Zte blade phone does not turn on. The zte phone does not turn on what to do. How to reboot a frozen phone even with a non-removable battery. Recovery of not turning on, dead ZTE phones at home

Phone firmware is always a risky business. It would seem that even doing everything strictly according to the instructions, unforeseen situations may arise, and in this case it is very simple to get a brick instead of a working phone. Therefore, there are a few simple rules that are better not to neglect, so as not to tempt fate.

First, the phone should always be charged more than 50%. Secondly, before the firmware it is necessary to do backup data (backup). In this case, you can return the phone to its original state. Having found on an authoritative forum instructions for any firmware, according to which the pioneers have already successfully flashed, you should not neglect the indicated points, unless, of course, you are a guru for unlocking and flashing devices. But usually, after an unsuccessful attempt, a long correspondence appears in the forum thread with those who, so to speak, implemented this method. Therefore, the third simple rule can be considered personal attentiveness and strict adherence to instructions.

Even if after the firmware your ZTE V880E does not turn on at all, and it became clear that it is “dead”, this is not a reason to be upset. Below is an instruction for restoring a "dead" device.

ZTE V880E Recovery Instructions

  • If the phone is still working, and the radio module has not been backed up, then we will definitely do Backup QPST. How to do this is described. If ZTE V880E does not turn on and Backup was not made, then IMEI and MAC address will be changed during restoration. As for Wi-Fi, it should work after the restoration of the radio.
  • Download and unpack to any folders. We also download the Russian modified firmware version 2.3.6.
  • We take out the battery, simultaneously hold down the volume "+" and "-" and insert the cable, without releasing the volume, press "on". DFU mode is loaded. The phone is defined as ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface.
  • Launch DFU Tools. On the left side, select all the checkboxes, on the right side, specify the path to the dump. The checkbox on the right side is not selected. Press the left button below. After the process is completed, the smartphone will automatically enter FTM mode. DFU Tools can be closed.
  • We reboot the smartphone, now it has Chinese firmware installed on it.
  • In the settings menu, switch to English (gray letter A).
  • Install CWM and, as usual, flash into Russian 2.3.6.
  • Using QPST, we restore the previously removed Baskup radio module on the Restore tab (where the checkbox is not selected). For those who don't have it, skip this step.

Instruction: What to do if ZTE Blade X3 does not turn on? The causes of the malfunction can be both mechanical damage and incorrect operation. operating system. Often in requests search engines there is a question: why did the ZTE Blade X3 go out and stop turning on, instructions and do-it-yourself repairs. The causes of the malfunction are:

  1. Increased load on the battery. With constant use of various applications and regular inclusion wifi smartphone consumes a large amount of energy, which is the cause of instantaneous shutdown. Check the condition of the battery and replace the battery if necessary.
  2. Faulty charger. It is possible that a wire or contact has come off on the charger. It happens that the charging is too hot, as a result of which the battery does not receive the necessary energy and, despite the figure of 100%, the phone is charged no more than 20%. Do not use someone else's charger (especially if the device Bad quality). This can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the phone and soon it will fail.
  3. The phone does not work after the updates are completed. The smartphone is regularly updated with new updates. Installing some of them may make the device unsafe. Problems occur after completion: the phone turns off and then turns on by itself (this happens regularly).

Troubleshooting the operating system and solving mechanical problems is best left to the experienced specialists of the Telemama service center. Self-repair can lead to additional problems, and professionals can restore the smartphone in a matter of hours.


Our advantages

Ordering phone repair services at the Telemama service center is beneficial because we:

  1. We perform free diagnostics, with the help of which we determine the exact cause of the malfunction.
  2. When repairing, we use only original parts from the manufacturer ZTE Blade X3. We work directly with all manufacturers, so we offer spare parts at low prices.
  3. We do work at affordable prices.
  4. We provide warranties for parts and service for up to one year.

Telemama service center offers its customers high-quality smartphone repair services of any complexity. Thanks to the professionalism of our masters, the work is carried out strictly within the specified time. When repairing, we use only genuine parts from the manufacturer of the same name, which ensures the long-term operation of the smartphone. For regular customers there is a flexible discount system, we also provide a guarantee for all types of services.

4 years ago

Hi all. Today I would like to analyze all the most common reasons why an Android smartphone may not turn on. I will not touch on those situations when you need to disassemble the phone and interfere with the electronic stuffing, since this is the work of completely different specialists.

If your smartphone or tablet suddenly stops turning on, it is not necessary to immediately run to a service center or workshop and send it in for repair. Most likely, there is a chance that you can manage on your own and save some money (home accounting programs for Android will also help you save, look for them on the blog). Below we will consider the main measures that can be taken if an Android smartphone or tablet does not turn on. And so, let's get started.

Android phone does not turn on. 5 ways to solve the problem.

Method number 1

From my own experience I will say that in 80% of all cases, if they come to me with a problem that the phone does not turn on, the whole thing turns out to be a dead battery. And I perfectly understand when they tell me that they charged the smartphone all day, but it still does not turn on. Some devices have one unpleasant feature - if the battery is very much discharged, it will not charge, even if you support it on charge all day.

In this case, a frog-type charger will help us, which allows you to charge almost any battery directly by removing it from the phone. It is enough to recharge the battery in this way for 15 minutes. After that, insert it back and put the phone on charge as usual, everything should be OK.

If getting a frog is problematic for you, then you can use any old mobile phone charger. Cut off the old plug and protect the wires.

Make sure that the charger is not connected to the outlet at this time.

We fix the bare wires on the battery with adhesive tape for a few minutes.

Important. Do not reverse polarity.

Method number 2

Faulty charger. Of course, the second thing to check is the health of the charger. Everything is simple here - we take a known working charge and try to charge our smartphone. If the process has begun, then we buy a new one and rejoice. Although it sounds trite, it helps every fifth person.

Method number 3

If the phone does not turn on, then it may just be frozen. To revive your device, we use a long-known, but still relevant method - take out the battery and insert it again.

Unfortunately, this technique does not work on many modern phones with a non-removable battery. In this case, to reboot, you need to find the reset button and press it, for example, with a paper clip. It can be anywhere, but is usually located near the SIM card slot or on the back of a smartphone or tablet. Near the reset button, sometimes there is an inscription reset or off. The photo below is an example of the location of such a button in a smartphone.

Method number 4

This method is applicable if your phone does not turn on, but does not turn on completely. For example, it hangs on your Android logo and nothing else happens. This happens due to a malfunction in the software of the smartphone. Then a hard reset will help us ( hard reset) or, in translation, a hard reset. It is done differently for each device model. In order to find out how, enter the name of your phone and the words hard reset, for example LG G3 hard reset, in Google or Yandex and follow the instructions. In the future, I hope to create a separate section on the blog on this topic.

Unfortunately, not all smartphones support hard reset, it depends on the recovery installed in the device. If you are interested in learning more about what it is, look on the Internet.

For example, there is no such function by default in many Sony phones, but the manufacturer has provided the ability to restore the software using special utility Sony pc companion.

Method number 5

Not often, but it does happen smartphone does not turn on due to the fact that the contacts under the battery do not reach. To fix this, you need to use tweezers or a small screwdriver to bend the contacts to improve the connection to the battery. The main thing here is without fanaticism, otherwise you will only make it worse.

If none of the methods helped and your phone still does not turn on, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware itself and only a service center can help you.

Sincerely, Ivan Derbenev.

Now let's figure out why your Android phone does not load beyond the logo (does not turn on after the splash screen of the manufacturer or robot). Further in the text: first about the reasons and then decoding what to do in this or that case.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

If we divide all the reasons why your Android phone hangs on the logo splash screen and does not load further, then this one will

  • errors in software(it is possible to eliminate it yourself);
  • problems with hardware (only in the service center).

Causes of failure and why it turns on but does not boot

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If Android does not boot on the phone or tablet when turned on, or the Android smartphone starts but does not go beyond the logo splash screen, then the reasons for this may be as follows:

  • Errors in device firmware. These include installing an unsuitable or corrupted build, out of order firmware, power failure, and other factors.
  • Out of memory. The system may not start or due to lack of memory. Deleting unnecessary data can also be a solution.
  • Memory card incompatibility. If the smartphone turns on, but does not boot to the end, try removing the memory card and try restarting the system.
  • Hardware problems that occur after being hit, dropped, exposed to liquid, exposed to extreme temperatures.
  • Damage to the power button or its cable, which "closes" the phone and it goes into a cyclic reboot, loading up to the logo and then in a circle. We encounter this from time to time and can only be diagnosed at a service center.

Before trying to troubleshoot Android, you need to understand why the system does not boot.


If the phone shows that the charge is on, then the causes of the problem should be looked for in the Launcher Android. If the device vibrates or the screen flickers, then there is a possibility that the screen is damaged.

If you have determined that the problem is software in nature (for example, the problem arose after a firmware update), then a simple reboot will not help here. You need to reset the system recovery mode or reflash the device. Let's see what to do:

  1. While holding the power button and the volume down key (there may be other combinations, look for your model), go to Recovery Mode. If the phone, then the problems are at a deeper level, so you need to contact the service center.
  2. Perform a factory reset by selecting "Wipe data factory".
  3. Select "Reset" to reboot the device.

When the user's personal data and settings are deleted. If this method does not help, perform a flashing. To do this, upload the file with the appropriate firmware to the root of the memory card, insert the drive into the phone and select the "Install zip from sdcard" option in Recovery Mode.


WITH software failure you can handle it yourself, but how to fix hardware problems? The most reasonable option is to contact the service center for diagnostics and repair.

Extracting information from a broken Android

Even if the problem can be solved without financial investments, with a simple flashing, users have an important question - how to save the data that is stored in the phone's memory. There are no problems with the memory card: you just need to pull it out of the device. But how to save data from the internal drive? For example, pull contacts.


If you did backup system, or at least, then it will be very easy to get contacts. You just need to go to the "Contacts" application on the Google website to see full list synced contacts. If you want to transfer them to another device, it will be enough to add a Google account to it.

The telephone - despite the constantly evolving information system, these small funds for telephone connection continue to be at the peak of their popularity. Thousands of residents cannot imagine how their life would change, in what direction it turned, if they did not have this small but indispensable assistant, like a telephone or smartphone, at their disposal. Many will agree that this is not even a communication device, but an extension of the hand, whose malfunction can cause serious discomfort. Many people cannot afford to be without a phone even for a minute. And suddenly this very second will arrive on the device important message or a call, which will radically change the course of events in the life of the owner of the phone. And extreme panic can begin the second when the smartphone owner realizes that some problems are occurring in the device. Well, if the music file does not open, or the pictures on the phone have become more vague and inaccurate. But if the phone turned off, and then does not turn on at all? What to do in such a situation? Start ringing the bells and include all your friends who may have also experienced such a situation, or find an experienced specialist who can correctly understand the “whims” of the phone and return its owner to the usual rhythm of life as quickly as possible. After all, some people have absolutely no idea how you can sleep, watch TV, go to an important meeting without such a faithful and already integral to the human nature of the phone. It’s good if the phone has faithfully served its owner for many years and he can afford to “be capricious”, but if a failure occurred in a brand new smartphone, then the nerves and calmness of the smartphone owner are in big question.

Don't hurt yourself!
The first thing to do if the phone turns off and does not turn back on is not to panic. At such moments, it is likely that actions will be taken that will further aggravate the situation.
What do almost everyone who does not turn on the smartphone? Everyone opens the cover of the phone and begins to look and find out what is happening with the phone? What part could fail? And to clarify these issues, everyone starts pulling wires and nuts. You should not do this if you want to leave even the slightest chance of restoring your phone. The fact is that a person who is not familiar with the secrets of a smartphone device is unlikely to be able to independently find the cause of the breakdown. It may be some small thing, but excessive curiosity quickly transforms a small cause into a larger nuisance. Who knows, maybe the only reason is that the battery is suddenly discharged and the device itself needs to be simply put on charge. Experts identify a number of reasons that can lead to such a problem as not turning on the phone. We'll talk about this.
1. Check the battery.
Just a couple of minutes ago, the phone worked correctly, and nothing foreshadowed the onset of trouble, this is how those smartphone owners who have already encountered this problem can characterize the situation.
The charger on the phone showed an almost full battery, you could forget about recharging the device for the whole day. However, it is worth considering the fact that modern mobile devices, equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth options can consume many times more energy. The thing is that the phone is in constant search new available network, which would allow the owner to access the Internet. This takes a lot of battery power. Of course, these functions are indispensable for a modern user, but you can turn them off and turn them on only when this service is needed. Otherwise, the phone's battery drains in seconds, and is completely unmanipulable that would allow the phone to turn on again. In this situation, the only thing that can fix the problem is to put the phone on charge! In some cases, the battery will take only half an hour to return the phone to working condition, and some smartphones take about a day to charge and only then turn on again. It all depends on the condition of the battery itself.
2. Check your charger!
If the smartphone did not turn on again, even after being charged for more than a day, then in this case it is necessary to inspect the charger itself. Who knows, maybe some wire has disconnected in it, or some contact has come off? The problem may also lie in the phone jack. Indeed, in modern devices it has only one hole, which performs many functions - charging, headphones, connecting to a computer, and so on. The only way to check the performance of the charger is to charge the phone with a frog battery. If the phone starts working fine, ask for a new charger.
Other people's chargers can also lead to a breakdown of the phone. Many cases have been identified when expensive mobile devices became unusable due to contact with strangers that did not fit their type. chargers. This can lead to a more severe problem, which can only be fixed by flashing the smartphone.
3. Button on / off.
Another reason that can explain the reason for not turning on the phone is a malfunction of the button responsible for turning the mobile device on and off. There could be many reasons for this. In the case of a new device, the entire responsibility lies with the manufacturing company, which could make a mistake and a defect was formed during production, which led to the incapacity of the button. The owner should contact the store where he purchased his device directly. There he can be offered new phone, or they will offer to contact the service center, where they will try to find out the cause of the breakdown and try to fix it.
In the case of an older model, when you can be more calm about the state of the buttons, such unpleasant incidents can also happen. Only very often it happens that if one button fails, then the entire keyboard may not work. A number of cases can lead to this, the phone has fallen, which caused the keyboard to shift, or moisture has got into the device, which has a more detrimental effect on the device. Regardless of the reason, you need to contact a specialist who will be able to identify the cause of the incapacity of the button. Perhaps in the future you will be offered several options for action:
replace the keyboard panel;
perform a complete cleaning of the mobile device;
partially or completely replace the keyboard controller.
The reason for the non-working state of the phone can be even the most ordinary flash drive. In many cases, mobile devices are released without a memory card and the buyer must buy additional memory for his device. Often the selected model and manufacturer is incompatible with the telephone device. You need to buy flash drives only in trusted stores that sell original products from reputable manufacturers. It is also necessary to check the compatibility of these two systems back in the store. Put the flash drive in your phone and try to turn it on. If the phone immediately began to freeze or does not see the device itself at all, then you can safely return the selected flash drive to the seller. If the smartphone refuses to work with any kind of flash drives, even with minimum memory, then you will have to contact the service, where they will flash the device.
4. Install updates.
Who doesn't love downloading new updates to their phone? Especially if you have full access to the Internet, and there certainly is something interesting to download to your device. But not all updates can benefit the smartphone, some updates are incompatible with the features of the system. mobile phone, which leads to device failures. If this is the case, then the phone immediately starts to give signals that the new application is not in contact with the phone. The device just starts to "fail". Inscriptions are periodically displayed on the monitor, the phone can turn on and off on its own. What should be done in this situation? Turn off the phone, remove the battery, wait a couple of minutes, then turn it back on and quickly delete new apps and settings that have been made recently. Even if you did everything right, it will take time for the device to return to its previous performance.
If the phone does not recover, then you will have to take more serious measures to strip the phone - a function that removes all settings on the phone and returns it to its previous factory settings. This function does not affect the contents of the SIM and memory card, everything else is updated.
5. The cause of the malfunction may be mechanical damage.
When presenting a new smartphone model, each manufacturer praises their products, but modern phones should not be called invulnerable either. Often, many people put the phone in the back pocket of their jeans. It is worth unsuccessfully bending over or sitting down, the phone will fall and may break. It’s good if the phone just doesn’t turn on yet, but this can still cause a lot of trouble that you will have to contact the service center.
At first glance, smartphone owners do not find any damage in the device and cannot themselves explain why their phone failed. Maybe you lent a phone to someone and dropped it and didn't tell you? Anything happens. It may even be that the co-owner of the phone did not notice how he sat down and damaged his smartphone.
First you need to restart the phone, remove the battery, put it back in place and try to turn on the phone. If these measures do not lead to the desired result, the phone does not turn on, then you need to urgently contact a specialist, perhaps the contact has gone and the phone can be easily repaired. In many cases, the service center offers to flash the phone, arguing that this the only way restore the phone. In some cases, this is true. You should not be afraid of flashing, the device will work as before, it may even be better.
