How to write in a beautiful font on VKontakte. How to increase the font on VKontakte. How to make the VKontakte font larger

One of effective ways to make your page stand out from a large number of others is to change it appearance. There are a number of possibilities to do this. Changing the font and other actions with letters. It's interesting, simple. Your page will be able to attract more attention to itself and will be original.

Changing the font on a VKontakte page

For beautiful design menu in the group, a “wiki markup” was specially developed, which allows you to select the required form font (italics, strikethrough, change bold, etc.). Let's look at it step by step: - first, open the main VKontakte page, and if you are not yet authorized, enter your password and login; — click on the “My Groups” tab and then go to the internal “Management” tab located at the top of the page; — find and select in the list the group whose external style we want to change (the link is under the avatar at the top right); - V this moment We are on the "Information" tab. At the bottom we find “Materials” and change the parameter to “Connected” in case it is suddenly turned off. We save the changes and go to the group page by clicking on the group name: - after that, the inscription “Latest news” appears under the name of our group. We hover the mouse cursor over it and click on the “edit” link that appears; - and we begin to fantasize: we write our text in a group and use tag buttons to change the boldness, font size, etc.

Font boldness VKontakte

Of course, we know that bold font is indicated by the letter “B” in the editing panel. Click on the bold text button and enclose our text between the triple apostrophes that appear.

Original font on images

You can use these fonts to sign photos and images on VKontakte. We select the image we need, which has already been uploaded to the site, click on it and select “Edit”. In this mode, select the letter “T”, which is located in the image. We paste our text and save by clicking on “Save”.

Strikethrough font VKontakte

For strikethrough font there is special code: ̶. In order for the font to become strikethrough, you need to copy this code and paste it between each letter and number. It's not very convenient, but it's not difficult.

About the big font on VKontakte

In order to make the font larger on our page, we use the heading buttons in the editing panel - H1, H2, etc. Another option would be to use the well-known CAPS LOCK key, but we should not forget that such flashy letters can both attract and repel visitors to our pages.

For some reason, the website forces its users to look closely at the text because of the small font in the web version of the site. In order not to spoil your eyesight, you can increase the font in contact.

We will tell you about a method that can be easily applied by any user. It applies to any sites where you want the letters to be larger.

Changing the font in the browser

Everything is simple here. I will show using a browser as an example Google Chrome, but this can be done in almost anyone. While on the VK page, There is a menu button in the upper right corner of the browser in the form of three vertically placed points. Click on it and see in the list “Scale 100%” with a minus and a plus.

By clicking on plus or minus, you can change the size of letters on any site, and the browser will remember it. The next time you come into contact, the font will be larger, with the same scale as you previously set it to.

In order not to go into the browser menu, it is enough hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel— the scale will also change in the direction you need.

Is it possible to change the font through VK settings?

Previously it was possible to do this. In the settings there was an option to select “Larger fonts”.

But after changing the design to a new one, in 2016, this item in the settings menu disappeared. Perhaps the VKontakte developers decided that the new design would not cause a small print problem.

If you visit often social network VKontakte, you have already noticed that the font of the page cannot be called very large. To avoid damaging your eyesight and increase your comfort when viewing information, use one of the following methods and increase the font size.

The first way is to change the settings account in Vkontakte. Log into your account and find the “My Settings” item in the menu. By default, you will be taken to the “General” section.

By scrolling to the very bottom of the page, you will see the “Appearance Settings” subsection. Check the box next to “Use larger fonts” and you will immediately notice the change. At the same time, the layout of the social network pages does not get lost, everything remains in the places that are familiar to you.

Saving occurs automatically in your account. To return the original font size, you need to uncheck the settings item. The font will be increased or decreased only on the VKontakte page. If a small font enlargement is not enough for you, use the second method. With its help you can change not only text, but also pictures. This is done by editing the scale, which occurs on all opened pages. When using Google browsers Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox

Just go to settings and zoom in. Holding down the “Ctrl” key and simultaneously rotating the mouse wheel will also change the scale.

If you enlarge the font using the browser, this change in scale will remain relevant for all VK pages opened on the current device. If you use the built-in function of the VK application, the changes will be assigned to the current account and will be valid regardless of the device and browser on which you will log in in the future. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which option to choose. How to write on VKontakte in bold
, turn the text over, frame the text, etc. Hello! It's winter here and today there will be a post a little related to winter. More precisely, there will be only one point in which we will learn send text in the snow on VKontakte . In general, the post will be devoted to the competent use of VKontakte text. You will learn, write on VKontakte with underlined text, frame the text on VKontakte write bold text messages on VKontakte
and you’ll also learn about some tricks in VK. Sometimes with such messages you can attract attention to your group, or come up with a use for such features in VK. In general, I would call these features not bugs in VK, but
competent use of symbols in VK.
Recently there was a technique with crossed out text. But now, it has been removed, apparently they have begun to use this matter very often. I’ll tell you that in 2014 all the techniques worked. If suddenly something does not work, write in the comments and we will deal with the problems associated with something not working.
First, download a file in which everything that we will insert is in text format and you will only need to copy from the file, and not do everything with your hands. Also, you will need a program, TextFlip for upside down text and text in circles and brackets
Download TextFlip – and file with hints
You can see an example below -

How to send a message in bold text on VKontakte

In order to send a message to VKontakte in bold just follow these steps (note, you can send messages in bold, You can't write on the wall, if you are not the author of the public)
Go to My messages - Show as messages - Write a message - Select sender- where is the Subject: VKontakte message that will be in bold font, and where we insert the Message & #13;

(remove the space between & and #) and click send

If we go to show as dialogs, your message will be written in bold. If you know a way to write on a wall in bold, be sure to write in the comments

In order to How to send a message or write on a wall with underlined text on VKontakte send a VKontakte message with underlined text
All you need to do is follow these steps (note, underlined people can not only send messages, but underlined people can also write on the wall)
First we write the word, and in a new line, for each filled character (even if it is a space), we insert the same number & #175;

(remove the space between & and #)

It will come out something like this How to write text in a VKontakte frame To
send a VKontakte message in a frame
All you need to do is follow these steps (note, you can not only send framed text in messages, but you can also write framed text on your wall)

Before the beginning of the word, we need to insert | , and then before each letter & #819;& #831;

It will come out something like this (remove 2 spaces between & and #, 1 on each side) And at the end too. It will turn out to be something approximate
How to write text in snowflakes
write VKontakte messages or posts in snowflakes

How to write VKontakte text in circles, in brackets, upside down text

To write VKontakte text in circles, in brackets, upside down text, just follow the following steps. First, download the TextFlip program if you haven't already.
Download TextFlip (search on the Internet)
Russian text can be flipped by clicking on Flip. And English can be taken in circles and brackets.

You can also read other articles on the topic "Vkontakte"

Most likely, you accidentally turned the mouse wheel while pressing the Ctrl key. In the browser, this changes the font; it becomes smaller or larger, depending on where you turn it. Interestingly, no one believes that he could have done this by accident!

Enlarging the font is very simple:

  • hold down any of the Ctrl keys (right or left) and slightly turn the mouse wheel away from you, it's like you're scrolling back a page. The font should get larger as you scroll. If you've gone too far, twist it reverse side. When the size is normal, release the Ctrl key and the wheel.
  • You can do it another way: by opening the VKontakte page, press Ctrl-0 (zero) on the keyboard- that is, press and hold Ctrl, then press zero in the horizontal row of numbers, and then release both keys. This returns the normal font size (100%) to whatever is currently set.
  • You can also increase the font step by step by pressing a key combination Ctrl-plus.

The VKontakte font has become large and huge. How can I change it to normal?

Usually the reason is the same - you accidentally turned the mouse wheel while pressing the Ctrl key. This made the font larger.

Reducing the font and making it normal is simple:

  • Return to the VKontakte page, hold down any of the Ctrl keys (right or left) and slightly turn the mouse wheel towards you. In this case, the font should become smaller. If it gets too shallow, turn it in the opposite direction. When the size is normal, release the Ctrl key and the wheel.
  • Another way: by opening the VKontakte page, press Ctrl-0 (zero) on your keyboard- that is, press and hold Ctrl, then press zero in the horizontal row of numbers, and then release both keys. This returns the normal font size (100%).
  • You can also reduce the font step by step by pressing a key combination Ctrl-minus.

Large font in the news feed

That's how it was intended. Since October 2017, VK began to show short text entries(quotes, for example) if nothing is attached to them. There's no way to fix this. They want you to pay more attention to the text. If you go to the recording source (for example, to a group), then the font there will be normal. It's big only in your news feed:

Large font in the news feed and normal font inside the group.

On other sites the font is normal, but on VKontakte it is small. What to do?

Indeed, the VKontakte website uses a rather small font. IN old version there was a setting "Use larger fonts":

IN new version she is no longer there, unfortunately. Use the advice above, at the very beginning of the page - it says how to increase the font in the browser.

See also:

How to write in bold or large font on VKontakte?

There is no such option on VKontakte. More precisely, somewhere on the VKontakte website you could see a bold and large font and now you think that you can write in the same way in other places on the site. However, in reality this is not the case. This is impossible in regular messages, in comments, on the wall. If you could write in bold or large font anywhere, everyone would do it, and the VKontakte site would long ago turn into a real hell, and you and I would go crazy.

If you really want to, you can press the key Caps Lock and write in CAPITAL LETTERS. But then people will think that you are hysterical, and no one will actually read your messages. Maybe you just want to stand out, become more noticeable, so that people pay attention to you? Then try wearing a red blouse. Good luck!

How to change the font of an inscription in a photo editor?

Any of your VKontakte photos can be processed in a photo editor - to do this, after opening it for viewing, you need to select “Actions → Photo Editor.” In it, the button with the letter “A” (on the left) adds an inscription. The beautiful font used there is called “Lobster”. But it can be changed:

  1. In the photo editor, click the add text button "A".
  2. Type the text of the inscription you want to add.
  3. To the right of where you type, you will see a button "Ah"- she changes the font. Each time you press the font changes to “Impact”, “Lobster” and “Impact” again.
