Blog icon less than 100 kb. Make an avatar using Paint. Retina and HiDPI screens

Greetings dear Habr community! I am writing this short note as an important educational program for everyone who works with raster images. Usually, the question of what to measure images arises among beginners, but experienced specialists also confuse the terms.

Let's start with the main thing: raster images consist of pixels. This could be the end of this article, but this is not enough for everyone, so let’s talk about the misconceptions and myths that I have encountered in practice.

DPI, PPI and resizing

The most common misconception is the use of DPI (dots per inch) and PPI (pixels per inch) units. These units actually refer to printers and scanners respectively. They can also be used in screen characteristics. Essentially these are conversion factors between the physical dimensions of an analog image (in centimeters or inches) and the pixel dimensions of a digital image.

For example, a 100 pixel image printed at 100 DPI will be 1 inch in size. Everything is simple and clear.

However, when changing sizes in graphic editors, we are asked to indicate the dimensions in dimensions convenient for us, including DPI. This is where the confusion begins.

In fact, the physical dimensions of the image (in centimeters, inches, etc.) and the DPI value are just meta-information in the file properties. But the editor can use these values ​​as a means of specifying the required pixel dimensions.

Let's say we have an image of 3000 pixels (square), which has a value of 300 DPI. We get: 3000 pixels / 300 DPI = 10 inches. Now go to the editor (Photoshop) and change the DPI value to 600. What do we get? And this depends on the “Resample” checkbox. If it is, we will get the image upsampled to 6000 pixels. If not, then the size in inches will become 5 instead of 10 .

Thus, for web development, all physical dimensions (DPI, centimeters, inches, etc.) can be safely ignored and looked solely at pixel dimensions.

DPI/PPI screens

Here we come to the issue of screen resolution and pixel density. This density is correctly referred to as PPI (pixels per inch) and shows how many pixels can be displayed on one inch of the screen.

This is where the mythical 72 and 96 PPI often arise, which are supposed to indicate the “standard” pixel density for screens. For tasks of displaying graphics on the web, they are useless. At the same time, the actual pixel density of the screen may be completely different: typically something around 120 PPI (you can measure and calculate for your screen).

But we remember that raster images are measured only in pixels and nothing else. Why are we even talking about screen PPI? Because there are “Retina” or “HiDPI” screens.

Retina and HiDPI screens

Such displays are widely used in mobile devices and expensive laptops. Essentially, this is a quantitative increase in pixels while maintaining the physical dimensions of the screen (for example, 5 inches diagonally and 330 PPI).

For us, as web developers, this means the appearance of different pixels in the browser: CSS pixels (which we usually specify in the sizes of elements) and physical pixels (real pixels on the screen). The formula is: Physical pixels = CSS pixels * DPR.
DPR is device pixel ratio - the conversion ratio of CSS pixels to physical ones.

When posting a picture, we can write a tag img with dimensions of 20px, and the image will be 40 pixels. In this case, on a screen with DPR=2.0 we will see all the pixels of the picture. But in this situation, we are absolutely not concerned about the actual PPI values ​​of the screen.

At the same time, we can use images with a high pixel density for regular screens; the browser itself will scale the image. And again, DPI and PPI have nothing to do with it, but the pictures measured in pixels. How to display them will be decided by the browser, which already has two types of pixels.

That's the whole story, although of course I didn't say anything about adaptive images, ways to optimize their impact and client hints. But that's another story.

What is an avatar? This is a small picture that is associated with a specific user social network, forum or chat. You can download an avatar from one of thousands of Internet resources, or you can create it yourself. How to do it? – we’ll talk about this further. For this we need the program " Microsoft Paint", which is included in the standard set of programs for any operating system Microsoft.

First, let's decide from which picture we will make our unique avatar. This could be our photo, our favorite desktop wallpaper, or a cute picture from the Internet. We need to make an avatar with a size of 100x100 pixels, this is the format that is supported by most chats and social systems. However, if desired, you can set any image size, be it 64x64 or 150x150 pixels.

Now open the Microsoft Paint program by clicking on the “Start” button at the bottom of the desktop and selecting the “Accessories” category in the “Programs” menu.

On the screen we see:

Now we must open the selected image in the Paint program. We go to the “File” section, which is at the very top of the program window, then click “Open” and find our image in the list.

Open the picture

Now the main work of creating the Ava begins. In the menu, follow the following path “Drawing” - “Attributes”. We see the following picture:

Let's pay attention to the size of the original image. Ours is 1024 in width and 768 in length. Let's write down these parameters. Next, click on the “Ok” button and continue working. Again we go to the “Drawing” section. There we find the “Stretch/Tilt” option. Select it and get the following on the screen:

Now let's remember the original parameters of our image (1024 in width and 768 in length). This is 100% both vertically and horizontally. We do some small calculations and find that the size of the finished avatar should not exceed 16% of the source. In the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” fields enter the number 16. Click “OK” and admire our creation measuring 164x123 pixels. We must not forget that we are aiming for an image with a side of 100 pixels.

We get:

Go to the “Edit” section and select the “Select All” option. We select with a dotted frame the area of ​​the drawing that we want to see as an ava. The cursor here is a cross with arrows.

Click on the image with the right mouse button. In the dialog box, select “Copy” and follow the menu to top panel programs. There we select the “Create” option. Don't be alarmed when Paint asks you whether to save changes to the file; feel free to click No. After a blank sheet of the new document appears, paste the copied section there.

It's done like this. We set the field parameters: we limit the length and width to 100 pixels. Make sure that the units of measurement are pixels or points. We also pay attention that the “Palette” is colored. If you need to create an avatar with other parameters, indicate them in this section (80x80, 150x150 or 64x64 pixels).

The smaller the image size required, the larger percentage of the source we must set.

So, we have a clean white square with a side of 100 pixels.

→ Pages → A selection of pictures with a width and height of 100 pixels, download avatars

This page of the site contains many interesting pictures that can be used as avatars almost everywhere, because... their size is 100 by 100. This means that the height and width are equal to 100 pixels (dots on the screen). This section contains avatars unsorted by topic, which makes the search more interesting.

Picture with an eye and eyelashes made of fire. Download an unusual avatar with fiery eyelashes and a green eye.

An animated picture with a silhouette of a wolf in the fog and birds flying in the background. The avatar is not colored, but very interesting. You can download an avatar from the site or simply copy the code for its placement.

In the avatar, the bull has horns. Download a picture with a powerful animal, an angry bull. Such a stern avatar is suitable for users with a violent nature, as well as moderators.

In the picture is the head of a black bird - a rook; on you can download avatars with various birds, including rooks, in the section with birds.

Here's a funny avatar with an inaccessible picture, but still something is better than nothing at all, so the avatar has a duck, sorry.

An animated picture of a running girl with her tail sticking up. Download a drawn avatar with animation of a girl.

The picture shows a drawn hamster and text warning that the person hiding under the rodent avatar is 100% a hamster. On you can download this cool avatar, with a real hamster, albeit drawn.

A picture of a toy seal that can be used as an avatar on forums and blogs. Download an avatar with a plush seal to the website.

Download a delicious picture with a plate of vermicelli and tomatoes. In general, an avatar for food lovers. This avatar is exclusive; it is prohibited to post it on other sites as content.

Animated avatar with city houses. Download a black and white picture with houses and animation of clouds.

The avatar features a McDonald's logo made from the twin towers and two airplanes and the inscription "Eat this." Download the picture for haters of Americans.

Picture with Alex the lion raising his eyebrows from the cartoon Madagascar. Download an animated avatar of a cartoon lion character from Madagascar.

An avatar with a zombie with gouged out eyes wearing a hat and scarf with animated fingers. A horror picture with zombies in gray tones with animation.

Animated picture with a cucumber on a fork. Download a great avatar with a cucumber snack.

An avatar with a sitting sparrow that looks like a small ball with legs and a beak. Download a picture with a small bird, a person’s constant neighbor.

A beautiful picture with a flock of bats against the background of a round moon. It’s not a fact that these bats are vampires, however, on this page you can download a good avatar.

Stylish avatar with a ghost, picture with transparent background in PNG format..

A beautiful avatar with drawn fire and a man on fire. Download a 100 x 100 pixel image of a fiery man.

Cute avatar with a toy polar bear with a heart on the avatar. Download picture from bear white in the “Love” section, the size of which is 100 by 100 pixels.

A picture with a princess in a pink dress and a mask on a white background..

In the picture there is a girl with painted angel wings.. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the section dedicated to angels.

An animated avatar with a spider running along the outline of the picture and building a web in the corner. Download a 100 x 100 image with animation of a spider. On you can download cool avatars with animals.

An avatar with lips burned by a cigarette. A picture of the lips of a smoking girl who forgot to take out her cigarette. If you need a larger image, the source with lips is located below.

Animated candle on a green background. Download a 100x100 avatar with a burning candle with flame animation.

A picture with an animated pink background with a blonde. Download a beautiful avatar for girls with blond hair, and for those who like the color pink, download the avatar. Be careful, the weight of the image may not be suitable for many forums.

Avatar with a smiling ginger cat with a red nose. A very beautiful and positive picture for your avatar.

A black and white picture with an animation of a man constantly falling due to the shaky ground. Download an animated avatar 100 wide and 100 high with the falls of a drawn man.

An exclusive avatar made by me just for the site with an animated chipmunk putting a nut in its cheek. Download a 100x100 image with animation of a funny rodent playing with a nut. Placing an avatar as content without indicating an indexed link to the source is prohibited.

More and more people are looking for where to download 100x100 avatars, and so that they are as unique and interesting as possible. This problem can be solved, except by mass creation of interesting collections, only by forcing every seeker to sit down with some kind of avatar graphic editor. Online editors avatar on this moment are primitive and will never replace professional designers. Most forums allow you to create an avatar whose dimensions do not exceed 100 in length and width, so sometimes you have to reduce the image yourself to the required limits. Here you will not encounter such a problem, because... all avatars already have the size you need. Yes, and you can use them not only as avatars, but also as pictures in the topic, they will add more richness to the message.

→ Pages → Download the best avatars with dimensions 100 by 100 pixels

A section only with avatars, whose height and width are 100 pixels, no more and no less, so the themes of the pictures are different. If you are looking for an avatar on a specific topic and not by size, then there are sections on the left side of the site.

Cool avatar with an animation of two pins having sex. On this page you can download an animated avatar with two pins.

An animated picture shows a couple dancing on the clouds. Download an avatar with a dance against the background of the moon.

A picture from the game Worms with a worm with a halo, who prays before the battle of the worms. Download an avatar from a popular computer game.

An animated avatar with a sleeping green cat. Download a cool picture with a drawn cat.

An animated avatar for forums with a green face with darting and blinking eyes. Download a 100x100 image with animation of eyes on a green face.

Animated picture of a crazy sheep sticking out its tongue. Download a cool avatar with a strange sheep on a gray background.

Avatar depicting a pink hippopotamus bathing in water. Download an animated picture with a pink hippopotamus. The avatar is perfect for Paris Hilton.

A picture for those who like to drink alcoholic beverages. Download an avatar with the text “I’m an alcoholic” and a glass.

Avatar with a mug of beer, download Friday picture with beer in a transparent beer mug. Bright picture on a gray background

Cool animated avatar with a bearded man bashing a computer. Download a picture in which the computer does not work, and the user beats it.

A picture with the text inscription “I love music” on a black background, instead of the word “love” there is a heart. Download a text avatar on a musical theme. And for those who follow trends in music industry You will be interested not only in the avatar, but also in the music, which, unfortunately, is not on the site.

Animated picture with a green eye. Download an excellent avatar with animation of a green eye blinking and moving numbers that are visible in the reflection of the eye.

Cool animated picture with a black meowing kitten. Download a wonderful avatar with a cat on a pink background with animation.

Animated avatar with a guy with an iPod and an air guitar. Download a picture on a musical theme with an animation of a guy on a yellow background.

The picture shows a blue wolf with a cigar in his mouth and wearing sunglasses. Download avatar with a blue wolf.

Picture with an angel with his arms outstretched. Download a mysterious avatar with angel palms with strangely placed wings.

The picture shows a beautiful cat face, download an avatar with a white fluffy cat.

The picture shows a talking donkey from the cartoon Shrek. Download an avatar with a smiling donkey, a positive cartoon animal.

The picture shows a solar eclipse, but in theory the avatar just has a black circle with a white crown. Download an avatar with a photo of a solar eclipse.

Avatar with a glass and clear liquid flowing into it. Quite a stylish picture for those who like to drink, especially strong drinks.

An avatar with a dog, and mostly a dog’s nose. Download a picture with a close-up of a dog's nose, for pet lovers.

Avatar with the McDonald's logo, for fast food lovers and fast food workers. Download a stylish picture with the McDonalds logo.

An excellent avatar with a heart and its animated cardiogram. Download a picture on the theme of love with an animation of a “love” pulse.

Animated picture on the theme of the sky and speed, download an avatar with animation of clouds when flying in the sky.

A picture with a beautiful chamomile in soft colors. Download avatar tenderness for the forum with a flower on the website website

An avatar with a drawing of David Blaine and the caption "A little street magic?" Download a funny picture for which the theme is street magic with text and the street magician himself. When the video with Blaine translated by Bocharov simply blew up the Internet, hundreds of photoshopped images and quotes are still stored in ancient Internets. Now this meme is almost forgotten and you rarely read the phrase “My feet in your mouth” or “knock me back,” but many new memes have appeared that will soon suffer the same fate.

Animated avatar with Krosh from the cartoon Smesharika. Download a picture of a cartoon bunny blinking his eyes.

In the picture, the guitar is blazing with a red flame, the kind of musical instrument rockers dream of. Download an animated avatar with a fiery guitar in the music section.

This page contains excellent pictures with which you can decorate your post in an online diary, blog, LiveJournal. There is no need to download and re-upload avatars; all you need to do is copy the image code in a couple of clicks and paste this code into your blog post. Also, many of these avatars can be used as a comment on other people's messages; sometimes the picture says much more than large text. The unique website presents to your attention a collection of the best avatars. There is no unnecessary garbage here, which is obsolete, and the quality of which calls into question the sanity of the users who use them. Although there is a trend towards increasing the size of avatars, the 100x100 size still remains the leader and suits the majority of the Internet.
