Ugly contact form to ask a question. Feedback: Learn to ask questions. Why do we need a feedback form?

Article publication date: June 20, 2017
You can ask any question to the authors of the articles by e-mail

This may surprise you, but if you have a form on your website feedback, or even a call back request form - You are already the operator of personal data and must comply with the relevant legislation.

The combination of name and email address, name and telephone number is personal data. Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” has existed for a long time, but until now many people have ignored its requirements.

Cases where companies were issued fines are already real. But there were few cases, and many continued to ignore the requirements of the Law due to the insignificance of these fines. One company in Tambov was fined 1,000 rubles, several companies in Astrakhan were fined in varying amounts from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

What will change now? From July 1, 2017, the amount of fines for violations of the provisions of the Law “On Personal Data” will increase multiple times.

For example, if a user enters his personal data on the company’s website and does not leave explicit consent to their processing (for example, by checking the appropriate “tick” when entering data in the form), then for legal entity- the site owner is subject to a fine of up to 75,000 rubles.

And if on the company’s website that collects personal data there is no opportunity to familiarize yourself with the company’s Personal Data Processing Policy, a fine is provided. up to 30,000 rubles.

In addition, Roskomnadzor now has the right to issue these fines independently, without the Prosecutor’s Office.

Attention! Carrying out points according to this list DOES NOT GUARANTEE your compliance with all the norms of Law N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, which contains other requirements for personal data operators. We are talking only about eliminating obvious violations that are visible to any visitor to your site.

Who better to trust to bring the site into compliance with the Law?

The “Personal Data Processing Policy” itself as a document must be developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the site and business. Should do this website owner or lawyer.

Regarding the placement of the text of the Policy on the website and the “checkmarks” of consent on feedback forms - we, your service “Sitemontazh”, will be happy to help you with this issue :)

Greetings, dear reader, today I have prepared for you a delicious html feedback form that works without reloading the page using Ajax technology + a powerful trigger that will motivate your visitors to use the form. Readers of my blog very actively discussed my previous article on the Landing Page, now we are evaluating and looking at the revised new uniform. All necessary source code and demo attached in the article , we will also analyze the structure of work and connection.

UPD: Fixed a bug with name encoding in the subject line. Now everything is displayed correctly. We thank the reader (Ekaterina Karacheva)

The format of the form itself also includes a handler file in PHP; in addition, for work you will need a jquery library and scripts, but first things first, I won’t load it for too long - let’s move on to the review and analysis of our feedback.

HTML feedback form - work structure

Our form looks like this:

What's the point here? There is such a form on the right side, but on the left side I made a special block that will encourage your visitor to enter their contact information immediately! The secret is simple: Do you see the date and time in the left block? Today's date will be displayed all the time, over time the range of these two hours is calculated from the present hour, let's say if your time now is 13:14, then the hour range will be: from 12 to 14. Look at how it works)))

The visitor will see: wow, there’s a discount today, and I was just on time, there’s also a discount! Must take it immediately! - This is our trigger.

I downloaded the source code of the html feedback form, looked at the demo - I think I’ve played enough)) Now about the most important thing, the principle of operation:

Validation of fields in the input form occurs in the handler file contact.php Below in the listing of the program code you can see, a message about errors and successful sending of the letter appears in the form itself, this is how it looks after sending:

Form handler source code

Paste in line 52 your email, so all letters will be sent to the specified email.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

< 1) { $error .= "Введите ваше сообщение.
"; } } ?>

"; ) // Phone verification function ValidateTel($valueTel) ( $regexTel = "/^(7,12)$/"; if($valueTel == "") ( return false; ) else ( $string = preg_replace( $regexTel, "", $valueTel); ) return empty($string) ? true: false; ) if(!$tel) ( $error .= "Please enter a phone number.
"; ) if($tel && !ValidateTel($tel)) ( $error .= "Enter a valid phone number.
"; ) if(!$error) // Check message (length) if(!$message || strlen($message)< 1) { $error .= "Введите ваше сообщение.
";// This line sets a minimum restriction on the writing of letters. ) if(!?utf-8?b?". base64_encode($name) ."?="; $message ="\n\nName: ".$ name."\n\nPhone number: " .$tel."\n\nMessage: ".$message."\n\n"; $mail = mail(" [email protected]", $subject, $message, "From: ".$name_tema."<".$tel.">"."Reply-To: ".$email." "." X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); if($mail) ( echo "OK"; ) ) else ( echo "

"; } } ?>

Form performance

To receive letters to your Mailbox, change the line I mentioned above. I advise you to use mail, there are no delays or jambs when receiving a generated letter from the form. I warned you, because... Readers had many questions (letters do not arrive at Be careful about this.

We fill in all the fields, please note that the phone number is entered with an 8 - I specifically wrote the number with an eight “89251122333” in the tooltip. When entering a character «+» An error message will appear. If someone needs it, it’s easy to add this to the handler «+» .

Completed form with test data

Letter on the mailbox

As you can see, we received the letter with all three fields that were filled out and sent. The header of the letter “Request from the site site” changes in the handler contact.php

Everything works fine, it will be nice to hear your feedback (constructive criticism) in the comments, if you have any difficulties and can’t cope with something, feel free to write to me on VK (you will find it in the contact details). I hope you liked the design and functionality of this symbiosis of a feedback form (ordering services, application) and a trigger calling for action. Good luck to everyone in your work and a positive attitude, bye))

Prepared with the support of

Feedback forms – The best way achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. Instead of guessing what he needs, you can find out about it directly from him. It is necessary to continuously improve customer satisfaction to make a business more successful.

The problem is that survey forms are often used incorrectly, responses are processed incorrectly or completely ignored.

People fill out complex, time-consuming questionnaires, but then nothing happens - the answers go to waste. Because of this approach, clients do not want to fill out the questionnaire at all! But it is precisely this that brings enormous benefits that many companies have already appreciated.

You just need to use 10 techniques that will help you get the most out of your feedback.

1. Don’t ask for feedback without defining the business problem.

Collecting feedback alone will not make customers happier. Customer feedback cannot be “another new initiative” for the company or “something we should do” because it means more work and unclear benefits.

In order for everyone to feel the benefits of feedback, it is necessary to set clear goals before collecting it.

Below are three examples that demonstrate how feedback can help you grow your business and make it more profitable:

Business growth .

Harlands Accountants has found that it is much easier to win new clients if you show them how happy existing clients are with the business.

Victory over competitors .

Exclusive Ltd company is engaged in the search and selection of management personnel and consultations on personnel issues. The company uses customer reviews to prove that they are better than others.

Increased sales. RIBA Enterprises found that brilliant service

leads to brilliant sales. Passing feedback from customers directly to the sales department allows them to overcome any obstacles on the path to successful transactions.

2. Process

It seems trivial and obvious, but the truth is that most companies don't process feedback.

Processing does not mean lazily reviewing what comes from clients. On the contrary, as soon as feedback that requires attention is received through the feedback form, you need to react and respond.

This could be a problem that needs to be solved, or a request for help. By the way, a prompt response is an opportunity to sell something, since the client is glad that his request was taken into account and has nothing against further purchases.

If you were a customer who took the time to give sincere, constructive feedback, how would you feel if your response was not responded to?

How to prepare for collecting feedback:

Communicate. Tell everyone in the company why you decided to run a feedback program and how the company will benefit from it. Everyone should have a personal stake in its success. Convince everyone that feedback is in the interests of every employee of the company, this is a chance for something

learn and improve.

Define roles, responsibilities and resources. Who should implement this program and ensure that the resources and support necessary for the feedback to be useful are in place?

Who should process the questionnaires? When? How? From whom? Who is responsible for ensuring that feedback is acted upon? Who examines the feedback system itself to find out how satisfied customers are with the quality of service?

Make feedback systems part of your business. The company needs a method of systematizing all requests, suggestions, complaints and findings, either in print or in in electronic format. Perfect option(when the feedback form is already working) – publish reviews that you are sure to receive.

3. Make the feedback collection process convenient for customers

Practice the question: “What do my clients dislike most when asked for feedback?”

If you come to a restaurant and the waiters ignore you, this is not good. It's even worse if they come to you with a questionnaire and ask you to spend 20 minutes answering the questions, and then leave them unanswered. Most companies conduct their surveys this way.

customer satisfaction.

Make feedback easy and quick, and as a reward, give customers not the illusory hope of being heard, but the confidence that you will pay attention to what they say and respond to it.

4. Develop relevant questions for your feedback form

Here are the questions an electronics supermarket suggests answering after purchasing a music center:

  • Were we competent and friendly enough to treat you?
  • Did we have the product in stock?
  • Were you served quickly?
  • If you tried to contact us before coming to the store, how easy was it?
  • Do you have any wishes?
  • These are brilliant questions. They are about exactly what to expect from

    good store to evaluate whether they met the customer's expectations

    at the time of buying.

Notice what they didn't ask.

They didn't ask how they heard about them or the client's age. They didn't ask what was interesting to them, they were interested in what was important to the client.

Putting your feedback form first means showing your boss that you understand what's valuable and important to the company.

Adrian Pearson of Ledgerscope shared this information:

“The biggest surprise has been how willing our customers are to share their love. If people receive great service, they like to tell others about it.”.

You can offer lengthy feedback surveys in a variety of ways, but do it only for those customers who have given their consent or those who are known to be satisfied with your company.

5. Use questions with written answers or rating scales where appropriate.

Each type of question has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the difference is little comparable to the total benefits you will receive, using each of them where it is most appropriate. The client doesn't care what types of questions you use, only what you do with their answer.

The digital scale allows you to perfectly measure the “temperature” of customer satisfaction. Different people rate differently, for example, some will never give it a 10. Don't attach importance to this, this is not an absolute indicator.

After this, ask 1-2 questions, the answers to which must be written. Written feedback from customers is the biggest benefit of the entire survey process. They will tell you what you are doing right and what needs to be improved. This will show your employees exactly what customers think

important. The longer you work with feedback forms, the better your company will perform.


  • Avoid questions with multi-dimensional rating scales: they are too difficult.
  • Limit yourself to 2-5 questions. If you give more, clients may refuse to fill out the questionnaire.
  • Be sure to check that the feedback form is filled out in one

6. To differentiate yourself from competitors, use feedback as independent reviews

The fact that you have never seen any bad reviews from customers means that some of them were satisfied.

But such thanks will never give an idea of ​​what it’s really like to order a product or service from you. What could be more important than good feedback? Being able to see how you react when things go wrong.

If you provide excellent service, independent reviews will tell the world about it. They are much more effective at winning over doubtful customers than simple thank-yous.

When choosing software To work with feedback forms, it is important to find one that would automatically transfer reviews to your site, while confirming that they are real.

7. Ask for feedback at the best time

To determine when to do this, answer two questions:

1. After what should you collect feedback from clients?

For example, after selling a product, service, performing work, technical support, customer service, training, billing, consulting, treatment...

2. How quickly should you ask for it after the selected event?

It's best to ask for feedback as soon as possible, for example within 24 hours of the event, but you should always leave the choice to the client. For example, when selling products, this is best done after delivery rather than after shipping. For technical support, it is best to ask the customer only after the problem has been resolved, and it is necessary to obtain the customer's consent in advance. If you don't ask for this within a day, the percentage of responses received will drop sharply.

If your site asks visitors for feedback with a large pop-up window as soon as they enter the site, remove it immediately.

How about an annual customer survey?

Bad idea. If you ask questions to all clients at once, two problems arise:

  • Most likely, customers will not have an experience on which to base their
  • opinion, so they will answer questions with difficulty or not at all.

  • If you are bombarded with answers that you need to respond to, you
  • leave a lot of customers disappointed unless you

    train employees who will immediately give answers to everything,

    what comes from clients.

Things to remember when a company shares feedback with everyone:

  • Highlight and reward the people who made the necessary changes happen.
  • Share good news on your website, at events, and in internal meetings.
  • Thank your customers for helping you with their

In response to such a question, the first thing that comes to mind is: “Comfortable and working.” And this is generally logical. Otherwise, what is the point of having a beautiful feedback form on the site that is not used? But first things first.

Many forms - one goal

Let's start with what are feedback forms on the website for? The website owner must be able to reach the visitors of his website. People strive to save their time on searching for information about the products they need, clarifying their qualities and characteristics, prices, and, most importantly, placing an order. Feedback forms are an important channel through which communication occurs between a site visitor and its owner, seller and buyer. If this communication channel does not work or is inconvenient for the visitor, he may abandon the idea of ​​contacting you, and, therefore, the idea of ​​becoming your real client.

How regularly and actively feedback forms are used on your website will tell about your website no worse than visit analytics.

This logically follows the conclusion that has already been stated above - feedback forms must be convenient and must work!

It is worth noting that the second part of this conclusion depends not only on correct programming. From a technical point of view, the form may work perfectly, but The operator must respond quickly to requests, coming from the site. Otherwise, feedback forms will be useless. If the operator calls the visitor back in two days, the need to order a product or service from the person may simply disappear.

There can be a great variety of feedback forms (“Order back call”, “Ask a question”, “Leave a review”, “Fill out the order form”, “Contact the manager”, etc.), and they can be used for different tasks. But everyone will have essentially the same goal - to ensure a connection between a site visitor and its administrator or owner, to obtain the visitor’s contacts for further interaction with him.

Seven tips to remember

Let's remember a few simple rules that need to be taken into account when developing and posting FOS on the site.

    The form should be positioned so that it is convenient for the visitor to find it.

    Place the form in a visible place - so that your site visitor does not have to make an effort to find a feedback form among many different elements on the page or endlessly scroll down the page.

    Traditionally, forms can be placed in the website header or on the contact page.

    If necessary, you can duplicate key forms in the footer so as not to force visitors who have viewed the entire page to scroll up again:

    If there are pages with a product or service that has a special offer and a visitor can get it through an online order, place a quick call or order form on this page.

    In addition, this will allow you to “hook” a visitor who is already interested in the product or service. The visitor looked at the description, guarantees, prices, decided that the product or service suits him, and so, we immediately offer him, without leaving this page, to leave a request to order this service.

    The form must be displayed and work equally correctly on all devices and in all browsers.

    Or briefly - check the cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility of the feedback forms on your site. The form can be visible and easy to fill out from a laptop or desktop computer, but on a tablet the data entry field may be too narrow and inconvenient to enter text from the touch screen. Will the client then try over and over again to enter their details in order to contact you? The answer is obvious.

    The form should be short and clear.

    What does it mean? The form should not consist of a large number of fields or filling steps. Unless, of course, there is a strict need for this. People strive for simplicity; they don’t want to spend a lot of time figuring it out and filling out ten thousand fields.

    If the service involves receiving quite detailed information, simplify the task for the client (if this is possible, of course). Highlight a few key fields that need to be filled out:

    Looks more convenient than, for example:

    It’s better to call back and verbally clarify everything you need, but make it easier for the visitor to fill out the form. And thereby increase the chances that he will contact you!

    Continuing the theme of clarity, pay attention to the fact that the form has a title - “Order a call back”, “Order a call to a surveyor”, “Order a free consultation”, etc. It is better to duplicate the same header in electronic notifications that will come from the form to your email. Then not only will the visitor to your site not get confused and forget the application for what exactly he is filling out. But you yourself will receive clear information about what information was of interest to the visitor who submitted the request. This will help you quickly navigate further communication with the visitor and build a dialogue correctly.

    The form should have a pleasant and practical design.

    All fields must be clearly visible. If you use a lot of colors when creating a form design, you should pay attention to ensure that there are not too many of them, that they are combined and not overly bright. The person filling out the form should not strain their eyesight. The same applies to choosing colors for text messages.

    It is better to avoid combining dark on dark. If, for example, on a dark blue background you make a dark red or dark green inscription “Your message has been sent,” it simply will not be visible.

    The form must contain a call to action.

    A small touch that encourages the visitor to take or complete an action. In our case, send a message from the site!

    It is also better to highlight the button in a contrasting color. Together with a call to action, this will make it noticeable and attract the visitor's attention.

    The form should roll up easily.

    So, the form is easy to find, it has a nice design, and is convenient to fill out. What else?

    Don't forget to ask the developers to add a "cross" to the form so that you can close it. Or configure the form to automatically collapse after filling it out.

    It seems like a small thing, but it can spoil the overall picture.
    For example, a visitor left a request on the site and wants to return to viewing the site. BUT! The form hangs, does not disappear, and it is not clear how to close it. Or another option - the visitor changed his mind about writing a request, and decided to call himself. It may turn out unpleasant.

    Setting up a response message.

    Something like that…

    The person sending the message wants to be sure that their message will be received and considered by you. Technically, setting up an automatic notification will not take much time, but it will strengthen the visitor’s confidence that his message will not go unanswered. This is usually used in those forms where you need to indicate your email. However, modern services allow you to customize automatic alerts and via SMS.


There are a lot of subtleties and other details: you can experiment with shape and design, you can add unobtrusive graphics on the topic, etc. But the basic criteria do not change. To all that has been said above, I would like to add a big, but important, wish - periodically check the operation of the feedback forms on the site. Technical glitches should not be an obstacle to your business!
