level of sales, but is also absolutely meaningless. you can familiarize yourself with well-known examples confirming this fact.

In any case, to confirm the order, the user must be asked for an email, delivery address and name. These are the same points that must be entered during registration, except that there is no need to come up with a password.

This information can be requested from the user on the order confirmation page, automatically generated, and only then prompted the user to “create a password.” And why force the user to register before deciding to buy anything from you, when the whole process can be “cranked out” almost imperceptibly during checkout?
Here's an example of how ASOS has simplified its registration page with:

(Fig. Customers who have already used the services of the ASOS website must enter an email address and password, and new customers must create an account)

(Fig. To log in, regular customers must enter their email address and password, and newcomers, after selecting a product, are asked to go to the checkout page)

Once prospects click on the “continue” icon after selecting a product, they will be taken to a page where they will be asked to enter the same information they asked for before and ultimately an account will be created. This means that the same process is presented in completely different ways. Surprisingly, statistics showed that such a minor change led to a halving of failures on the site.

Conclusion: on website pages, registered customers should be prompted to “log in” with their password so that they can quickly access the order page. And the calculation of the order amount and its further execution must be offered to everyone. Of course, you can offer to create an account, but this is of no use.

Macy's Company
Here's another great example - a nice, clear and uncluttered page that draws users' attention to key points:

(Fig. If you have previously purchased something on the site, then you can go to your orders page by entering your email address and password. For beginners, only after selecting a product they are offered to go to the ordering page by clicking on the “Make calculation as” button guest". This will automatically create a profile).

Macy's also does this well because the checkout page gives customers return and shipping information (by clicking the box and lock icons) and a number at the top of the page to call and clarify all the necessary information. Agree that such an approach to business inspires trust and respect.

Walmart Company
On its checkout page, Walmart offers guests the option of creating an account or continuing to place an order without creating an account. Those. a new buyer has a choice - to save time “here and now” or in the future:

(Fig. Regular customers log in to the system by entering their email address and password, and newbies can find out the total cost and place an order without creating an account (i.e., saving time now), or create an account (and thus saving time in the future) future)).

Sears company
An interesting approach to this issue Sears decided they didn't need a login page for regular customers. Therefore, the company sends all its users directly to the checkout page.
This is what their checkout page looked like before:

And this is what she looks like now:

Everything is very clear (you need to enter the delivery address, recipient's name and email), there are no barriers to completing the purchase.

WHSmith Company
Another role model. A very neat page that does not force the user to register:

(Fig. The user is asked to enter his email and is unobtrusively asked if he has a password to log into the site)

Tesco company
Tesco demonstrates a completely different approach. On their website, mandatory registration of users is carried out before placing an order.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that the company is large enough, it has many regular users with a club card, so the registration process is not considered a barrier.

(Fig. Login by entering your email address and password. Register by entering your email address, postal code and club card number)

This approach, I think, can scare off a number of random buyers, so we can advise Tesco to try to introduce an order for random site guests and track the result.

John Lewis Company
Another great example of ordering page design. There is no requirement for all users to register, and the page itself contains all the necessary contact information for the company and offers a function secure confirmation order (you can continue placing your order only by following the link sent to the email address):

(Fig. The user is asked to enter an email to which a link for further ordering will be sent)

Boots Company
Previously, we already looked at the website of the “Boots” company, where mandatory registration before placing an order can be one of the factors that negatively affects sales levels:

(Fig. Log in to the checkout system via email and password or register on the site before you start shopping)

Amazon Company
Amazon also forces users to register before sending users to the page for placing and calculating the cost of an order. However, this requirement is presented very gently, so the registration process does not seem to be a barrier to implementation further actions Online.
The new visitor is asked to enter the address and click on the radio icon to continue placing the order:

(Fig. The visitor is asked to enter an email address and indicate whether he is a new buyer (then he must click on the yellow button below) or has already used Amazon services (then a password is entered)).

After this, you will be transferred to the registration page, which will not take much time, because... extremely simple:

(Fig. New buyer is asked to enter name, email address, contact phone number (optional) and password).

House of Fraser Company

They have a very simple checkout page that does not pose any barrier to making a purchase:

(Fig. They ask you to log in or continue placing an order as a guest, indicating only your email to begin with).

American Apparel Company

The American Apparel company managed to place on one page not only information about orders (shopping list) and their cost, but also the function “log in using your login” and placing an order as a guest.
However, all this is done so “tasty” that the buyer will not be confused at all and nothing will distract him from the purchase:

(Fig. Placing an order: 1) list and cost of the order; 2) log in using your login or specify delivery details as a guest)

Let's sum it up
The article featured a random selection of checkout pages from various commercial websites to demonstrate how differently this issue can be approached.
In most cases, all visitors to different resources are required to enter the same information, but it is very important to know how to correctly ask the user to enter the necessary information and in what order it is best to do this.

For example, if you do not take into account entering the number from the club card (which is optional in any case), forms for placing and calculating the cost of an order from companies such as House of Fraser and Tesco require entering the same information.

It’s just that Tesco, with its implementation style, turned this into a barrier, while House of Fraser does not create any obstacles and directs all users directly to the ordering page without mandatory registration. Which tactic is better? In my opinion, the second one...

And always remember, if you want customers to shop with you, don’t put any barriers for them.

To select the required assortment, use our catalog by selecting the section you are interested in, and then the subsection. For getting detailed information about the product, click on the item you are interested in, and in the window that opens you can view the product description, price, and also view the image.

Attention! The price of the product may differ from that indicated on the website. Check with our operators for the final price.

For your convenience and the right choice, we have provided the ability to compare similar products.

If you know the article, name or key parameter of the product, you can use the line quick search. To do this, you need to enter a key parameter/article/name in the Search line, and as a result of the request, a list of products from our catalog that correspond to these parameters will be generated.

How to place an order using email?

You can send us a request with your wishes to the email address , and our operators will contact you. For prompt processing of your order, please provide a contact phone number.

How to place an order by phone?

Contact us by phone numbers listed on the page, and our managers will help you select the required product and place an order.

Our work schedule: Monday-Thursday from 8-00 to 19-00, Friday from 8-00 to 17-00 (Moscow time). Saturday-Sunday are days off.

How to place an order on the website?

You can place an order on our website at any time convenient for you.

When placing your order, use the following tips:

1. To process your completed order faster, we recommend registering. To do this, use the “Registration” button at the top of the page. After registering on our website, you will have access to information about your orders in your “Personal Account”.

2. To select the product you are interested in, use the quick search bar or catalog.

3. Having found the required product, indicate the quantity by putting the required number in the appropriate box.

4. The product will be automatically added to your cart after clicking the "Buy" button. At the same time, you can continue shopping in the online store.

5. To remove an item from your cart or change the quantity of a selected item, you can go to your cart at any time and make the necessary adjustments:

Change the quantity in the "Order" column, then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Add other products to your order from .

If necessary, leave a comment in the “Order Mark” line.

6. Click the “Checkout” button once all the required items are in your cart.

7. To place an order and send it for processing, you must log in to the system using your username and password.

8. If you have not previously registered on the site, after placing an order, click the “Registration” button at the top of the page. Once registration is complete, you can continue placing your order.

9. Placing an order consists of 4 steps:

- Delivery address.

– Payment and details.

If you imagine entity– provide the details for invoicing. In this case, TIN and KPP are mandatory fields to fill out.

If you are an individual and do not represent a company, in the “Payer” field, be sure to select the line “Enter a new individual”

– your wishes for the order.

At this step, you can provide information that will help our operators quickly process your order.

– Sending the order.

At this stage, you need to check all the order parameters again: name, cost, delivery address, payment parameters. If you find an error in your order, before clicking the “Submit Order” button, you can change certain parameters by clicking the appropriate button. For example, if you need to remove one or more product items from your order, click on the “Products” button and go to the cart for editing. After making changes, click “Save”. Next, you need to repeat the previous steps of placing an order.

10. Attention! After clicking the “Submit Order” button, your order will be sent to our managers and for further changes you will need to contact us .

11. If problems arise with the site (impossible to log in, shopping cart does not work, etc.), please contact us by phone: 8-800-700-63-73 or by email

The ASOS website provides visitors with an excellent user experience thanks to a well-thought-out checkout procedure. In this article, we'll explain why their shopping cart works so well and demonstrate some trending techniques that will allow you to boost your own checkout page.

Generally speaking, the success of a given online store's shopping cart is dictated by one simple factor: transparency. In other words, on the order page, users see all the key information: product availability/reservation period, delivery options, bonus offers, return conditions, precautions, and available methods payment. This makes visitors feel more confident and encourages them to complete the purchase.

Directly to cart or stay on the product page?

If you want your customers to buy multiple items at once, opt out of automatically going to cart when adding each product. Instead, place an interactive tab on the page that will always show users the contents of their cart.

This way, customers will be able to constantly track their purchases, and the buyer's transition to the cart will become a voluntary, conscious decision.

How does ASOS get 50% more new customers to pay?

There is one significant difference between the original version of the ASOS checkout page and the updated design: while previously customers had to register to place an order, now the developers do not focus on creating an account. Instead, they ask customers to click the appropriate button to continue.

Former ASOS eCommerce director James Hart explains how they achieved this improvement:

“In general, we practically did not change the functionality of the purchase stage at this stage, but after a series of lengthy split tests, the login screen was improved. As a result, we achieved a reduction in the number of failures by 50%.”

Take a look at the updated checkout page on the ASOS website:

And now on its previous version:

Testing conducted in the eCommerce segment shows that users do not want to go through the account creation procedure when they are forced to do so. Buyers don't want to go through any extra steps, much less provide their personal information, to complete a purchase because it takes up valuable time.

In fact, most customers say that ideally, when placing an order, they would only be limited to choosing a password. Next, you will see that ASOS still asks customers to register, but in addition to the standard requirements (contact name and email), users only need to provide a password.

Ordering Best Practices

Below we've highlighted a few key elements of the ASOS shopping experience that align with best practice and keep customers focused on completing their purchase.

1. Step-by-step ordering procedure

ASOS's updated checkout shows how easy the process can be if you remove all the distractions from users.

2. Security guarantee

In addition to the logo and the name of the stage in which the person is, ASOS only places information about the security of the entered data in the page header. This is important for increasing the sense of trust, especially in the retail segment, and can be adopted by lesser-known retail services.

3. Clear progress indicator

The progress indicator is made taking into account all the nuances:

1. Minimalist design.
2. It clearly shows what stage of the order process you are at.
3. The number of steps is clearly defined.
4. It is understood that you will have the opportunity to review your order prior to confirmation.

4. Availability of explanatory tips

Near some fields, such as email, password and gender, the developers placed supporting information so that users understood why the company needed this data. Ideally, this technique should also be applied to the date of birth, but we’ll get to that later.

5. Clear main CTA element

On every checkout page, the main CTA button that takes the user to the next step is the most prominent element. While many retailers still have controversial calls to action on their websites, ASOS makes sure their customers can easily navigate to the next step in the process.

6. Manual entry of address data

For the vast majority of visitors, the ability to manually enter address information is of great importance. In addition, with this option, the online store receives more reliable information from customers.

Due to some reasons, for example, in the case of moving to a new housing complex, many clients cannot use automatic address selection. This means that you should make it as easy as possible for them to fill out the fields.

7. Availability of an address for sending an invoice

For most retail services, this option has already become a kind of standard, but it can still be improved. In this case, if a visitor uses the same address (for product delivery and invoice), ASOS immediately redirects them directly to checkout, thereby providing them with an even faster and therefore more positive user experience.

If you're interested in an alternative solution, you can send your customers to the shipping checkout page and only then ask if they want to use an additional billing address.

8. Changing payment fields based on card selection

To some extent, the ASOS team managed to implement this approach, but still one can argue with the presence of additional fields in the form. If they are optional, then eliminating them will save your customers from unnecessary thinking that delays them from completing the purchase.

9. Full preview and editing of the order before confirmation

As you can see from the progress bar, ASOS gives visitors the critical opportunity to review and edit all information before confirming their order.

While some online retailers expect customers to confirm immediately after entering their payment details, ASOS shares the two most important decisions a person has to make during checkout. Moreover, they also provide the flexibility to edit information to accommodate possible changes.

10. Various delivery options listed in a convenient format

ASOS not only offers customers a variety of delivery options, but also showcases them in a convenient format. Typically, this information is placed in drop-down tabs, but ASOS's technique allows visitors to see all available rates at once, so they can make more informed decisions about their delivery method.

11. Ability to go back without losing information

Although ASOS does not provide customers with a back button during checkout to avoid interrupting the process, many customers may still want to return to the previous page to check or change their details.

On most eCommerce sites, this can result in warnings and requests to resend the information, but ASOS has saved its visitors from these annoying messages.

Ways for further improvement

  1. Use descriptive progress indicators: replace “Continue” with “View my order”, etc.
  2. Explain to visitors why they must enter their date of birth on the form.
  3. Use more humane error messages that won't make your users quit.
  4. Give the customer a good reason why you need their mobile number (for example, you send text notifications to customers about the status of their order).
  5. Give people the ability to return to the previous page when they are in the checkout process. This will allow them to make important changes even if they remember their mistake too late.

And no contact number?

ASOS does not actually list any contact numbers on their website - they communicate with customers using social networks, help pages and feedback forms.

Thanks to the efforts this team has put into improving the customer experience, they have been able to significantly reduce the number of potential reasons for calling customer service. As a result, customers very rarely ask for help because they don't want to have to switch to filling out a third-party form during checkout.

ASOS customers already know that the items in their cart will be reserved for no longer than 60 minutes, so waiting for a response from customer service for several hours (up to 4 hours) would simply be pointless for them.

Summing up

While ASOS's example approach isn't ideal, it's definitely worth trying the techniques outlined here on your site to help convince customers to complete the transaction.

By combining these techniques with additional recommendations, you can optimize the shopping experience and minimize the number of abandoned carts.
