How to change the brightness of a photo in paint. PAINT Tutorial. Now let's look at the right tab in the Laboratory window

You will need


Using any known and accessible method, transfer the required photo/picture to your computer and save it anywhere on your hard drive.
To increase the brightness of the picture, use one of the two methods below.

Method One. You will need the Microsoft Office Picture Manager from the Microsoft Office software package.
1. Open the desired picture in this program. This can be done by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Open with...”.
Tip: If Microsoft Office Picture Manager is the default program for viewing graphic files, then you just need to double-click on the picture to open it in the desired program.
2. Find the “Change Picture” icon on the toolbar or select the menu item Picture – Brightness and Contrast…
The settings area will open on the right.
3. Use the “Select brightness” button to let the program select the optimal settings. If the result does not suit you, you can cancel the action using the appropriate button.
Adjust the brightness of the picture, bringing it to the optimal level, in your opinion, using five different sliders. The Microsoft Office Picture Manager program allows you to both increase/decrease the brightness and contrast of the picture as a whole, and adjust these parameters separately for light or dark parts of the picture.

Method Two. You will need any graphics editor. For example, free program Paint.NET, whose capabilities are quite wide.
1. Open the desired picture in this program. This can be done by selecting “Open...” from the “File” menu in the program, or simply dragging the file from the folder into the program with the mouse.
2. You can edit the overall brightness of the picture using this program in several ways. Select one of the following items from the “Adjustments” menu:
- Brightness/Contrast. Here you can increase the overall brightness of the picture.
- Hue/Saturation. The “Brightness” item in this submenu makes the picture lighter overall.
- Auto levels. Perhaps the program will be able to improve your picture on its own, and you will be satisfied with the result.
- Curves. This menu section is intended for more experienced users and allows you to make significant adjustments to the lighting/shading of a picture or photograph. You can try to figure out the settings yourself.
Hint: You can apply several of the above points at the same time to achieve the desired effect.

I often see good photographs, informative, clear, beautiful, but..... with a gray background! Those. I understand that the photograph was taken on white, but the photo is gray! A white background shows the work much better. So I decided to make MK for people like me - people who are not capable of mastering Photoshop, but want to post beautiful photos.

(No advice on mastering Photoshop, please! I’ve been periodically trying to learn how to work with it for 3 years, but I can only figure out something by constantly looking at MK and online manuals on FS, and when I need to process 10-20-30 photos, it’s unrealistic - I’ll have to sit for a week, because... If I don't look into step-by-step FS tutorials, I start to get lost )

So, I photograph 50/50: with light from a window at the brightest time, or under a lamp, which I adjust so that it gives even light to the surface being photographed. In 90% of cases, the techniques shown in this MK are enough for me to process photos.

This MK shows how to improve photographs in which objects are located on a white background or the photographed objects themselves have large “spots” of white.

Every computer on which Microsoft Office is installed has a photo processing program, Microsoft Office Picture Manager. (Note - in the version for Win. 7 the program is called "Picture Manager")

1) Open the photo by right-clicking on the photo through Microsoft program Office Picture Manager.

2) In the window that appears with the photo at the top, click on the button that says “change picture”

3) A menu appears on the left with photo editing options

4) in this menu click on the inscription “color”

5) in the submenu that opens there is a button “improve colors” - just click it

6) After clicking this button, when you hover your mouse over the photo, instead of an arrow, we see a “sight”. This is the whole point of processing!

7) On the background (or on the product itself - on its white part) select the lightest place - i.e. the point where visually the light source gives the most of this light. We point our “sight” at this area and click. The program automatically equalizes the white balance so that at this point inside the sight the color becomes pure white and, accordingly, automatically equalizes the colors throughout the photo, adjusting them to the new conditions - this is the most “lightened” area.

8) If we don’t have enough lightening and want to lighten it more, select the area next to the whitest (i.e., slightly noticeably non-white) and click on it with the crosshair. The photo brightens a little more.

8) If you aimed the sight somewhere in the wrong place and the result did not suit you, you can always press either the “back” arrow (signed “1” in the photo) or select Edit--Cancel in the top menu.

In 5-6, maximum 8 “poke” I always manage to get a pretty decent white background. This process takes about 3-4 minutes at most. If we are satisfied with everything in the resulting clarified photo, click the return button in the left menu (indicated “2” in the photo)

10) After trimming, click “ok”. If you cut off too much or just want to “re-crop” - the “back” arrow or Edit--Undo will return the photo to the “uncropped” view.

Here, for example, is what the photo looks like before and after such processing, which took me 3 minutes of time:

I hope this MK will help those who do not own FS make photographs of their works more pleasing to the eyes of our customers.

P.S. - the rest of the photo editing capabilities in this program are quite poor, so apart from the capabilities shown in MK, the rest are not even worth trying.

Color selection

The active brush color (primary color) is changed by clicking the left mouse button, the active background color is changed by clicking the right mouse button.

Lines, curves, and contours of shapes are drawn with the color of the brush, and fill, spray, brush, and pencil also work in this color. The cavities of the figures are colored with the background color. The eraser, when erasing the drawing, leaves behind the background color.

Color change

The color panel holds 28 colors. If necessary, you can replace the color in the palette with another: double-click on the color to be replaced or Palette - “Change palette”, then in the “Change palette” window - select the desired color (from 48 colors).

The computer allows you to work with millions of colors. Therefore, if you need a color that does not exist, you can create it yourself - the “Define color” command

In addition to “manual” selection, a color can be determined by its code – “Hue, Contrast, Brightness” or “Red, Green, Blue”.

After setting a color, you can add it to the set of additional colors or change it in the palette (OK)

Task "Coloring"

1. Launch Paint. Set the sheet size to 585 x 640.

2. Insert a picture from the file “drawings\hare.bmp” (Edit – Insert from File)

3. Using RGB color codes, color the picture according to the sample. Try to paint over the outlines of the areas as well. One way is to paint the area first with black, then with the desired color. Another way is to set the desired color as the background color, black as the brush color and, using the colored eraser (i.e. holding the right mouse button), replace the color.

4. Save the drawing in your folder under the name “2-hare.bmp”

5. Create a new drawing (File – New)

6. Insert a picture from the file “drawings\bird.bmp”

7. Color it as desired and save it in your folder under the name “2-bird.bmp”


1) What color will you get if you mix equal amounts of red, green and blue?

2) What color will you get if you mix equal amounts of red and blue?

3) How to get black and white?

4) What color corresponds to the RGB(0,0,250) code?

Posted 02/14/2012 09:34 AM Paint Shop Pro X4 provides ways to adjust the brightness as well as the contrast in your images, which creates differences between the light and dark pixels in the image. By applying commands to a selection or an entire image, you can do the following:

manually determine brightness and contrast;

setting individual brightness in the image;

defining highlights (75% hue), midtones (50% hue) and shadows (25% hue) to ensure smooth transitions between them;

distribute pixel brightness values ​​more evenly from black to white;

increasing overall contrast when the histogram does not cover the entire brightness spectrum;

determine brightness, contrast and gamma settings in the image;

creating a pure black and white image.

7.3.1. Adjusting the highlights, midtones, and shadows of an image

To adjust light, midtones, shadows and organize a smooth transition between them in the selected area, a command is provided AdjustBrightness and ContrastHighlight/Midtone/Shadow(Adjust → Brightness and Contrast → Highlights/Midtones/Shadows). After executing this command, a dialog box opens Highlight/Midtone/Shadow(Highlights/midtones/shadows) (Fig. 245).

If nothing is selected in the image, then adjustments are made for the entire image.

Rice. 245. Image tone adjustment

Options Shadow(Shadow), Midtone(Intermediate tone) and Highlight(Highlight) determines values ​​for shadows, midtones and highlights in the selected area, and if nothing is selected in the image, then for the entire image. The numeric values ​​in these parameters depend on the selected position of the switch located below these parameters.

The switch at the bottom of the dialog box can have the following positions:

Absolute adjustmentmethod(Absolute Adjustment Method) - Sets positions to 25% for shadows, 50% for midtones and 75% for highlights. Typical values ​​are around 35 for shadows, 50 for midtones and 65 for highlights, but these may vary depending on individual photos. Increasing values ​​lighten the area, and decreasing values ​​darken it.

Relative adjustmentmethod(Relative Adjustment Method) - Adjusts brightness levels relative to their initial states. Positive values ​​lighten the area, while negative values ​​darken it.

7.3.2. Installation histogram

The tone histogram allows you to analyze the tonal range of an image and redistribute the balance of shadows, midtones and highlights.

To adjust the tones in an image or selection, you need to run the command AdjustBrightness and ContrastHistogram Adjustment(Adjust → Brightness and Contrast → Histogram Adjustment). After executing this command, a dialog box opens Histogram Adjustment(Histogram adjustment) (Fig. 246).

Rice. 246. Setting the histogram

Switch Edit(Edit) determines the type of histogram to be edited:

Luminance(Illuminance) - allows you to edit the histogram based on the brightness of the image;

Color(Colors) - allows you to edit the histogram based on one of the color channels of the image. After selecting this switch position, the list to the right of this position becomes available, in which you need to select the color channel on the basis of which the active image will be edited.

On the list Presets(Options) offers ready-made adjustment options. When you select any of them, the switch Edit(Change) is automatically reset to position Luminance(Illumination). Preset value Default(Default) does not represent any additional installations in the image.

In the parameters located below the graph, you can change the values ​​using both absolute values ​​and relative (percentage) values.

Slider Low(Low) starts on the left side of the histogram, located between the left edge of the graph and the point where the curve begins to rise. This gap shows that the dark pixels in the image are not completely black. This parameter displays the percentage of pixels that are between zero and a low value - their contrast will be lost. As a general rule, set the low level value to less than 0.1%. This parameter can also be adjusted using the dark gray slider.

Slider High(High) starts on the right side of the histogram, located between the right edge of the graph and the point where the graph reduces to zero pixels. This option changes the light pixels in the image to white. As general rules, set this parameter to less than 0.1%. This parameter can also be adjusted using the white slider.

Slider Gamma(Gamma) - If the overall image is too dark or too light, then you need to adjust gamma, which is a standard measure of the change in contrast in images. If the image is too dark, then move the slider Gamma(gray triangle) to the right to increase gamma. If the image is too light, then move the slider Gamma left to decrease the gamma setting.

Slider Midtones(Midtones) (on the right side of the window) - If the graph has peaks on the left and right, or contains low values ​​in the center, then the midtones need to be compressed. Shadows and highlights need to be expanded to show the information they contain. This often happens when taking flash photography when the subject is too close to the camera; the subject appears brightly lit, but the background of the photograph is created dark. To compress midtones, move the vertical slider Midtones. If the peaks of the graph are in the center and have low pixel counts on the left and right sides, then expand the midtones by moving the slider Midtones down.

If you are creating artistic effects, you can use the controls Output Max(Output max)() and Output Min(Output min) () to the left of the histogram. Engine Max is a white circle on a gray background, and the engine Min is a black circle on a gray background. In order to darken the light pixels in the image, you need to move the slider Max down. To lighten dark pixels in an image, you need to move the slider Min up.

Even if the sliders move along the vertical axis, the parameters Max And Min(range from 0 to 255) affect the horizontal axis. All pixels outside the range are transformed so that they are within the range.

If you just want to improve your image, then you don't need to use this option.

Triangular buttons below the slider Gamma(Gamma) determine the scale of the histogram and nothing else. Left button increases the scale, and the right button decreases the scale of the histogram. The 1:1 button sets the histogram scale to 100%.

The commands in this menu are designed to correct the color of an image in various ways.

The following image will be used to illustrate the various adjustments available in this menu:

Auto leveling
This command is used to automatically adjust the color of an image. As a result of its application, images that are too dark or too light are brought back to normal levels. The result is equivalent to pressing the “Auto Level” button in the “ ” command dialog of this menu.

After using this command, which has no configuration options, our image will look like this:

After applying “Auto leveling”

Invert colors
The effect of this command is very similar to taking a negative of a photograph. Applying it again will return the original image.

Our image after color inversion:

After applying “Invert Colors”

This adjustment allows you to reduce the number of acceptable color values ​​in an image. Typically, each color channel has 256 possible values ​​(from 0 to 255), but with this command you can limit this range from 2 to 64. This allows you to "posterize" the image, give it a "retro" style or a "false anti-aliasing" look. .

Original image after coarsening:

After using "Coarsening..."

Hue and saturation...
This operation can be used to change the hue and color saturation of an image. Additionally, in the command settings window you can adjust the “lightness”, which is similar, but not the same, as brightness.

This is what our image will look like after applying this command, with the Hue value set to 88 and Saturation value set to 158:

After applying “Hue and Saturation...”

Make it black and white
This adjustment removes all color, making the layer black and white.

Original image after color removal:

After applying “Make Black and White”

This adjustment converts the image to black and white and then adds a sepia tone. This can be used to give your image a nostalgic look.

Original image after applying the Sepia command:

After using Sepia

This operation is used to adjust the color range and gamma of the image. Additional information look at
