How to find out what services a client provides. We attract clients on the Internet: only working methods. Connecting social networks

Beginning freelancers sometimes spend more time searching for work than completing the order itself. Therefore, today we will tell you how and where to look for work on the Internet. For freelancers, the main sources of income are:

  • Freelance exchanges;
  • Social media;
  • Websites of potential clients.

Freelance exchanges

It’s not for nothing that we put exchanges first on the list. After all, no best place to find clients than where they themselves come, offering work. And although many say that the prices on such sites are greatly reduced, beginning freelancers simply have no other option. To put it objectively, such services meet different customers. Some want to save money, while others are looking for smart performers for long-term cooperation.

Pros of working on the stock exchange:

  1. Large selection of orders;
  2. Possibility to post a portfolio;
  3. Rating system and reviews as motivation to work;
  4. Protection from fraudsters (if you work through the exchange system).


  1. High competition;
  2. The need to pay % for withdrawal of funds;
  3. Reduced prices.

You can criticize exchanges and find a bunch of shortcomings, or you can find advantages, learn how to use them and make good money. The main advantage of such services is the absence of mandatory fees for use. Many will now argue that you have to pay for additional features and a premium profile. Necessary, but not required. The type of profile does not affect the participation of performers in a tender for an order, therefore everyone is on an equal footing.

All exchanges can be divided into two types: universal and specialized. On universal ones you can find orders for any specialty: design, copywriting, translation, website creation, etc. Specialized ones are created for freelancers of a certain focus. For example, authors of student papers can look for orders on the Author 24 website. If you find an exchange where orders are placed exclusively for your specialty, stay. There you have a much better chance of getting an order.

To find clients on the exchange, you need to correctly fill out your profile, describe what services you provide and, if possible, add several works to your portfolio. Also keep an eye on your rating and ask customers to leave reviews about their cooperation with you. Your profile on the stock exchange can become your business card. If you have positive reviews and work in your portfolio, you will be able to provide a link to your profile to all potential clients.

Social media

Social networks are an excellent platform for finding customers. Thanks to specialized communities on VKontakte or Facebook, you can communicate not only with colleagues, but also with potential customers. Best to use social media, when you have a pumped-up profile on the exchange with a lot of positive reviews and examples of work. This way you can convince the client that you have enough experience and knowledge to complete their project.

For example, you are writing educational and student papers. Therefore, you need to look for clients in youth groups. For a fee, you can negotiate with the administrator and place your ad in the community. Be sure to leave a link to your profile on the exchange. After all, this is the only proof that you are a professional author.

Websites and online stores

The most enterprising freelancers don't wait for clients to apply to the exchange. They select sites and offer their services. This method is very labor-intensive, but effective. We will show how you can build a client base using the example of a copywriter specializing in construction.

  1. Using the Wordstat yandex service, collect 3-4 key queries on your topic. We enter the phrase “building materials” and select, for example, “building materials store” and “online building materials store.”
  2. The second step is to enter these queries into Yandex search. We immediately skip the first page; optimizers obviously work there and have their own copywriters. You should cover all sites and stores from pages two to five of the search.
  3. Create a table with cells: site name, link and email address. Fill out the table according to the search result for each query. Remember: we skip the first page in the search. If you process 3-4 requests, you will receive approximately 50 contacts. This is your potential customer base.
  4. Write a letter for distribution. There are many articles on the Internet that tell you how to write effective texts to attract customers. Read the advice of professionals and write your own text. Don't forget to leave a link to your portfolio.

In many ways, the text of the letter determines how many responses you will receive. Send emails to potential clients and get ready to take orders.

Afterword or how to retain a client

Freelancers receive their main income from regular clients. If you establish business relationships with 3-4 customers, you can forget about participating in tenders and painful job searches. No matter how trivial it may sound, pay maximum attention to the customer and his project. After the transaction is completed, take an interest in the client’s affairs and offer ideas for developing his business. Create a base of your clients, and from time to time remind about yourself in messages on the exchange or by email.

When, after many sleepless nights, your diploma is finally ready, you want to submit it and forget it. But the university will not easily leave the student alone. After all, only the academic supervisor read the full text of the diploma, and a whole commission will gather to evaluate it. Therefore, in many respects, his grade depends on how the student defends his thesis.

So what makes a successful defense?

  • competent defense text
  • positive review of the diploma
  • confident answers to the commission's questions

In the introduction to the coursework it is necessary to indicate a lot important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the coursework, it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the coursework, it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

Speech structure

Of course, what exactly to say during the defense depends mainly on the topic of the thesis and what exactly is written in it, but there are general recommendations that are suitable for everyone.

  • First, you need to greet the members of the certification commission. (“Dear members of the certification commission! We present to your attention a final qualifying work on the topic...”)
  • Introductory part. Here you need to reveal the topic and identify the issues that are addressed in the work.
  • Relevance of the topic. At this stage, it is important to prove the relevance of the chosen topic and the degree of its development in other people’s works. Identify the subject, object, objectives and purpose of the study.
  • The structure of the topic. Here you just need to list the paragraphs that are in the work and briefly describe them.
  • Formulation of the problem. To confirm the relevance of the topic, it is necessary to state the problem and outline controversial opinions on this matter.
  • Conclusions. At the conclusion of the speech, the commission should hear the conclusions that the student came to while writing his thesis, which contain ways and methods for solving the stated problems.

On the one hand, it seems that it is much easier to write a speech for a diploma than the diploma itself. However, high-quality speech is a skillful extraction from the work, as well as its competent presentation. And it often happens that the thesis is written with the highest grade, but the student receives a worse grade. Therefore, if you are unsure of your abilities, you can order a speech on our website. And then the likelihood of failure due to poor speech will disappear. After all, we give a twenty-day guarantee on the work, and if something doesn’t suit you, you can ask the author to revise the order for free. We make sure that students are satisfied, so if the final version of the work does not meet the stated requirements, you will get your money back.

Formal requirements

When writing a speech for your thesis, you must also take into account that there are purely formal requirements.

  • Time. Do not forget that there are many students, but one commission. Therefore, the time for defensive speech is regulated and ranges from 5 to 7 minutes. At the same time, you should remember the time it will take to answer questions from the commission.
  • Intonation. Where else is it important to win over your listeners during your thesis defense? Therefore, it is better to read the speech not monotonously, emphasizing intonation.
  • Style. When presenting a speech, it should be remembered that the main goal is understanding on the part of the commission. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too “clever,” but you also shouldn’t switch to colloquial speech. In this matter, a golden mean must be observed.
  • Pronouns. As in the diploma itself, during the defense it is important to remember that although the author of the diploma is clearly stated, there are a lot of true owners of the knowledge reflected in the work (the authors of all the sources on which the student relied plus the supervisor), so first-person pronouns are not appropriate here.
  • Questions. After the end of the speech, questions from the committee will inevitably follow, and you need to be prepared for them. You need to write down the expected questions as you write your thesis, work through all the questions that arose during the pre-defense, and you can also look at the questions at the end of chapters from textbooks on this topic.
  • Pre-protection. In a matter such as thesis defense, it is better not to be arrogant and neglect pre-defense. You can use it to practice giving a speech and write down possible questions from your listeners. This will allow you to feel more confident during the official defense.

Of course, these are just recommendations, and no one forces you to strictly follow them. However, discarding some positions during the defense will create additional questions from the certification commission, which is not always loyal. Therefore, it is best to think through all possible questions and answer them in advance in a defensive speech. Then teachers will have a minimum of questions, and they will be grateful for the time saved.

Searching for clients via the Internet has recently gained momentum. This is no coincidence. The global network is a very promising storehouse of information and its role is only strengthening every year. Of course, searching for potential clients using standard and familiar methods has a right to exist, however, they are gradually losing their position compared to online commerce.

Calling and mailings were very effective in attracting customers even before the Internet era. They still remain in leading roles in some companies, but everyone understands perfectly well that it is necessary to look for more advanced ways to find and attract new clients.

If a company wants to develop steadily, with increased competition, it is simply necessary to regularly search for potential clients on the Internet. By neglecting this technique, the company risks missing a real opportunity to find “its client,” and more than one. Few would argue that searching for clients via the Internet is an important component of the development of any organization, regardless of its size.

The Internet is characterized by low cost and diversified focus. As a result, wide opportunities open up for searching and attracting potential clients on the Internet. The progressive aspect is evident here. Having a diverse audience helps to conduct consumer searches with maximum efficiency. But this is far from the only advantage global network. In order to attract new potential consumers via the Internet, you do not need the significant financial costs that are needed standard methods attracting clients. In addition, the final result may turn out to be much more productive than a conventional search algorithm.

The most productive ways to find clients on the Internet

First of all, consumer searches via the Internet should be carried out with an emphasis on the target audience. Only in this case does the company have a significant chance of finding that client who will truly be useful for the company. So, most effective ways attracting clients:

  1. Creating your own website or blog on the Internet. The search for clientele immediately goes to high quality new level. If your company sells a product or provides various services, you simply need a resource for advertising and promotion. It can be done by your own employees, or ordered from professionals. Finding clients online this way will be much easier. They will look for you themselves.
  2. Representation on social networks. Effective search and attracting new customers on the Internet using this method is a priori important for any serious organization. Every self-respecting company simply cannot miss this opportunity. The fact is that social networks are the most important segment of the Internet. Thanks to this, a great many people are concentrated in them. Having your own personal page on the Internet is the norm for almost every person. Finding clients this way is even easier.
  3. Active use of search engines. This is a slightly abstract, but no less effective way of finding and attracting clients on the Internet, which works on the principle of “knock and they will open for you.” If you enter your topic into a search engine, the machine will return a lot of interesting results with potential consumers of your services or products. With proper processing, finding and attracting customers will become much easier.
  4. Lead generation method. Another new, but gradually gaining momentum way to attract new consumers. The search is based on the generation of leads, that is, potential clients interested in the services of a particular company. Our company can also find and attract leads for you in a wide variety of areas.

You can find clients among your competitors!

Maybe this sounds a little crazy to you, but in fact, searching for clients on the Internet can be useful among your competitors. Why, you ask, and how to look for them? Everything is extremely simple. Each of your competitors in the future can become your partner, because you are united general services or goods. You work in one market segment and search for potential consumers in the same direction. For example, you are able to offer your competitor money in exchange for presenting your services among his own clients.

There’s probably not even a big need to emphasize that finding a client via the Internet in this way will only be possible if you build bridges with your competitors rather than walls. Join new teams, make useful contacts, communicate with people who have achieved great success in online commerce. Only under such conditions do you have a real chance of finding clients for your company in a fairly short period of time.

My wife is a manicurist and needs clients. Where can I get them? Write advertisements in the newspaper? But young people do not read newspapers, and they are the main consumers of such services. Posting notices on porches?

The best SEO programs for webmasters

Also an option, but quite labor-intensive. Post an ad online on a local city portal? This is better, but such an advertisement needs to be constantly updated, and not everyone reads them. How to find clients online in the most effective way?

I created a portfolio website for my wife GEL LAK on the Belarusian domain and on home page wrote an article with the main keyword MANICURE IN LEADER. But the request has a very low frequency and even if I am in the TOP 1, there will not be much traffic. How to find clients for a novice manicurist?

Social networks are the quiet pool where the devil’s clients live! In my case myself the best network is VKontakte, since it has the youngest and most progressive part of the population. All other networks, such as Odnoklassniki, are used by those who do not know about Vkontakte.

If you have a VKontakte account, then you need to create a Public (public page) or customer acquisition group. But creating a page is not enough; you need to make sure that people come to it and subscribe to the news. What can be done?

How to attract people to a VKontakte group for free?

The most important thing is the name of the group, since it is what is involved in searches on the social network, and in search engines too. You don’t just have to guess, you need to ask Yandex what phrases people type most often. For this you can use Yandex Wordstat.

Be sure to check the REGIONS box and select the CITIES tab. Then we look for our city in the results obtained.

In Lida, 117 people are looking for a manicure per month. You can play with words and imagine yourself in the place of a person who wants find a manicurist in your city. He will not just type the word manicure, but will type the phrase MANICURE LIDA or MANICURE IN LIDA.

And here we get a VERY small number of TWO people. But if you look at another phrase, then 13 people are already looking for LEAD INCREASE. This is not enough, and the city is not a metropolis. But one way or another, we need to choose the best option, since the same phrase will be typed in, and in the social network Vkontakte itself and there will no longer be 13 people, but 113.

So, we have named the group, now we need to design it well, post examples of work, prices, phone numbers and addresses. NO CATS or any nonsense, this page should be business! Now people will find your group through the social network itself and search engines. It is also useful to put a social network widget on your website if you have one.

DO NOT try to spam under ANY EVENT, including actively inviting people to your group, after several complaints I can block it.

In general, a group is not the most important tool for attracting clients from a social network, but rather a secondary one. There is a more effective and at the same time secure method in terms of blocking.

Maybe this should have been said at the beginning, but better late than never. To attract clients, you will need to have a separate fake account, not the one through which you communicate with friends. IT IS NECESSARY !

This account will be similar to your public, but it will advertise you PERSONALLY as a master. No cats or photos of friends, just everything to the point - this is a business account, so it’s better to create a separate one. Look at this account of my wife.

Let’s imagine that a person lands on her page and what does he see?

1. Attractive photo. Appearance a person's personality VERY strongly influences whether people want to do business with him. (scientifically proven)

2. Profession. In her profile you can immediately see that she is a MANICURE MASTER.

3. Photos. Rhinestone is also visible to her work and this attracts attention.

4. Reposts from the group. Yes, first I publish manicure works in the group, and then I repost them on my personal page. This way I attract people to the group and pump it up. But this is not even the most important thing.

Now here's the most important thing: POTENTIAL CLIENTS MUST SEE THIS PAGE! In our case, these are girls and women from the city of Lida. How to get them to see her? It’s very simple, and here a personal page has an advantage over a group.

And this is done like this: we need to add Lida women as friends. They will receive a friend request and will definitely look: who added me? And they will see everything that I spoke about above. In practice, out of 30 added per day (this seems to be the limit), 10 are added in response.

Result: in a month I (or rather my wife) have 727 friends, among whom are only Lida women and who were added voluntarily.

Now, after each new publication on the site, there is an announcement to the group, from the group to the personal page, and this news will be seen by all 727 (so far) women. Moreover, with each new batch of people added per day, one or two people immediately write and ask about manicures.

Yes, it’s also worth explaining how to find the people we need. Go to FRIENDS - ADD FRIENDS (button at the top right) and select ADVANCED SEARCH.

Another good way- this is to go to the competitors’ page and search by subscribers, also set the country and city, age and gender and add the people we need.

In another month, you will already have several hundred RIGHT friends who can be your potential clients.

This is a simple and VERY effective way to attract customers from the Internet in general and social networks in particular.

How to find clients on VKontakte for free?

Didn't find the answer? Use the site search

Good health, dear reader of the “site” magazine! In this article we will talk about the topic of How to find clients for a beginning freelancer, why this causes difficulties at the beginning of the activity.

How to find clients for a beginning freelancer

Information must be posted on several resources, then it will be noticed by a significant number of users.

How to achieve a positive result when searching for clients

To get a good result from your work, you must:

  • Adhere to existing rules in groups, communities, and websites. For example, if there is a special topic for a resume on a resource, it must be posted in this topic;
  • No need to post spam. Your goal is for the information to remain on the resource for a long time, and not to be deleted immediately after its publication;
  • Texts should be interesting, but brief. Advantages over competitors should be indicated;
  • To make the text look more attractive, add a picture or photograph to it, make the text convincing so that it encourages action;
  • When posting text on different resources, do not copy it, it should not be the same. Different texts will appear in search results, thereby providing additional traffic to your ads.
  • Where possible, provide a link indicating where your portfolio can be viewed. Because you posted a link to a group or public page, potential clients will view them. And this gives the following advantages:
  • In group statistics you can see how many clients have viewed your portfolio;
  • If they are interested in what you do, they will join the group, you will be able to look at their profiles, understand who is interested in your proposal;
  • By posting new posts in the group, you thereby remind customers of yourself, and they, in turn, offer you orders.

When receiving orders from clients, ask them where they found information about you.

Make a list of sites that most effectively attract customers and think about how to increase your activity on them.

Subscribe to forum notifications for replies to topics you create. This way you won't miss questions from potential clients.

Many companies hire permanent performers.

Having found a suitable vacancy on a potential customer’s website, offer him your services.

What if you are offered a project, after which the client wants to cooperate with you further.

Freelancer - who he is and what he does, you will find out by clicking on the link.

Let's watch a video on the topic How to find clients for a beginning freelancer

How to find clients for a freelancer and where?

Ways to find clients on the Internet. How to find a freelance client. Looking for new clients


In this article, we looked at the topic of How to find clients for a beginning freelancer, what needs to be done to ensure that the search for clients gives a positive result.

I hope the article was useful. If you have any questions, you can ask them through the comment form under this article.

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If you don't take care of your customers, your competitors will.

Is the usual algorithm no longer effective?

Ordinary managers, as a rule, use a simple and effective algorithm in their work, which includes calls and mailings.

At the first stage, it is determined whether the opponent is interested in the proposal, then a commercial proposal is sent, and a few days later, through a second call, the recipient’s readiness to cooperate is determined. Methods of finding clients using Internet resources are still not widespread.

But for effective modern development This approach is not enough for a company. In conditions of increased competition, clients almost never come on their own; they must be sought out and worked with competently.

If this is not done, then more enterprising clients will soon take leading positions in the market. Therefore, searching for clients on the Internet is one of the most promising ways to expand your client circle.

Development the latest systems searching for potential clients becomes a determining part of successful business development. Finding clients is part of the development strategy.

Finding clients via the Internet or traditional methods?

The Internet is a progressive area that opens up great opportunities for finding potential clients. The main advantage of this tool is its low cost and versatility.

There is a very diverse audience on the Internet, among which any company can find its clients. Finding clients on the Internet will not only cost much less than all other methods, but can also be significantly more effective.

Of course you can stick traditional methods, such as:

  • Cold calls;
  • Personal calls;
  • Direct mail;
  • Affiliate sales;
  • Advertising in print media;
  • Work according to recommendations;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Participation in forums and professional communities.

But if you make simple arithmetic calculations, it will become obvious that searching for clients on the Internet turns out to be more profitable and economical. For example, if an organization has 3 managers who make 40 calls a day, then more than 60,000 rubles are needed to ensure their work.

This amount does not include the cost of training for each manager. Searching for potential clients online is significantly cheaper, and also allows you to calculate costs in advance, managing the effectiveness of your search.

Attracting customers via the Internet for the company

Today, most people search for the goods and services they need on the Internet. Therefore, online promotion is the easiest way to reach potential customers who are ready to purchase goods and services.

The first and most obvious way to find clients on the Internet is to create a company website. It is necessary to take into account that website promotion is several times cheaper than the traditional work of a manager or other methods of advertising.

At the same time, the site does not have to be multi-page at all. A business card website may well be enough at first. To create a website, it is not necessary to have your own web specialist, since this work can be entrusted to a third-party company.

How can a sales manager look for clients on the Internet?

You can use online directories and databases to search for companies that may be interested in the services provided. You can start searching for potential clients from your own city, and then increase the field of activity.

Internet message boards- another way to find potential clients. The audience on the Internet is approaching that of television, and the cost of advertising on the Internet is significantly lower than on television. Therefore, the more advertisements, the greater the chances of expanding your client circle.

Social media- a modern way that reveals many ways to attract customers on the Internet. Creating a thematic group in which you can promote your services is a great way to attract potential clients online without making any additional effort.

The manager’s task in this case is to invite users to the group, fill it with interesting content and promote it on the social network. Posting interesting video and photographic materials can significantly increase audience interest in the organization that hosts them.

Benefits from finding clients on the Internet

By abandoning unprofitable channels for promoting and searching for clients, an organization can reduce a significant amount of financial resources that can be used to improve the efficiency of searching for clients on the Internet.

The number of Internet users is growing every day. Almost all groups and audiences are present here. Therefore, finding clients on the Internet today is not just realistic, but more than realistic.
