About power supply while hiking. Cell phones and MP3 players

As is known, modern mobile devices and gadgets need to be constantly “fed”, that is, fed with energy. Gadgets allow us to always stay in touch, but at the same time they have the unpleasant property of running out of charge at the most inopportune moment. A person may need electricity to resuscitate a mobile phone while traveling or to recharge a laptop in an urban environment when suddenly an unexpected problem arises in the power grid.

It must be said that there are already plenty of ways to obtain electrical energy in applied physics, and even in everyday life. One of the most famous and available ways is to simply build a windmill with helical blades that will rotate with the force of the wind. And equip it with a generator taken out of the car to convert mechanical energy into electricity.

However, some craftsmen go much further and “get” electricity from products that have certain electrolytic properties. For example, from the most ordinary potatoes. In order to get electricity from ordinary potato tubers, it is enough to have salt, toothpaste, a coil of wire and, in fact, a potato. The potatoes are cut in half with a knife. Wires are passed through one half of the potato, and a small depression is made in the other. This cavity is filled with a mixture of toothpaste and salt. Next, the two potato halves are connected to each other. Pre-stripped wires are finished with paste. This simple device is nothing more than a small electricity generator. Israeli scientists have already learned how to create batteries based on real puree from five to six boiled potatoes. Moreover, the light produced from such potato batteries, as their creators assure, is several times cheaper than using a regular kerosene lamp.

But electricity from potatoes still remains a somewhat exotic way of generating energy. IN modern world There are many more interesting and less labor-intensive options for generating electricity to recharge your mobile device. A lot has already been created various devices for recharging gadgets, as they say, “on the fly”. We will talk about some of them in more detail.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to using alternative energy to recharge various gadgets is solar energy. Indeed, in developed countries, many panels are already successfully operating that convert solar energy into electricity. Why not use solar energy to fast charging smartphone or tablet? In this regard, it looks very interesting Carbon device, featured on Kickstarter. Outwardly, it looks like a bracelet or a wristwatch that you can always carry with you. A solar panel is located inside the device. Thanks to this, the Carbon bracelet charges slowly throughout the sunny day, while you, for example, spend time at the beach or on a hike. In the evening, you can use the energy accumulated by the device to recharge your mobile phone.

The capacity of the battery built into the bracelet is 650 mAh. Thus, the full capacity will be enough to power a smartphone or other mobile device for up to three hours of talk time and web surfing. This, you see, is very good if you are away from the power grid for a long time. The device can easily connect to popular devices based on iOS or Android, charging them on the fly. Carbon is available in a waterproof case on a leather strap. Interestingly, this useful device can also be recharged from a standard USB, so you can pre-charge it at home before going on a trip. Carbon is also equipped with a flashlight and strobe light to signal for help in an emergency.

Those users who need something more powerful to recharge their mobile devices while traveling can turn their attention to the Sun Socket Solar Generator. A portable station is an opportunity to get electricity in nature, far from cities. This device can be used during hikes, as well as in emergency situations. When folded, the Solar Generator resembles a suitcase with documents. The station consists of a system of sliding panels coupled with a built-in battery in which energy is collected. When extending the panels, their length reaches 114 cm, which ensures high solar energy collection efficiency. In addition, a special mechanism automatically rotates the monocrystalline panels so that they always absorb the greatest amount of rays.

The Sun Socket Solar Generator uses a lithium iron phosphate battery that can retain its charge for a long time. Suffice it to say that monthly losses amount to no more than two percent of the full charge. Regular lithium ion batteries cannot boast of such characteristics. Solar Generator can be recharged not only from the sun, but also from a regular power supply. In any case, it will take about five hours to fully charge the station, and when recharging from the sun in cloudy weather - twice as long. The device is equipped with a universal socket, a 12-volt socket and four USB connectors.

With the help of a portable generator, you can charge not only Cell phones and tablets, but also TVs or devices satellite communications. Sun Socket Solar Generator allows you to almost completely satisfy a person's electricity needs far from civilization. A neat case weighing just over eleven kilograms is quite convenient to carry. This device is especially suitable for providing power to a tourist campsite. The development of Aspect Solar has already attracted the interest of many travelers, although the cost of such a portable generator is quite high - about $1,500.

Wagan SolarEPower Case 450

Another useful device that uses solar energy is the Wagan Solar E Power Case 450 autonomous charger. This device also looks like a suitcase, but it can hardly be called a compact solution. The dimensions are more substantial, and the weight is about twenty kilograms. However, the Wagan Solar E Power Case 450 compensates for its size with power. Inside the device, as expected, there are solar panels ready to collect energy. These are two 20 W batteries.

In general, this device is designed to simultaneously charge several mobile gadgets at once. Therefore it is equipped with several USB ports, 12-volt outlet, two universal outlets. A voltmeter is provided to assess the charge level. The suitcase is equipped with a durable handle and strap for easy movement. You can easily throw it into your car and use it if necessary while traveling.

In addition to solar energy, there are other, perhaps much more interesting ways to generate electricity to quickly recharge various devices. In particular, the problem of charging your phone outdoors or while traveling can be solved by the FlameStower hiking gadget, which operates on the thermoelectric effect. FlameStower is capable of generating energy from a regular fire, which can be lit in camping conditions. Of course, it is difficult to accumulate a lot of energy in this way. Flame Stower generates only about 2 - 3 W. But this is quite enough to provide two to three minutes of talk time for a mobile phone per minute charge. It is noteworthy that the device can be recharged both from the flame of a fire and from a gas stove.

To use the device you only need a little water. It is poured into a tank, after which it is heated by fire. Due to the temperature difference, electricity is generated. In this case, the charging speed directly depends on the heating temperature. That is, the brighter the flame, the more power it turns out. FlameStower can be useful not only for charging mobile gadgets while traveling, but also for home use during a power outage. The device has a fairly modest size and weight (no more than two hundred grams). In addition, it folds into a compact plate, making it easy to take the FlameStower with you on any trip. Mobile devices can be connected to this device for fast charging via a USB port.

Eton Boost Turbine

A more original way to generate electricity is offered by the Boost Turbine device. This is a portable battery with manual charging. It can be used in the absence of bright sunlight or fire - here only the energy of your muscles is used to generate electricity. Eton Corporation has launched the Boost Turbine 1000 and Boost Turbine 2000 models of portable devices, which differ in battery capacity (1000 and 2000 mAh). The operation of the devices is based on the action of a mini-turbine. The user rotates a special handle for one minute and gets the opportunity to charge his phone with enough energy to make a short call or send text messages. The Boost Turbine 2000 model provides a full charge for most modern mobile devices, while the Boost Turbine 1000 guarantees a 40 to 50 percent charge.

The advantage of Boost Turbine is that the user does not depend on anything - neither on the weather, nor on the time of day, nor on the distance to the nearest populated area. You can easily recharge your phone anywhere and anytime. In addition, this unusual external battery with a built-in dynamo is also a good exercise machine. After all, the handle has decent resistance when rotating. Moreover, it is advisable to rotate it quickly enough to ensure the optimal effect. In this case, you have to make even more tangible efforts. By twisting the handle at a fast pace for several minutes, you can feel how your forearm is being used. At the same time, the device converts your muscle efforts into electricity. The process of rotating the handle is quite energy-consuming, so for an average person, five to ten minutes of rotation with one hand is enough.

Of course, the Boost Turbine can hardly be considered as a permanent generator of electrical energy. This is more of an option for travelers, designed for emergencies. If during a hike a person finds himself in a situation where all mobile devices are completely discharged, the external battery has also gone to zero, there is no power grid nearby, but it is very important to make a single call or send a message, then BoostTurbine will come to the rescue. By twisting the knob a little and then connecting the battery to the phone, you can make an urgent call. By the way, at the end of last year, Eton Corporation introduced a more powerful model of the BoostTurbine 4000 hand charger, capable of recharging most modern mobile gadgets twice due to the increased capacity of the lithium-ion battery.

Modern smartphones, tablets and other devices allow you to be constantly connected. But there are times when it is not possible to recharge the gadget. In such a situation, Power Bank will come to the rescue. External Charger takes up little space but brings a lot of benefits. You can take it with you on vacation, on a business trip, on a hike or on a trip.

Portable accumulator Charges from a regular 220 volt outlet and retains its charge for a long time. Some of them are equipped with solar panels for their own recharging. A USB port (there may be several of them) will allow you to charge various electronic devices. The basis of such chargers are lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. Lithium polymer models are more modern. They are more expensive than ionic ones, but they are more reliable and hold a charge longer. Plasticity allows them to be given different shapes.


Capacity (power).

This parameter is measured in milliamp hours (mAh). It will help you determine how many times and which electrical appliances can be charged from this model. Modifications with a capacity of 20000-30000 mAh are equipped with an adapter for a laptop. But such a model can weigh up to a kilogram. For smartphones and tablets, a capacity of up to 10,000 mAh is sufficient. The capacity of the portable battery must be greater than the battery of the digital media that requires recharging. Otherwise, you won't be able to charge anything.

Dimensions and weight.

These characteristics depend on the capacity. The miniature device cannot charge the laptop. Pocket portable chargers are only suitable for phones and tablets.

Charging methods.

USB connector allows you to charge from a laptop or desktop computer. The fastest way to restore charge is from the mains. Solar panels will help replenish electricity reserves in nature.

Current strength.

A very important parameter measured in amperes (A). It determines how quickly the gadget will charge. For smartphones, a current of up to 1.5 A is suitable, tablets and similar devices will require 2-4 A.

Remaining charge indicator.

The indicator can be LED or digital. It shows how long an external battery can last without recharging.

Number of exits.

The number of USB ports determines the number of devices that can be charged simultaneously.


Models from different manufacturers differ in design and dimensions. The body can be made of plastic or metal.

Additional functions.

Some models are equipped with several adapters, a flashlight or a built-in speaker.

Choosing the appropriate option.

First you need to decide what you are going to charge with an external battery. A model with low power and no extra connectors is suitable for recharging a smartphone. Universal modifications, with a larger capacity and multiple outputs, will allow you to charge the video camera, portable speaker, tablet or something else. By dividing the power of an additional charger by the size of your gadget's battery, you can get the number of possible recharges. For a more accurate result, you need to multiply the result by 0.85 (conversion rate when connecting).

A stand-alone charger is a high-tech accessory that must be reliable and safe. When purchasing, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Nowadays, communication has become one of the most necessary things. It’s very unpleasant to suddenly find yourself isolated because the battery of your phone or tablet is dead. Using a portable phone battery can help solve these problems. It is capable of charging gadgets. Immediately after switching on, they return to working condition.

Criterias of choice

The external charger is battery, which is capable of charging mobile phones and retains energy for a long time. You can connect any devices to the battery via a USB cable. You can charge the battery for recharging gadgets from any device that has a USB connector, or from the network. When purchasing an external battery, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

It may happen that a battery selected for amperage charges the phone more slowly than a standard charger. It is very likely that the phone or smartphone supports fast charging technology, e.g. Quick Charge 3.0. Then you need to select, according to the instructions, a Power Bank that also supports this technology. Smart portable batteries are coming, which determine the type of device connected to them and set the required current, but this does not work for all smartphones.

The Best Universal Portable Batteries

Most of the batteries sold in Russia have a capacity of 4 thousand mAh and cost from 2 thousand rubles. You can order on websites with delivery or in online stores from China, then the price will be lower. The most popular batteries recently have been:

An important factor when choosing a power bank is the speed at which it charges. This speed depends on the input current, voltage, and fast charging technologies used in this device. Which external battery for your phone is best to choose depends on the performance of the devices that will be charged.

Choosing the right external battery

There may be cases when the phone does not charge from external device, charges very slowly or starts discharging when you connect the charger. In some cases, charging stops a few seconds after it starts. In this case, you need to find out why the current is not flowing, what exactly is not working in the energy storage device - telephone pair. To do this, you need to try charging another gadget. If charging occurs normally, then the phone is to blame. Charging problems may be caused by:

Updating applications, installing new versions, or the presence of viruses can all cause charging problems.

How to make a phone charger

You can make a battery for charging smartphones with your own hands. To do this, you need to connect four in series AA batteries AA. The plus of one of them must be connected to the minus of the next. This battery must be connected to the phone with via USB cord. Can be used old usb extension. You need to cut off the connector from it and find the necessary wires. Polarity must be observed. The extreme contacts are power supply. The black wire is negative, the red wire is positive. They should be soldered to metal rivets, observing polarity.

The entire structure must be assembled together and secured in some kind of housing. The batteries of an external device can be charged in chargers designed for this purpose.

There are ways to make portable chargers from old phone batteries. The choice is up to the user. The main goal is to always stay in touch, and select or make a device that will reliably provide the phone with charge.

Modern smartphones and tablets are plagued by one very serious problem: every now and then these devices run out of battery power. This is understandable: the reality is that a mobile gadget has become an indispensable personal assistant, and it must be turned on 24 hours a day. The problem of a low charge, as luck would have it, no, no, and it takes us by surprise when we are away from home.

But there is a way out. There are portable chargers, which in English terminology are commonly called Power Banks. Essentially, this gadget is just a capacious external battery that can release its charge to charge the batteries of your devices. To do this, it has connectors for connecting cables used for charging. The number of connectors and their variety depends on the specific instance.

Typical power bank It is a small “brick” with one or more batteries inside. Such a device is charged from an electrical outlet, from your computer via USB - in general, the same as a regular phone.

For this review, the model was taken as a guinea pig Xiaomi company MI with a capacity of 10400 mAh: in the author’s opinion, it has found a good balance between capabilities and cost.


As usual, we start our acquaintance with packaging. A small white box with a smooth surface, on which you can see a security stamp with a unique 20-digit code. Due to the increased attention to its products, Xiaomi has protected itself from counterfeits: if desired, using the code, you can verify the authenticity of the purchase on the website chaxun.mi.com, the code is located under the protective layer on the brand.

Inside the box there is the charger itself, a cable for connecting the phone and instructions. Alas, in our case, in Chinese.

The body is made of polished aluminum, the ends are covered with white plastic. To the touch, the material of the case seems to be of high quality, there are no complaints about the assembly, but there are no design delights either. A sort of strict, indivisible pocket piece of energy, nothing superfluous.

Mi Powerbank weighs about 250 grams. Dimensions – 77 x 90.5 x 21.6 mm. On the case there is a power button, 4 LEDs indicating the remaining energy reserve, and 2 USB connectors. One - standard USB - is intended for charging other devices, and the second - micro-USB - for charging the external battery itself.


Xiaomi uses good battery cells made by Samsung or LG in its “energy banks”. Theoretically, the efficiency of such batteries is 93%, that is, in our case, about 9,500 ampere-hours are available.

In reality, this figure turns out to be even lower and will depend on the energy efficiency of the device being charged.


The output current of the test sample is 2.1 Amperes: this is enough for almost any modern portable equipment. During operation, statistics were collected, and it was revealed that one charge of an external battery is enough to fully charge an LG Nexus 5 smartphone 4 times, or 3.5 times for an iPhone 6, or 1.5 times for an iPad mini.

There were some drawbacks too. These include the presence of only one USB connector, and if you take several with you portable devices, you won’t be able to charge them at the same time. Also confusing is the long time it takes to fully charge an external battery: about 12 hours.


The shortcomings only set off the generally pleasant impression of the device. It is quite suitable for long business trips, field trips or a busy day at work. Depending on the store, such an accessory can now be purchased for 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

We can absolutely say that such a device will suit everyone, but not necessarily exactly the same. You can also pay attention to inexpensive analogues under the brands Samsung, Lenovo, iconBIT, Canyon, Golf. There is a choice, and some gadgets may seem even more attractive to someone in their capabilities or design than the hero of this review.
