What's interesting to print. Printing on a printer: typical problems and solutions. Toothpaste squeezer

Already now this question can be answered in one word - everything. But human imagination has no limits. Therefore, I bring to your attention a selection of the most unusual things printed on a 3D printer. Are you ready to be surprised?

A real man must do three things in his life: raise a son, plant a tree and build a house. Now imagine this dialogue:

- Honey, I built a house!
- Don’t lie, I saw how you printed it on a 3D printer...

Do you think this is a matter of the future, and not very soon? No, friends, this is reality. A Chinese company managed to build 10 houses in just 24 hours. The parts were printed on a 3D printer (four of them were needed). Each of the houses was 10 meters wide and 6.6 meters high. Yes, the task is not easy, but the cost of such an architectural miracle is only $5,000.

By the way, to decorate your new home, a 3D printer will also be enough. You just need to stock up on the necessary raw materials. For example, such lamps in the shape of animals were “printed”. Can you imagine how difficult this work is?

Walk like that. You made your own house on a 3D printer, so why not “print” a car? This is exactly what the American engineer Jim Core thought and got to work. Over the past three years, he has made two models of the Urbee car with a futuristic design. Of course, I don’t want to upset you, but on electric power it can only travel 64 km; its main “power” is gasoline. On 38 liters of fuel it can cover up to 4000 km. Maximum speed is 112 km/h.

The topic of 3D printers is very interesting, because imagine that you can actually “print” your own house or car. But something completely different is important in life. That's right, now I'm talking about food. You won't believe it, but he can handle this task too. Would you like some pizza? No problem. In 2013, Anjan Contractor won a grand prize worth $125,000. He had to create a 3D printer that could make food for astronauts. Here it is - RepRap Mendel. A device that prints food and can replace a woman in the kitchen.

Continuing the topic of food, I can’t help but think about Modern Meadow, their goal is to print real cuts of meat from protein raw materials. You can cook yourself a juicy steak (without having meat in the refrigerator) in just a few clicks. Everyone's dream, I think.

The next opportunity of 3D printers calls into question the world's security. Solid Concepts boasted its ability to create real firearms using the hero of our today's article. The main thing is that the project sketches do not leak to the Internet.

Don't like shopping and choosing your shoes? Buy a 3D printer and “print” your own sneakers at home. You just need to find the materials for this somewhere. from Recreus, to be honest, I don’t really like them. But the beautiful half of humanity can appreciate the designer collection of Jeanne Kittanen’s shoes. This looks very interesting.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 2: shelf for socket

Place a shelf next to your outlet to support your phone while charging. The shelf has an inclined recess that allows you to keep your smartphone or tablet in a vertical position.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 3: soap dish

Elegant bathroom soap dish with two washable compartments. If desired, you can change the pattern of the inner tray.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 4: handles with tags for bedside table

The art of storage doesn't have to be boring. The Hobb Knob is a small pen with a tag for describing things stored in drawers. Now you will never lose your socks!

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 5: cup holders With geometric patterns

When it comes to hot drinks, mug swirls are an inevitable risk. Everything takes a much more serious turn if there is a coffee-addicted inhabitant in the house. Available in three designs, these cup holders will help you avoid unsightly stains.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 6: lamp on hinges

This modular hinged lamp consists of 6 main elements: base, body and top part with LEDs. To make the lamp taller, you can add the required number of elements.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 7: one hand bottle opener

This boomerang-shaped bottle opener is useful for people who have difficulty performing tasks that require force, such as opening a plastic bottle. Print it out and give it to your grandmother. She will appreciate this gesture.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 8: shower head

Is swimming under a waterfall on your list of things to do before you die? The next best thing is a 3D printed shower head (probably).

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 9: secret shelf

Hide valuable documents and stash away from prying eyes on this secret shelf.

Cool thing for 3D printing #10: handle for jar

Upgrade empty jam jars with a printed pen. What could be simpler?

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 11: plastic wrench

A complete plastic wrench for general use. Actually for screwing and unscrewing around the house.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 12: business card holder

“What a subtle yellowish hue, and the thickness is tasteful, oh my god, even the watermarks.” Do you have such a business card? Find a match in the form of this fully printed business card holder (yes, with a hinged lid). Instructions for adding a custom logo are included.
Download from ThingiVerse

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 13: alien invader toilet paper holder

Brighten up your bathroom with a functional printable of the classic alien invader... ahem, holding your toilet paper.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 14: lifting platform

Here is a fully assembled lifting platform. Printed in its entirety. There's no need to fiddle with a bunch of details. Adjustable height can be used to lift or support an object of acceptable weight.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 15: automatic waterer for plants

Have your indoor plants become victims of neglect? FORGET ABOUT IT. Print this simple automatic plant waterer and your conscience will be clear.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 16: earbud headphone holder

We spend a lot of money on headphones on the go, but we don't protect them enough when we use them. Safely hide your headphones in this 3D printed holder.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 17: bag handle

We are all familiar with this situation. Dragging home from the supermarket, loaded with bags of groceries. Gravity causes the plastic to dig into your palms, am I right? ENOUGH. Print these bag handles and forget about chafed palms forever!

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 18: tablet stand

There are times when you need to be hands-free when working with a smart device, for example, when watching TV shows or cooking recipes. This simple stand supports tablets 7 inches and larger, suitable for both portrait and landscape modes.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 19: auto-drinker for plants No. 2

Another clever invention for the art of gardening. It is especially suitable for kitchen plants. The next time you buy fresh herbs for cooking, transplant them into this neat device and they'll stay fresh all week.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 20: door stop

Tired of everyone slamming doors at home or in the office? Then you need an UNCOMPROMISING door stop. Light weight, safe for children, designed for easy installation and easy to manufacture on an FDM 3D printer. The creator of the prop also claims that the device can be used to repel zombie attacks, however this theory has not been tested.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 21: windshield scraper

If you want to quickly and easily get rid of snow and ice on your windshield your car with this handy scraper. Printed without support, there is a hole at the end for a cord.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 22: water flow regulator watering hose

This special nozzle regulates the water flow in the watering hose, about 2 liters per minute. It's great if you have restrictions on water consumption in the middle of summer.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 23: modular wine shelf

Whether you are a beginner or a connoisseur in the world of wine, this WIRA modular wine bottle rack is an excellent solution for storing the noble drink. It can be expanded (or narrowed) to suit your collection by printing just the number of modules you need.

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 24: whistle for protection

This original design whistle is easy to make and carry. Durable and very loud. How loud? How about 118 decibels? This is more than enough to get people to hear about your emergency.
Download from ThingiVerse

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 25: Apple headphone holder

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 26: Umbrella holder for wheelchair

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 28: Disc protection

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 29: Snowball mold

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 30: Wine Bottle Guard

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 31: Pocket ashtray

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 32: Ring holder for glass

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 33: Apple remote control stand

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 34: Key holder

Cool thing for 3D printing No. 35: Cutlery holder for people with disabilities

3D printers are gradually taking over the world. Just a few years ago, designers and engineers waited weeks in advance to print their creations on such a device. And now anyone can create literally anything with a 3D printer. And today we will talk about 10 most unusual things created by help 3D printing.

Designer shoe collection

In the summer of 2013, designer Janne Kyttanen printed an entire . Moreover, she posted on the Internet software so that any woman can print a new pair of shoes almost every day.

The software allows ladies to adjust shoes to any shape of foot. So the painful process of choosing beautiful and comfortable shoes ceases to be relevant - in the future, every pair will become so.

Liberator pistol

The world's security system could be completely destroyed thanks to 3D printers. After all, very real and functional copies of firearms printed on such devices have already begun to appear.

An example is , which can use cartridges with a caliber of 9x17 mm (.380 ACP according to American markings). Of course, these firearms misfire a lot, but they are nonetheless very real and potentially dangerous.

The horror is that such a pistol can be printed on almost any three-dimensional printer - it is assembled from several plastic parts and individual metal elements. And the company that developed Liberator posted it on Global network instructions for its production.


3D printing of prostheses for injured people and animals is becoming increasingly popular. After all, it turned out that such products can be produced much easier, faster and cheaper using such devices than by factory production.

An illustrative example is the false jaw developed by a group of doctors from the University of Hasselt in Belgium. It was printed from plastic, steel, wax, silver, nylon, polycarbonate, steel and photopolymers. The first owner of such a prosthesis was an 83-year-old woman with a lower jaw destroyed by age and disease.

Airplane model

A team of enthusiasts from the University of Virginia printed a copy of the plane on a 3D printer. Of course, its dimensions are several times smaller than the original, but this device can, indeed, rise into the air and fly there, being controlled remotely.

This replica aircraft has a wingspan of 2 meters and can fly at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

Concert flute

Engineer Amit Zoran from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a 3D-printed replica of the famous Objet Connex500 flute, which is so good that you can even perform with it at symphony orchestra concerts.

The Objet Connex500 flute printed on a printer consists of four parts, and in the process of its creation human intervention is only necessary when assembling the elements that came out of the printing device.

Facial prosthesis

Surprisingly, using a three-dimensional printer you can print not only prosthetics of individual bones and organs, but even faces. Of course, this will not be a movable and fully functional part of the head, but the printed element will be able to cover the terrible wound left by illness or injury.

An example is the story of Australian Eric Mauger, from whom doctors removed a tumor the size of tennis ball. And to cover the wound formed after the operation, a “patch” was printed on a 3D printer for the patient, repeating all the subtleties of Eric’s lost appearance.

Dress for Dita Von Teese

Burlesque queen Dita von Teese appeared in public in the spring of 2013 in an extravagant dress printed on a 3D printer. The author of this outfit was designer Michael Schmidt, and the product itself consists of seventeen different elements. Put together, they turn into a chic dress, ideal for a celebrity's figure.

3D dresses have the same advantages as 3D-printed shoes - the same style can be adjusted to any body shape and height before printing using a computer.

An American engineer named Jim Kor has already printed two models of a car called Urbee on a 3D printer over the past three years. Of course, only the body of the car was created in this unusual way - the suspension and engine were made separately in the traditional way from metal.

The Urbee 2 electric car can travel at speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour and has a 10 horsepower motor.

Lamps in the form of animals

Hunters like to decorate the walls of their homes with the carved heads of animals they killed during the hunt. And the design studio Linlin & Pierre-Yves Jacques has found a way to create such interior elements without unnecessary cruelty and death in general. They created a collection in the form of heads of different animals - deer, elephant and bear.

Interestingly, these intricately shaped openwork lamps were printed by the designers from white polyamide using a three-dimensional printer.

A project called InMoov was started in 2012 by French fashion designer, sculptor and engineer Gael Langevin. He wanted to create a robot that would be a visual copy of himself. Wherein The best way To achieve this goal, in his opinion, is to print the necessary elements using a three-dimensional printer.

Now InMoov is an international project, on which hundreds of people from all over the world work. Gael Langevin opened the software code and technical documentation of his robot, posted it all on the Internet and invited everyone to take part in the further development of the android.

As a result, InMoov turns into a universal robot, on which different groups of researchers develop technical innovations in many areas of applied science, including prosthetics.

A 3D printer is used not only for entertainment, but also for creating truly useful items. We will tell you about 20 things that will probably be useful to you in everyday life.

No. 1: sliding lock

A very useful thing for a summer resident or owner of a country house. Despite the fact that the lock is printed from plastic, it is suitable for a barn, country toilet or even a closet.

No. 2: office sign

An informative sign that can be placed on your desktop. Use it to tell clients and employees when your lunch is.

No. 3: book page holder

No. 4: coin sorter

A convenient device for those who constantly deal with coins. The sorter can be adapted for any currency. The model was presented on Thingiverse.

No. 5: folding sleeve for coffee glass

Buying coffee to go? Then you will need this protective sleeve to avoid burning your hands. The design is foldable, which means it will fit any coffee cup.

No. 6: honeycombs for storing cables

Chargers, USB or HDMI cables are probably scattered throughout the apartment. Now they can be stored in one place - in convenient honeycombs that we found on Thingiverse.

No. 7: mug stand

Nobody likes marks on furniture. To prevent their appearance, we suggest printing a mug coaster in the shape of a coffee molecule. It's funny, isn't it?

#8: SD card storage stand

It is not only convenient, but also beautiful. The cards are stored in a special stand in such a way that their corners form mountain peaks. Like the previous 7 models, we found the stand on Thingiverse.

No. 9: bag holder

It is very inconvenient to carry large bags from the store, because the handles literally eat into your palms. At Cults3D we found a device that will relieve discomfort.

No. 10: plastic bottle opener

An unusual boomerang will help you open a tightly closed plastic bottle even with one hand. You can download the model on Cults3D.

No. 11: set of parametric hooks

Beautiful and very practical hooks on which you can hang keys, towels, bags and other household items. You can find them on Thingiverse.

No. 12: shelf for charging phone

The shelf is printed exactly to the size and shape of the socket so that you can conveniently position your phone while charging it. We found this shelf on MyMiniFactory.

No. 13: soap dish

Consists of two parts that are removable and easy to clean from soap scum. You can download different patterns for the inner tray on Cults3D.

No. 14: shower head

Why spend money at a plumbing store? The attachment can now be printed on your home 3D printer by downloading it from Thingiverse.

No. 15: shelf with hiding place

A secret hiding place inside which you can store money, documents or other small items. We found it on MyMiniFactory.

No. 16: self-watering pot for indoor plants

With such a pot, your flowers and flowerpots will always bloom and smell. It is also suitable for storing freshly picked greens (if you want them to remain fresh for as long as possible). You can download the model on Cults3D.

No. 17: flash drive for secret data

A special case with a combination lock will help protect all your photos, documents or other files from theft and tampering. Do you want a flash drive like this? Her model is posted on Thingiverse.

No. 18: tip and slot for a slice of pizza

It can be used for its intended purpose, you can wear it as a keychain, or you can print a set of such slots at once and use them to divide pizza. Download from Cults3D.

No. 19: windshield scraper

With its help, you can quickly remove snow or ice from your car glass. We found it on Thingiverse.

No. 20: toilet paper holder

It was posted on YouMagine. This is a convenient holder in the style of the classic Space Invader.

Typically, printers are used to print various documents, educational materials, literary text, and photographs. Not many people think that the device can also be used for entertainment purposes, using it to create unique things from games to unusual decorative elements.

What can you print on a printer?

If the first printer models could recognize one or two document formats, now a rare file is unsuitable for printing. However, it is most convenient to print in the following basic formats:

  • pdf (especially practical when transferring from one PC to another, since regardless of software versions, a document in this format will not change);
  • docx (files created by Microsoft Word);

REFERENCE! You can also print other documents Microsoft package Office (presentations, tables, etc.), but they do not often coincide in external display with the dimensions of one sheet, which is why, for example, printing one wide table can occur on several pages at once.

  • jpeg, bmp, png and others graphic formats(for printing photographs);
  • html (web pages).

In fact, there are many more formats suitable for printing, but rarely regular user is beyond the scope of this list.

However, the printer can be used not only for the usual printing of books, documents, articles, photographs, etc. – you can “create” a huge number of unique things on it. Users all over the world create and post similar ideas online, sometimes together with ready-made files. These printouts cover various areas of life and, as a rule, they are aimed at improving them.

Most popular ideas:

Sheets for the diary. In connection with the popularization of numerous planning systems, there has been a fashion for notebooks specific to them. Unfortunately, such diaries are produced abroad (as are the individual pages for them), so their cost is quite high. And it turns out much cheaper to print them with ready-made templates on one's own. One of these popular planning systems is bullet journal.

REFERENCE! To print diary sheets, thicker sheets are required than for regular documents.

Checklists. If you constantly forget to do something during daily or monthly cleaning, or take something on a regular trip, then checklists will definitely help you in organizing. You can either create them yourself or print ready-made ones from the Internet. The publicly available templates cover a variety of topics: monthly shopping list, sea essentials, monthly cleaning chores, interesting places to visit in a specific city, and much more.

Marathons and challenges. You can’t force yourself to play sports or read more books for a long time, then this option is for you. Among the ready-made ideas, there are litas that describe how long you need to hold the bar on a particular day (or any other exercise), what task should be completed today in order to become a little better, etc.

Multi-sheet poster. The embodiment of this idea will be a wonderful home decoration. But it’s worth choosing images or photographs good quality to avoid blur. Then such a poster can rightfully replace photo wallpaper.

Corporate style of forms for documents. Do you want your company's paper to be different from others? Decorate it with a logo or a distinctive color stripe. Then your clients/colleagues/suppliers will immediately see who the paper came from, without even reading the document itself.

REFERENCE! You should prepare such forms in advance so as not to add a logo every time you create a document.

Volumetric things. To decorate a room or as an original gift, you can print out templates of some things, and then assemble them into a three-dimensional structure, for example, a camera.

What should a girl print on a printer?

If, for example, you live in small town, where it is difficult to find anything for creativity or entertainment, and ordering online is too risky, since the goods may arrive wrinkled, then you can print many things yourself. For girls, the most relevant ideas are:

  • board games (you can come up with it yourself or find a template for some popular game);
  • mazes, crosswords and other various puzzles;
  • paper dolls;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • coloring books (including from the popular anti-stress series);
  • templates for making toys (for example, squashes);
  • puzzles;
  • stickers;
  • calendar and much more.

By printing these things yourself, you also save yourself from the crazy shopping hassle when your child needs exactly what they need. currently not available.

Don’t immediately rush to print out everything you come across on the Internet. First of all, make sure that this template High Quality(the blurry contours of the coloring have never pleased anyone). If this is an image on a web page, then right-click on it and select “Find image (Google)”. The search query will help you find all available sizes of the image you are interested in.

You also need to pay close attention to the size of the printed document. This is especially true for choosing the most suitable orientation: portrait or landscape.
