Sell ​​your old mobile phone. Where can you sell your broken phone for money? Options and procedure. Why old devices need to be sold

If you are looking for an expensive place to buy phones in Moscow, then come to us. Nowadays, renting out high-quality equipment has become very profitable. Mobile phones have always been and will be in price because almost every person really needs them. Today it is no longer just a means of communication, but real computers in which you can World Wide Web wander around and in social networks chat, play a game, and even photograph something interesting, and even process it in a special mobile application. The function of just talking has been replaced by great versatility. For a good device, and even in decent condition, you can get a decent amount of money from us, don’t even doubt it.

Buying mobile phones is not much different from buying a tablet, laptop or camera. You come to us, our specialist checks the serviceability of the equipment, the absence or presence of defects. Good model may be expensive, but if any faults are discovered, if there are many noticeable scratches on the case or display, then the market value drops significantly. Therefore, it can only be assessed through direct contact with the device.

However, people often call us and want to know how much money they can get for their device and whether it is worth taking it to the cell phone store. We treat every client with kindness and try to resolve all your questions. Call us and we will try to answer your question. It would be good if, before calling us, you studied your equipment in more detail and tried to find the answer to the questions that our specialists usually ask. Please be prepared to answer the following questions - this will save your and our time. If you don’t know the exact answers, just call us and we will tell you.

  • Please enter the model name.
  • PCT. If there is a PCT mark, it means that it is certified by Rostest to work with Russian networks. This increases the cost.
  • State. Are there any scratches, dents, abrasions, or any other defects on it? The worse the condition, the lower the price of the product.
  • Check for instructions for use and warranty card.
  • What's included. Whether there is a Charger? Is there packaging?

All of the above is of course important, but remember - even if you do not have any information, documents, etc., we will still meet you and make a deal, the only necessary condition is the fully working condition of your mobile.

It doesn't matter whether the device is new or not. The main thing is that the model itself does not lose its liquidity and that it continues to be in demand. In this case, you have a good chance of getting a good amount. Buying phones expensively and quickly - this is how it happens here. Our visitors like this, many of whom subsequently join the group of regular customers and have the opportunity to receive significant benefits.

In general, buying up any valuable items is gaining momentum, and this is quite natural. Considering the huge interest rates you have to repay on bank loans, buying mobile phones in Moscow becomes an ideal solution. We evaluate, you immediately receive the money, and you have complete freedom of choice - you can sell your property to us and use the amount received to buy a new phone, or, for example, take the entire amount on credit and return it within the agreed time (up to 120 days). If neither option suits you, we can help you with implementation using our client base and trading platforms.

In fact, the question is very complex, since there are hundreds of such cases. Let's name just a few of them:

  1. Your used phone, laptop or tablet sits idle and becomes obsolete. The last time you used it was about six months ago, and then out of boredom. Or maybe they didn’t use it at all. There is no opportunity, desire, or even meaning to give to someone. But she shouldn’t disappear either. Selling used equipment and getting some money for the device is killing two birds with one stone: getting rid of the junk and staying in the black.
  2. You urgently needed money. This happens nowadays. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what. 5,000 rubles are missing to buy a new one Apple iPhone 6 Plus or a few rubles on a macbook or imac. In any case, you will get what you want, with a minimum of effort and the question “how to sell a used laptop or netbook in Moscow and what price” will no longer be asked
  3. You want to update your device. Yes, in the world of modern electronic technologies, time flies so quickly that the flagship phone, tablet or laptop purchased last night has already become an unnecessary junk this morning. But you only need the latest model with the most powerful characteristics. Well, use the services of our company and get up to 90% of the cost of a new product and up to 80% of the cost of an old one. This very advantageous offer provides starting capital for the purchase of the desired item.

The list could go on for a very long time, but the essence always remains the same - any thing can be sold and profited from it. So don’t delay, call if you have something to offer you, and we will definitely be able to interest you from a financial point of view.

How to sell used equipment

We offer two ways to buy back a phone or computer that is no longer needed: fill out the form on the Buy Expensive website page or call, tell us about the condition of the device, and get advice from an operator. To avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to clearly indicate the product model. In any case, based on the listed parameters, we preliminarily estimate the cost and announce it over the phone.

To complete a purchase transaction for equipment in Moscow, a specialist will arrive at your home at a convenient time: perform an assessment and issue cash. Sell mobile phone you can by visiting our office. The company constantly holds promotions and offers interesting programs for new and regular customers.

“We’ll buy dearly” carries out an urgent purchase and offers:

  • Sell ​​a new, broken, refurbished, damaged device.
  • Receive the maximum amount in cash on the day of your visit. The conditions are the most favorable in Moscow.
  • Conclude an official contract for the sale and purchase and receive money immediately after the express assessment.
  • Save time - you don’t need to look for buyers among your friends or promote your ad on the Internet. The office is located near a metro station in Moscow. We will come for the equipment at a time convenient for you.
  • Rate the friendliness of the service.

Nowadays, progress forces us to part with our usual technology from time to time, as it becomes outdated. The same thing happens with mobile phones. However, everyone wants to say goodbye to their phone on fairly favorable terms, and not just by throwing it in the trash.

It is our company that claims that buying phones in Moscow is expensive - this is quite possible. We offer such terms of redemption when it becomes really profitable to hand over your equipment. Mobile phones have always been, and will continue to be, at a certain price, since these devices are truly necessary for almost every citizen.

Nowadays, a mobile phone is no longer just a means of keeping in touch. This is real Personal Computer, into which you can upload anything. However, only new and modern devices can provide such functions.

Buying old and used phones for spare parts

Let us immediately note that the purchase of outdated models of mobile devices is practically no different from the purchase of, for example, tablet computers, laptops or functional desktop computers. The owner comes to us, and our technician checks the equipment for serviceability. It is also inspected for any defects. After all, a really high-quality model can be quite expensive. Our purchase of old and used phones for spare parts happens quite quickly and, most importantly, honestly.

Our center specialist always determines the following product parameters:

  • Mobile device configuration;
  • The exact age of the product;
  • What percentage of the phone is operational?
  • Are there visible as well as hidden defects?
  • Number of equipment units;
  • The desired cost, etc. is discussed.

In any case, we can guarantee that the product assessment by our specialist will be carried out efficiently, without any underestimation of cost. Therefore, buying phones in Moscow by our company is always quite a profitable business for anyone who wants to say goodbye to their old equipment. Let us remind you that we offer a service where

I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data,” provide the owner of the form (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) with consent to the processing of personal data specified by me in the calculator form and/or product order form and /or services on a website on the Internet owned by the Operator.

  1. The personal data I provide is as follows: full name, email address and telephone number.
  2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: ensuring the exchange of short text messages in online dialogue and ensuring the functioning call back.
  3. Consent is provided to carry out the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out as with using automation tools (automated processing) and without the use of such tools (non-automated processing).
  4. I understand and agree that providing the Operator with any information about myself that is not contact information and not related to the purposes of this consent, as well as providing information related to state, banking and/or commercial secrets, information about racial and/or nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, intimate life are prohibited.
  5. If I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide only reliable and up-to-date information and do not have the right to mislead the Operator regarding my identity, or provide false or inaccurate information about myself.
  6. I understand and agree that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by me and is not able to assess my legal capacity and assumes that I provide reliable personal data and keep such data up to date.
  7. Consent is valid upon achievement of the purposes of processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these purposes, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
  8. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time based on my written statement.
  • Dear clients, the purchase is carried out on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, in the presence of a passport or other documents confirming identity (18+), and in some cases it may be necessary to provide additional documents confirming ownership.
  • Please note that all applications are considered but may be rejected without explanation.
  • The response to the application is carried out in work time, and only if we are interested in purchasing the goods, there is no need to resend the application!
  • The final assessment of the product is made during its detailed inspection; we do not provide an accurate assessment by telephone or other types of remote communication.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use obscene language in text dialogues, e-mail and calls. Such requests will be ignored and added to the blacklist.
