What is Enum and how does it work? Using Enum to securely log in and confirm all operations in WebMoney e num application on your computer

E-num is a special system that is necessary to access the WebMoney service (and not only) using a special encryption code. Essentially a database of e-wallet keys, it provides an improved level of security and ease of entry for users from electronic gadgets such as smartphones or tablets.

Another feature is that the service client does not have to remember its password (or several if there are many WMIDs). The login system is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The user goes to the authorization page of WebMoney or another portal with protected content and enters his email address in the required field.

  1. After checking the e-mail, a numerical question is displayed in the authorization form.

  1. Next you need to run mobile version E-num on your compact gadget, where you can enter the received question. After prompt processing of the data, the response will be displayed on the display. Or you can use the QR code, in which case you do not need to enter a question, the answer will appear immediately. Please note that you are given 5 seconds to enter your answer. If you didn’t have time, you will have to enter another answer!

  1. The answer is entered in the authorization field, and if the combination is correct, then the client gains access to the account - he can work with wallets, transfer or accept money, add new cards, and so on.

How to get E-num?

Registration in this system requires the presence of the following tools: an email address, a mobile number and a portable electronic gadget (phone, smartphone, tablet for any operating system from Android to Blackberry). To avoid confusion with email addresses, it is better to indicate in the E-num the same one that was used when logging into the Web wallet.

Methods of registration in the E-num system:

  1. Go to www.enum.ru and follow the instructions to create a profile and then activate it.
  2. When logging into the WebMoney website or making payment transactions, you will be offered two ways to confirm your identity: via SMS to your phone or E-num. Select the second option, and the system will automatically redirect you to the portal.
  3. Supporters of the Android operating system can register with E-NUM directly from the client.

After receiving an account and authorization, you can proceed to setting up your account. Here you can leave only one of many confirmation methods, as well as download additional versions for all operating systems. If you lose access to E-num, you must use recovery tools or contact customer support.

Linking E-num to an electronic wallet

WebMoney is already well protected, but having an additional service obviously wouldn’t hurt. All user access keys are stored in a specialized E-num section and are used when the client needs it. So, you can access your wallet from any PC and not be afraid that your data will be stolen during entry. Passwords do not need to be saved in the browser or remembered - this guarantees security against forgetfulness and virus activity.

Setting up access to the wallet is done on this page https://security.webmoney.ru/asp/transconfirm.asp. You need to indicate your WMID and confirm your password, then a verification will follow, after which your money and personal data will be doubly protected. You can also check the link on the E-num website itself.

E-num is necessarily used not only for entry, but also when carrying out the most serious operations. These include: adjusting personal data, transferring funds from one wallet to another or paying to any seller, requesting or issuing loans, unlocking the trust limit in the debt service, and so on. By default, the system sets additional authorization on almost every page; the owner of the E-num account can change the parameters.

To use the E-num client application for Android you need:

  • have a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in the operating room Android system versions 2.3 and higher;
  • connect the identification method to the E-num system using a mobile application.
The E-num client program for Android provides users with the following features.

First login and setup of E-num client

Launch the application on mobile device.

Launch the application on your mobile device. In the start window, enter your email and activation code. Then click "OK". The next step, the application prompts you to set a PIN code access confirmation method. graphic key or password. We strongly recommend doing this right away. To set it, click the "Yes" button and in the following forms enter the four-digit number twice. In the last step, determine in what other cases the code will be requested.

E-num client is ready to use.

To set program operating parameters, select "Settings" by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the application. This section consists of six points.

"Deactivate application" . Deactivation erases the entered E-num account data (code and email) in the program.

On the "Security Settings" page there are options: changing or deleting the installed pin code (pattern), enabling/disabling automatic deactivation of the application after several (3.5 or 10) unsuccessful attempts to enter the pin code (pattern), as well as changing situations in which a pin code (pattern key) is requested.
If the pin code (pattern pattern) is not set or disabled, then when you enter “Security Settings”, a form for specifying it automatically opens, similar to that shown when you first launch the application.

Enable mode "Paranoid". After enabling this mode, the application will request access confirmation before each attempt to receive a response number.

"Push Notifications" After enabling this option, you will receive a question number and other details for authorization automatically. Specify how the application responds to certain operations.

"Smart watch" on Android Wear

After synchronization with a smartphone, incoming notifications with a “response number” for additional confirmation of operations pop up immediately on the watch screen, which allows you to speed up and simplify the identification procedure.

On the page "interface" You can set the following program operating parameters:

  • enable/disable the option to launch the QR code scanner when the application starts;
  • enable/disable the option to launch an external QR code scanner;
  • enable/disable the option to automatically close the window with the answer number;
  • change options for actions when pressing the "Back" button;
  • indicate how the application responds to certain operations;
  • choose a style numeric keypad: normal or reverse button layout;
  • select the option to display the answer number: as a single number or divided into groups of numbers

In the section about the program you can find out the version of the installed e-num application.

Reinstalling E-num client

If you need to reinstall the application and you remember the activation code, then use the instructions above -. If you have forgotten your activation code, you need to get it. To do this, follow these steps:

When you first launch the application installed on your device, enter your e-mail in the start window and click the button "Forgot your activation code?".

And then agree to send instructions for restoring the code by e-mail by clicking the button "Yes". Click "OK" in the information window about sending instructions.

Open the letter sent to your e-mail registered in the E-num service and click on the link in it.

After receiving the SMS message, enter the activation code in the appropriate field and click the “Ok” button.

Additional authorization using E-num client

  • Confirmation of operations in WM Keeper (WM transfer, adding a correspondent, changing keys, etc.).

To perform additional authorization, receive a question number on the site where you intend to log in (see example), then select the E-num section of the client in the main window "Confirm action" and ask a number question. Enter the answer number generated by the program on the authorization site.

Confirmation of payment using the client's E-num

Payment confirmation mode - "Confirm payment" is used for:

  • confirmation of transactions in WM Keeper (see instructions for WM Keeper WinPro, WebPro and WM Keeper Standard);
  • making a payment on the Merchant service.
    To confirm a payment using the client’s E-num, you must select the section in the main program window "Confirm payment" and sequentially set:
  • recipient's wallet number without a letter prefix;
  • payment amount by finally clicking the “Ok” button;

Due to the fact that the latest version WebMoney Keeper Classic added functionality such as confirmation of transactions via modern system WebMoney user identification - Enum authorization service, it’s time to tell you about this service in more detail...

By the way, it should be said that users WebMoney Keeper Light the ability to confirm payments through the Enum service has existed for a long time, but for classic this option was only introduced now, but better later than never!

Let's start with the background. The system service has been operating for a long time, but mass connection to this service began to be observed only in October 2008, when the WebMoney credit exchange credit.webmoney.ru announced that entry to the exchange will only be possible using enum authorization. This announcement had a double effect - some WM participants were very happy about this innovation, understanding the beauty of such authorization, others became very indignant, frightened by the innovation. As one of the greats of this world used to say: “What they don’t know about, they don’t want!” But the fact is that participants in the credit exchange are users of the WebMoney system with certificates from basic and higher, and users with formal certificates and lower (the bulk ), we didn’t even hear about such a wonderful and secure method of authorization in the WebMoney system. Now we will eliminate this gap for everyone!..

In fact, there is nothing scary or difficult when connecting to the ENUM system, but the advantages of such authorization in the WM system are simply enormous. Many banks in the West have long been using this authorization method when clients use Internet banking - they simply issue a similar device to their clients directly at the bank when opening an account. The WebMoney system has simplified this process, allowing you to download and activate the enum client application without leaving your computer. With this application you acquire the following features that significantly increase your WM security:

— launch your WebMoney Keeper without storing the keys to it on your computer;
— make payments in the WebMoney system without even launching your keeper;
— log in to all sites and services of the WebMoney system, also without launching your keeper;
— it’s safe to run your WM keeper on any computer by simply downloading and installing it first;
— now, make payments in the system using authorization only using your enum client;
— make SMS confirmations of your transactions in the system.

Now, for those who are interested in such capabilities of the ENUM authorization system and who are not indifferent to the security of funds located in WM wallets, more details below...

identification using the Question-Answer method from mobile devices;
fingerprint identification from PCs and laptops.
identification using the Question-Answer method via SMS.

The second type is absolutely reliable, but also more expensive, since not everyone has a fingerprint scanner, and probably everyone already has a mobile phone, so now we will consider the type of enum authorization in the WebMoney system - question answer, especially since it is closer to the format of our site. You will definitely need a mobile phone with support for Java MIDP 2.0, which all modern mobile devices now have, and it is also possible to work with devices on IPhone platforms, Windows Mobile And .

To give you an idea of ​​what the Enum application looks like on a mobile device, as an example, you can look at the screenshots of the program for the Android platform; this application also supports reading QR codes:

But, in any case, you must first register on the service website Enum.ru— (it’s easier to go to the Mini keeper SETTINGS and click the link to connect ENUM, registration in the service will happen automatically).

There you need to fill in the appropriate fields, but here it should be noted that the email and phone number must be 100% your own and work, because all messages from the ENUM system will be sent to them, starting with the link to download the application and the activation code for it, as well as BE SURE to remember or write down your security question and the answer to it, it will be necessary in case you lose the enum client application for recovery (after all, anything can happen in life!), or to update the enum client application itself.

After registering with the service and selecting the application you need, in our case - question and answer using a mobile phone, you receive messages by email and mobile phone with a link to download an individual enum client and an activation code for it, and you need to follow this link, download and install the application on your mobile phone, then enter the activation code into it and enter the same activation code on the Enum service website itself. After activating your encryption pad (Enum client) on your phone, I strongly advise you to immediately delete these system messages with confidential data! Let me add that after installing and activating the Enum client on your mobile phone, it will no longer need an Internet connection; then it works locally on your phone, like a personal encryption pad - you enter some numbers, you get others corresponding to the ones you entered. However, it is worth noting that in the Enum service it is also possible to choose the Question-Answer authorization method through sending and receiving SMS to your mobile number phone, but I think you shouldn’t bother with this - there have been cases when SMS did not arrive for a long time, but the encryption pad works perfectly, besides, now only 5 SMS per day are allowed for authorization!

Next you need to go to the WM system security website Security.WebMoney.ru and in the section allow authorization on system sites WebMoney Transfer and payment through the service Merchant.WebMoney for your E-num.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it, now you are connected to the modern service authorization ENUM and you can already use it on sites and services of the WebMoney system, using your e-mal and enum client (section 'Authorization') during authorization, make payments without launching your keeper (you just need to select the section in the enum client 'Payment' '), but to ensure the complete safety of your keeper, i.e. To CORRECTLY delete the key file for your keeper from your computer, you still need to do the following - go to the SECURITY tab in your keeper (Tools -> Program Options -> Security):

Here we will be interested in 3 positions in the following sequence - change keys(we generate new keys to be completely sure that no one has copies), save keys to file(we save the new, just created, key file.kwm on a flash drive or other removable media so that you have it in case of force majeure or if you suddenly decide to refuse to use the ENUM service, although I don’t see any reason for this) and install key storage location— Enum Storage (remove the keys for the keeper from your computer), then click OK. The key file for accessing your keeper, after this action, is sent to a super secure storage Enum-Storage, which cannot be hacked, and will now be stored there forever, and will be automatically deleted from your PC. I think there is no need to say that these operations must be performed on a ‘clean’ machine, but, just in case, I would advise you to first check your PC with several antiviruses.

That's it, now the key file for accessing your keeper is securely protected and stored in a safe place, and you will need to exit the keeper to install a new type of login to your keeper - Enum-Storage, through which you will now log in constantly:

Here you need to change the old settings for entering your keeper to new ones, as shown in the figure above, i.e. set storage location E-num keys Storage, enter your e-mail registered in the Enum service for this WMID, select the authorization method - question and answer using the application, and click the ‘Next’ button to open the following window:

In it you will already see the question number to enter your keeper, in this case – ‘58715’, and you now need to open the application on your mobile phone EnumClient, select the ‘Authorization’ section and write these numbers in the window that appears, click OK, the application will give you an answer number, which you enter into the empty line of your keeper’s login window, where it says ‘enter the answer number’. If the numbers are correct, then the keeper will ask you for a password to enter it; if not, then it won’t let you in any further, or rather, it won’t let in an attacker who will try to enter your keeper without you!

But that's not all! Although they say that in the latest versions of the keeper they have already eliminated such a vulnerability as creating a file .init, but the information has not been verified, so I advise you to check it yourself. I already wrote how to do this in this article:

And finally, the last moment remained - confirmation of transactions in WebMoney Keeper Classic using ENUM, which is why this article was actually written. This innovation will seriously protect your keeper from unauthorized transfers, for example, by Trojans, which have been infesting the entire Internet for a long time, as well as using remote access to your computer, because the Enum client, which will give permission to carry out operations from your keeper using the 'question-answer' method, is only located on your phone and it is not possible for scammers to gain access to it simply physically and hardware-wise, if you, Of course, you won’t use various java simulators for it on your PC, as some “smart guys” manage to do!

To activate this option in your keeper, confirm transactions through the service Enum.ru(let me remind you that it became possible to install it at will, starting with the program version , so you need to update the keeper for those who currently have a lower keeper version), you need to go to the WM security website Security.WebMoney.ru and simply activate the option, i.e. press the ON button:

After activating this option, everything Money transfers in your keeper will already be carried out only through the enum client on your phone and even correspondents in the keeper will be added through it... Of course, there will now be more hassle with confirming payments through Enum, but you will ensure complete safety your funds are in the keeper and you can sleep peacefully after that!

It remains to add that in case you lose your mobile phone, in the mobile application EnumClient it is possible to set a password to enter it, which makes it impossible for strangers to enter it, and you can always restore a new enum client on the service website, the main thing is that you can restore the phone number itself from your operator. Owners of several WMIDs can use the service as well, you just have to register a separate one in Enum for each WMID Mailbox and then change them during authorization...

That's probably all. A lot has been written, but I assure you that after carefully studying and following these recommendations, it will take you little time to connect to the authorization service, so I advise you not to put it off, but to start registering right now for full use of the WM system service, to ensure complete safety of title units on your WebMoney wallets...

What is Enum and how does it work?

Many people associate E-num technology exclusively with WebMoney electronic money. Without even going into details, what E-num is and how it works. This technology was created not only for electronic money and today has about 3 million users worldwide. The number of users is growing rapidly, because E-num is an innovative authorization service that provides a high level of protection.

What is E-num

E-num is used for authorization in the system and for authorization of the most significant actions. This statement is true not only for WebMoney, but also for any other services that have connected E-num. The technology allows you to authorize the user or any of his actions. Authorization is as secure as possible, since to complete the operation you need to enter a secret key, which is sent to the client’s phone.

How the technology works

E-num technology can be compared to 3D-Secure banking technology. In both cases involved Cell phones and secret keys. When using E-num technology, a number is sent to the phone, which is the only correct answer for the operation. This number must be entered in the form on the website or in the keeper. The most popular service using this technology is WebMoney.

WebMoney allows you to use technology to log in to the system to gain access to your wallets, as well as to confirm transfer transactions. This protects the wallet from unauthorized access. To perform transactions, you need to have your phone with an E-num client, and this makes stealing your money an almost impossible task for criminals. The technology is extremely reliable and has proven itself over the past 6 years. But it still raises a lot of questions:

  • How to register in E-num;
  • Where to download the application;
  • How to activate;

Regardless of what site or service you use enum on, the algorithm of actions is similar. Let's consider all the questions using the WebMoney wallet as an example, since this is the most popular service that uses E-num authorization.

E-num registration

Registration is available through the official website of the system - www.enum.ru. Registration through the application is available only to smartphone owners on Android based. To use E-num you need any smartphone or tablet running iOS, Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry.

Registration in the system is available on the page: https://www.enum.ru/registration_init.aspx, you need to fill out all the fields and click on the “Continue” button.

The system will automatically send you to e-mail letter, which will contain a verification code. This code must be copied and indicated in the form that opens.

After confirming the email address, the system will send a verification code to the phone number. The code comes to the numbers of all operators, including foreign ones. After entering the verification code, you will be prompted to download the E-num client to your smartphone or tablet.

You need to download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet. When you first start, you will have to activate your account, where you will be given an activation code. Be sure to save this code, as you will need it if you want to reinstall the client on another device.

Where to download the E-num client

After registering in the system, you will be prompted to download the client from official sources. These are the only sources where you can safely download E-num. Below are the official links, you need to select the client according to your OS:

The developers are constantly updating the client, and we strongly recommend keeping the application in the latest state. Your money in the WebMoney system depends on this application, so it often becomes the subject hacker attacks, A latest version, as a rule, the most secure and reliable.

How to use E-num

E-num is positioned as a universal authorization service. WebMoney is only the largest service using this technology. In addition to WebMoney, this technology is used by stores, closed portals and other Internet services that require secure authorization. As of November 2016, 2.83 million people used the system. Most of them use E-num for authorization in the WebMoney system.

How to connect E-num to WebMoney

If you want to use E-num to log into WM Keeper, then you will need to do the following:

  • Rewrite keys in E-num storage;
  • Restart the WM Keeper client;

Keys are rewritten using the WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) client. To do this, you need to go to the program settings and find the “Key storage location” tab, which is located in the “Security” section. After changing the storage location, you need to log in to the system again. From now on, authorization in the system will occur in conjunction with your keeper and the client’s E-num:

You can set up confirmation not only via E-num, but also via SMS code. The advantage still remains with the E-num technology, since it is free, and for the SMS code you will be charged an additional commission of 1.5 WMR or 0.05 WMZ. The client on a smartphone can work even without an Internet connection; this is done by scanning the QR code on the operation screen. After this, the application will generate the only correct answer.

Frequently asked questions and problems

Most frequently asked question The one that causes the most problems is reinstalling the client. It is ideal if you remember the activation code during initial registration. Then you just need to download the application to your new device and log in.

But if you forgot your activation code, you will have to restore it. To do this, you definitely need access to a phone number and e-mail, with which you registered your account. A new code will be sent to these contacts.

Only one E-num client can be installed on one phone and only one account can be registered per email and one phone number. If you need to use multiple accounts, you need to have several electronic mailboxes And telephone numbers. Not provided in the application fast switching between accounts, so you will have to log in each time.

To use the E-num client application for Android you need:

  • have a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) running an operating system Android versions 2.3 and higher;
  • connect the identification method to the E-num system using a mobile application.
The E-num client program for Android provides users with the following features.

First login and setup of E-num client

Launch the application on your mobile device.

Launch the application on your mobile device. In the start window, enter your email and activation code. Then click "OK". The next step, the application prompts you to set the access confirmation method - PIN code, pattern key or password. We strongly recommend doing this right away. To set it, click the "Yes" button and in the following forms enter the four-digit number twice. In the last step, determine in what other cases the code will be requested.

E-num client is ready to use.

To set program operating parameters, select "Settings" by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the application. This section consists of six points.

"Deactivate application" . Deactivation erases the entered E-num account data (code and email) in the program.

On the "Security Settings" page there are options: changing or deleting the installed pin code (pattern), enabling/disabling automatic deactivation of the application after several (3.5 or 10) unsuccessful attempts to enter the pin code (pattern), as well as changing situations in which a pin code (pattern key) is requested.
If the pin code (pattern pattern) is not set or disabled, then when you enter “Security Settings”, a form for specifying it automatically opens, similar to that shown when you first launch the application.

Enable mode "Paranoid". After enabling this mode, the application will request access confirmation before each attempt to receive a response number.

"Push Notifications" After enabling this option, you will receive a question number and other details for authorization automatically. Specify how the application responds to certain operations.

"Smart watch" on Android Wear

After synchronization with a smartphone, incoming notifications with a “response number” for additional confirmation of operations pop up immediately on the watch screen, which allows you to speed up and simplify the identification procedure.

On the page "interface" You can set the following program operating parameters:

  • enable/disable the option to launch the QR code scanner when the application starts;
  • enable/disable the option to launch an external QR code scanner;
  • enable/disable the option to automatically close the window with the answer number;
  • change options for actions when pressing the "Back" button;
  • indicate how the application responds to certain operations;
  • select the style of the numeric keypad: regular or reverse button layout;
  • select the option to display the answer number: as a single number or divided into groups of numbers

In the section about the program you can find out the version of the installed e-num application.

Reinstalling E-num client

If you need to reinstall the application and you remember the activation code, then use the instructions above -. If you have forgotten your activation code, you need to get it. To do this, follow these steps:

When you first launch the application installed on your device, enter your e-mail in the start window and click the button "Forgot your activation code?".

And then agree to send instructions for restoring the code by e-mail by clicking the button "Yes". Click "OK" in the information window about sending instructions.

Open the letter sent to your e-mail registered in the E-num service and click on the link in it.

After receiving the SMS message, enter the activation code in the appropriate field and click the “Ok” button.

Additional authorization using E-num client

  • Confirmation of operations in WM Keeper (WM transfer, adding a correspondent, changing keys, etc.).

To perform additional authorization, receive a question number on the site where you intend to log in (see example), then select the E-num section of the client in the main window "Confirm action" and ask a number question. Enter the answer number generated by the program on the authorization site.

Confirmation of payment using the client's E-num

Payment confirmation mode - "Confirm payment" is used for:

  • confirmation of transactions in WM Keeper (see instructions for WM Keeper WinPro, WebPro and WM Keeper Standard);
  • making a payment on the Merchant service.
    To confirm a payment using the client’s E-num, you must select the section in the main program window "Confirm payment" and sequentially set:
  • recipient's wallet number without a letter prefix;
  • payment amount by finally clicking the “Ok” button;
