Mega file sharing. MEGA cloud file sharing service. How to create a link to a file in Mega nz storage

New in version 3.7.3 (292)(Android) (12.02.2020)

  • Account verification via SMS.
  • Offer to add contacts from your phone's address book.
  • New option to add geolocation tags for camera uploads.
  • Support for a new format for links to folders and files.
  • Several bugs have been fixed.
  • Several interface improvements.

New in version 4.3.0 (Windows, macOS, Linux) (11.02.2020)

  • Support for custom notifications.
  • Support for sending error reports from the settings dialog.
  • A new style main dialogue.
  • Improved performance when dealing with multiple synchronizations and transfers.
  • Improved support for business accounts.
  • Support for links to files and folders within a link to a shared folder.
  • Improvements for synchronization with FAT32 file systems.
  • Other UI fixes and adjustments.
  • Other performance improvements, fixes and UI adjustments.

New in version 4.8.5 (iOS) (16.01.2020)

  • Fixed a problem with the camera in video calls.
  • Verifying and resetting credentials.
  • New settings for camera upload: Enable location tags. If enabled, you will upload information about where your photos and videos were taken (disabled by default).
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.

Mega(file sharing) is a secure cloud storage and file sharing service that provides from 15 GB of reliable storage for free. You can expand your cloud storage using a paid Pro account from 200 GB to 4 TB.

Unlike many other cloud storage providers, with Mega your data is encrypted and decrypted only through the client devices. This way, your data is securely protected and accessible only to you. Mega encrypts all content directly in the browser or MEGASync client using the AES algorithm.

Your data is available at any time, from any device, anywhere. Add files, sync folders with the cloud and other devices, share data with trusted contacts - updates occur in real time. You can access files using a computer, smartphone or tablet, or any browser.

Main advantages of MEGASync

Safety: Your data is encrypted from origin to delivery. No one will be able to intercept them during storage or movement.

Flexibility: Synchronize any folders on your computer, smartphone or tablet with cloud storage. Sync any number of folders at once.

Speed: Take advantage of MEGA's powerful infrastructure and the ability to send over multiple connections.

Generosity: Store up to 50 GB for free when using MEGA achievements.

The MEGASync client is available for computers running Windows (support for Mac OS X and Linux is expected) and mobile devices running iOS and Android.

And Microsoft SkyDrive.

But the MEGA cloud storage is not so well known, although it offers as much as 50Gb for unlimited free use, available immediately after registration!

If such a substantial “increase” to your hard drive wouldn’t hurt you, and you want to find out how to get those same 50 gigabytes and manage them effectively, then read today’s review!

Where did the MEGA.NZ service come from?

Since you are going to entrust the service with some of your personal data, it would be a good idea to find out where it actually came from and who is behind it...

Surely you have heard about such storage as Megaupload. It was closed in 2012 by decision of the US authorities - those involved in the creation of the service, including its founder Kim Dotcom, were accused by the FBI of copyright infringement (storage and distribution of licensed content). Exactly a year later, Kim Dotcom launched a new service on the domain.

Currently, the cloud login is available at, so if you come across similar reviews of this repository, where mega co or mega co nz will be indicated as the address, be aware that they are hopelessly outdated :)

Is registration required for Mega?

On the main page of the repository you will see a big red button inviting you to drag files onto it and start using the service.

One gets the feeling that registration is not necessary to work at all. In principle, this is true - you can immediately upload some of your files to the cloud and even see them in the storage. However, without registration, your downloaded data will be deleted from the storage after closing the page or browser:

Therefore, go through the standard registration process, after which you will immediately receive 50 gigabytes of cloud space completely free of charge!

Necessary settings immediately after registration

Mega nz will pay great attention to data storage security and confidentiality. We’ll talk about this in detail a little later, but for now I’ll point out what you must do immediately after registration.

Since the service does not store your password on its servers, if you lose it, you will not be able to regain access to your account. To avoid this problem, you need to download and save the recovery key on your PC:

This is a necessary precaution that should not be neglected! Agree, it will be a shame to lose all your files in the cloud just because you forgot your password.

How to use Mega storage

In the menu on the left side of the window, click on the cloud icon:

You will find yourself in your cloud drive. Using the tools at the top of the window, you can create new folders, upload files there, and even download ready-made folders with files from your computer.

Working with the storage interface is no more difficult than using Windows Explorer. Right-clicking on a folder or file brings up a context menu with a whole range of options.

With it you can:

  • Receive information about an element (size, creation date, etc.)
  • Assign color tags and add to Favorites
  • Rename
  • Move within the disk, copy, delete
  • Download
  • Share folders
  • Create a public link to download files

The developers, of course, took into account their negative experience with Megaupload, so when creating a public link, the following window will be shown, with the terms of which you only have to agree:

The service does not impose any restrictions on the size of downloaded files! Within your 50 GB quota, you can upload thousands of small files, or, for example, two files of 25 gigabytes each. However, keep in mind that browsers themselves have functional limitations on the size of the files they can download. Browsers are the most “vulnerable” in this regard Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari, which do not yet fully support HTML5.

Creating shared access to file folders

You can organize general access to any folder in your online storage (share it). To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Right-click on it and in the drop-down context menu select the "Sharing" option.
  2. Please enter your address Email the user who needs to share access to the folder (you can immediately specify a whole list of users).
  3. Select the access method: read-only, read-write, or full access.

After this, the specified user will receive an email with a link to access the shared folder.

How to create a link to a file in Mega nz storage

In addition to access to folders, you can allow any users to download individual files from your storage.

To do this, right-click on any file in the cloud and select the “Get link” option:

  1. Link without decryption key
  2. Link with key

Also in this window you can separately copy the decryption key itself. What is the difference between these types of links? And it is very important!

In the first case, the user, having followed the link, will have to enter the decryption key that you provide to him in a special window to download the file. And in the second case, the user follows a link with a security key already “hardwired” and can immediately download the file.

For an overview of the storage functionality and settings not included in the review, see this video:

Why can Mega be trusted with personal data?

  1. The developers pay the utmost attention to the confidentiality of stored data. The abbreviation MEGA itself stands for Mega Encrypted Global Access, i.e. Mega Encrypted Global Access).
  2. Encrypt files directly in the browser using the AES algorithm.
  3. The service does not store user passwords to access the cloud drive.
  4. All files in the storage are encrypted and cannot be viewed without a security key. Even if attackers gain access to the company's servers, they will not be able to read user data.
  5. Even for files intended for public downloading, access keys can be generated separately.


Some users forced me to write this article with their whining. More and more cool materials began to appear on the site, which are available for download using the Mega cloud storage. As time has shown, many users are not able to download the course. The question immediately arises: “Why do you need a course if you can’t even do the simplest action, how to download the material?!” If earlier these comments caused a smile and laughter, now it has become a little annoying and those who write such comments resemble a primeval sponge, as in the preview for this article. In the future (in the very near future), voluminous cool materials are expected that will be available for downloading through Mega. If you have problems downloading- read this article, since this issue will not be raised again and no one will, for the sake of some users, break materials into hundreds of pieces and re-upload them to other repositories. Users who continue to whine will be sent to learn PC skills and will be temporarily isolated from society.

So, let's look at why Mega? Everything is very simple. For us, this is a convenient storage facility, where there are no restrictions on the volume of uploaded material, where the disk capacity is large, and where complaints are taken seriously. Materials for users are available for free, so either learn to download or don’t download at all. Let's assume that you have found the desired course and it is uploaded to Mega. First of all, make sure that the storage itself opens. If Mega is not available in your country (some providers block storage), use a proxy or VPN to bypass the block. Now the simplest thing left is to download the material. There are 2 most simple ways downloads:

1 way. This method Suitable for downloading small files. To download large files, use method 2. First way- This is to use downloading through a regular browser. As practice has shown, the browser works best with Mega Google Chrome. Therefore, we recommend using it. How to download via browser: First, the material is downloaded to the cache, then after it is completely downloaded, you can save it to any folder (if folder selection is not configured, the material is saved to the downloads folder).

Click the “Download in Browser” button and wait for the download to complete. You can't close the tab!

You can also use software from Mega - MegaSync and synchronize files, but we have not tried this method of downloading, although some users praise this particular method. Also, according to some users, for successful downloading, you need to import files to your cloud drive, but, in general, this is not necessary. After downloading a large file through a browser, we recommend clearing the browser cache, for example, using the CCleaner utility.

Method 2. Download using the Mipony program. Mipony program can be downloaded from the official website. We recommend using this method, since the program is very convenient and has many advantages, for example, the software supports resuming files (like a torrent) and does not create temporary files, unlike downloading through a browser. Some antiviruses may swear at the program, but there is nothing wrong with that. The program does not steal anything and is not malicious. Paranoid people can use the program on a virtual machine. Install the program (everything is very simple) and launch it. First of all, open the “Options” tab and make sure that there is no speed limit there.

The download has begun:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is that there is a desire

It is possible that there are other ways to download files. If you use your own method, you can write it in the comments. We hope that the article was useful to you and that you will no longer have any questions about downloading from mega.

Thank you for your attention.

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Remember the times when 40 GB of storage space on your computer seemed like an unaffordable luxury? Now the count goes into hundreds of gigabytes, and often into terabytes, and we are so used to this that we take up space on PC disks indiscriminately - with everything.

Meanwhile, savings and comfort have not yet been canceled, and the existence, prosperity and bright prospects of cloud storage prove their worth. Over the past few years, the services of such Internet services have been developing in giant strides, and several cloud data storages can be cited as an example:

1. Yandex.Disk - offers beginners 5 GB of free space for storing files of various formats and extensions, plus various bonuses. For example, if you have been using Yandex mail for 5 years, you will be given another 2 GB of Disk space.
2. Google Drive – free 15 GB of space.
3. Microsoft SkyDrive - 7 GB free instead of 25 GB previously offered.
4. – 2 GB plus expansion of disk space for attracting referrals.
5. Apple iCloud – 5 free gigabytes of space.
6. – here you can borrow no more than 40 MB for each note for free, and use the traffic volume for writing/editing notes up to 60 MB per month.
7. Amazon Google Drive - 5 GB.
8. Cloud service Box - 5 GB.
9. SugarSync service - 5 GB.
10. Cloud storage – 50 GB of free disk space.

Cloud storage

All of the above services can work not only on desktop PCs, but on all mobile applications, which undoubtedly expands the scope of their application and increases their popularity. But the leader in the free gigabytes offered is still - 50 GB is no joke, you still need to manage to fill it with something, so I suggest we talk in more detail about this cloud service - By the way, I actively use this service, since it is stable, anonymous, and its creators are well-known people.

The head of the company that offers the services of this storage facility is Kim Dotcom, founder of the Megaupload service, which closed two years ago at the behest of the Department of Justice and FBI of America. Perhaps you remember that story. Actually, their old exchanger was quite a convenient thing. But now Kim's new creation has become even cooler. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Now the Mega service provides not only the usual storage of data in the cloud using on a PC, but, as the developers previously promised, they have already included the ability to work from mobile devices - iPhone, iPad, devices on Win 8, mounting file system for Windows, etc. That is, it will be possible to send files directly to the cloud. For example, your photos from your smartphone will be stored in the gadget, but at the same time they will be transferred to Mega.с, so the possibility of unexpected loss or damage to files will be completely eliminated. All your data is encrypted during transmission, and no one except you can unpack it for reading.

Advantages and differences of Mega

1. main feature and the difference between the cloud service and similar resources is the initial free amount of disk space offered – 50 GB. At you can upload files of any size, with any extension, in any format - there are no restrictions in this regard.

2. The abbreviation MEGA is the name of “MEGA Encrypted Global Access”.

3. The main features of Mega are the same as other resources - downloading, storing files on a third-party drive, and the ability to share files with your friends and colleagues by transferring links or encrypted access. Files in the browser are encrypted using the AES algorithm, which means you are protected from unauthorized access. File transfer links are also encrypted, and even service employees do not have access to your data. At least that's what they claim.

4. The service for exchanging and storing Mega files is multilingual, so you will not have language difficulties when working with it - just select the desired language in the control panel.

But to start using cloud storage, you need to go through a simple registration procedure.

Registering and getting started with

As can be seen from the registration link, logging into the site occurs via a secure connection. Further on home page you need to select the Russian language for convenient work - the menu is at the top right. Now you can register:

When registering, you need a real email address, the rest of the data can simply be taken from your head. After we fill out all the fields and click the “Create Account” button, we will receive a letter to our email with a link confirming our registration:

Click on this link in the letter and confirm your account on the service page - for this there is a form in the upper right corner, that is, simply enter your email address and password. This is done once - then the service will use our browser cookies. When confirming registration, we will be asked to create our own individual key, which will determine our authentication. Creating a key is of a playful nature, and I even got carried away, missing the moment when the key had already been created.

The game looks like knocking out bricks with a ball, which make up the MEGA inscription. Once you reach 100% on the scale at the top of the screen, a key will be created:

And after clicking the “Finish” button, go to your page in the cloud service:

How to use the service

There is a very slight difference in using the service when working on Google Chrome, which I will discuss below. In the meantime, let’s talk about general points of control and use. On the right side of your page you see a control column and a display of the storage structure. At the top there is a menu for downloading, viewing and managing files. That is, in the drop-down menu for already downloaded files, you will see the opportunity to get a link to the file, the ability to copy it, edit it, etc.

Users Mozilla browser Firefox can install an add-on in their browser MEGA extension. The developers of this add-on promise that after installing it, you will notice a significant improvement in your file download speed. This result is ensured by batch uploading an unlimited number of files without limiting their size. Every link in the service is captured by your MEGA extension application and remains local ( JavaScript scripts are not downloaded from servers). Reliable automatic updates The service is provided thanks to a cryptographic signature with an encrypted key.

Without installing this add-on for more efficient work With the Mega service, developers offer to use the Google Chrome browser. Since I’ve been using several browsers all my computer life, I installed the recommended extension in Firefox, but, to be honest, I didn’t notice any difference in the operation of the cloud service. The application can be installed both from the “Add-ons” of the browser and from the MEGA service (“Menu” – “Applications” – “Firefox Application”)

It is better to use the Google Chrome browser if you are going to upload entire folders of files to the cloud - Mozilla does not have this option, but Chrome can upload both files and folders:

This is what the storage control panel looks like in Google browser Chrome, and in Mozilla Firefox There is simply no “Upload folder” button - there is only an “Upload file” button. Using the “Upload file” button, you can upload a file to the cloud from your personal computer. After you click on the “Upload folder” button in Google Chrome, an Explorer window will open, in it you select a folder to upload to the file storage, and that’s it – the download has begun.

Now let's talk about how to get around this problem in Firefox. Let's say you want to download the entire folder - do not install for this new browser! Then you just need to create a folder of the same name in Mega (the “New Folder” item in the menu), and upload all the files into it (press Ctrl + A to select all at once) that are located in the same folder on the computer.

We continue to familiarize ourselves with the service. In the item “My Account"you will see not only that you are using a free account, but also your amount of cloud space used, and you will also be able to change your profile settings or configure data transfer:

In the settings (“Menu” - “My Account”) you can do a lot. For example, change the number of parallel connections for downloading files, as well as the number of parallel connections when downloading files. You can also impose a limit on the download speed.

If you click on the menu button “Menu” - “My Account”, you can learn more about the rules for using the cloud service. I won’t tell you much about the Pro account, since I haven’t used it yet - the free 50 GB is enough. But after you click the “Upgrade Your Status” button in your free account, you can choose any paid package from the offers to be able to store more of your data in the cloud - from 500 GB to 96 TB. Personally, I can’t imagine such a volume - 96 terabytes - but, nevertheless, if you think carefully, you can find a use. For example, for Reserve copy website databases, etc.

Let's continue with working with files - you can simply create a new folder to upload some thematic files into it. To do this, click on the “New Folder” button and rename the folder as you need. In this new folder, you can also create other subfolders into which you can upload files. If you right-click on a folder (file), you can see the corresponding commands for your actions with the folder (file) in the context menu that pops up. As you can see, there are many possibilities, including the ability to receive a link to transfer to other users. The link will be encrypted.

If you have not limited the file download speed in your cloud settings, then the data download speed will be unlimited and will depend only on the speed of your PC’s Internet connection. Then you work with folders/files in exactly the same way as on a regular computer - you can edit them, get links to them, move them, allow shared access to them, copy them, etc. The process of uploading and downloading files is displayed on the right at the bottom of the page on the service - click on the icon

How to share folders

You can set permissions for the folders that you will store in the Mega co nz cloud storage public access. To do this, simply right-click on the folder, and in the context menu that pops up, click “Sharing”. Next you will see the “Sharing” window, in which you need to specify the email address of the user to whom you want to grant sharing rights. For this user, you can configure rights - for example, set the rights to “Read only”, “Read and write”, “ Full access" After this, sharing rights can allow users with the permissions you set to edit files, or only view them, or only download them. There can be any number of such users.

After we indicate the email address for providing public access, a letter will be sent to his email with a link that is necessary to go to the service and gain access to the specified folder. The folders that are shared differ slightly in appearance from the rest of the cloud storage folders, and look like this:

How to get a link to

The service allows you to provide other users with links to download files that you host on the Mega cloud service. To get such a link, you need to right-click on the file and in the context menu that appears, click on the “Get link” menu item. In a new window that opens you will see your (encrypted or unencrypted) link to download the file. In general, all links to download files in the cloud service are issued in two types, and the type of link will depend on the degree of confidentiality of the security keys.

If the link itself is formed in unencrypted form, then the file is still transmitted encrypted, and only if the user follows this link, the file is decrypted and becomes available for downloading. That is, until someone downloads this file, it will be stored in encrypted form. If the link itself is encrypted, then only the user who received the link to the file along with special code security (key). Without this security code, the recipient will not be able to download the file from the link.

In the image below you can see that if the “With file key” option is activated, then the encrypted code is embedded in the link itself, and it is available for download to all users. And vice versa - if you do not check this box, the target user will be able to download the file only if he enters the key you provided separately.

Also, the user to whom the link to the file was intended can save it in his cloud located on To do this, after receiving the link, you need to click the “Import” button. With this option, the link will not be downloaded to your computer, but will simply be moved from one account to another. It is clear that to carry out such an operation it is necessary that the recipient also has his own disk space in the cloud, just like, for example, in . You can see all these possibilities in the figure below:

How to download a link with an individual key (second option)? Below in the image you see his solution. In the case of a separately transferred key, the recipient will be able to download the file if he receives from you both a link and a key to download the file from the cloud storage. You will receive the key itself by copying it when transferring the file (in the figure above there is the “Copy keys” item). You send all this data (both the shared link and the link with a separate key) to the user via regular email.

After clicking on the “Decrypt” link, in a new window the user will have to enter the security key received from you to download the file, or to save it in his own cloud storage. After the key is entered, the user must click the “Download” button and check the box “I agree to MEGA’s terms of service,” or simply import the file to their cloud.

After the file has been completely downloaded, the “Download Complete” window will open, and in it the user will be prompted to save the file manually in any convenient location on the computer to complete the download.

And lastly, all files that you will place on the cloud storage service will be encrypted - I already talked about this above. On the one hand, this is great, but on the other hand, you will not be able to visually view their contents, play or listen to audio and video files while they are in the cloud. That is, to use these files you will need to move them to your computer or mobile device. To completely delete all downloaded files, you need to move them to the trash, and then empty it too.

A program for exchanging data with a cloud container. The service offers 50 GB of storage space for free and enforces a zero-access information policy.

What you need to know about Mega Cloud Drive

This is a secure cloud storage, which differs favorably from most similar services by using the so-called “Zero Access Policy”. According to this principle, all data between the client device and the computer is transmitted via a secure protocol. To gain access to objects in the cloud, you need to have a user cryptographic key. Without it, neither service developers nor intelligence agencies will be able to open the file - this is excluded by the logic of the storage.

Another plus of Mega is a fairly large amount of space allocated for free - 50 Gigabytes. You can increase your disk space up to 4 terabytes for 29.99 euros per month; there are also more loyal “intermediate” tariffs.

Other features include integrated chat, The address book, automatic synchronization of objects, compression of files into an archive before downloading, integration into Explorer and the ability to use a proxy server. The most interesting option is to generate links, which is why Mega often acts as a file hosting service with the function of creating “direct” URLs for downloading files.

Briefly and clearly:

  • virtual disk for storing information;
  • use of the Zero-knowledge algorithm;
  • 50 GB of space free for all users;
  • built-in chat;
  • client menu in Russian.
